• Published 29th Jun 2012
  • 4,243 Views, 138 Comments

Midwife Crisis - starshine_dash

Fluttershy takes Derpy in after she's left out in the rain.

  • ...

Family (Part 3)

Fluttershy's mind stuttered like one of those fancy steam powered mechanisms with a loose gear, the teeth unable to fully catch on either side and just resulting in a soft click. The words had reached her ear drums and were patiently waiting their turn to enter the primary auditory processing center of the brain. Reason tried to explain the situation while Logic and Dignity tried to keep Panic from breaking anything else. Nervousness and Shyness were out front trying to prevent the situation from escalating into a full-blown disaster, but weren't really helping.

Her eyes tracked over the small ear clip in her hoof again, and glanced at the strudel she had only gotten halfway through. Sure enough, another glint of metal was there. It was definitely a pair of ear clips. Something was backing up in her mind as reality slowly began to move again and the words finally got fed up, kicked down the door, beat Panic into submission and made themselves heard. The pegasus promptly unleashed a bleat, not unlike that of a baby goat, and collapsed onto her side in a catatonic state.

Pinkie bounced over at this point and looked for all the world like the cat that ate the canary, "Did she say yes?!"

Derpy blinked slowly and looked up at the party pony, "N-no. She just... bleated and fell over."

"Oh, poo. I guess she was so surprised she just couldn't process it. Don't worry, she'll come out of it in a few! I'll bring you fillies some more juice."

The pink mare bounced off into the kitchen again as Sparkler began to poke Fluttershy with a telekinetic stick.

"Sparkles, stop that."

The unicorn sighed, "Fine, Mom. I just wanted to see if I could wake her up."

The wall-eyed pegasus smiled nervously, "I'm sure she'll be fine."

Eventually, after Pinkie had returned with drinks and cleaned off the other earring and placing the one that had ended up on the floor back on the table, the mare on the floor groaned softly. She stood up slowly, wobbling for a minute before sitting back down, "Sorry about that... Something must have surprised me really badly..."

Derpy smiled, "It's okay! So, what do you say?"

"To... to what, Derpy?"

"Will you marry me?"

Fluttershy blinked a few times. Thankfully this time, Panic was already in chains and she was able to process it without falling over. Her mouth tried to encourage the words that were struggling to make it past her voice box, but all that came out with a shy squeaking noise as she turned almost as pink as her mane.

Trying a few more times, the pegasus finally squeaked out a recognizable, "Yes!" that brought a cheer from Dinky, a relieved smile from Derpy, and a knowing smile from Sparkler. Dinky flew, almost literally, across the table and hugged Fluttershy tightly.

"D-Dinky... c-can't...b-breaaathe!" whispered the yellow coated mare. The little foal apologized as she let go and retreated to her seat next to her mother.

Pinkie Pie appeared at this point and picked up all 4 of the fillies in a tight hug, "Yay! Ooh, Ooh, Can I plan the bridle shower? Oh, wait, which of you is the bride?" The little pink pony turned toward the wall, "Is the wedding before or after the birth?"


"But if I don't know I can't plan a bridle shower and a baby shower!"



"Pinkie?" Derpy asked, "Who are you talking to?"

Smiling and shrugging, "Nopony I guess," she said and bounced back towards the kitchen.

Looking at each with lost looks, the Hooves family had no idea what was going on. Fluttershy just shook her head and giggled softly, "S-so, um, Derpy, what brought this on?"

"I... Well, I love you, Fluttershy. You're the kindest mare.. No, the kindest pony I've ever met. You're caring, you're loving, and, well, the last few weeks have been the best of my life!"

The yellow pegasus blushed and hid behind her mane a little, "Oh, um, well, I love you too," she whispered before blinking and sitting up, "Oh! I have so much to do! Everypony's going to find out from Pinkie by noon and then I won't be able to get anything done around the house. Rarity will want us for dresses, Applejack and Pinkie will argue over catering. There's so much to do! I'll see you at home!"

Fluttershy dashed out of the building leaving three confused fillies wondering what the hay was going on. They stood slowly, finished their drinks and paid before beginning the slow trudge back to their cottage. It was getting difficult for Derpy to manage such long distances despite keeping in shape throughout, so it was with a great sigh that she collapsed on the comfortable couch as soon as they returned home. Dinky vanished off to play with the Cutie Mark Crusaders and tell them the good news.

