• Published 7th Oct 2016
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World of Warcraft: The Ties that Bind - Blackdrag-rose

Lyra finds herself in the Outlands, where she encounters the Illidari and their plans to stop the Burning Legion from razing all of creation.

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Argus: Light's Breach

There was a frenzy of activity on the Vindicaar as Turalyon recalled all the heroes and Lightforged that had been dispatched to Krokuun, the Antoran Wastes, and Mac'Aree, including the weapons and armaments that they had sent down as well, so they could be prepared for what was coming. The heroes gathered around the area between the navigation console and the place that the Crown of the Triumvirate rested in, as they were ready for the terrifying and final battle between them and the Legion's forces. Alleria had told them that the forces of Antorus were strong, based on her observations, and the walls were supposed to be extremely durable, but Velen had faith in the Crown that they had painstakingly collected and reforged, as it was the key to breaking down the wall and freeing the Pantheon. Even Hatuun's people, sensing that the battle was coming to an end, gathered up their belongings and teleported aboard the Vindicaar, where they would the war effort any way they could, even if the only thing they had to offer was warriors and healers.

There was another piece of good news they discovered as they descended towards the Antoran Wastes and it came from Magni no less, as the crystal that had allowed him, Lyra, and Trixie to hear Argus' message earlier had been vibrating again, though this time it was from Eonar... meaning that Sargeras didn't have the complete Pantheon in Antorus. Of course that meant that they were likely going to have to save her anyway, since Lyra and Trixie were sure that the message was being traced back to her essence's sanctuary at that very moment. Still, having one Titan safe from the forces of Antorus was good news, two if they counted Azeroth, though that meant that they still had four more to save before they became like Aggramar, who they were likely going to have to destroy the avatar of so they could free him as well. It was a tall order, even for the greatest heroes of both the Alliance and the Horde, but they were up to the challenge of defeating a real Titan Avatar, destroying the forces of Antorus, and save the rest of the Pantheon so they could tell them how to permanently defeat Sargeras at long last.

Still, despite all the chaos that was around them, Lyra and Trixie stood by the navigation console as they descended towards the Antoran Wastes, their eyes firmly resting on the fortress that the Army of the Light, the Alliance, and the Horde would be attacking soon enough... and they both knew that if they failed, and Sargeras claimed Azeroth, then it was only a matter of time until he found and destroyed Equus as well.

"Everyone, get ready!" Khadgar called out, while at the same time the Vindicaar broke through the area above the Antoran Wastes and flew close to where the wall was, or rather the one weak point that Alleria had discovered during the many times she scouted the area.

"Romuul, you may fire when ready!" Velen said, tapping his staff on the floor, though this time everyone went silent as they waited, as this was the moment that they were all waiting for, before he heard the hum of power that indicated that Light's Judgement was preparing itself.

"I am going to enjoy this more than I should!" Romuul chuckled, to which he tapped a few of the commands as the Vindicaar came to a stop in the optimal space for him to fire Light's Judgement, though that was replaced with a smile as his systems gave him the information he was after, "Light's Judgement firing in five... four... NOW!"

The heroes watched as the screen revealed the new primary cannon of the Vindicaar pulling the Light into the weapon's barrel for a few seconds, creating the hum of power that they were now familiar with, before a burst of Light energy raced forth and blasted a hole in the side of Antorus, creating the opening for their army to invade.

"This is our chance!" Khadgar said, to which he joined the heroes as the Light began to gather around them all, as he intended to join them and help out in some way, "It's time we stormed Antorus and defeated the Legion... permanently."

Lyra and Trixie nodded as the Light enveloped them, to which Romuul teleported all of them down to the area in front of the breach they had created, causing the heroes to cheer in victory, even though they hadn't done anything yet, before they started pouring into the opening in the wall. When they came out of the other side they found a wall defined path for them to follow, indicating that Sargeras must have built the wall in such a way that if someone ever breached it they would die to the first set of soldiers they came across. As Lyra and Trixie joined them they noticed that not only were the soldiers made up of some of the strongest Felguards that were in the Legion and smaller versions of the mechanical monsters that patrolled certain area that the Legion controlled. They were, of course, joined by a small force from the Army of the Light, though while Turalyon joined them Alleria and her forces were attacking from the north, meaning they must have used her new Void powers to get there so quickly.

