• Published 13th Dec 2016
  • 17,089 Views, 563 Comments

Call me Queenie - Abaddon spice

Thrown in as a changling Queen far before the Canterlot invasion, and trust me mate, I got 99 problems and a Chrysalis ain't one.

  • ...

Rise of a nutty queen and compadre

I inspected the large group of changelings surrounding Scout.

'Chitin. Blunt weapon will probably be the most effective.' I silently concluded, as I discreetly looked around for useable weapons.

As much as I would love to use my default "Magic Missile" it would probably be more likely to damage Scout more than help him in this type of situation.

'Game logic don't fail me now' I thought grimly as I slowly began to walk forward as my choosen weapon caught my eye.

'Your majesty?!'

Ignoring Scout's exclamation, I quickly dodged the first changeling that leapt towards me. Catching them (he/she/it?) off guard as it tumbled behind me.

Yeah, I might be a girl, but I have plenty of elementary school fights under my belt; and no matter what I will always remember my grandfather's wise words.

"Young lady, there is no such thing as a fair fight. If you have to get in a fight remember this; find the heaviest object near you and beat the fucker's head-in."

Ah, truly wise words grandpa.

I quickly grabbed a fallen brick off the ground, and as the first one got up, it spun and lept for my back. I whirled around and smashed my newly acquired weapon into its face. A mix between a crunch and a squelch greeted me as dark green blood sprayed onto my chitin, and the rest of the changelings backed up. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins and by the time another scraped up enough courage to attack me, I easily grabbed it by its horn and slammed its head into the hard ground. Its neck snapped due to whiplash, and I tossed the body aside so I could regain my trusty brick.

The group (fueled by the rage of their discarded hive mates) tried to tactfully surround me.


I tried my best on attacking the ones that tried to get out of my line of sight but soon I was surrounded.

To make matters worse, after a few hefty beatings my trusty brick broke.

Broke as in crumbled to dust as I smashed a lug's face-in.

Now, there was about eight of them left, I had no weapon, and they all tried to dog pile me.

'Wings don't fail me now.' I prayed as I floored it and shot up above the charge. As they pulled upwards to follow me, I stopped buzzing my wings and promptly fell towards the still pulling up changelings.

'Mental note: Move was extremely effective but Kerrigan was hit with recoil' I grunted as picked myself up off the eight changelings I just promptly body slammed.

One of them still was conscious after my tactful body slam and was pinned under one of its larger comrades. Its squirming grew more frenzied as I got closer and towered over it.

I brought my hoof up-


-and I pulled out the trapped changeling.

I looked dead into its pupilless compound eyes, "Tell your high bitch that Queen Kerrigan owns these lands now," I growled as I tightened my grip, "And if I ever see one of you little plate bags on my turf again, I will inform her of her poor decision myself."

I bared my fangs.


It squeaked.

'I'll take that as an affirmative.'

I tossed the changeling to the side and turned to see what I could do to the rest of the raiders.

I blew another attacker to pieces, 'Now that Scout was safe I could probably just leave.' I thought as I bucked another raider, 'But there's villlagers here, I can't just leave them,' I tried to reason as more blood coated my legs.

Basically what happened, after I handed out a mint brand can of ass-whoopin' the one I spared notified the others that I was kicking ass so about all of them now are trying to kill me. Yay.

But to be honest I felt kind of bad for them, the ones I had killed off earlier were warriors (I guess) I assume that they were far more important than the ones I was fighting now. Mainly because the poor saps that were basically throwing themselves at me were way too thin to be considered healthy.

As I finally crushed my last opponent's skull I realized the changelings were no longer attacking me.

I wiped green blood off of my hoof, and stood tall over my defeated foes. Different mixtures of changeling blood dripped off of my chitin. 'Ugh I'm going to have to clean that off'

The survivors finally decided they wanted nothing to do with me, but still tried to intimidate me with a unified hiss.

They hissed.

I snarled.

I mean, this wasn't some roar, this wasn't some loud yell. This was some sort of rabid, tiger, honey badger, Dragon bear, snarl. And Damn! Those little shits shot out of there like the devil themselves was after them.

