• Published 30th Sep 2016
  • 877 Views, 22 Comments

The Quickverse Chronicles - Quick Fix

Everypony has several stories to tell, of their own and with the wider world. These are just some of them.

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A Canopy of Stars (Twilight/Applejack/Spike/Rainbow/Fluttershy)

Ponyville Hospital
March 10th, Year 23 under the Four Princesses

The deepest night held domain over Equestria. The cloudless skies let countless stars shine down upon the land, bathing every home in a gentle light that aided ponies in their sleep. The world currently belonged to the princess of the night as Luna wandered the dreams of her subjects to ensure that everypony was free of the concerns that lingered in their hearts during the day. A small number of ponies remained awake during the night as well, savouring the beautiful night in the moments away from their duties. Some of those ponies were less able to appreciate it though, being so used to sleeping through the darkness that they struggled to adapt when circumstances forced them to remain awake.

Right now, Applejack was definitely among the latter group.

It wasn't that she hadn't gone through sleepless nights before. The earth pony had experienced more than her fair share in the past few months. Normally she was awake right from the start though, tonight she had been asleep for an hour before being awoken by a rapid hammering at her front door instead. Most of the following hours had passed in a haze. The only thing she could explicitly remember were the words of the pegasus stallion that had been at the door, how he'd quickly explained to her that it was time and that Twilight Sparkle was taking Fluttershy to the hospital and if she could watch Mist Chaser while he was at his wife's side please? Applejack didn't really remember the dash through town that had followed, just that she was now sitting in a waiting room with the gray pegasus colt she'd been asked to look after dozing against her chest, the silence broken only the ticking of the clock above her and the occasional tap of a hoof against linoleum.

"Applejack, are you sure you don't want to let me watch Mist Chaser while you get some sleep? You look like you're about to fall out of your chair."

Applejack gave a small smile and looked up to the seats next to her. It was still unmistakably Spike's voice even after all these years. It felt like only yesterday that the dragon had still been a kid she had thrown herself against a group of timberwolves to rescue from the Everfree Forest. Back then, he wouldn't have even filled one of these chairs when sitting down. Now he could lie across four of them at once without even stretching out.

Spike had grown more than any of her friends over the past decade and could now stand eye to eye with a grown stallion, or Celestia herself if he got onto his back legs. His scales now had a slight sheen to them, his features had elongated and shifted to more draconic proportions and his voice was smoother with an accent to it that more than a few ponies found charming. One thing that had never changed though, was the fact he was a noble dragon who was always by Twilight's side.

"Thanks Spike, but I..." Applejack started before yawning. "Ah think I can still manage right now. Fluttershy's gonna want us all awake as soon as she's ready."

"It could still be hours though. If it's not minding my strength you're worried about, well, Silent Breeze did entrust him to the strongest mare in Equestria."

"Good point. Alright drake, if I really need some shut-eye he's all yours." Applejack replied, Spike grinning and nodding at the use of her nickname for him.

"I wouldn't worry about Spike's abilities. He's surprisingly good with foals when somepony brings theirs up to the castle." Twilight's voice came from nearby, both of them turning to greet the princess of friendship as she joined them, a tray of drinks held in her magic.

Time had been kind to the youngest alicorn of Equestria. Her body had adapted over the past twenty-three years and grown to match her magic. Physically she was now a match for Princess Cadance in appearance and strength, magically she was even more powerful than her old foalsitter. She had grown mentally as well. After suffering a major breakdown after defeating the last significant threat to Equestria many years ago, Celestia and Luna had both helped her to recover and learn from the experience. Twilight had become much more capable as a leader in the aftermath, even if her duties meant she had less time to be with her friends than she did in the old days.

She was here now though, all three of them were. Given how spread out the elements of harmony were at present, that was something.

As much as it stung to think about, Twilight, Spike and Applejack all knew that they may be the only ones among their friends who even knew Fluttershy was in her current situation. Rarity had travelled to Manehatten several days ago to join Sweetie Belle in a business related matter, even if she knew she wouldn't be able to get back in time. Pinkie Pie was currently in the San Palomino desert to the south on a hunt of some kind, one Applejack quietly disapproved of as Pinkie had taken Apple Bloom along as a companion for whatever zany task she was set to. Rainbow Dash had been in Ponyville after returning from some secret project in Canterlot, but today she had gone out to Cloudsdale to catch up with her former teammates in the Wonderbolts and since the sky city was near the border with the Crystal Empire today, it would be even harder for her to know than for Rarity. Even Scootaloo would have been a welcome presence right now but she was currently recovering in a Canterlot hospital after a botched stunt performance.

