• Member Since 26th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago

Zatoichi Vokunkiin

Just an observer from the shadows.

Comments ( 250 )

Good start. Can't wait for more.

I dislike the Amazonian ponies thing. But looking forward a new Tenno in equis story.

Well they'd be Amazonian to him anyways since he is an immortal in a 15 year old kid's body.

Wow curious on who is the little trolling dick head that's down rating our comments to our writer of this story my feelings are really hurt:applejackunsure:

All six of the mares saw it from their windows except for Rainbow Dash who was lounging up in the clouds and Applejack who was harvesting her family’s apple trees. The large, unknown aircraft soared through the sky at a downward angle.clearly indicating it imminent crash to the ground at the rate of speed it was falling. The flying metal monster landed just on the outskirts of the small town, sliding across the ground and digging into the earth. Eventually coming to a stop just shy of the local lake/swimming hole where some ponies had gotten out of the way just in case it may have caused some injuries or deaths.


Well, the players rarely see orbiter (IIRC you can only see it thru Relay big-ass window) and in-game animation show the landing craft time after time :).

How did Celestia found out about it? All of a sudden she was there with guards. Hope next chapter we can see some flashback as to how did she found out or a small fix on this (sorry, can't handle my ocd sometimes :pinkiecrazy:).
That aside, this looks promising. :pinkiehappy:

8490396 I can tell you who it probably is. Hamster Master. He likes to mess with my stories and do things like that. He is just upset he can't wirte stories :P

Didn't expect Hydroid there, as he's so unused, but I appreciate it none the less. Hydroid Prime is freaking badass.
Though I did notice a couple grammatical errors, not enough to really hamper my enjoyment though.

Looking forward to more.

8492197 Hydroid and I wipe the floor be it corpus, grineer, infested or even sentient. He is my favored frame, and always will be.

aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww now i have to wait for a new chapter

Yay new chapter. Please continue.

I like the story so far but there's just a couple things that hold it back a bit.

1. Pacing: Whilst I despise a story that moves at a snails pace, this is moving a bit too fast. Vague I know but I just wanted to mention it.

2. Explanations: Those that don't play Warframe don't know what any of these weapons and abilities are, doesn't affect me cuz I been playing for two and a half years but it wouldn't hurt to stop and explain a bit here and there.

Otherwise keep doing what you've been doing!

I have to agree I only played a little bit of Warframe and many of the weapon names I don't know what they are without visiting the wiki. Same with the Tenno abilities as I never finished the main campaign, the Warframes abilities I know but that's about it.

Awesome beginning I like it. I don't read many crossovers but I definitely will like this one and follow the story's progress!

I'm more of a Nidus guy but cool story either way.

i Like it so far keep up the good job see you next chapter

Agreed on the point on the warframe info. maybe have a little exposition to twilight in detailing from an in character view of the weapons and warframe.

more of this please :pinkiehappy: cause i'm loving it thus far :eeyup::twilightsmile::raritystarry:

He should have ran into Pinkie by now.

The butterfly effect really has no purpose in a situation like this. It really only applies to the past, and you are insinuating that Void here knows the future, which he clearly does not. So the whole 'I will change destiny of this unknown planet' makes no sense. Not like a person can change the future anyway.

8550756 The butterfly affect is certain actions that cause greater ones down the road. He isn't aware of the action he will make will cause the changes.

You are still using it out of context. Yeah he is changing what happens in the show. But he does not know that. He does not know what will happen in the future anyway as per the show. Therefor any actions he makes or the fact that he was "destined" to appear there anyway means that nothing has changed as per this fics universe. You are implying that anything anyone does is the butterfly effect -which it technically is- but what happens is already set in stone. The effect is to be applied to changing history, like what Starlight did, she knew she was altering history. But you cannot alter a future that is set in stone. Or the fact that a person cant go back into to alter history anyway. Going to be honest, you added a theory that has no merrit in this context.

Update Boss? Gimme the update pls.

8559761 Update is coming soon, I got a couple of days to myself starting tomorrow finally x3

Looking forward to future chapters! Definitely liking the way this story is going so far!

The question is. What was going to happen next?

Depends on what day it is. If it’s a Tuesday some disaster should hit the town about noon or 1

8562309 But what if it's friday? That's usually muffin day every third friday of the month.

Can't for more chapters and stories from you! You're definitely one of my favorites!

Play "Until Dawn", it shows the butterfly effect in it's purest form as a video game.

I know what the butterfly effect is, its the fact that it is used so far out of context here that it makes no sense. The main character in this situation does not know the future, nothing has insinuated or hinted at the fact that he knows the future. He is literally questioning reality for absolutely no reason. He is LITERALLY questioning the universe for no reason. He has no know knowledge of the actions that take place in the show, therefor he cannot question what will or will not happen. If he lives with this mentality, then he might as well question everything that had happened in the game thus far, which no one ever does or why you even should...

If anyone comes to a place and simply says 'my existence here is going to fuck shit up' when it has no purpose or context behind it means he is questioning something, that has no need to be questioned. You used a game that, yes, does use the butterfly effect, but the player has already played through the game at least once and essentially 'goes back in time' to do it again. Once again solidifying the fact that the character here supposedly knows the future. So far we haven't seen ANYTHING that says he does. Our character here, out of all the things he could say, he goes with the 'I have screwed up everything for no reason, I have no idea what the reason is, or what I am affecting, but I have screwed it up!'

Makes no sense once again...

He has shown absolutely no knowledge of changing the future, unless it is explained further down the line as the story progresses. But even now it is already an alternate universe anyway to what is cannon to the show. They are anthropomorphic, humanoid, and because this is 'technically' not cannon, thus meaning already, there can be millions of different outcomes to the future, but not one person will ever question that. Once again, a theory or ideology that applies to someone from the future coming to the past to change it has no purpose in this context because of how far out of left field it comes!

Anyone that knows anything about the butterfly effect and how it applies knows that it does not belong in this fucking context!

Is this a harem fic? Or a OC x Celestia fic?:rainbowhuh:

Boss! We have received intel that reports you're almost at 300 followers!
Nice work! Heh, maybe next time you'll actually break a sweat entertaining people like this!

You're pretty good.

8567907 I know right? I never even thought I would get this many followers! And I am grateful for every single one of them :)

Yeah, Ravens and Crows are NOT just some dumb birds

Nice! I'm going to and up rewriting my own tenno story. Thanks to the universe it ended up in, things got shit fast.

Anyways nice story! It's be fun if space mom came around and becomes that one over protective mother when it comes to relationships.

Though.....I know he was reworked and all....but why hydroid?

8571646 Well, I chose hydroid because he is my favored personally. And the control of water/elements of the sea just felt right.

Ah. I personally love Sayrin and ivara personally.

i look forward to reading this and hope you can get a long story out of it and success out of it

i got to say great start on this story i can just see all the shenanigans he will get up to but with his age i think it wont be pinkie kind

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