• Published 30th Sep 2016
  • 877 Views, 22 Comments

The Quickverse Chronicles - Quick Fix

Everypony has several stories to tell, of their own and with the wider world. These are just some of them.

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My Little Blank Flank (Diamond Tiara)

October 18th, Year 21 under the Four Princesses

Ponyville was basking in the warmth of a mild afternoon, the kind of day that brought ponies outside as the weather was more like that of late spring rather than mid-autumn. Most ponies in town, either those currently without commitments to work or school, or tourists to the home of harmony, were largely drawn to the park near the center of town in these conditions. Running down both sides of the Pandora River for a short ways, the park had effectively remained unchanged in years, an area where trees and flowers growing naturally in the middle of a busy town provided one of the calmest spots in the area for ponies to gather, enjoy each other's company or simply take a few minutes to unwind and get their thoughts in order.

On the south side of the park, under the shade of a beech tree, a lone earth mare sat trying to do the latter. Pink coated with a light violet mane that sported a white streak, soulful blue eyes and cutie mark of a tiara. She was a pony that was instantly familiar to many residents of Ponyville for reasons both good and ill. Diamond Tiara had originally been known as the scourge of her class when she was a filly, mercilessly seeking to follow her parents hoofsteps and establish herself as the most prominent pony in town, putting down anything and anypony that might rise up to challenge her. The Cutie Mark Crusaders had suffered the worst of it due to her childish mockery of how she had received her cutie mark before them, though nopony had been safe if they got on her bad side.

A lot had changed in twenty years though.

The only filly she had ever truly considered a friend back then had broken ties with her for blatantly overstepping the boundaries of decency and while they had managed to somewhat reconcile since then, Silver Spoon now lived in Baltimare and out of regular contact. Then when she had attempted to make up for that by intensifying her outbursts against the lone member of the crusaders who hadn't earned their mark by then, that same filly had saved her life after her own stubbornness had put them both in danger. Shocks like that, combined with a healthy dose of reality setting in during puberty, had a way of changing a pony and she had taken those changes to heart.

Now, at age twenty-nine, Diamond Tiara had become a pony that strived to improve the lives of others rather than demean them for her own advancement. She served as Ponyville's master of commerce at town hall, ensuring trade remained fair both locally and with other towns. She even had her own family of sorts in her adopted daughter. Most ponies would consider that a good step up and while she was one of them, she was also a leader at heart and still aimed for more. Through more honest methods of course. That was why she was running for mayor next year, and why she was currently out here.

Diamond shifted her quill in her mouth as she rested her front hooves on each other and looked over what she could see of Ponyville from her current vantage, occasionally jotting down points she thought of what she wanted to build her manifesto on. Mayor Caramel was doing a fine job but he was getting on in years, occasionally missing opportunities she could instead propose during her campaign. Right now though, before the whirlwind of chaos running in the election would bring, she still had time to take breaks and appreciate the smaller things around her. From the sounds of parents playing with their young foals nearby to the simple intricacy of her own mouthwriting. Calligraphy was an art only the earth ponies truly appreciated as pegasi could use their wings for stability and unicorns simply had magic.


Diamond raised her head at the voice. Only her former classmates used that nickname these day. As she looked over to the nearest bridge toward the north side of town she saw a unicorn mare approaching with a coat the same colour as her own mane was, along with a curled blond mane and a cutie mark of a foal's book.

"Dinky," Diamond said cheerfully as she got up and trotted over to her old acquaintance, offering a hoofbump that was happily returned. "It's been a while."

"I know, I keep meaning to try for a reunion but my schedule is pretty hectic these days with classes and helping Mrs Cheerilee." Dinky Hooves replied. Her tone was similarly happy, but Diamond had dealt with enough political talk to catch the edge and know when somepony had secondary intentions. Still, there was no need to make things awkward by pushing straight to that point.

"Has she got you teaching your own classes yet?"

"Not yet, but maybe next year. Probably a good thing with how much we've got our hooves full with these fillies and colts."

