• Published 1st Oct 2016
  • 6,888 Views, 66 Comments

A New Destiny - Pen Dragon

Ever since I opened that email I was turned into a Pokemon and was forced to take responsibility for the sake of the others that came after me. But unlike them I'm immortal, and it's been nothing but a curse. I had only one option left...leave.

  • ...

Ronan the Accuser Part One

Author's Note:

Hey guys this took a while, but I finished this chapter and you'll notice that my writing style has changed a lot and the reason for that is because in the previous chapter I ranted about not doing it in first person anymore and moved on to third and I don't regret it one bit and if your upset than I'm sorry, but I'm not going back to first person and it would take forever to rewrite this in first person so I'm just going to stick with Third person for a while. Also this is part one of two for Ronan the Accuser since he's a new villain I've decided to add and it begins the real adventure and trials that Suicune will have to go through to fulfill his new destiny.

Anyway I hope you guys will enjoy it:pinkiehappy:

Ronan the Accuser Part One

Celestia sat upon her throne, contemplating whether or not she should heed her sister’s advice and make a new friend. All the while, Prince Blueblood kept complaining about how they increase the space within his wardrobe and how commoners shouldn’t be allowed within the castle during this years Grand Galloping Gala, saying that they were unworthy slobs and how the Nobles were the only ones that should be permitted in the castle.

“Allowing those commoners within castle grounds should be prohibited Auntie,” He declared as if his pompous ego couldn’t get any bigger. “There should be limitations on how you rule… I mean I understand why you allowed Twilight Sparkle and her friends, because they are the Elements of Harmony, but they should dress more appropriately when visiting-”

Before he could finish Celestia stood up from her throne and looked at her nephew with disappointment. “Blueblood… I have heard enough, which is why I’m rejecting this ridiculous idea you have… everypony has rights to attend if they receive or purchased an invitation to this year’s gala. I expected better from you Blueblood and I’m not going to force my student or her friends to change just because you want them too. Now your time is up and I have other ponies waiting to speak. You are dismissed my nephew.”

Without another word Blueblood simply bowed, before turning towards the doorway as his nonchalant expression turned into a scowl as he growled beneath his breath. As soon as he was gone, Celestia simply sighed as she shook her head, taking a seat back on her throne before awaiting the next noble to enter the room.

For almost three and a half hours she’s been dealing with nobles and spent another hour dealing with Blueblood and she still had to deal with more. Sometimes Celestia wonders what life would be like if she wasn’t a princess, just having a normal life without dealing with nobles or any other princess duties.

One can only have patience for so long-

Her thoughts were soon interrupted as one her royal guards burst through the doors, panting as he approached her with concern. “Your… highness… there are two intruders discovered in the barracks… almost two dozen of guards were defeated by these… creatures, I’ve never seen anything like them before.”

“Tell your troops to stand down and let me deal with them. I shall try to reason with them, but have your guards on standby if things begin to go south.” She explained and the guard could only nod as he lead the way towards the barracks.

It didn’t take long for them to arrive towards the royal guard barracks and noticed the many guards scattered around groaning in pain as the doors to the barracks were closed. “They seemed to have barricaded themselves in… We can break the doors down if you wish your highness?”

“There is no need for violence soldier… I’ll handle it from here. Just have these ponies taken to the infirmary immediately and have their wounds taken care of.” Celestia ordered gently with the guards all nodding in response as they picked up the injured with their magic or helping them up on their hooves as they trotted away, leaving the princess alone.

“There is no need to be afraid! Please come out, I promise I’m not here to hurt you!” Celestia shouted hoping that whatever was inside would understand and come out willingly. And just like she had hoped two strange creatures with snow white fur and curved horns extended from the top of the heads, one was red and had two majestic wings while the other was purely black with a cold stare. “Do you understand what I’m saying.”

“Yes we do understand… We tried to tell those guards that we meant no harm, but they attacked us without letting us explain. Almost forgot to introduce myself, my name is Spear,” He explained as Celestia raised a brow at him.

