• Published 1st Oct 2016
  • 6,888 Views, 66 Comments

A New Destiny - Pen Dragon

Ever since I opened that email I was turned into a Pokemon and was forced to take responsibility for the sake of the others that came after me. But unlike them I'm immortal, and it's been nothing but a curse. I had only one option left...leave.

  • ...

Celestial Change

Celestial Change

Two weeks has passed after Ronan’s defeat and Suicune had returned to the Everfree, while to everypony he was known as a stranger from the unknown. Nopony seem to know who or what he was, all except for three little fillies who had kept his secret.

“Do ya’ll think Mr. Suicune will come back?” Applebloom asked as she looked out from her tree house. The Crusaders have awaited for the pokemon to return, but he didn’t for an odd reason. Applebloom and her friends were determined to find him again, but the question is? Where could he be? All they knew was that he was hidden deep within the Everfree Forest,

“I don’t know Applebloom, but after what happened with that space alien, Twilight seemed to be on edge and has made things very difficult for us lately. Heck even my training in magic had to be pushed ahead just so I can protect myself if something like that happens again.” Sweetie Belle explained as she paced around the room.

“I know what ya’ll mean Sweetie… Even Scootaloo had to go stay with her cousin in Cloudsdale until Twilight can find Mr. Suicune. It just isn’t fair!” Applebloom shouted, sitting down on her rump with a glare. The two fillies have agreed that it was unfair for everypony to treat Suicune like that, but there was nothing they could do.

“Mr. Suicune will come back, soon I hope.” Sweetie said, before she looked at the clock on the wall, realizing what time it was she made a loud groan as she picked up her saddle bag. “Sorry Bloom, but I have to head back and do my next lesson with Twilight.”

“It’s alright Sweetie, mind if I join ya? I really don’t want to be here so Applejack can make me do chores again!” Applebloom begged while her white unicorn rolled her eyes as nudged her on her shoulder.

“Sure Applebloom, I’m sure Twilight won’t mind you being there!” Sweetie said cheerfully as the two fillies exited the treehouse only to see the legendary pokemon waiting for them outside by a tree.

“MR. SUICUNE!!!” The Two fillies shouted with joy as they ran over to him who smiled back at them.

“It’s good to see you two again!” He responded as he patted the two on the head with his paw, causing them to giggle when he began to rub their heads softly each. The displaced pokemon took a look at his surroundings before leaning down to the fillies level and began to whisper. “Children I must ask you something very important and you must keep it a secret. Tell no one about this, okay?”

“Okay,” They both whispered back to him.

“As you know, I’m from another world and I fear that my kind are trying to make their way to your world.” He said, causing the fillies to gasp. “I cannot defeat them on my own, so I’ll ask you… Will you be my students?”

“YES!!!” The two shouted in excitement as the pokemon placed his paws over their mouths.

“I expected as much… The reason why I ask is because I can tell that you two as well as your pegasus friend care very much about your family and friends and if my kind are coming here, than you’ll need to a way to protect them. So I shall be training you for the day you’ll have to defend your home.” Suicune explained as he began to make his way towards the Everfree once more. “We shall begin our training tomorrow at noon here, I hope to see you then little ones.”

Without another word the legendary displaced vanished into the forest, leaving the crusaders with excitement and joy. Times were changing for them now that they were going to begin their training tomorrow.

“What do ya’ll think Mr. Suicune is going to teach us?” Applebloom asked as Sweetie Belle shrugged.

“Don’t know, but we better head to Twilight’s… Last time I was late she had me clean the castle’s library for a week.” Sweetie Belle said, shivering from the memories of cleaning the library.

“Well we better hurry than!” Applebloom said, dashing ahead of her friend.

“Hey! No Fair! You got a head start!” Sweetie Belle followed after her friend, giggling the two raced towards Twilight’s Castle.

Back at Canterlot

For a week Celestia has learned about the two creatures that have appeared in her kingdom and the reasoning for why they are here to begin with. As for Kindle and Spear the two had been acquainted with the castle staff and have been more than willing to cooperate with Princess Celestia.

“So you mean to tell me that your… Superiors have asked for you to bring this former Elder to this other realm?” She asked as the two displaced nodded in response.

“The Elders have been searching for him for quite sometime, while also trying to keep this quiet. It’s only in our best interest that we find our mentor and bring him home safely.” Kindle replied as she took a sip from the vintage wine that was served to her.

“What else can you tell me of this… other Elder that has made his way to Equestria?” Celestia asked suspiciously as she looked at the two Absols with concern. Even though she had heard their tale, she still didn’t trust them, believing there was a lot more to it than they were letting on. Before Celestia could say anything she had soon received a letter from her former student Twilight Sparkle.

Dear Princess Celestia

As you know already Ponyville was invaded two weeks ago by strangers from the Everfree. The two had each possessed powers that were completely alien to pony magic of any kind. Even though we have successfully turned one of them to stone. One is still at large and is hiding within the Everfree Forest.

Please send help!

Yours Truly - Twilight Sparkle

“Kindle and Spear… I’m afraid I’ll be leaving for a bit. My friend, Princess Twilight needs me in Ponyville right now!” Without a second thought Celestia stood up from her seat and began to make her way out of the throne room.

“Princess Celestia? Would you like for us to join you?” Spear asked.

“That won’t be necessary my friend… I’ll be fine on my own.” She replied, leaving the two displaced alone.

“She knows where he is Kindle… I think it is time for us to intervene?” Spear said as his red eyes glowed brightly, illuminating the room.