Without wasting any time the warriors of their group lifted their war horns to their lips and blew for a few seconds, sounding out that the final battle between the forces of Azeroth and the Burning Legion was about to begin, before they charged down the ramp that was in front of them and engaged the demons that were waiting for them.

One thing that Lyra learned about her newly modified form, besides the fact that she was a proper demon hunter again, was that her warglaives were even stronger than they had been before the transformation, while she herself was even stronger than she had been when she was a normal demon hunter. Demons howled in pain when the Daybreaker slashed at them, leaving angry Light infused cuts on their arms, legs, and chests, while they seemed to shake and madly crackle when the Nightmare hit them, as if their worst thoughts were haunting them or something. Trixie, on the other hand, discovered that her spells were even stronger than when she had been a mere mage, as she felt so much stronger than when she first started out. With a mere whisper she could convince the arcane in the air around them to form magical tendrils that lashed out at the demons, could trip them up so her allies could beat them up, or, if she was feeling truly destructive, she could teleport a magical charge inside the core of the mechanical robots and blow them up from the inside, raining parts down all around them... and freak out some of the demons that had watched her do that.

Even the first Eredar Brute that walked up the platform to attack them didn't last when it targeted Lyra of all people, as the power of the Light and the Darkness that she now commanded were more than enough to bring the brute down before it could hurt the other heroes or the allies that came with them. The second group of Felguards they encountered had another Eredar Brute with them and a Doomguard, both of which were gunning for Lyra the moment they saw her, though Trixie pulled a trick on the two creatures as the arcane listened to her as she bound their hands together. That made them even greater targets for Lyra and the other heroes to tear down, now that they couldn't fight back, and she was only doing it right now as a test of her new powers. From there the Army of the Light jumped down into the area below them, where another one of the smaller machines happened to be patrolling the area, though Trixie simply destroyed it by teleporting a charge into it's core... though before the heroes could join the Army of the Light a new humanoid machine, a real planet destroyer machine, rose up from the area in front of the area they had descended into and literally decimated the soldiers in front of it, killing them instantly.

Turalyon and those that hadn't gone down there yet stood back as they looked down at the sight of their dead comrades, slain before they could really do anything, though at the same time the group of heroes dropped down into the area in front of the Worldbreaker... where they stared at the upper half of the machine, as the lower half was out of view at the moment, but the group was more interested in the twin cannons on the Worldbreaker's shoulders.

Enemy combatants detected. the Worldbreaker declared, where they group of heroes focused on their enemy, knowing that it wasn't going to let them go anywhere until either all of them were dead or it was completely destroyed, while at the same time it primed it's weapons, Threat level nominal.

The moment the battle began the Worldbreaker swung it's arms and fists at those that were right in front of it, while at the same time charging some of it's smaller cannons to fire fel missiles at whoever was lingering in the back of the group so they didn't have to worry about the machine. As they fought the Worldbreaker it primed one of it's cannons as it targeted a part of the group, which unleashed a barrage of fel missiles that were more intense than the first set of fel missiles it used to target a few people at a time. Moments after using the first cannon, and not actually killing anyone since they were more prepared for this than the demons of Antorus realized, the Worldbreaker used it's other cannon to rain some fire style missiles down upon them, but they survived the assault as the healers mended their wounds. Lyra, still experimenting with her powers, snapped a Light barrier into existence around them when the Worldbreaker tried those attacks again, repelling the missiles before they could even be touched, shifting the odds of this fight in the favor of the heroes of Azeroth instantly.

Eventually the Worldbreaker started to charge up both of it's cannons in a more powerful attack, one that would definitely decimate all of them if they weren't careful, but Lyra smiled as she transformed both her warglaives into a sphere of energy, a mixture of the Light and the Shadow, and hurled it into the cannon on their left... where the twin energies ripped the cannon apart and left a crater where it had been resting, wounding the Worldbreaker in the process.

