• Published 30th Apr 2017
  • 4,650 Views, 198 Comments

Revisiting Lessons - Grey Rebl

The Brony Fandom died. For a former middle-aged Brony who met his end, TutorialBlues88 nostalgically wondered if his twice decade-long obsession was still worth it. Through optional reincarnation, he sought answers.

  • ...

Elements of Harmony, Part 1

“Huh. To think I was so close.”

I laid a hoof against the soft bark of a newly grown zap apple tree. The remains of the pierced oak were left messily to the side, a portion of the stump split in two. It was a spectacle with violent and frightening implications.

Manny walked up and purred besides me, oblivious that it also could’ve been him. One mistake, and he’d be a skewer. Fortunately for him, I accounted for that and acted precisely. Otherwise, last night would’ve been my first and last in this world.

A clopping sounded behind me, and I turned to face stripes, a simple brown cloak, and a smile.

“It seems your story holds truth,” Zecora noted as she stared up at the steep mountain cliff face ahead. “At this height, you luckily didn’t break more than just a hoof.”

“Yeah...lucky me.” I took a breath and sighed, rubbing my head. I flinched. I felt the scar tissue, which ran diagonally my forehead, but nothing could be done about it. It was there to stay. Better not dwell too long about last night... “Let’s keep going. Just half an hour away, right?”

“That is indeed." Zecora nodded sagely. "But in the Everfree, take heed.”

It had been days since Zecora found me. She helped me recover from my stand off with Manny against the timberwolves. The shaman was a hospitable host, even if the taste of her concoctions was left to be desired. Under her care, I learned a great many things.

My injuries were serious, but were treatable. Mana Deprivation, Zecora said. All living things use and rely on mana, not only as a tool but also as a life force. The numbing sensation during my struggle with the timberwolves? That was them sucking my essence dry. I shivered just thinking about it.

Background music was real in this universe: another discovery. I smiled thinly as I recalled the atmospheric shaman melodies during my stay. Even now, I could hear it from Zecora beside me...so long as it wanted to be noticed, if that made any sense. Sometimes I hear it, and sometimes I don't. It only ever plays whenever Zecora was around. When I asked, she looked puzzled. She wasn't aware of any music. At the time, I stumbled over my words and it turned into a talk about her homeland's music.

She enthusiastically obliged.

I told her my version of the story, that I was a traveler who happened to have taken the wrong turn and gotten lost. I’d rather keep my humanity and sudden popping into existence a secret. The events I experienced, though, I told truthfully.

She was nothing short of amazed. Apparently, it was unheard of for a pony to survive against a pack of timberwolves, let alone fight it off. Even stranger, I did so back to back with a manticore. Our bond was a peculiar one. If it weren’t for the poison joke, the wolves would have outlasted us. In fact, Zecora found me leaning next to Manny while on her way home. The field of poison joke was the same exact one from “Bridle Gossip.”

As for Manny? He was my constant companion besides Zecora throughout my recovery, napping outside the hut like a guard dog. Zecora didn’t mind. Rather, she welcomed him. He warded off the lesser predators durng his stay.

When I was able to move out of bed, I was, in her words, ready to reconnect with my own kind. That led to now. We're all heading to Ponyville. Knowing that I was so close to my destination last night, it felt a bit frustrating. If I had just turned my head instead of admiring the sunset, I could've seen it from the mountain top! Too bad the ledge gave way before I had a more thorough look.

Eventually, the trees began to thin out, and it was time for Manny and I to part ways.

“So.” Rubbing the back of my neck, I faced the manticore. Past his predatory gaze, he held such a soft, cartoony teddy bear-like look that I thankfully found it easier to flow out the words. “I guess this is farewell. It’s been nice knowing ya, even if we started out roughly—wha?!”

Against my expectations, Manny snorted and licked me. Licked me.

"Oh?" Zecora giggle delightfully beside me. "It seems he likes you so."

I was dumbfounded. However, by the manticore’s bemused expression, his message hit home. My cheeks stretched comfortably, even as the saliva slid down from the movement. “Hehehe,” I chuckled lamely. “Right, right. I was supposed to say ‘until next time.’” I huffed. “I swear, you’re a handful.”

Manny's cheshire grin returned, and then he slyly prowled back into the Everfree Forest, satisfied as a leopard. When his figure disappeared, I stared evenly at the foliage for a minute before Zecora urged me to keep on going. Despite the partings...I felt warm.