Sparkler went outside to search for her soon-to-be Mom number two and found her madly dashing about the back yard feeding various animals. She pitched in and helped the pegasus calm down before the inevitable rush of ponies to congratulate the couple.

Fluttershy meanwhile was all out of sorts in the house, cleaning up some of the foals stuff that was laying about and worrying over her marefri- her fiancee. She wondered what Applejack and Rarity would say, since they'd been together for over a year and had only whispered about marriage. Twilight and Rainbow Dash were another situation entirely. Hopefully the wedding would cheer them up instead of depress them further. It was hard to think about the two, let alone watch them slowly fall apart from the situation.

Her train of thought was derailed as a pink blur tackled her to the ground and stared into her face, rambling on about something related to cakes. It was definitely Pinkie Pie, "H-hello, Pinkie..."

The earth pony smiled and stood up, continuing her rant about cake tastings and catering and wondering who the best mare was going to be. Derpy sat on her couch giggling behind a hoof at the hyperactive mare. Sparkler was busying herself in the kitchen and trying to be a teenager, ignoring her family. Fluttershy gradually just sat down next to Derpy, who laid her head across the other pegasus' lap. Stroking that blonde mane made it easy to ignore the bouncing pink pony that finally took a breath, "So, which flavor do you think?"

"Which flavor of what?" asked the relaxing pregnant mare, slowly melting from the attention of her fiancee.

"Of cake, of course, silly filly! I gotta make sure I have enough of whatever flavor for the wedding!"

Fluttershy rolled her eyes, "Pinkie, the wedding's not going to be a while. Derpy's pregnant and growing and Rarity would have to constantly adjust her dress... I think we should wait for her foaling before we stress out about a huge ceremony."

"But that's the thing, Fluttershy! You two don't have to worry or plan, I'm sure the 5 of us can come up with everything! Sparkler and Dinky can help too!" Pinkie said, bouncing over.

"I know, Pinkie, but, please, can we wait? I don't want my maref- my fiancee to be stressed at all right now. Stress is bad for the foal, and she's so far along."

"Oh alright, but we're still gonna plan it! When are you due, Doo?" Pinkie giggled to herself at the unintentional, or was it, play on words.

"It should be another two months. I just found out this morning I can't fly, so."

"And pegasi can't fly during the last two months of their pregnancy, just like unicorns get severe migraines if they try to use magic beyond telekinesis during the third trimester," Fluttershy nodded, rubbing a hoof over the pregnant belly of the mare in her lap. The mare in question wiggled and churred softly, a blush forming under her cheeks. Derpy had always had a sensitive tummy. Having it stretched by her foal made it that much more sensitive.

"Well, then I'll hop back into town then and get everything started!" Pinkie said, hopping out the door, "Oh! Derpy! The baby shower is Saturday, at Rarity's!"

"B-baby shower!?" the two mares balked, but their earth pony friend was already gone.

Fluttershy sighed and ran a hoof lightly along the curve of Derpy's currently useless wings, causing her to shiver, "That pony... I'll never understand."

"I don't think I'll try... Are you going to tease me all afternoon, then?" the grey mare asked as her love ran a hoof down her side again.

"O-oh!" the shy one gasped, putting a hoof to her mouth to try and cover a blush, "I didn't know I was teasing you, I'm sorry!"

Derpy rolled off the couch and stood up, heading to the hallway that led to their bedroom. Sparkler wisely made herself scarce, heading into town to find some of her friends or just hang out in the park and talk to Lyra. Anything to prevent the mental images that were threatening to pop into her head. As the pregnant mom reached the halfway point in the hallway, she called back to the living room, "Fluttershy?"


"Take me to bed or lose me forever."

The yellow pegasus' wings immediately jerked out to their full length as her entire face went redder than Big Mac's flank with a sunburn. She stood, shakily, and followed her love down the hallway, speechless. It had been... a very, very long time since she'd done anything like this with anypony, but she was willing to try. Out of the kindness of her heart, she told herself.

Derpy was already on the bed, grinning with her face flushed with a hormonal surge she hadn't been expecting.

It was going to be a great afternoon.