Lyra chuckled as she pulled her warglaives out of her energy again as the heroes looked at the damage, where they were shocked for a moment, before they turned their attention back on the Worldbreaker, finding that without the first cannon it's power had been decimated. Their target was restricted to only using it's fel missiles against them, making the fight that much easier for the heroes, and the Worldbreaker didn't even attempt to run away while they were tearing into it, as Lyra would have expected the creators to install such a thing in it so they could build an even greater machine for the people of a world they were trying to take out. With it's power reduced the machine eventually came to the conclusion that it needed to use all of it's remaining energy to take them out, where it prepared it's remaining cannon once more, though this time Lyra stepped to the side as Trixie dealt with it. What she did was create an even stronger Arcane Core, her name for the sphere of energy she teleported into the hearts of the machines, and put one in the heart of the cannon, obliterating the weapon and causing the machine to stagger as it's left arm broke off... indicating that she had done a little more damage than Lyra did, but she was happy with what she had done.

As the Worldbreaker staggered backwards, however, she and Lyra stepped forward and raised their hands, where they combined their two powers into a single blast that tore out the heart of the machine, causing it to stumble backwards before collapsing in the crater in front of them.

"Oh yeah, this is awesome." Lyra said, summoning her warglaives again as she started at the steaming wreck of the powerful Worldbreaker machine, which would have put up a decent fight if she and Trixie weren't here, "You know, I wonder if Sargeras can feel the power we wield."

"I hope he doesn't, otherwise he'll be heading for Azeroth at the first sigh of danger approaching," Trixie replied, though at the same time she followed the other heroes as they started to head down the path that the Worldbreaker had been guarding, knowing that more demons would be coming after them.

As they moved down the new pathway that was in front of them, and attacked the demons that were trying to stop them from invading the rest of Antorus, they had to avoid the small saucers that were firing fel blasts at the path they were walking on. When the saucers came back for a second pass Trixie waved her hand and the arcane reacted, to which the magic wrapped around them and crushed them until they couldn't move anymore, allowing them to tackle the Felguards and the other demons without having to worry about air attackers. From there they entered a den of the demonic hounds that they had seen earlier, the same ones that were about the size of a normal wolf, and started cutting and blasting their way through the area that they needed to go through. Of course the group had to fight their way through a second group of the felhounds after the first one, but as they turned down the path in front of them they all noticed some unique shaped hound demons waiting in front of them.

The two felhounds in question were much larger than the ones they had been fighting the entire time, though while one of them was infused with the power of fire the other seemed to be infused with the power of shadow, but Turalyon recognized them... informing them that the one on the left, the fire hound, was F'harg and the one on the right, the shadow hound, was Shatug.

"You know, I want to test something." Trixie said, causing the heroes to stop before they approached the den that the duo of felhounds were waiting in, to which she stepped forward with a smile on her face as the arcane started to gather around her, "Time to unleash my true dragon form."

The heroes had to shield their eyes as Trixie transformed with a flash of arcane energy, though when the light faded they noticed that she was in her dragon form again, but this time around she was larger than what she had been earlier, where those that knew Malygos realized that she was the size of an Aspect now, and stood over the felhounds. Her dragon form was now covered in azure scales, some of them crystalline instead of actual scales, that glistened in the light around them, while also baring some silver bits every now and then over her body. The moment the transformation was over, and the arcane had settled down, Trixie roared at the two felhounds and drew their attention to her, where she took to the skies and grabbed onto Shatug... who she dragged into the air and carried off, where the felhound barked in confusion while the heroes looked on in surprise and shock.

Lyra grinned as Trixie returned with Shatug a few seconds later, where she slammed the felhound into the ground and started breathing a pure arcane breath on it, severely hurting it in the process, allowing the heroes to contend with F'harg... especially when she was also tearing the felhound to pieces at the same time.

