• Published 3rd Oct 2016
  • 793 Views, 12 Comments

This Second Belonging to Another. - overlord-flinx

The past forges the future, and the future reflects the past. In the moment, all seems to be the one true choice. Even our most horrid mistakes. Be they our own or another's.

  • ...


What caused it all to fall apart did not happen all at once. It was a dead by a thousand cuts. One forced step right after another; leading her -them- towards a cliff's edge. Upkeep draining them financially and physically, wolves clawing at the doors each and every moment -day and night-, and vultures hanging over head always expecting the fall. Fate transpired time and time again since they were given their land; given the camp. However, the two held on. Timber and Gloriosa offered not an inch to their aggressors. But that did not mean the greedy beasts did not take inches.

They took time and again until the event horizon was reached.

"I own the land now..." Wolves take on many forms, but their lust for prey never leaves them. No matter how you plead, no matter how you beg, no matter how you bargain; all they want is what they set out for.

Her home... Her life... Her history... All to be swept away under a greedy wolf's den of self-indulgence. Timber, her parents, every future camper... What would they do? Why was this going to happen? What could she do?

"What'll I do?"

For years she had heard stories around the campfires. Stories about "spooky monsters" or "evil creatures" that stalked the night. But, mixed among those stories were the occasional story of hope. How the beaten average-Joe or down-on-their-luck-No-Name beat the odds by trusting in an outside force. Stories of cathartic trips; where the impossible could save anyone from the unfair. Not once had Gloriosa hoped such things could ever happen for her... Not until the wolves were at her gate.

Perhaps it had been those strong wishes of desperation.

Perhaps it was meant to be.

But, beyond her, forces conspired to collide within a crystal cave on the outskirts of her camp... And she was drawn towards it. Drawn inside of it. Brought to stand before the seven glimmering geodes embedded within a stone pedestal. Her hand reached out to them...


Something reached back...

...This isn't right...

Who said that!?

You're different... You're not like them.

What's going on? Who are you? Where are you?

You don't have any magic... At all...

Wh--Magic? What're you saying?

I'm so sorry. This... This shouldn't be happening. It... Can't happen...?

I don't--Who are you? What--Where are we?

This is easier to explain to others like them... This feels wrong... I don't understand.

If you don't understand, who does?

...You're... Crying...

I just don't--I don't think I know anything anymore! I'm losing everything! My home, my family history, and now my mind!

...What's your name?

Gloriosa... Gloriosa Daisy...

That's such a lovely name... A name I have never heard in all my life. In all of my travels.

I... I guess thank you?

Why are you so sad, Gloriosa?

People are trying to take away everything my family loves! And now I'm... I don't know! I don't know what's going on!

Everything you love? Why?

Because...! Because... Because we couldn't pay a price. They kept taking more and more from us and never gave us anything back, and we finally failed... We were doomed from the start...

Do you hate them?


Do you hate them so much you want to hurt them?

No! I mean... I just don't want them to take away something so important to us... To so many people.

You have no magic... You have no power... And yet you would stand against them?

I'd do anything to save this camp!

It's just a camp... A few wooden buildings, some unattended trees, a muddy lake...

It's much more than that! It's my home. It's Timber's home. It's home to so many precious memories for people going back generations even before me! It's not just a camp!

...I'm sorry... I should not have said that.

I didn't mean to yell at you... There's just been so much wrong lately... I feel like everything is crumbling around me and I can't push past it all for much longer.

...Do you believe in magic?

No... But I'd be willing to believe in anything now if it meant I could do something.

For centuries I have aided in many things. More actions then I care to count... Both good and evil; depending on your viewpoint. Yet, in all those years, I had never been called upon by one with no magical essence within them... And at no point have I ever been given the choice to offer my power. I am called, I am used, and my power is known once again... But now, I see in you a choice... A choice for us both.

A choice? What?

I can give you what you need to be the salvation for your camp...

You can?

But, you must listen to me carefully...


My power is not solely my own. My power derives from the love, heart, bravery, spirit, wealth, conviction of the one who borrows from my font. Yet, in all my existence, the ones who have done this are those with magic dwelling within them one way or another. You are... Human. Solely this. I... Cannot promise you anything. The last natural human to dip into my power was first bathed in outside magic; and the ones before that were inducted by another of great magical ability beforehand.

I... Really don't understand a single thing you're talking about.

Heh... I guess you wouldn't... All I can really tell you is... Well... Just take it all in slowly. The rocks you are touching hold the seven core pieces of my magic... If you are going to use my power; I beg of you one thing and one thing only...

Whatever it is, I'll do it. If it means I can make a change here... If I can help my family.

Do not take on any more than what I give you... Do you swear?

I swear.

...I'll trust you. Now, when you return to your reality, you are going to feel very different... I will give you a shred of my power. Though...


I'll be honest... I have no idea what kind of power you'll come out with. Hah-hah!

Heh... Maybe it'll be super-rich-people-stopping powers.

Maybe... Now, go... And stand tall. No more tears.

I promise I will. I'll stand tall. Forever... Thank you... Whoever you are.

A word once given must always be kept. No matter how vague or strange those words were. And should one break their word, only harm befalls those involved. Even when that word is broken out of the most honest and devoted intentions.

"I just need more power!"

Comments ( 12 )

I like this, a thoughtful insight into Gloriosa's character. With all of her "I got this!" she certainly struck me as a a very eager girl, usually without knowing the limitations, which is I presume, the start of her downfall in the movie as you tried to explain it here.

Damn...very powerful story here. Nice.

So she was talking to the human world's tree of harmony? Or at least a counterpart to it?

I think it's pretty clear that Daisy is NOT money wise! Custom uniforms, letting campers decide on ANY activity that springs to mind when they get there, that's a big drain on the coffers!

7616237 Considering how she decided to have the laws batch of campers each have, i think she thought 'screw it, if were going down financially i'm going ton give these guys the best camp experience ever.'

7616237 I think the process there was that this was going to be the last summer for the camp, and she was going to do anything and everything she could to make it great. But, it wasn't until the very end that she had the idea of using her powers to physically keep anyone away.

Much like someone with cancer going out and living their life without worry about expenses because this was going to be their last outing.

We never see Gloriosa's meeting with Filthy Rich after the girls' powers started to manifest. I'm wondering if he put more pressure on her; made demands or even told her that there was nothing she could do that would make him change his plans; maybe he even mocked her efforts. Desperation, rage (and the fact that she'd already been under dangerous levels of stress already for some time) made her snap and, losing her sanity, she decided that she would use the power of the crystals to ensure that Filthy Rich never got his hands on the Camp.

Corrupted intentions and an unbalanced mind combined with Equestrian magic leads to out-of-control psyches and monomaniac psychosis, as we've seen twice before.

While this IS a very powerful series of stories, I still can't figure out why you gave them the AU tag.

7997105 I believe that initially the Equestria Girls tag didn't exist with the first installment. And even when I added the tag later, I never noticed the lack of a need for it.

7997164 That makes sense, actually.

I love when fic writers add a little insight into the proverbial mind of magic itself

Interesting prequel to Legends of the Everfree

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