"Hopefully not all of them..." Diamond chuckled, though the humour died on her lips when she saw Dinky's nervous smile in response. Of course it was too much to hope it wasn't related to her. "Oh. What's happened?"

"Stellar Nova got into a fight with a colt during afternoon break," Dinky explained. "The thing is, everypony who saw it claims she was the one who instigated it. That's not like her."

Diamond nodded, frowning to herself as she looked down in thought. Stellar wasn't a filly inclined to violence even when she was upset or angry, plus she usually didn't show when she was feeling that way even at the worst of times.

"There's more," Dinky continued, now looking worried. "The fight had already ended by the time Cheerilee had got there and Stellar was looking shaken up. When she was told you had to be informed of this she broke down in tears and was inconsolable when I left to find you."

"How soon do you want me there?" Diamond asked as she gathered her things, her tone indicating she'd rather not wait. She'd have to redo her writing thanks to wet ink but that was far from her highest priority right now.

"We can go now, class will have been dismissed by the time we get to the schoolhouse."

Diamond Tiara was walking before she'd even got her scroll settled in her mouth, Dinky following her quickly. A multitude of thoughts were running through the earth mare's mind as she made her way through town, ranging from concerns over what had gotten Stellar Nova so upset to the possibility of some stern words with the responsible colt's parents. First things first though. They may not be blood related, but Stellar was still her daughter and she would move Equestria itself to see her happy. On the other hoof, there was the fact that her little girl didn't seem to be looking forward to seeing her. That thought brought up a few concerns that had been lingering in Diamond's mind, if she was really capable of raising a foal. So far it had been smooth but this was likely going to be a real test for her.

Before long the Ponyville schoolhouse came into view, looking largely unchanged in over twenty years aside from an extension to accommodate the steady increase in class sizes over the years. A few fillies and colts were still hanging around outside, either waiting for their parents or talking among themselves. Most of them waved to Dinky as she came through and she made sure to greet each of them in turn. Diamond nodded to those that acknowledged her but her mind was focused on only one filly right now. Dinky made her way up to the school door and knocked three times, followed by two rapid ones.

"Mrs Cheerilee, she's here." She called through the door.

"Come in." Cheerilee called from the other side. Dinky opened the door and motioned for Diamond Tiara to head in first, which she quickly did.

The interior of the schoolhouse seemed to have changed even less than the exterior had over the years. Not that she was paying any attention to that right now, as soon as she put her things down on a cabinet her focus went to the two figures by the teacher's desk. One was her former teacher, Cheerilee, now in her late-forties and definitely showing signs of her age but still sharp minded and able to control a dozen foals at once. Handling her own two children at home must have been like a vacation. Hiding behind her legs was a unicorn filly, just over seven years old. Her coat was sand coloured, her mane long and dark blue, her eyes golden orange and still lacking a cutie mark. Though the instant Diamond entered the room she shied away further.

The sight stung to see, considering what she had been through already. Three years ago Stellar Nova's family had been one of those hit during an outbreak of hay fever that had swept through central Equestria. Although the affliction had quickly been contained, her parents had been among those unfortunate few who couldn't receive treatment in time. Diamond Tiara had quickly stepped forward to take the filly in rather than let her face so much as a week as an orphan, doing everything she could to help Stellar through such impossible circumstances. Although she likely knew she could never truly be her mother, Stellar had bonded firmly with Diamond and ponies unfamiliar with them generally couldn't tell that they weren't blood related.

What could have happened to leave her faith in that bond so shaken?

"Stellar? Are you alright, little star?" Diamond asked before she could stop herself. The filly only gave a small whimper in response.

"It's okay, we're going to sort it out for you," Cheerliee told her gently before looking over at Dinky. "Could you talk to her while I let Miss Tiara know what happened?"

"Of course," Dinky replied as she stepped round the desk and crouched down next to Stellar. "You feeling okay?"

"Still worried..." The filly replied quietly.

"We just need to get your mind off it for a little bit. Want me to help you catch up on the last class? I'll guide you through it if you tell nopony why you got it quicker than them, deal?"