Zecora and I soon broke through the treeline with Ponyville in sight. I was excited. Here I was, a Brony in the land of Equestria. Nothing special, really. Death explained how others can experience similar depending on their wish of reincarnation. Was this how other felt? To practically to live a cartoon? I smiled inwardly at the thought. The shenanigans that I first experienced during my earlier years into the fandom... Will I find those feelings again? Already, I could hear and see the jovial ponies up ahead.

But in the instant we entered Ponyville proper, a single mare noticed us and gasped. The others noticed and horror filled their faces as they turn tailed and streaked away. Hush gasped echoed throughout the town and, within seconds, they disappeared. Done. Just like that.

Homes were deathly still, Shops were closed... We passed by an outdoor restaurant, the piping hot food abandoned on the tables an eerie reminder of their recent presence. The colors dulled in absence of the vibrant variety of the ponies, a few sign swaying as proof of their hasty exit. In their place was a lonesome void. When the signs stopped creaking: Silence. Like a ghost town.

“Bridle Gossip” didn’t happen yet, I realized, so the ponies were still afraid of Zecora. How long did Zecora go through it all? Outcasted by ponies too scared to come out and unravel the “mystery” of the zebra?

We stopped in front of Ponyville Hall, desolate as all the rest.

“Well, this is my stop,” I said lamely. The atmosphere didn’t help.

“I am sure you will have better luck in your endeavors,” Zecora comforts. “For now, I must continue mine, to the Everfree I reenter.” Wishing me well with a smile, she trotted back the way we came...as I watched helplessly the heaviness in her steps...

When she disappeared around a corner, I finally felt the weight of my circumstances: A brony in another world, starting with nothing but a useless pair of wings and a half-assed past. The excitement left me, replaced with a sense of abandonment as I just stood there, now alone in a town of a friendly community that seemed so empty and forgotten.

It was familiar.

Revisiting Lessons - Chapter 2:
Season 1 Ep. 1
Return of Harmony, Part 1

-Three Weeks Later-

“Hey, Tutorial!”

I, Tutorial Blues, sighed as I set down the book. Being the temporary attendee of a library, where hardly anyone or anypony visited, one would expect that my morning, afternoon and evening, would be spent in peace and solitude. Sadly, that wasn’t the case. Not when Pinkie was in town.

The pink pony’s bouncy mane teasingly brushed mine as it consumed my personal space. I didn’t shy away. There’s no point, only poofiness as she would just lean closer. I’d rather save myself the effort.

“Good morning, Pinkie Pie. Welcome to the Golden Oak Library. How can I help you?” I dryly recited my greeting. Knowing my luck and today’s occasion, I’ll likely be involved in a surprise party for a particular purple unicorn.

Suddenly, I found myself tight in her grasp.

“There’s a new pony in town!” She shook me with glee. Startled, I weaseled myself off instinctively. Not at all minding it, she proceeded to talk my ear off. “I met her while preparing for the Summer Sun Celebration! When I saw her, I was like—” she gasped long and exageratedly “—then left! I bet she’s sooo surprised! She’s purple, has this straight-mare mane, and—and—!”

I gently placed the hardcover of the book to her lips. A simple and seemingly natural action, borne from constant practice. Like a miracle, she stopped talking.

“You don’t have to tell. I’ll think of it as a surprise,” I said with a thin smile. I’d rather not be given information that I already knew. Cheekily, she nodded and accepted my suggestion. I then went to the main point of the matter. “So...when’s the party? And where?”

She gasped. “How did you know I’m going to throw a party?! Are you mind reader?”

“Pinkie,” I said tiredly as I absently laid my eyes at the pages of the reopened book, the words making less sense as the conversation went on. “I got a party when I first got here, another as a week-anniversary, and a third as an excuse to get me friends. Knowing my own welcome, this isn't all that different. So, the question?”

She lights up like the morning sun. “Oh! This evening right here!”

“...here?” I already knew that it was the case, but I had to ask to keep up appearances. I’m a stranger here, after all. “Aren’t libraries supposed to be quiet?” I grumble.

“Yep!” She explains, “I heard from Mayor Mare that a surveyor is staying over your place, so I put two and two and two and two—” hooves, more than what a pony should have, appeared consecutively at each ‘two’ she said “—together and so here we are!” She took a deep breath and grins at me with an expectant squee and sparkling eyes.

I deadpanned at her. It was several episodes too early to make that gag.

I wondered if she honestly expected that it’s allowed for a library, a place of public learning, to suddenly be a place for public partying. I helplessly smiled a bit though. It’s silly to hold against a cartoon character for doing cartoony things.