The heroes that engaged F'harg had to avoid the fangs that the felhound had, something that Trixie literally ripped out of Shatug's mouth with her arcane powers and discarded, and healed the wounds that were dealt from the fiery felhound ejecting flames at them. F'harg also tried to dash forward and trample several of them, which only succeeded in knocking them to the ground, but after a few seconds of them fighting Lyra stepped forward and demanded the attention of the demon they were facing. Sure, she wasn't actually a tank like some of the other heroes, but her new power made her feel that much stronger and she was willing to show off her stuff, where she cut her way through the demon's attacks and dealt massive damage to it in return, just like Trixie was doing to Shatug. Lyra even neglected to dodge some of the attacks and F'harg cut through part of her chest, only for the Light and the Shadow to mend her wounds to the point where they never existed... to which she grinned as she charged forward and tore the felhound a new one, before she ended it's life at the same time Trixie broke Shatug's neck, clearing the way for them to move forward.

The heroes stared at them as Trixie reverted back to her hybrid state, where she flexed her arms for a few seconds and smiled, because she was enjoying the new power that she had, more in the aspect that it was good that she unlocked this power before coming here... though she said nothing as the Army of the Light summoned a beacon that allowed them to teleport themselves to a new part of Antorus, one that seemed like a command center.

As the heroes moved forward, and engaged the demons that were in front of them, Velen told them that he recognized these enemies as generals and leaders of the military before the Eredar joined Sargeras, meaning that they were dealing with powerful traitors to his people. The groups of Felguards and Eredar Brutes couldn't stand up to the pressure that Lyra, Trixie, and the others were putting on them, as the power from Lyra and Trixie alone was enough to topple them and the heroes were strong enough to wreck those that survived their initial assault. None of the other heroes were actually upset over the powers that their friends possessed, as they were allowing them to overcome the demons that they were standing against, but they were able to make their way to an Eredar called Clobex... though while he seemed to be strong he was nothing compared to the power that was arrayed against him, allowing the group to use the elevator behind him so they could access the next foe.

When the elevator reached the level that it was connected to they found three of the generals, the three that Velen knew from his days before the Eredar joined Sargeras, standing around some sort of machine that was supposed to resemble pods... like a command machine that boosted their powers or something.

A few seconds later the group charged forward, causing the ones on the left and right to jump into the pods that were behind them, and they engaged Admiral Svirax, but as they did so Trixie wove the arcane through the air and trapped the other two inside their pods for now. The reason was because she wanted to force Svirax to go into her pod and force one of the other ones out of the pods they went into, but even when the battle started it quickly became clear that the group was much smarter than Svirax was, as they started avoiding her attacks and dealt some damage of their own. Svirax called upon mage type enemies that wanted them dead, just like everything else here, and they quickly gathered around them and cut them down, before turning their attention back to the general they were fighting. The group quickly discovered that, just like every other demonic creature they had encountered, they could use Lyra's Light based powers to great effect against their foes... even Trixie's power over the arcane assisting them in forcing one general to enter the pod and made another one come out.

Lyra and Trixie quickly discovered that there was really nothing special about the three generals they were fighting, much like Talgath was, and realized that Sargeras only empowered the most worthy of the Eredar with great and terrible power, like Kil'jaeden and Archimonde. Once they discovered that fact it was child's play for them to force the generals to cycle through each other, making them become progressively weaker as time went by, before Lyra drove the Nightmare into the heart of Svirax, causing her to collapse into a mass of shadows that were absorbed by the warglaive. The other two generals died in similar ways, as Ishkar, the Chief Engineer, had a small arcane ball was slammed into his chest and he detonated when he struck his pod, destroying it and him at the same time. The final general, Erodus, was the one that suffered taking Daybreaker to the heart, where glowing lines made from the Light spread out over his body before he shattered into a thousand pieces... effectively destroying the Antoran High Command and opening the way for them to move forward once more.

"Oh, we are much stronger than I thought we were." Lyra said, to which she sheathed her warglaives as she, Trixie, and the heroes started making their way to the next area of the Burning Throne, where they could find more demons to kill and more commanders to topple before they found what they were searching for.

If Sargeras wasn't afraid of them and the Army of the Light, from what they were doing already, he'd fear them when they rescued the Pantheon from his grasp and defeated his plans... and that meant slaying whatever demons they found and destroying the various parts of Antorus in the process.

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