• Published 16th Sep 2016
  • 1,579 Views, 8 Comments

Silent Dazzlings - RedPegasus

Their jewels, their only source of food, were destroyed. Can the Magic of Frienship help the sirens? And is good idea do it?

  • ...

Helping the enemies?

"I still think that we can't trust those harpies." Rainbow said without much thought

"Sirens." Pinkie corrected

"I know what I said."

The six girls took a slight break from classes to meet in their practice room and talk about what happened the last night.

"I don´t think they are trusted neither" Rarity confesses "But we can not leave them like that, I could not live with that burden on my conscience."

"all this, what are we supposed to do?" Asks the farmer.

"We must manage their magical jewels, so they will have magic and can eat again." Respond the party girl with a big smile.

"Seems like a very bad idea, you hear them, if they recover their powers, they do the mind control think again." Recalls the athlete.

"Maybe not, if we repair their jewels and then make a party with cake and balloons and magic tricks, perhaps they become friendly and we become best friends forever and ever and ever!" Pinkie´s eyes glow in ilusion.

"Yeaaaaaaaah, that will not happen."

Rarity note to Sunset stays out of the conversation with downcast eyes and folded arms.

"Sunset darling, you're very quiet, there's something on your mind?"

"... Can not help thinking ... when you and Twilight used their magic on me ... I felt as if all the hatred and rancor that I had, vanished of me, as if, had eliminated the evil inside me."

Her friends look at her somewhat confusing, Rainbow is the questioner.

"If, what with that?"

"I can not help but wonder why it was not the same with the Dazzlings ? We have seen they are still ... bad, why the magic of friendship... not purified they or whatever ?"

"Perhaps because you had a good heart underneath all that bad attitude." Said the farmer instantly.

"But you can not say the same of those harpies."


"I know what I said."

"I don´t know..." A yawn escapes from the mouth of the former equine "And I'm too tired to think much."

A yawn is shared by Rainbow , Rarity and Applejack.

"ugh, because of those three we not sleep almost nothing."

Rarity looks into her hand mirror "I hope that lack of sleep not ruin my complexion."

"Pinkie you're not tired?" The Farmer looks at her party friend.

"Nop, I always eat a dozen pancakes peanut butter and jelly before coming to school."

"... I am going to assume that that makes sense."

Sunset uses her hand to cover another yawn. "I cant think well , let´s try to finish classes for the day , then we can go home and get some rest, and exploit the weekend to think about something."

"Support that option , I need my beauty sleep , we go?"

A statement from the others and start walking. Until...

"Hey, where is Flutter?"

A soft murmur makes them turn around and see the lover of animals lying peacefully asleep at the table. All they look smiling gracefully.


"Adagio enough! you cant do this anymore!"

Undeterred by the cry of her partner, Adagio just drinks a water glass.


"Ugh, as annoying."

"Why are you so stubborn?!"

"Why are you so stupid? Understand it, until the matter is settled, I not forsake do that."

"You know what will happen to you!"

Adagio leaves the empty glass on the table. "Yes, if also what will happen if I stop."

"Still! If you continue with that-"

"I'll keep making that!" She crosses her arms with a seriously look "Although you don´t like."

Both are looked angry for a moment until the siren with pigtails makes an annoying hiss.

"Good! Do whatever you want! Like I care!" with that walks into her room and slamming the door locks.

Adagio only growls and goes to another room.

Sonata who had seen it all from the living room couch only shrinks in place and clean the tears in her eyes.


Lying in her bed, Aria looks her tears falling. Growls angrily and whispers to nothing.

"why I could not grow a little more ... ?"


Night had fallen. The sirens gathered in the kitchen at the request of Sonata.

"I made macaroni and cheese! hope you like."

Aria looks the food on her plate. "you know that we do not need to eat this"

"I know!" It was the cheerful response before it began to eat.

Adagio looks at the food a moment before you start eating too.

Aria watching the situation rolls her eyes and eat.

Dinner still silent but anyone seems bothered by this, the silence was broken by a curious melody, Sonata then pulls out a cell phone.

"Is a message of Sunset." Her companions look at her. "... She wants us to go tomorrow, to the backyard of the school at 10 a.m."

"... Great, I was so keen to return to that place"

"Really ? Why I think it would be the worst thing we could do."

"I think You're the worst Sonata."

"So, well I think you are."

"enough!" The leader siren lets out a sigh "Let's see what these Rainbooms want."

"I told you to have a phone was a good idea."

"You´re still the worst."

"You are."

Adagio just sighs again.


It was Saturday, a quiet day , with the sun shining most of the students took the opportunity to enjoy their weekend in recreational activities, on the other hand , Sunset , Rarity , Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Fluttershy walked toward the last place any teenager would go today, the school.

Taking care not to be seen entered through the back and came to the backcourt of the institution, where they saw the missing member of their group practicing with her soccer ball.

Pinkie instantly runs to her and hugs her.

"Dashie! you came!"

"Yeah, I thought a little , and although I do not like the idea of ​​helping these three , does not mean not help my friends, if not for you is important."