In hindsight she probably was.

As I watched the raiders retreating forms, I looked down at the blood coating me and something finally clicked. A shiver went down my spine 'I didn't feel a thing' I thought as I looked down at the lifeless bodies surrounding me. I felt, well, wrong. I mean I knew what I did and I acknowledged it but there was nothing. No sympathy no regret, heck! Even my worry seemed pretty mild. However, before I could go too far down that rabbit hole of thought, a little red blur latched on one of my forelegs and drew my attention.

I looked down into the wide eyes of my awestruck drone, 'They hurt what was mine~ What they got was a warning! Simple as that-'

'H-how.. you just took on a raid troop by yourself, your majesty. Were you prepared in case you failed? ' Scout's voice Interrupt- asked shakily as he clung to my foreleg for dear life.

I thought for a moment for a liable answer or at least some bullshit excuse, but in the end I decided to go the easy route of pure honesty.


And the same way as my murderer train of thought ended, I terminated the conversation with Scout (who was, by the way, spluttering incoherent thoughts over the mind link). I walked up to the cowering tribe zebras (Scout now my new leg band), and coughed to get their attention.

"Which one of you is the Chief of this village?" I announced and all of them backed away till one zebra mare stood tall.

"I am the chieftess of this village, spirit beast, what do you want. For our children you eat." She spat vehemently at me despite the fearful looks she got from her tribesmates.

I shrugged the glare off and slightly looked down at Scout.

'Do they really need to rhyme? I mean that one was pretty bad.'

'I don't know, your majesty. Mystic zebra stuff, I usually just go with it for cover.' Scout dazedly replied once his little buggy mind went through a complete reboot.

I gave Scout a silent agreement and returned my attention to the passive aggressive chief mare.

"I'm quite sure I don't eat foals, Ms..."

As I waited for the mare to respond I realized what position I was in.

The raid party had retreated, the villagers were defenseless, and last I checked changelings can make storage cocoons.

Conquer or destroy, seize this opportunity to control.

I weighed the thought for a bit.

"Becio." She finally replied and I almost didn't hear her.

"Ah, Becio. My sincere apologies, for the scare but I mean you no harm." I stated calmly as I pulled myself from my thoughts.

Becio glanced at the blood covering me with one eyebrow raised.

I rolled my eyes, "See for yourself" and then I whistled.

A few small heads poked behind some rubble.

"Is it safe?" One of them whisper-shouted.

"Quite." I replied and the foals made their way to their parents.

Before I knew what was happening Becio shot towards one filly and colt and was hugging the life out of both of them.

"Zeki! Toko!" I was so worried!" she cried, tears rolling down her face, and the foals wrapped their arms around their mother, crying as well. Both being happily relieved that the other was alright.

I of course stood there like a dumbass, slowly inhaling the delicious emotions off this heartwarming scene.

'Mmm, this is good.'

'More for the hatchlings, your majesty'

I glanced down and noticed Scout too was inhaling the scene a well.

Suddenly, and idea popped into my mind.

Or more like latched onto my free foreleg.

I looked down and saw the small zebra filly (Zeki, I presume) hugging my free foreleg.

"Thank you Ms. spirit beast." She said happily as she hugged me a little harder.

'Damn.' Was all I could think as I got a full blast of Gratitude sent my way.

'Wait a minute. Did I hear a zebra not rhyme?'

'Your majesty, what you've done before was amazing. What you did right now was a miracle.'

'Scout I need your opinion here. Do you think it would be beneficial if we allied with the zebra tribes?"


I rolled my eyes, 'You heard me.'

'Y-your majesty, they are food bags. Prey. Why should we ever ally with them?!'

'So ,we can passively feed till the hive has enough warriors so we can take this entire village for ourselves'

'Sh- that's not what I-'

'That is ingenious, your majesty! You must be the craftiest queen to walk the savanna!' Scout mentality squeed.

Great, now Scout thinks I'm out for world domination. God damn you, weird murderous thoughts!

To my loss, I had no time to correct the situation, the waking world was demanding my attention.

"Miss spirt beast, are you well? It seems quite hard to tell."