Besides, Pinkie observed right: I was assigned to welcome our visitor once she visit the library. It wouldn’t do to leave Twilight Sparkle alone without showing off Ponyville’s hospitality. Also, because I was free and they really needed the hooves to welcome her... Yeah. With everyone being so busy, enlisting my help was...somewhat desperate on their part. I willing obliged anyways.

“Although, calling the library my place is a bit much.”

“Well, you sleep here,” Pinkie countered. “But will you let me?” She pouted, and her eyes shimmered with begging anticipation.

That's just unfair.

“Alright, alright...” I tiredly relented. With a dry tone, I declared with a straight face, “By the power bestowed upon me as temporary library attendant, I bless you the right to freely distribute hugs, sweets, and happiness to all who shall dwell in this domain for the coming moon.”

“Heeeeee! Thanks Tori!” Her adorably bright giggles awoke something inside. Probably diabetes. “Okay! Let’s get started!” She readied her legendary party cannon—Ah. It appeared out of nowhere—and with a gleeful "Weeeeee!" she pulled the cannon’s plug, consecutively spraying confetti, confectioneries, tablecloths, balloons and more with unrealistic accuracy.

Bam! Banners and balloons were placed in full view of the entrance.

Bam! The library tables had white-pink cloth over them.

Bam! Cupcakes were armed and ready for heavy duty consumption.

Bam! Streamers, streamers everywhere. And was that glitter?

I lifted my books off the table I’m at and then—


—entire sets of board games lay crookedly in their place. Casually, I motioned my wings, straightening the sets into a neater pile.

My brain shivered from the blatant disregard of this universe’s physics engine, yet I took in the show like the cartoon enthusiast I was.

This went on until, finally, the whole room was adorned with all manners of lively colors. The entire library looked more than worthy of a simple surprise party overall. It was as though Pinkie spent this week’s entire party supply, and I would’ve thought it a superfluous gesture if I didn’t recall my memories of the first episode. After all, the party was going to last all night.

...I am so sleeping in after the Summer Sun Celebration.

“You’ve outdone yourself,” I complimented, “This doubles as a party to wait for the actual Summer Sunset Celebration as well?”

“Yepperoni!” The party cannon disappeared into her mane with a comedic plop. “This isn’t the real party, but this will be an appetizer for the big one!” she said with a bombastic grin.

“Yummy,” I commented listlessly, returning to my book to turn another page. "Anything else?"

"Oh! Before I forget, Mayor Mare told me to pass a message on to you!"

"Did she say something along the lines of 'smile, don't talk too much, and be hospitable'?"

She then looked at me in suspicious. “Are you sure you aren’t a mind reader?”

“Yes, I am sure. Mayor Mare's orders were rather...specific when Rainbow passed on the same thing. As did Cloud Chaser. And Golden Harvest.” My face couldn't get any blanker than it already was as I listed off the names.

Pinkie suddenly appeared right beside me from under the counter, wood creaking as if wailing from the blatant defiance of reason. She then reached over, her face centimeters away from mine, and whispered, “Tell me your secrets,” eyes narrowed spy-like.

I sighed. “Pinkie, don’t you have invitations to pass out?”

She gasped. “You are right! I’ll be right back and bring everypony in Ponyville here!” With a zoom, her barrel is already outside the door, her head slowly receding past the door as her mouth yammers, “It’s going to be a BLAST! You’ll have so much fun, Tori, just you wait! Watch over the party for me though, kay? Kay. Buh-bye now!” Finally, the door shuts.

Peace. Solitude.

The seconds ticked by as I glanced at a clock up the wall. Pink cotton adorned its rim, courtesy of the party cannon.

With yet another sigh, I set aside The Elements of Harmony reference book next to a small stack of others named The Mare in the Moon, Star Constellations for Dummies and Legends of the Everfree Forest. I breathed evenly, taking in the silence as I thought about what led me to where I was now, tracing with a wing the scars of bite marks under my shaggy mane.

My arrival three weeks ago had some conflicting reception. On one hand, I entered the town with the ‘witch’ beside me, directly from the Everfree Forest. On the other, I was capable of being recognized as a citizen of Ponyville before long. And it was surprisingly easy.

All I had to do was meet up with ponies in Town Hall for the paper work, and I had a smear on my certificate to prove it, a result of my ineptitude with my new body. It must’ve been strange to them as I dipped my own feathers into the inkwell and wrote with it instead of the quill they provided. Because, well, no hands. They didn’t mention it at all, deciding to speed up the process for my sake, but likely theirs, too. I sympathized—I wanted things to get it over with as well.

I could never forget the nervous smile Mayor Mare made as I shoddily filled out my forms.

