• Published 29th Jun 2012
  • 4,240 Views, 138 Comments

Midwife Crisis - starshine_dash

Fluttershy takes Derpy in after she's left out in the rain.

  • ...


Chapter 6: Embryo
I'm starting to run out of technical terms here...

The two mares remained locked in a kiss that seemed like it would never end. Neither of them wanted it to. Derpy raised her forelegs and wrapped them around Fluttershy's neck, pulling the other pegasus down next to her. During the slight tumble, the kiss was broken, but they remained locked together in a hug upon the grass. Words didn't need to be said yet. The moment was all that mattered. The crickets that had willingly bowed out for Fluttershy's performance began to play their own songs of the night once again as Derpy finally broke the silence.

"That was a very nice song, Shy... The kiss was nice too," she said with a smile.

Fluttershy squirmed a little, trying to form a coherent thought. For a few moments all that came out was stuttering. The smile on Derpy's lips grew wider while the yellow pegasus worked her way towards a sentence, "I, um, I'm glad you liked it. I didn't... Didn't know if you would or not... but I had to..."

"It's okay, Shy," the amber-eyed mare shushed, running a hoof through her companion's mane, "Not a lot of ponies have ever done that to me... and every one that has, that has felt like this one did... Well, they're very rare."

"I've... um, never actually done that before..."

Derpy giggled rolled onto her back, looking up at the stars that Luna had painted the night with. Her mind went a thousand places at once, as usual, but this time every single place was centered on one significant fact: Fluttershy had worked up the nerve to kiss her, and it felt nice. Where did it all go from here? Each of the thousand thoughts in her head offered a different opportunity for success or failure. Shaking her mane out and turning back to face the other mare at last, she smiled again, then yawned suddenly, "Oh, I guess I'm really tired... I wanted to lay out here all night."

"Oh, but you could catch a cold! That wouldn't be good at all! Come on, let's get you to bed, then," the other pegasus blurted out, helping her friend to her feet and making for the house, " You have to keep up your health you know. The foal needs its mom healthy."

The grey mare smiled and giggled softly. Fluttershy had gone right back into caregiver mode without a second thought. It was sweet of her to worry, but sometimes she worried a bit too much. So much stress wasn't healthy. At least the spa visits to which she regularly vanished off with Rarity seemed to help her unwind. Maybe there was something this bubble-headed blonde could do to help. A few dozen thoughts raced through her mind and she shook them out before they could take root, turning her head to avoid staring directly at her companion's flank. It was a very nice flank though, she had to admit. She shook her head again and cleared her throat as they entered the house.

"Well, Derpy, you get to bed. I should too; it's much later than usual for me to be getting done practice..."

"Okay, Shy. Sleep well. We can talk in the morning. Let's go to that café over by Sugarcube Corner. My treat?"

"That, um, that sounds wonderful. I look forward to it," the pink-haired mare replied with a shy smile before retreating in the direction of her bedroom.

Derpy made her way back to her own room, flopping onto the pillows and willing her brain to shut the hay up so she could get back to sleep. It was always loud this time of night. Her thoughts always were swirling around like a never-ending whirlpool. Things to do, things done, regrets, hopes, failures, all of it. Tonight though, it was worry about the future, and the replay of her former coltfriend kicking her out. It didn't take long for the tears to start again. It did, however, take a very long time to cry herself to sleep.

The morning came far too quickly, interrupting Fluttershy's happy dreams. For Derpy, it meant not enough sleep to deal with everything her brain was throwing at her. She put on her usual happy face for her hostess and gave her a soft nuzzle before joining her in the morning chores. The work went slightly slower than usual today, owing to the fact that they spent more time close together than they did actually doing what they needed to.

Finishing their chores, they wandered into town to seek out the café Derpy had mentioned last night. It was not hard to find. Placed just a few doors down from Sugarcube Corner and proudly offering the Cake's famous baked goods in addition to several dishes of their own, Café's Café was packed. The line for the counter was out the door and ponies were chattering happily as they waited. The two mares waited for a few minutes before an outdoor table finally opened up for them to sit at. No sooner had they set their haunches on the provided seats did a stallion approach the pair.

"Good Morning, ladies, I'm Café Creamer and this is my ... no longer humble establishment. Had I known the new blend and offering the Cake's baked goods would be this good for business I would have expanded sooner. Our special today is an egg, daisy, and chrysanthemum panini with a chipotle mayo and a side of hay fries. Our recommended blend is the Zebran Breakfast Blend," he said all while placing menus and a fresh floral display in the center of the table, "I'll be back in just a few minutes to take your order. In the meantime, feel free to peruse the menu and nibble on the floral display if you need a bit of an appetizer."

Derpy smiled and looked back to Fluttershy after trying to take in everything he said. His mouth seemed to be moving faster than Rainbow Dash with a tailwind, "Did you catch anything he said?"

Fluttershy blinked and hid behind her mane, "Oh, um, he said they have a special and he'll be back after we've had a chance to look over the menu..."

Derpy nodded and picked up the menu, taking a look to see what this place offered. None of it could taste as good as that kiss from last night, she thought while trying to decide how best to vanquish the grumbling monster that her stomach became when she was hungry. A stack of flapjacks sounded perfect, with fresh apple syrup from the Apple family farm. Having decided, she put her menu down and looked across at her companion. She found that her eyes were able to focus on the other pegasus for a longer time than most other things she looked at.

