• Published 7th Oct 2016
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World of Warcraft: The Ties that Bind - Blackdrag-rose

Lyra finds herself in the Outlands, where she encounters the Illidari and their plans to stop the Burning Legion from razing all of creation.

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Shore: Wailing Halls

After delivering the Tidestone of Golganneth to it's proper place in the Abyssal Throne, the area that the heroes fought and killed Sassz'ine in, the group began the trek back towards the main entrance of the Tomb of Sargeras, knowing that time was of the essence before Kil'jaeden got his hands on the Avatar. Lyra wanted to make sure that the Legion didn't get it's hands on that creation, as she didn't know if there was anyone on Azeroth that had the power to combat the Avatar, should it be awoken and fully empowered with the energies of the Legion once more. She knew that she and Trixie might be able to do something in that regard, thanks to their abilities, but the combination attack seemed to be the best weapon they had in their arsenal to deal with something that dangerous. She and Trixie knew that it was only a matter of time until Kil'jaeden reached his target, meaning that they had to be quick before their foe claimed his prize... which was why they had only rested for a few moments before leaving the Abyssal Throne.

It didn't take them long to reach the area of the Tomb that they had first arrived in, where they found Illidan and Maiev attacking the demons that were trying to come up the stairs that they had used to get to the area they were in, with Khadgar and Velen supporting them with their magic. With the four leaders of Legionfall standing their ground, and preventing their enemies from gaining any ground, the heroes headed to the north of their position and walked up the stairs that were in front of them. When they reached the room that were ahead of them, however, Lyra spotted two demons bickering with each other in front of the pedestal that the third Pillar of Creation needed to be place on, though she recognized the two demons from one of the reports she had received some time ago. The demons were Atrigan and Belac, where Atrigan was a unique Fel Lord among the Legion's ranks, while the same could be said for Belac, who was one of the more stronger Jailer demons... and they were infamous torturers that followed Kil'jaeden's orders, meaning they captured their targets and broke them in whatever manner they desired.

It was possible that she would have been brought before these two if she had died at some point in time, to be broken as all of the Legion's pawns declared whenever they fought her, but before she and the others could fight the two demons they had to content with a succubus, a felguard, and an inquisitor. Fortunately the trio of demons were the weaker variety of their type, as the group was able to slay all three of them within a minute of fighting, making Lyra wonder why the two demons had bothered to bring them in the first place.

"Admit that I am right!" Atrigan shouted, pointing the head of his large axe at his companion, though the group remained still, as they were curious as to whether or not the two demons were going to get into a fight and potentially even kill each other, "Break the body and the spirit follows."

"Physical pain? Bah!" Belac countered, to which he pointed a finger at his own head, which made sense considering that jailer demons enjoyed mentally breaking whoever they captured, which could also be seen as an insult to the more physical fel lord that he was talking to, "Mental anguish is the true weapon. Was it not the key to turning Rakeesh?"

"Bah! It was the suffering I inflicted which... Hold!" Atrigan declared, as that was when he noticed that the group of heroes was watching the two of them, as they were patiently waiting for them to kill each other before they even bothered to do anything, "The mortals come! That fool Goroth has failed again!"

"Sooner than expected, but no matter." Belac stated, to which the two demons turned towards the entrance of the chamber that they were standing in and faced the heroes, indicating that they were going to have to face both demons instead of just one of them, "Our work begins!"

Since there were two targets for them to fight the group was split in half, with one half of the tanks, healers, and damage dealers attacking Atrigan while the remaining half focused their efforts on bringing down Belac, while at the same time making sure that the two demons were stationed on two sides of the room, Atrigan on the left and Belac on the right. As it turned out the two demons had a specific attack that forced everyone to stop attacking them for a few moments, though the only good news was that they never did it together, meaning that one of them used the attack and the heroes broke off to do more damage to the other demon, before returning to their original demon once the attack was over. All of the other abilities and techniques the demons used were designed to inflict torment on whoever they were targeting, but when it reached a certain point several of the heroes were sucked into Belac's cage and stayed inside the pocket dimension that he apparently carried around.

Fortunately they were able to escape without being permanently detained, allowing them to return to the fight as they dodged their opponent's attacks to the best of their ability and used their own technique to inflict as much damage as they could muster.

Lyra and Trixie were caged at least once during the fight, forcing them to attack the aberration that was being held inside Belac's cage, which didn't seem to be taking that much damage but also dropped clusters of energy that allowed them to exit the cage and return to the main fight. Lyra was sure that the aberration had been a construct of Belac's, as it allowed something to leave his cage for additional torture, which only fueled her desire to bring the two demons down and make sure that their souls were damned to the Twinblades, like all of the other demons she had slain so far. Killing these two demons and trapping their souls would make the universe a slightly safer place, since there were likely more of them waiting to replace them, but Lyra and Trixie wanted the two of them dead and that was what was going to happen... especially since they were being aided by the other heroes, who wanted to take the demons out for whatever their own reasons were.