“And I am his mate, Kindle and we didn’t mean to cause you any trouble Mrs?” She said as her wings folded in.

“Celestia, Princess Celestia,” She said, smiling at the two strangers who gawked at her before bowing immediately.

“Forgive us your majesty!” Spear pleaded as Celestia rolled her eyes at the two.

“We didn’t know we were speaking with royalty.”

“There’s no need for you two to bow, but I must ask… What are you? I’ve never seen anything like you before? Also why are you here?” She asked.

“Oh, well… it’s a little hard to explain…” Kindle said, rubbing the back of her head with paw, but Celestia simply smiled at the two as she leaned down to their eye level.

“Don’t worry, I’m willing to listen to what you have to say.”

Back at the Everfree Forest, Suicune could only watch as the fillies slept soundly on his back since the trip was taking longer than expected, but he couldn’t help but smile at the adorable sight. They truly were young and innocent, it reminded him of the children back in the realm of the Displaced

I wonder how Zsoltan is doing? Hopefully he’s faring well with the others.

As time had passed, he was soon back at Sweet Apple Acres and headed straight towards the club house. Everything was going swimmingly for the Displaced Pokemon as he carried the fillies inside and set them gently onto their sleeping bags from the night before. It had been a long time since he had felt at peace and as he stepped out he felt the warm summer air blow through his mane as he closed his eyes, smiling as the air brushed against his body. Suicune wished that this moment could never end.

But that all soon changed as beams of energy struck against his chest, sending the pokemon hurdling towards the ground, landing beside a tree. As he shook himself he noticed a figure standing not too far from him. The smoke soon cleared, revealing one of the Displaced’s evil criminals, Ronan the Accuser.

“I’ve been searching for you for quite sometime now Lord Suicune… The Elder’s are so desperate to kill you that they’ve sent me to deal with you personally. As well as a few others, but they sadly won’t get the chance to exterminate you.” He stated, before shooting another beam of energy from his hammer. Suicune anticipated this and created a magic barrier around himself to hopefully divert the blast when it collided. When the smoke cleared, Suicune saw the Crusaders heads peeking out from their clubhouse before turning his attention back towards the Accuser.

'Children? If you can hear me, it means that I’m speaking to telepathically. Listen carefully, I need you three to get out of here as fast as you can. You can’t be here right now! Leave while you still can, alert the town of Ronan and hide!'

The fillies nodded silently as they slowly climbed down from their clubhouse and slowly moved quietly away as Suicune kept his focus on Ronan.

“Tell me why are you serving the Elders, Ronan? You hated them ever since we tried to lock you up in the prison, so why help them?” Suicune asked, before Ronan glanced at the treehouse and noticed tiny hoof prints on the ground, looking back at the legendary Pokemon.

“Well it’s an opportunity to kill at least one of you and if I succeed I get to rule in your place, claiming immortality like you and be worshipped as a god.”he chuckled.

“A God who only cares about bringing misery and pain to those around them. I’ve seen what you did when you robbed from our treasury.” Suicune growled as blue smoke seeped out from his mouth. The Accuser could only laugh as he another energy beam shot from it, but Suicune dodged it with ease, before firing off a beam of ice at the Kree, freezing him in place before striking him with an air slash, created by his tails sending him flying straight through the trees as the Pokemon followed after him.

I’ve gotta get him out of here, otherwise those ponies will begin to panic seeing the two of us and they’ll never trust me after this.

Suicune arrived to see the Kree pick himself up off the ground and turned towards the legendary Pokemon with a scowl. “I’ll admit that it was a good shot, but it’ll take a lot more than that to stop me Suicune!”

“You know you can’t defeat me on your own Ronan! I could destroy you in an instant if I was so inclined to do so!” Suicune stated as he approached the Accuser.

“But you’d never do it! You’ve grown soft over the years. Maybe you could kill me right here and now if you were yourself 4,000 years ago, but now you can’t even risk using your full power because you want to what? Change your old ways? Is that it? If so than I have nothing to worry about and once I finish you off, I’ll conquer this world for my own and destroy everything! Starting with those children that ran off! I could tell from the tracks they left behind, so there won’t be any issues for me….Hehehehehe!” The Kree cackled as he swung his hammer at the Pokemon, who grabbed it with his paw effortlessly and headbutted Ronan in the face, sending crashing towards the ground.