Twilight sighed slightly to herself as she put the tray down once everyone had taken a cup and sat down next to Applejack. Whether she was thinking about their absent friends or other pressing matters was up for debate. She seemed to been dealing with an extra pressure since the new year began. Applejack had seen the look before, yet another piece of Equestria's past potentially threatening it's future. It made sense for her to be worried, the last major enemy she had had to face was Starlight Glimmer and with both how that had ended and the passage of time, there was every chance whatever was coming next would still be a serious challenge. The only one who seemed to have any idea what she was going through was Spike, though he wouldn't give up Twilight's secrets if his life depended on it.

Applejack shifted in her seat and looked over to Twilight, trying to think of something they could talk about to take her mind off of things. But before she could open her mouth the colt resting against her chest began to stir, disturbed by her movements. AJ looked back down at him and waited, knowing from her own experience many years ago that trying to talk to a foal too soon when waking up was more confusing than helpful.

"M-mom?" Mist Chaser asked slowly once he was sufficiently awake, his blue eyes meeting Applejack's green ones and immediately tensing slightly as his seven year old mind tried to comprehend why he was in her hold and not Fluttershy's.

"Your..." Applejack's eyes flicked up to the clock to try and guess how long they had been here. It was still only twenty to two. "Your momma's a little busy right now. She's told you about what's happening right?"

"Yeah...Little Sister..." The colt murmured.

"Well, Fluttershy's just putting together the final things needed for your little sister to live with y'all. It's still late though, so if you settle down and go back to sleep, then your sister will be waiting for you when ya wake up."

Mist nodded slowly and relaxed again, Applejack rubbing a soothing hoof up and down his back until the colt drifted back to sleep against her. Twilight and Spike both silently watched, impressed by what they were seeing. Applejack may not have any children of her own but she certainly didn't lack for experience with foals.

"Wow, I don't think I've ever seen a kid settle down so quickly," Spike finally commented quietly, eyes shining with respect. "You're a natural at this."

"Aww shucks, it's just down to a little know-how is all." Applejack replied as she leaned back in her seat again, making sure not to disturb the colt again.

"Experience is right. With how good you are I'm actually a little surprised that you've never had foals of your own." Twilight added. Applejack tensed slightly and looked back down at Mist Chaser. Much as she didn't want to discuss the topic, Twilight sounded more engaged in the conversation now and maybe getting it out in the open with another of her friends would help her too.

"It's just, ah'm, still not sure I've found the pony I want to settle down with. I know what yer thinking but, things with Bounty changed a lot back in January and there's somepony else that's come in an' got me rethinking about everything."

"You have feelings for them both?" Twilight asked, leaning forward slightly. Applejack couldn't help but perk up slightly as she saw the familiar gleam in her friend's eyes. That desire to help and learn. Even if this didn't go anywhere, the fact her mood had shifted was a win for now.

"I guess so. But aside from the risk of hurting either of them if or when ah choose, there's also Bounty himself. You know as well as I do how he was taking it when he'd just found out his life was-"

"Hey, did I make it?"

Both Twilight and Applejack jumped slightly at the familiar voice coming down the corridor to the waiting room. Two ponies and one dragon looked round as Rainbow Dash rushed into the waiting room and skidded to a halt next to them. The pegasus was panting hard and almost instantly dropped back onto her haunches, completely spent from flying halfway across Equestria so quickly. Spike slowly offered her his drink which she took and downed quickly.

"Don't worry Rainbow, you made it in time." Twilight reassured her.

"Oh, good. I mean I was planning to stay overnight in Cloudsdale so I only found out an hour ago and going cross country at night isn't exactly easy but I knew Fluttershy would kill me if I missed this again." Rainbow continued, rubbing her front hooves together. The others let her continue for a minute, knowing she was simply working her adrenaline off, before drawing her attention back to why they were here.

The wait was slightly more bearable with another friend present and time seemed to pass a little more quickly for all of them. Twilight and Rainbow were content to talk among themselves and catch up on what had been happening in the weeks since they had last seen each. Applejack did her best to join in but the lure of sleep was getting the better of her and eventually she passed Mist Chaser over to Spike before dropping into a exhausted slumber. Spike himself simply watched and listened. Life with Twilight tended to be so hectic that stepping back and being an observer to the happenings of the world had become his favourite way to relax. The light of Celestia's sunrise had begun filtering through the waiting room windows before anything around them changed.

