• Published 16th Sep 2016
  • 1,579 Views, 8 Comments

Silent Dazzlings - RedPegasus

Their jewels, their only source of food, were destroyed. Can the Magic of Frienship help the sirens? And is good idea do it?

  • ...

All is Over. Or...

The school party continues. a night of celebration, students, parents and guests, all enjoy the cheerful night.

But beyond that, no one knows that a group of girls is facing a horrible scene.

Adagio lies motionless, her face so pale, her eyes show no shine, her chest is not moving, not breathing, the leader of the sirens lying inert against all.

Sonata cover her mouth as her tears falling from her eyes. Aria watches her sister in horror, barely manages to find her voice to call.

"Adagio... ADAGIO!!!"

No answer.

Fluttershy can not fight the tears start to fall. ".. No..."

Rarity not retien theirs. "It can't be... no..."

"Adagio reacts!!!" desperately cries the young mermaid. "Reacts dammit!! We... We did not get far for nothing you understand?!!!"

Despite the constant cries, the greater siren remains unreacted. Could almost see the fragments of her skin be carried by the light breeze of the place.

Aria falls to her knees with her body shaking.

Sonata looks at her leader. "Sister..."

The others just remain standing, watching the scene with terror, with grief and sadness indescribable. All the tears had begun to fall and did not stop.

Rainbow loose a scream and starts hitting a locker. "...No... NO NO NO NO!!! This can't be!!! It is impossible ... What we fail... We..."

Sonata tries to silence her sobs, when her lift a little sight through the crack in the door can see the lights of the party inside.

Music, voices of people within, their weeping stop and looks surprised.

"Aria!! Let's sing!!"

The other Siren look at her surprised. "... Wh... What...?"

"Let's sing!! we have our charms, there are people there !! let's sing!!"

"But... Adagio..."

The younger siren approaches and kneels beside the greatest, gently takes her hand and speaks.

"Adagio... we'll sing, ok? Sing together as always. Aria come here"

Aria imitates her sister and takes her other hand of her leader.

Both calmed her breathing and after a deep aspire begin to sing, their voices out harmoniously, as had once been.

Their voices echoing down the hall, the seven friends look at them hopeful.

That song goes to the gym, even with the music of the party, its effect is maintained, and everyone who hears it begins to change his attitude. Soon the joyous festival becomes somewhat aggressive, with people arguing for one reason or another.

Those discussions immediately began to form negative energy, which, impossible to see any eye present, advanced to the hall, straight to the charms of both singers.

Both Aria and Sonata, instantly felt the energy loaded bodies. their hunger declining as its magic feeds.

Open their eyes to see her leader, her older sister, waiting for a reaction from her, but there is not.

Desperation increases and gathered what little strength, they force their song and their voices, forcing their magic to make it react.

Their voices engaged in their singing, their minds recite what their heart wants to say.

"Adagio... sister... please..."

"We can't... we can't do it without you..."

"Please... sing... !!!"

The mind of both come together in that thought.

The charms shine at the same time. Its brightness reaches the jewel of Adagio, it reacts and begins to shine as well. There is a spark in the eyes of Adagio, slowly opens her mouth, and soon, her voice is heard, her singing along to becoming one of her sisters.

Others are baffled by what they see, what they hear, hope returns to their eyes.

The three jewels shine, and soon the negative energy is finished, the song stops, all eyes back on the leader siren.

She remains still for a moment, until her eyes start flashing, finally brightness returns to them and with a deep breath her face takes on a little color, Adagio moves her head slightly and meeting her gaze with her sisters, they looked at her with fear.

Adagio smile. "... I'm fine, ... we are fine..."

Sonata is thrown towards the body of the greater and cries desperately, Adagio rub her back, look at Aria who is still crying too, with her free hand caressing her head, both sirens cry while being comforted by their older sister.

Rainbooms watching the scene, tears and smiles equally.

Tension, fear, finally going, finally it was over.


The party was over, finished the siren magic, everything returned to its point of joy.

Everyone in the school withdraws having enjoyed the evening.

"I must admit Disc O'urt" commented the principal. "You did a great job with the work."

"Um... I actually-"

"A musical number in the climax" mentions the sub principal. "Very arbitration, but very effective. "

"You did very well" ends the principal.

The teacher flashes a few times. "... oh, well... Yes!! You know, is the magic of theater, you never know what will happen."

With that the three adults are removed. The school is empty. Well, almost.

In the backyard, the five students, two equine, and three singers again, are gathered.

"It's..." Aria start. "It's hard for me to say this, but... thanks..." she smile. "Thanks."

Sonata launches hugging Sunset and Twilight. "thank you thank you thank you!!!"

The two equines are surprised but correspond the hug.

The leader siren stands aloof, eyes closed and arms folded. All look to her, but she is not paying attention.

"Hey" says Rainbow. "You can at least thank us we have helped you."