"O-okay." Stellar managed a small smile as she slunk out from behind Cheerilee and over to Dinky, the two of them moving over to the back of the classroom and getting what they need out from her desk. That should keep her focused long enough to not be concerned about the discussion taking place on the other side of the room.

"Is she okay?" Diamond asked quietly, unable to keep the concern out of her voice.

"She's very shaken up. I don't think even she expected to react like she did at first." Cheerilee replied, sitting back down at her desk and watching Stellar for a moment with her own look of concern.

"Dinky mentioned that she started...The incident," She didn't want to actually repeat what had been said, much less try to imagine it. "She didn't say why though, or what made Stellar back down."

"I made sure to ask everypony who witnessed what happened outside," Cheerilee brought out a paper from her desk and looked through it for a moment, shaking her head slightly. "There were a few varying stories but, I understand what happened."

"There always are." Diamond mused, remembering how she had been one of those fillies that stretched the truth a bit when questioned by her teacher. At least, she had at first.

"From the looks of it, Stellar Nova was approached by Mach Storm and the two started arguing over something, though at the time nopony was close enough to hear what. It started to escalate quickly due to their history."

Diamond nodded, fighting back an irritated snort. Mach Storm was like a pegasus colt version of how she had been at that age. Self-absorbed, pushy and with a penchant for singling out classmates to take out his frustrations on. More often that not, Stellar ended up being in his line of fire. At least she was standing up for herself enough to keep it from being a case of history repeating.

"This next part will feel a bit, personal," Cheerilee continued, hesitating for a moment. "Mach Storm made a comment about you that prompted Stellar to start throwing punches at him, then more of them until she stopped. The gist of them that made her relent was that...That he told her that you didn't care about a foal that didn't have her cutie mark."

Diamond Tiara froze in place, ears folding back, her heart feeling like a spear had been thrust through it. It made some sense that Mach would know about her background like that, considering his father was her former classmate Rumble. That he would use it to try and drive a rift between Stellar and her though...Righteous vengeance would have to be left to Cheerliee and his parents. Her focus needed to be on healing the bond before it was too late. That thought brought feeling back to her body and fire to her soul, an idea of just how to do it starting to form in her mind.

"I see," She said calmly, managing to avoid any loud reaction that would have alarmed Stellar further. Cheerliee seemed to have not been expecting it as she tilted her head in surprise. "I should have known something like this would come back to bite me."

"The past does seem to have an unfortunate way of haunting us," Cheerilee agreed, looking over to where Stellar and Dinky were still working.

Diamond followed her gaze and allowed herself to smile slightly. Her little star had relaxed again and was focusing down on the lesson she'd missed, occasionally asking Dinky to explain certain points. The fact she was back to her usual smart, driven self now that she wasn't thinking about what had happened furthered the suspicions in Diamond Tiara's mind and cemented the plan she'd been making.

"Yeah, but it won't go the same way this time," She said as she looked back to Cheerilee. "What I'm going to try might sound unorthodox, probably crazy. But I think I can get through to her by myself. Just, trust me on this."

"I do." Cheerilee replied, leaning forward and watching with interest.

Diamond nodded and made her way down to the back row of desks, trying to gauge Stellar's reaction when she noticed. The filly glanced up at her approach and then did a double-take, remaining in place but glancing over at Dinky as if judging how quickly she could hide behind her. Her eyes showed a mix of nerves, confusion, and a little hope. That was better than expected and an extra boost to the hope that the plan would work. It all hinged on two questions that might sound wrong to say, but she knew...Hoped, they wouldn't get that reaction.

"Hey sweetie, you managing alright?" Diamond asked as she sat down next to Stellar's desk. The filly tensed and hesitated to reply but didn't shy away this time.

"I-I'm alright. Miss Hooves says my geography is really good." Stellar replied quietly, looking back at the paper on her desk.

"You always were better at it than I was," Diamond said with a chuckle. Despite still being relaxed and friendly, she was sweating bullets on the inside. "So, me and Mrs Cheerilee have been talking a little about what happened earlier."