I looked down at my little interrupter with a bit of a smile.

"I am fine young one, but I have a question."

It took flipping forever till Becio decided to trust us (not that I can blame her) but after stating a few points and actually explaining a little bit of our diet. She at least allowed us to visit the village outer boundaries, anything past that however was off limits.

So after my long and weary debate with the chieftess, Scout and I returned home. Once we got back I saw my little grub that I had put in charge a was organizing my other grubs into secs based on their skills.

'Do you like it mother?' My little grub squeaked, (To be honest I was just surprised how much better their speach got) I smiled and patted their head.

'I'm very proud, why don't you tell me about each section you've divided each of your siblings in.' My little organizer immediately went down into FULL detail about every division she had just established in the however long time I was gone.

Infiltrators: Silent movers with an amazing skill of immediate transformation. While all changelings can transform, Infiltrators can come up with identities, full backstories, and fleshed out character designs under seconds. They have extended magic pools which allow them to stay in transformation longer as well as an extra food pouch to bring love home.

Warriors: Bulkier than infiltrators, yet more durable. What they can't make up in stealth they make up in brute strength. Warriors are more intended to stay in/near the hive so they don't have great aerial maneuverability (they don't fly much). However, they can sprint like a cheetah, and mostly use this ability for charging as well as fast transportation.

Airforce: Really good at flying (that's about it). Mostly used for scouting due to their uncanny ability to haul ass if spotted.

Workers: They maintain the hive, adding new chambers if needed or rebuilding damaged ones. Mostly focused on construction work, but can detect infiltrators.

Caretakers: Nurses that take care of the grubs till they exit their nymph stage. Not as durable as warriors, but can dish out a can of ass kicking if the grubs they are taking care of are in danger.

Lastly, my little squirt pointed to them-self Pupa: Organizers, defenders, and heirs to the Queen.

I raised an eyebrow at that, but I let it slide. I did basically put them her in charge, however I had to wonder how she knew which grubs went into which group. On the outside they all looked around the same, red eyes, larvae lower half, little fangs, 'maybe it's their hive links?' I wondered and I examined the networks of minds which connected to me.

My guess was correct, each group had a specific glow to it, infiltrators were purple, warriors were dark orange, workers were bright red, Air Force was blue, and caretakers were pink. My pupa surprisingly, had a white link, while my own was a dark red. Scout had a faded blue link, which I guess was faded to let me know he wasn't from my hive.

Chirping, I saw my little grubs began to surround me, I think they were smelling the love I had ingested. Leaning forward, I began hacking up wads of pre-digested love, as my grubs eagerly swarmed over it. It was disgusting, but my little spawns were being fed, so fuck it.

After my grubs had stuffed themselves my Pupa cleaned up the mess at sat by my side. Looking down at her, I squinted a bit and saw very thin strands of mane barely sprouting from her scalp. 'How could I have missed that?' I wondered and my Pupa let out a small yawn. Looking around I saw my children had piled onto each other, making a snuggle pile. I smiled and nodded to my struggling-to-stay-awake Pupa, "You may join them." Her eyes beamed, and she gave me a grateful bow as she wiggled over to the pile and dove in.

After a few squeaks and uncomfortable chirps, they finally all settled down and went to sleep. Deciding I could handle watching over the hive, I told Scout he could take a break. So now I'm sitting at the opening of the cave daydreaming as the wind outside blows some tumbleweeds past.

Hmm...how many names can I come up for 127 children?

[In the depths of the Anise hive]

"What do you mean the raiding party failed." A dark figure growled as they sat upon their carved throne.

A cowering drone trembled before his queen, "A Feral queen attacked us yo-your majesty. She used our attack as an example of claiming her territory." The dark figure stiffened.

"An example you say."

Before the drone could utter another word, its head was removed from its body.

"That is an example," she growled as she turned to another drone, "You will lead a war party to this insufferable queen" she commanded and the drone immediately shook its head.

"...and if you fail," the drone stopped as two Ice blue eyes began to glow, "You better pray that the Feral kills you.

Author's Note:

Boom. Update.