Eventually the heroes toppled Atrigan and Belac, allowing their bodies to fall to the ground as Lyra took their souls into the Twinblades, trapping them in their eternal damnation until someone figured out how to shatter the powerful weapons, though at that point she knew that only a Titan might be able to do that. Trixie, on the other hand, approached the pedestal that the demons had been guarding and studied it for a few moments, before pulling out the Hammer of Khaz'goroth and gently placed the Pillar of Creation in the area that it was supposed to go to.

"This hammer forged ancient wonders and shaped the earth itself." Aegwynn's echo said, her voice coming from the walls around them since her echo was still standing where they had first encountered it in the first chamber, "Today it shatters the bonds of fate that seek to crush us all."

With the third Pillar of Creation placed in it's proper spot, and the third of four seals broken at this point, the heroes returned to the main chamber, since there weren't any other paths for them to use in the chamber, and turned towards the path on the right of the entrance. That brought them to another path that had them descend downwards once more, though this time around their enemies were spectral night elves that wanted all intruders dead, indicating that they must have been corrupted by the fel energy in the air. These night elves, being mages, warriors, and hunters at the very least, were definitely powerful and weren't to be underestimated, which was why the group was careful in how they approached each group of specters that they encountered, since all of them wanted the heroes dead... and that also included the pets that followed the dead hunters into battle again.

They even had to be careful of where they stepped, because some of them triggered traps that froze them in place for a few seconds, allowing the specters further down the path to prepare themselves for their group, though even then Lyra, Trixie, and their friends proved to be more than what their foes could handle.

It wasn't long before they reached an area that radiated with power, one that belonged to a creature that they would have to destroy before they moved on, though before they engaged whatever that creature was they started to clear the area of all the spectral night elves that were around them. It was more for their own safety, in case their next foe called upon the soldiers surrounding the area it ruled to join the battle, but everyone was fine with releasing the long dead specters from their curse. Eventually they discovered that the creature they were prepared to fight was actually three cursed night elves, all female oddly enough, that appeared to have enough power for one of them to manifest at any given time, meaning that they likely shared their health with each other and that the battle would change once they switched positions on the heroes.

When the group engaged the trio of spirits two of them immediately faded away as the huntress materialized before them, swinging her weapon at them while she rode on the saber cat that she happened to be riding, though at the same time the group had to be careful considering that the floor had a moon diagram that was constantly changing. As Lyra, Trixie, and the others soon discovered the diagram was following the phases of the actual moon, though the light purple area made them more susceptible to arcane damage while the darker purple did the same for shadow damage. That was a problem for the heroes that were standing in the shadow area, as the Huntress was fond of throwing a shadow infused glaive at whoever was standing in that area, dealing massive damage to whoever she was aiming at. They also had to be careful of the Captain and the Priestess, because even though they were still spirits they had the power to slightly influence the area around them... making the fight that much harder for all of them.

After a minute of fighting Lyra was wishing that she could kill the Captain and the Priestess, as they were annoying, but then the tanks took enough of the Huntress' life force and made her hold on reality shatter, to which the group waited as she faded into her prior spectral form and the Captain took her spot on the battle field.

The Captain readied her bow and fired arrows at whoever she was targeting, though her signature shadow infused arrows also played to the moving diagram that everyone needed to stand on while they were fighting the specters, but they had learned to move to avoid being weighed down with a curse that might spell their doom. The Captain was also a fan of raising her bow into the air and launched volleys of arrows into the air, where they rained down on whoever she was targeting and inflicted shadow damage as well. When the moon diagram was full, either in the arcane or shadow aura, the Captain loosed an incredibly powerful shot at an area where less than six heroes were standing, causing a major surge of shadow damage as the shot exploded on her targets. Lyra and Trixie found their opponent to be annoying, in terms of abilities, but they enjoyed the challenge that the Captain presented, as they had to be mindful of their surroundings before their foe took them out in some manner.

Even with the Captain's powers the group was able to knock her backwards, causing her to break down into her prior spectral form and allowing the Priestess, the third member of the group, to materialize and challenge them to a fight, which was what the group was now prepared for. The Priestess' first action was to burn her foes with arcane power that one of the night elves in their group claimed was lunar energy, like they were actually fighting someone that was channeling the powers of the moon, and Elune for that matter, to fight against them. She also marked certain heroes with a lunar beacon, which caused them to be targeted by a barrage of lunar energy, though at the same time the heroes noticed that she was purposely targeting those that were affected by the arcane part of the diagram. Both Lyra and Trixie agreed that the Priestess might not be as aggressive as the Captain was, since she had to charge her attacks before firing them, but that didn't make them less painful than their prior opponents.