"Oh, okay?"

"I know you're shaken by what Mach Storm claimed, about what I'm like, so I just wanted to ask you something that will make it simpler for us both to understand," Diamond smiled reassuringly, a silent promise that she wasn't going to try anything mean before continuing. "Are you worried that I don't love you anymore? Or that I never did?"

"I...Ah..." Stellar looked away and rubbed her leg, huddling herself up further. The look in her eyes, the feeling that a fear might be coming true, said it all though. Diamond glanced up for a brief moment to see Dinky backing off to give them space and flashed a look of silent thanks before looking forward again. Time for the hard part.

"Because, if you think that, then we can always talk about finding somepony else to adopt you. Make sure-"

"No!" Stellar cried, shooting up and trying to lean toward her mother in a panic.Her movements put her too near the edge of her seat though and she immediately overbalanced and fell...Straight into Diamond Tiara's waiting hooves that had shot out to catch her instantly.

Stellar looked up and saw only a gentle, sympathetic look greeting her in return, the face of a parent who only wanted to see their child happy. She responded by wrapping her front legs round Diamond's chest and hugging her tight, burying her face in chest fur. If she had been attempting to hold back tears during this time, then at this point the floodgates opened and she starting making muffled but loud sobs.

"Hey, sssssh, it's okay. I wasn't being serious." Diamond told her softly, hugging Stellar in return and stroking her back. Seeing her daughter so upset from her fears, and likely from what she had done to help bring them to light, tore her up inside and she could feel a few tears of her own forming. For a minute they simply held each other, the only thing in the world that mattered being the pony in front of them.

"I...I-I-I don't...Don't go," Stellar eventually said, lifting her head and looking up with teary eyes. "I don't want to believe him. I still love you, momma."

"And no matter what anypony might say, I love you too. I always will. I'd never willingly let you be alone again. Ever." Diamond said, her voice cracking from emotion as she held the filly closer, gently wiping her tears away.

"I, should have known. I just wanted...Anything that would make him stop talking about you like that."

"It's okay sweetie, we'll make sure he understands what he tried to do so he never bothers you again. I need to ask though, did anything he say make you worry about not having your cutie mark yet?"

"It, it might," Stellar rested her head against Diamond Tiara's chest, now merely sniffing slightly rather than the full blown cries of before. "What if nopony else wants to be friends with me because I don't have a cutie mark yet? Or because I get it later than them?"

Diamond nodded in understanding, suddenly feeling a fresh pang of regret over how she had used to behave. That was the past though, and the present allowed her to have an answer.

"I'm going to let you in on a secret," She told Stellar, watching as the filly dried her eyes and nodded. "You and Mach Storm reminds me a lot of the filly I used to pick on for not having a cutie mark. Even worse than he did with you. You know who that was?"

"N-no." Stellar answered with curiosity. This past filly had been mentioned to her before but she'd never learned who it was.

"It was Scootaloo."

Diamond couldn't help but smile to herself at the surprised look on Stellar's face. She and Scootaloo had been good friends for years now and Stellar had known her ever since she had been adopted, to the point of referring to her as her aunt Scootaloo.

"R-really?" The filly eventually asked in disbelief.

"Really. Because nopony is truly going mind about what your cutie mark is, or even if you don't have one. And if you're still worried, I'm sure you can talk to her and her friends for help. They're pretty good at figuring out ways to find what you're meant to do."

Stellar nodded and pressed close again, relaxing a little further in her mother's hold. Diamond smiled warmly and held her in turn, she knew enough to be satisfied that she would be alright for now. A quick look aside showed both Cheerilee and Dinky had been watching with similar looks on their faces; Surprise at the unorthodox approach but impressed at just how well it had worked out. She had to admit was feeling the same. As well as pride in her little star for handling a lesson she could only wish she had learned herself so well.

And, she mused as she stroked Stellar Nova's mane gently, a little pride in herself for settling her own fears. They may not have been a conventional family, but nopony could say they weren't as close as one.