Adagio looks and smiles happily all. "Oh, of course, yes, thank you, thank you Rainbooms, I'm so grateful that you have destroyed our source of magic, not to mention food, thank you, thanks for making us spend weeks of hunger and weakness, thanks for letting us literally on the verge of death, thanks for condemn us to the most horrible of deaths!!!"

With that cry and a strong frown she walks away from the rest.

The looks they receive are several, but not paying attention.

She stops. "And thank you, for saving my sisters."

Barely a whisper, but is hear for everyone.

Sirens younger smile to their leader and follow her, all three are lost sight of all.

The seven friends smile as they see them leave.

Rainbow smiling. "I really hate these harpies"

"Sirens" corrects Pinkie.

"I know what I said"

"We must celebrate, party sleepover at my house !!"

All laugh at the encouragement of her friend pink hair.

"Sunset Shimmer!!"

All turned over to the voice, Trixie approaches them with an annoyed look.

"So, those we have, true?"

"... Eh?"

"Don't pretend! I know what you were trying to do there!"

"... Do... where?"

"You don't forbear the idea of ​​having to share the attention with Trixie, for that reason you sent your group!"

"Ah... what?"

"It was very clever of you, one way to get all the attention, yes, Trixie recognizes your intellect in that regard."

"um... thanks?"

"But this will not end here! If you think you may draw public attention to you, you're wrong, starting today, you're my biggest rival show!"

"… I lost something?"

"You have won this battle but not the war, we will meet again soon."

With that disappears in a cloud of smoke, achieving surprise on Pinkie Pie.

"She disappeared! Ah no, she is there." She is pointing in one direction.

Trixie is hidden behind a tree, but to be discovered runs, but stumbles, but gets up and walks away. The girls decide to ignore what just happened and move on.


The Dazzling, walk through the dark streets without hurry.

Sonata with a big smile gently touching her jewel.

"We have magic, we have magic again! Aria we have magic again!!" exclaims with glee.

"Yes, I know," she responds with annoyance at the childish attitude.

"~We have, magic again~"

"Stop that" Orders the leader of the group.

Both sirens looks at her leader, they know that she is about to say something important.

"... We have our magic and our voices. But that's not all."

Touching her charm, feeling a wave of warmth and energy, while the gem glows with different colors. Aria and Sonata also feel in theirs.

"The Rainbooms don't know, but they got to us more power than we could have dreamed."

Aria asks the question "... Then, what we do now."

Adagio gives a confident smile, "That's pretty obvious, we do that everyone in this pathetic little world, adore us."


~2 weeks later~

A large poster looks in the window of a music store. image shown three girls too familiar, represented by the name "The Dazzlings" and another phrase "new musical album soon"

Within the same store, many young people are carrying items of clothing and accessories with the names and images of the three.

"Seriously?" Rainbow grin question from the entrance to shop.

"Yep, the evil sirens, are now stars of youth music." Sunset responds.

"How not to be?" Pinkie talks with her headphones on. "Their music is sensational!"

All laughing and enter the place, enjoying the good music.

~ ~ ~

"Dear Princess Twilight, I want to tell you about how everything goes around here, I'm pleased to say that the Dazzlings have fully recovered their magic, and their self-esteem, and although I'm not quite sure if that's good or bad, for the moment everything seems to go well.
I like think that every day I learn a little more about friendship, and I hope someday be able to give it to others, in the same way that all you give me to me."

~ ~ ~

Sunset walks calmly at a time sees a music store did not know, decides to go inside to see a little. She notes some guitars, when suddenly a man who seems the shop owner speaks.

"Oh, there you're, you're a little early but that's okay because I'm done"

"... Ah ... excuse me?"

"Come on, it's ready"

without waiting for an answer, and to confusion of the girl, the man takes her arm and leads her to a counter.

"H-hey ...!"

The man takes a guitar, not electric, but classic wood, painted black with small red and gold stripes. The man handing the instrument to the girl.

"Behold, repair it was not easy, but for your luck, I'm a professional"

Sunset can not do more than look the owner in bewilderment.

Neither the girl nor the man realized when someone else entered the room, and walked down the place to stay standing behind Sunset.

"Hey sir, I think you're confus-"

"Hey, what you do with my guitar?"

The voice draws attention of both, the owner and Sunset, the man's eyes open in surprise to see the newcomer and Sunset, she is surprised because the voice behind her, a voice that knows all too well, slowly turns to see... herself...

Both girls... both Sunsets, seen with mutual surprise, becomes silent for a while until the other Sunset speech.

"... And... what you do with my face?"

~Silent Dazzlings~


~ ? ~

Comments ( 2 )

It reads a bit rough, but I enjoyed it.

Thanks :twilightsmile:

I'm sorry for my translation, I know it's not good. :ajsleepy:

But I'm glad you enjoyed the story. :raritywink:

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