The yellow mare hid behind her menu while she waited for the owner to return. She wasn't sure how to act on a date, after all. Wanting three things at once was difficult for the shy filly. She wanted to hide, to reach across the table and kiss Derpy, and to just eat like a normal lunch with a friend. Luckily her reverie was broken by the return of the coffee-brown stallion.

"Well, ladies? What will it be?"

One amber eye trailed over to their host, "I'll have a stack of the flapjacks, please. Oh! And your new blend!"

Looking across at her love, Fluttershy whispered her order, "I'll have the special please, with the recommended blend..."

"Right you are, ladies, I'll be back when it's ready!"

Derpy smiled at him again and watched him push his way through the line to return inside. Turning back toward her friend, she spotted a familiar face approaching the table. It was not a pretty sight, "Oh no... Oh why is he here..." she said, starting to tear up.

Fluttershy turned around and spotted him in an instant. Pale yellow coat, golden brown mane, cutie mark of a barrel and baking pan, "Him..." she said, barely above a whisper.

The colt approached, ignoring Fluttershy and coming to stand, wobbly, near Derpy, "Derpy, baby... I been lookin' everywhere fer you... I miss ya baby... I'm sorry bout what I said... but if you get rid of the foal you can come back home."

"E-excuse me..." Fluttershy whispered. The colt didn't respond and kept rambling to Derpy about things she'd done wrong, things she'd done almost right, and ways she could improve. It was obvious he was completely drunk despite Celestia raising the sun only a few hours ago, "Excuse me?" she asked again.

Her grey-coated companion was in tears and the crowded line was starting to quiet down and stare at the spectacle that was forming. The nerve she had found briefly last night flared back into life as she slammed her hooves on the table and glared at the colt, "Excuse me!?"

The stallion turned and regarded the mare in front of him with a drunk wobble, "Hey pretty lady, I'm Cracker Barrel... Derpy never told me she could bring friends," he said with a slur and an obvious wink.

Fluttershy locked eyes with him and stared, burrowing deep into his soul, "What do you think you're doing, picking on a lovely mare like Derpy like that? She has been nothing but the greatest pony while she's been staying with me and you have the gall to tell her to get rid of the foal that you fathered? I have half a mind to kick your flank all the way back to whatever gutter from which you crawled!"

Cracker tried to swell up and yell back, but for that stare. Those eyes burrowing into him sobered him up far more than a strong cup of coffee or a week off the sauce ever could. He had never backed down in a fight, let alone a shouting match with a mere mare, especially a "hollow-boned pegasus." His legs started shaking without his approval and he could feel a shudder go up his spine as her litany against him continued. The stallion didn't even hear words anymore, all his senses were dead save for his eyes, which were unable to do anything but focus on that stare. One by one his legs gave out until he was on the ground, looking up at the yellow demon who must have taken his very soul with those eyes.

He slowly lost the capacity for rational thought, logic turning out the lights behind him as he left. Reason and Dignity were waiting for him and the three made for the hills with nary a look back. Panic took the opportunity to sneak in and work his magic on the stallion's brain. The evil yellow demon finally stopped talking, pointing one hoof off to her right. The quivering pile of pony formerly known as Cracker Barrel gulped and fled in that direction, no one quite sure if he would ever stop.

Fluttershy was breathing heavily as she calmed down and sat back on her haunches. She quickly noticed everypony staring at her and immediately hid underneath the table. This action didn't really help; the table was quite high enough and lacked a tablecloth to sufficiently hide her. A pair of hooves started clapping, followed shortly by more and more from the rest of the observing crowd. Derpy found her way under the table, tear-streaked cheeks holding a smile as she kissed her savior fully on the lips in front of everypony. The blonde-maned pegasus helped her friend up and hugged her tightly.

"Fluttershy... That was terrifying and awesome and everything all at once. I love you, Shy," Derpy said, blinking away more tears into the pink mane of her companion.

"I, um, I just wanted... He shouldn't have said... I... I love you too, Derpy..." the other mare stuttered out slowly. The clapping stopped and the two sat back down, looking at each other with wet eyes and soft smiles.

"Well, I have to say that is the most interesting thing to ever happen in my café, sweeties. Here you are, on the house," Café said, setting their meals down in front of them with his magic before smiling, "If you two sweethearts need anything else, just let me know."

The two looked to the stallion and then back to each other. Fluttershy blushed heavily and tried to hide her face with her panini while Derpy just smiled happily and dug into her flapjacks. Café retreated back into his shop and slipped behind the counter. He smiled and looked a little dazed until somepony smacked the back of his head with an empty coffee bag. He shook his mane and looked for his attacker, "Who dares?!"

"You gonna sit there looking stupid all day or are you gonna help me catch up on these orders?" the other pony said, holding the empty bag in his magic while glancing at the bean roaster next to him.

"Sorry hun, just reminiscing," he said and gave the other stallion a kiss on the cheek before bagging some bagels and setting a pot of coffee up to brew.

The other stallion simply rolled his eyes and went back to work, muttering something about sappy coltcuddling moron.

Sweet Celestia! This chapter is almost twice as long as the last one! Hope everyone enjoyed seeing Cracker Barrel get The Stare(tm)