"Twilight, I get it," Rainbow Dash told her friend as they finished their current discussion. "If you, Spike and Princess Celestia all saw it then I believe you. I'm just saying that other ponies might think it sounds like some kind of weird alicorn conspiracy if you tell it like that."

"I know, but the idea that such a thing is still out there...It, still worries me."

"It would worry anypony."

"Err, guys?" Spike said to them as he reached a clawed hand out and gently shook Applejack to wake her.

Twilight and Rainbow looked back toward him, seeing what he was trying to get their attention for. The door opposite their chairs that led from the waiting room to the wards had opened and a pegasus stallion was waiting there. Bronze furred, silver maned and amber eyed, he looked even more tired than any of the four waiting but still carried an inextinguishable joy in his expression.

"Silent Breeze," Twilight said as she got up, the others following. "Is Fluttershy alright?"

"She...I..." Silent Breeze took a breath and rubbed his eye, managing to break into a proper smile. "We're all alright. Fluttershy's done amazingly, all things considered. She's ready for you all to come through now."

The ponies exchanged joyous looks before following him into the wards, Spike making sure to pass Mist Chaser back to Applejack since even her muscular frame was easier to fit through the door than his and was less likely to disturb the sleeping colt. The walk through to the ward was quiet, each pony and dragon still trying to stave off their tiredness a little longer for the moment they had stayed for in the first place. The ward they moved into was mostly empty as well, only one of the dozen beds having a pony in it. The familiar yellow coat Fluttershy resting on her left side with her back to the entrance in it radiated with warmth and joy though, the kind of feeling that only a mother could experience. The group moved round to her front and waited as she slowly lifted her head, taking in each of them.

"You all made it." Fluttershy said quietly, her voice strained as though she'd been shouting for hours. Considering that an IV drip was hooked up to her right foreleg as well, she seemed to have had a rough night. The others managed to bite back their concern at it for now though.

"I told you we would," Rainbow told her gently. "Rare and Pinkie are here in spirit too."

"I know...Is Mist there?"

"Right here." Applejack said as she lowered the colt down onto the bed to rest against his mother's stomach.

Fluttershy smiled more as she lifted her hoof, letting the others see what was under it. Lying there, nestled up against her chest, was a small foal. A newborn pegasus filly. Her coat was an orange like a marigold flower and with a short, blue-gray tail. The beginnings of a mane in the same colour were visible atop her head and a set of wings were pressed tightly to her sides. Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash couldn't help but smile warmly at the sight while Silent Breeze leaned in and nuzzled his wife lovingly.

"Congratulations, Fluttershy." Twilight said softly, stepping aside slightly so Spike could come forward for a better look.

"Woah, she's so small." He commented quietly, watching as Fluttershy slowly moved Mist Chaser closer so he was sleeping next to his little sister.

"Actually, she's has a slightly larger birth size than most foals." Twilight told him, unable to resist chuckling slightly at his dumbfounded look of surprise.

"So, have you decided on a name yet?" Applejack asked, watching with no small sense of joy.

"I think we finally have." Fluttershy replied, pressing a little closer to her foals and relaxing into the bed.

"We have?" Silent asked, getting a small giggle from Fluttershy in return.

"Yes. I know we had a lot of ideas but right now, with our friends here, in the adorable colours she has..." She looked up and smiled as she saw him understanding. "I think, Star Glider."

"Yes. Yes I think so." Silent Breeze replied, smiling more as he wrapped a hoof around Fluttershy's back and hugged her lovingly, finally letting tears that he'd been holding back for hours start to fall.

"I think it's perfect." Twilight commented, Applejack, Rainbow and Spike all voicing their approval as well. Fluttershy smiled up at them all in silent thanks before settling down to rest again. While everypony would need to separate again soon for some much needed rest, for now they could simply enjoy the moment together. It almost felt like the old days of being together, a feeling each of them realised they'd missed more than they thought.

Author's Note:

This is probably the most connected chronicle I've written, bringing almost all my stories momentarily together, including one I'm still working on/haven't written yet.

For the curious, Spike's accent is fairly standout even among the variance the dragons have. The closest I can compare it to would be an Icelandic accent...What? I think it's a lovely sound for a voice.