Ronan soon got on his feet again and tackled Suicune into a tree and repeatedly jabbed him in his rib cage, before throwing him to the ground with force. The Accuser soon reached for his hammer. “Do you know that my Universal Weapon is capable of absorbing cosmic energy and once I snuff you out. My hammer will absorb all your powers, that way they don’t go to waste. NOW DIE!”

With a loud roar Ronan brought his hammer down on Suicune’s back, sending a shockwave throughout the acres, causing the ground to crack and the air to be filled with smoke and dirt in the air. The Kree could only cough as he got up due to the force and backlash of his Universal Weapon, he could only laugh but noticed a figure still standing in the smoke. With a wave of his hammer the smoke cleared to reveal the Pokemon still standing without so much as a scratch on him.

“Impossible… that should have destroyed you! You shouldn’t even be standing right now!” Ronan shouted as he took a few steps back from the Pokemon, sweat dripping down from his head as he aimed his hammer at the Pokemon once again.

“You still don’t get it do you, Ronan? I may not be an Elder anymore, but that doesn’t mean my immortality has diminished in anyway. I’m giving you one chance to leave this world Ronan or I will kill you!” Suicune warned him as his eyes began to glow bright blue and the Accuser could only grunt before pointing his hammer at him.

“I will not leave when I’m so close to attaining ultimate power! There is a way to kill you and I will take your powers, even if I have to rip you bit by bit just to get it!” Ronan threatened as he fired off another blast from his hammer as Suicune created a wall of ice to block it. The Kree was soon able to take flight in the air and fired multiple beams of energy at Suicune who dodged each one of them with speed and followed after him

Damn it he’s heading towards the town! I have to stop him now, but… If I kill him, I’ll be going back to my old ways and the inhabitants of this world will fear me for what I am. They aren’t ready to see me like this, if I can weaken him enough then the ponies should be able to handle him. Or at least those elements of Harmony I’ve been hearing about. It’s worth a shot.

Suicune leaped into the air as both his front paws began to glow before slashing at the air, creating ripples of slashes in air. “AIR SLASH!”

The ripples in the air struck the Kree’s back, he howled in pain, the back of his armor was pierced with massive claw markings which only enraged him as he continued to make his way towards the town. Ronan knew that he could not defeat him with his raw power, but he had other ways to get what he wanted.

“I’ll be sure to take a few of these ponies with me.” He whispered, only to be tackled into the center of the town with tremendous force. Ponies that were in the area were blown back by the force of the crash. Before they knew it both of the Displaced stepped out immediately, continuing their battle with one another. “You have all this power and you waste it to what? Hide away? Unlike you I would have used all that power to conquer this world and be like a god.”

Ronan saw that the ponies were terrified of him and he relished in it as the Pokemon in front of him growled as blue smoke seeped out from his jaw like before. The Accuser could care less about the ponies but before Suicune could make a move he grabbed a white mare with a pink mane and what appeared to be a nurses hat and slammed her body to the ground before stepping on her back and held his hammer over the mare.

“Ronan, release that pony now!” Suicune demanded, but the Kree could only laugh at him.

“You are in no position to make demands deserter! I’ll let this pony go if you surrender and tell me how to obtain your so called powers!” Suicune could only growl at him and noticed the pony underneath the accuser was crying.

“Please let me go-”

“Silence peasant! You have no rights to speak to a god such as myself!”

“RONAN!!! Let her go!”

“Only if you tell me how to take your powers! I’ll give you until the count of three!!!”

Slowly Ronan’s Ultimate weapon glowed bright red as he began to count down. “One……..Two…….” Suicune didn’t know what to do if he attacked him he’d kill that pony, but if he gives up his powers than Ronan would destroy everything in his path.

What should I do?


To be continued.