A smile is shared by all.

The six are kept waiting for her guests , not much time happens until they see three hooded individuals approaching.

"They´re here They´re here They´re here" Pinkie jumps to they.

The Dazzlings discover their faces, the light of day allows a better appreciate their appearance, their skin is not only pale but also very dry, bloodshot eyes, disheveled hair, and shadow in the eyes denotes their tiredness.

"... Wow, you looks awfull" The athlete wins glances of disapproval.

"Stay weeks without eating and then tell us about bad look." respond the leader siren.

Sunset take the word before start a discussion. "we can talk about that another time. Now, I have a plan, I do not know whether to work, but I think it is worth a try."

Adagio crosses her arms looking at Sunset "How much as it pains me, I listen."


Inside the practice room the girls prepare their instruments as sirens observe a bit remote.

"Please explain it again Sunset." Asked Applejack

"Well, last time we fight "fire with fire", I thought it might work this time too."

"Then ... you suggest we use the magic we have when we sing to repair their jewels?" Rainbow questioned.

"That is even possible?" Applejack Added.

"Well, the last time our magic defeated them because we wanted to beat them, maybe if now, we think about we want to help them, it work."

"Or, perhaps you destroy our charms even more eliminating any possibility of repairing."

The words of the leader siren gains a nervous smile of Sunset. ".. am ... yes ... but I do not think that happens..."

Adagio and Aria only look at she contemptuous, Sonata is worried.

"Your jewels are just pieces anyway, unless you have a better idea, I suggest we listen to Sunset."

The sirens look at the athlete but do not respond. Sunset approaches them.

"can you give us your charms?"

Aria and Sonata draw their bags, but Adagio raises her arm to stop them, under the confused look of both she draws her own bag and leave the pieces on the floor in front of the confused students.

"You not have three broken jewels?" Ask Rainbow.

"Your magic was what got us into this to begin with, if it ends worsened even more, is better than only one affected."

Aria tries protest "But Adagio-"

"But nothing, we´ll do this way and point."

Aria and the Sonata look worried, while six friends are briefly and then start to talk.

"Well, what song we will play?" Ask Rarity.

Sunset respond. "I do not think it matters, just remember, we want to repair those jewels."

Pinkie touches his drumsticks to begin the song. "1, 2, 3 4 5 6!"

With that music starts and not long after the magic takes effect on six. The magic is embodied in a beam of light of various colors which impacts the jewel on the floor and around in a spiral, the jewel seems to glow slightly, but when the light beam disappears the jewel remains unchanged.

All is silence until Adagio speacks.

... At least not the worse.

... maybe we should play another song." Suggest Pinkie.

"I do not think that's the problem." Says applejack.

Sunset signs "I guess fire with fire does not always work."

"You have some other plan?" Ask Adagio.

"Well... the truth... no, I´m sorry."

Adagio keep her fragments. "Typical."

Fluttershy hides behind her hair "Maybe... we not use the magic correctly..."

With that comment, something in Rainbow´s head do "click"

"You know Flutter, you´r right"


"Yeah! we did wrong, was not only OUR magic we use that time, remember?"

Rarity smile "Is true! We need something, correction, we need someone."

All friends exclaim at same time. "Twilight!"

"We tell Twilight of the situation and ask her to come to help us." Rainbow says.

Sunset puts a doubtful expression "Um... I'm not sure ... Twilight must have many important duties to attend to, I doubt want to leave them to come to ... well, to help them, no offends" look at the Dazzlings.

"Actually, I agree" Respond Adagio. "Why would a princess coming to help us? It is quite rare that you are doing it"

"But Twilight is the princess of friendship." Pinkie recalled. "She goes everywhere offering friendship to everyone she know!!"

"Yes!" Rainbow agreed "Sure come to help her best friends even in a situation like this."

"Yeah, I guess so." Sunset agreed.

"Or" Adagio intervened. "Maybe she come accompanied by the royal guard and capture us to lock ourselves in a cell the rest of our lives." "It would not be much actually." Whispers the last part.

"Twilight would not do that." Fluttershy corrected.

"Yes!" Pinkie Says "She is the princess of Friendship! not the princess of "locking all in cells for the rest of their lives."

-In some place-

Tirek still chained in his cell with his arms crossed and a look of annoyance. "What you know? Stupid pink girl"


"Sunset your turn." Rainbow exclaim

"ok I'll send the message, I back soon."

With that the former pony left the room leaving her friends and the former singers.

Adagio sees her leave and after a moment ask to the rest.

"... then, her friend pony can maintain contact with the princess?

"Yes, but you better not be thinking something funny." Rainbow responds in a threatening tone.

Adagio does not respond but maintains a curious expression.


Sunset going to the statue in front of the school, and from her backpack pulls her daily, after a slight sigh start to write.

"Dear Princess Twilight , I'm sorry I have not written in a while, and I would like this message was for something different, this is what happened..."

Author's Note:

I speak Spanish , sorry if my translation is wrong in somewhere.