After another minute of suffering through the damage that the Priestess was dealing to them, and the healers made sure that everyone had enough health to survive, the heroes dealt the finishing blow and toppled the trio of spirits, freeing them from the curse that was keeping them bound to this area... and allowing them to access the pathway that would allow all of them to access the area that the Tears of Elune were supposed to be placed.

This time around the group took a few moments to restore their health and mana, since the Sisters of the Moon, as Lyra and Trixie were going to forever know them as, had dealt some serious damage before their eventual defeat, though the moment everyone was ready they continued along the path that was in front of them and left the room with the moon diagram. As they followed the path that was in front of them they discovered that there were more night elf spirits in their way, to which the group assaulted them with the intention of letting them move on from this cursed existence, as well as allowing them to advance towards the alter where the Tears of Elune needed to be placed. Lyra and Trixie discovered that these particular spirits were actually slightly tougher than the ones they had fought earlier, which made sense that the stronger foes would be guarding the alter, but at the same time they made sure that they carefully fought the spirits and didn't pull too many of them at the same time.

As they progressed through the hall Lyra spotted a night elf statue in front of them, no doubt in the likeness of Elune considering where they were, but at the same time the group reached the end of the hallway and walked up the path on their right, where they headed down the ramp in front of them and found the alter room... though that was when the group noticed that their next foe was a bone wraith, a monstrous construct created by fusing the bones of the undead into a single entity.

The group stood there for a moment, where they discovered that there was a secondary enemy lurking in another reality that was tied to this area, to which a few heroes volunteered to head into the spirit realm and deal with the threat before it could hurt anyone. With the two groups determined they charged forward and engaged the Engine, though Lyra didn't bother questioning the terminology her friends were using as she threw her warglaives into the air and let them cut into the strange foe before she caught them and joined the others as she cut into the creature. The Engine, however, targeted whoever it wanted, which was hard to predict because the thing didn't have any eyes or facial features that they might be able to follow, and launched bone shards at it's targets. The Engine also targeted five heroes at random and blew cones of shadow energy at whoever it was targeting, inflicting a decent amount of damage on the unfortunate hero and those that were standing near them at the time... while also leaving trails of shadow damage on the floor that expired after a few moments.

The Engine also had two more effects that the group wasn't expecting, as it summoned dark fissures in the ground that would damage them if they weren't careful, while also calling unfortunate templars and bonewardens back to battle and sent them after the heroes that it was fighting.

It didn't seem like there was anything special about this creature, save for the fact that it's attacks hurt more than the other foes they had fought and it was constantly summoning more enemies for them to fight in an effort to stay alive, but when it reached a certain point the true foe revealed itself. The true monstrosity of skeletal bones emerged from the Engine, wielding a wicked looking axe that was constructed entirely out of bones and was covered in fel energy, where it roared at them and started swinging it's weapon at whoever it wanted to kill first. The Desolate Host, as their enemies called the monstrosity, proved to be much stronger than what they were expecting it to be, to which those that were in the spirit realm quickly killed the elf that controlling that area and joined the others as they finished off the Engine... allowing them to focus their full attention on the Desolate Host.

With their combined might turned against the Desolate Host they were able to heal the damage that it did to them while dealing massive damage it to it return, before they finished off the unfortunate creature and freed every soul that had been forced into creating the creature. As the others took a break Trixie reached into her pack and withdrew the Tears of Elune, were she gently placed it on the alter and let it activate, breaking the ward that Aegwynn had created and allowing them to delve into whatever area held the Avatar.

"These tears of perfect beauty embody the dream of what our world could be." they heard the echo of the Guardian say, though at the same time everyone merely nodded their heads, as they knew that the harder part of their venture into the Tomb was about to begin, "Today they purify your hearts for the battle to come. Now that the Pillars of Creation are in place, return to the Cathedral and I will reveal the ancient secret this temple holds."

Lyra and the others quickly made their way back towards the entrance hall, where they first found the Echo of Aegwynn and learned about the Tomb, though when they arrived they found that Khadgar and the others were now standing in front of where the stairs to the two torturer demons were standing... and a new staircase, one that went into the depths of the earth. It was the path they needed to take to reach the location of the Avatar, where Kil'jaeden was heading, to which the heroes quickly prepared themselves, as this next fight was going to be even tougher than anything they had fought since they entered the Tomb... and there was a very real chance that they might die in the near future.

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