“As much as I would prefer to wait… This could be the only opportunity we’ll have to finally bring Lord Suicune home.” Kindle replied. The two nodded in agreement as Kindles paws began to glow as she slashed a gateway to their home realm. “We should report this to Lord Yasha immediately before we hunt for him?”

Spear simply rolled his eyes as he followed his sister back to the realm of Displaced.

The Everfree Forest

Suicune had finally returned to his cave after briefly discussing to Applebloom and Sweetie Belle about becoming his students. It has been quite sometime since he took on students that would be suited to become the next protectors of the world, but before that can ever happen he’d have to create a new mantle for the two fillies before even thinking about giving them the responsibilities of elemental powers.

“It has been quite sometime since I’ve created a mantle, but it shouldn’t take longer than a few minutes to make.” Suicune said to himself as he closed his eyes and began to dig his claws into the ground. With concentration, the ground began to crack, as a stone was pulled out of the ground. Soon water began to surround it the air twirled it around the stone. Suicune’s eyes began to glow as fire spewed from his mouth and consumed the stone. Before long all four elements were gathered and were slowly melding together. “WHEN THE FOUR ARE GATHERED, TWO SHALL BEAR THE MANTLE OF ELEMENTS!!!”

With those words the elements had melded together completely, creating a bright light that blinded the pokemon as the cave began to shake. But Suicune was unaware that the shockwaves coming from the stone could be felt across Equestria. Once the transference was completed two small power crystals were created from the single stone.

“Tomorrow, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom shall take up the mantle and become the protectors of this world.” Suicune said as he summoned a small wooden box with his magic and placed them in it gently. Creating the two gems had costed him a bit of his energy, but could recover with his regenerative healing factor or use his spring to help speed the process. He felt the latter was the better option and headed towards his spring.

‘Suicune can you hear me?’

‘That voice? It couldn’t be?’

“King Ghidorah?! Why are you calling me right now?” Suicune demanded while he couldn’t see the three headed tyrant, he could still hear his laughter.

‘Aww… Is that anyway to treat your old mentor?’


‘Fine… I’m only calling you because it’s important. Did you create another Mantle?’

“Yes I have… I am going to train two fillies as my successors.” Suicune replied to the kaiju… wherever he is at the moment. “Anyways how are you?”

‘I’m doing very well… Now that Ember the Dragon Lord has become my wife… Might I add she’s very good in bed~’

“Okay nevermind! Please leave my mind and go… Urgh... Sleep with your wife and let me return to my work.” Suicune said, shivering from the thought of who would even be with the three headed tyrant.

‘Very well… But just so you know Suicune, even you can’t deny something like love.’

Soon their conversation ended and Suicune was left alone with his thoughts. He didn’t know why King Ghidorah would say something like that, but he decided not to dwell too much on that thought as he exited the spring and began to make his way out of the cave. He figured he should get out of his cave more often to take in the wonderful view of the Everfree Forest. It was almost peaceful.

It was until he began to feel an usually large energy source emanating south of where he was and it surprised the displaced to have felt a large power source miled of where he was at. Something was in the Everfree and whoever or whatever it was… It was powerful enough to rival his strength. ‘Interesting… Something tells me that one of the world’s powerful rulers have made their way here and whoever it is… Definitely has immense power… Enough to even rival my own strength or even Elysium’s if they were so inclined. But the question is… Who?’

Suicune was hesitant to go towards the source of the energy, due to it being so alien to him, but with nothing to do and his power fully restored it was time for him to find out what this power he had been sensing.

“Let’s hope that whoever is out there doesn’t cause any trouble.” He said, genuinely curious, but another thought came to mind. "Perhaps I shall wait patiently for them to greet me themselves. I can only speculate that they aren't coming to give me a warm welcome."

'Looks like the next chapter of my new life in this world... is about to begin.'

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long to write but school has been very busy for me lately. But I can promise you that the next battle for our heroes is about to begin.

Edit: Hey guys so this story is now complete, yes the ending is left as a cliffhanger, nothing new there for me lol, but I plan to continue Suicune's story in a sequel. This story has had a lot of issues with grammar, spelling, misplacing, and a whole lot of changes and under developed plot that makes everyone heads spin. I was young and was just getting the hang of writing here :) However A New Destiny is now complete here, but Suicune's story is just beginning with a brand new plot and much improvements.

There will be a lot of changes in this new sequel, but things will be a lot better. I am keeping the old plot, but fine tuning it while adding a lot of new elements and organizing everything for this new sequel. I hope you all have a wonderful night and thank you for understanding.

Comments ( 5 )

I is enjoying it :pinkiehappy:

What does it take to have our displace to be in this story?

“As you know, I’m from another world and I fear that my kind are trying to make their way to your world.” He said, causing the fillies to gasp. “I cannot defeat them on my own, so I’ll ask you… Will you be my students?”

uuuuuuuuhhhhhhh very difficult to image them as the next go like warriors trained by Suicune. (Power Puff Poneys)

It is interessting how they can just switch between worlds, but the strongest of them can't do that.

‘Very well… But just so you know Suicune, even you can’t deny something like love.’

Well that doesn't has to mean he wants to know about their love.

Okay I'm not sure if this counts here, but sometimes I feel to many crossovers or to many characters make the story bad. Long story short, I kind of hope there isn't action after actions after action.

Not even finished, yet labeled as complete, I think you misplaced the 'cancelled' button

Lol, sorry about that... read the authors note, and I completely forgot to post the new version of the chapter here. Which is honestly just a few added lines at the very end of the story. No major editing or anything like that. This story is very old now, but I have great renewed inspiration for a sequel. Suicune is my favorite character to write and even though I've been busy Irl, I want to wrap up his story now in the sequel I'm working on.

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