I took odd jobs here and there. There was a request board by the Town Hall, but when I was essentially the only one using it, I unofficially ended up being the errand boy of the entire town. The work I could do was...not much at first. Although, working out my dexterity opened opportunities.

As for where I lived… Well, on paper, I have no residence. I just sleep in the library like a hobo, leaving the bedroom available alone. It was Twilight Sparkle and Spike’s; I wasn’t comfortable to sleep in it knowing that.

All in all, I was in a rut. Things weren’t going as planned nor as I had hoped.

But then Pinkie happened.

Turn that frown upside down!

Those words in my mind snapped me back to reality. Suddenly, I was acutely aware of the colorful decorations in the library for the first time since Pinkie’s departure. It reminded me of my first party here. Leaning back against my seat, I stared at the pink-adorned clock and watched the time tick by. I chuckled.


The light flashed on and I was finally ready to get back to reading again. Twilight Sparkle and Spike the Dragon, the sole rightful occupants of the library, were startled, just as today’s episode originally portrayed. Pinkie Pie yammered her introduction as Twilight fumed over her lack of alone time. I could sympathize.

Perhaps I should watch on and see the events unfold. For nostalgia, of course. Wasn’t that the point of me being here?

However, something different occurred.

“Yes, I was surprised.” Then, Twilight snarked, “and libraries are supposed to be quiet!”

Pinkie stopped her bouncing, looking at her in wonder. “Ooo! That’s what Tori said!”

That got my attention. I looked up from my book in morbid curiosity.

She then blubbers excitedly, ”Y’know, when I saw you, I didn’t recognize you. And that means you are new! I know everypony in Ponyville, you see. But I thought, ‘if you are new, then that means you have no friends!’ And if you have no friends, that means you’ll be really, really, lonely! But then I realized I know somepony else who’s just like you! Come on, I can’t wait for you meet him!”

No, seriously. The party mare couldn’t wait. She dragged the poor unicorn by her barrel and sped toward me, Spike trailing behind. It wasn’t hard to find me. I was literally in the same spot all day. I groaned, irritated as the goofy strum of the guitar transitioned to a mild harmonica. Just because I did a small reference initially… Dammit, I didn’t want to get involved.

The three were in front of me but I just stared, unimpressed.

Pinkie introduced us. “Meet Tutorial Blues! But I like to call him Tori! Tori, say hello to your new friend~!”


Taken aback by how dry my greeting was, Twilight couldn’t help but reply with a disturbed stutter. “H-hey…”

“Tori is the smartest pony I know,” Pinkie bragged. “He even does a lot of things for Ponyville. He does some gardening, some repairing and even some baking for some ponies! He’d even do an errand for you if you’d ask! If you have the bits,” she slyly added.

“Thank you, Pinkie,” I grumbled, “I couldn’t have advertised myself without you.”

“No problem, Tori! That’s what friends are for!” she said cheerfully, oblivious to my sarcasm. But then she turned and said in a hushed voice with narrowed eyes to Twilight, “Watch out, though. He’s a mind reader.”

I frowned. “I can still hear you, you know.”

“See? Miiind reader!” Pinkie rasps, eyes bulging as Twilight leaned away, uncomfortable. Even Spike took a step back. Then, she snapped and hopped away cheerfully saying, “Now you two have fun! I still have my other friends to introduce you to later.”

That now left Twilight, Spike, and me. Joy. With a sigh, I sat my book on my lap to engage in conversation. Seeing that I was just as thrilled to meet as her, Twilight relaxed. It said a lot about her intentions.

“Sorry about Pinkie Pie and her...antics,” I began, “but she really does love to make people feel welcomed.” I paused, thinking over that statement. “Actually, the same goes for everyone else in this town.”

Twilight nods, enjoying her respite as she took a seat. Spike tiptoed to peer over the edge of the table.

“At least there’s one pony who seemed to have any sense,” she bemoaned. “Are the ponies in this town always this crazy?”

I shrugged. “Eh. Everyone here is just excited for the celebration. The thousandth year of the longest day is a bit of a milestone. Special enough to send over a graduate of Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, I see.” Idly, I fiddled the cover of my book with a wing.

Twilight blinked, shocked. “You can tell?”

I gave a nod towards Spike. “That institution is the only one to legally use dragon eggs, having the royal backing to do so. For one to actually hatch? The earliest record was listed in the school’s public anthologies about 15 years ago, when a young filly did so upon her entrance exam. She wasn’t named. Privacy reasons, I read.” I stared straight at her. “I assume that’s you?”

The two stared at me, gobsmacked. And the goofy theme music continued.

“Y-yes. That’s me,” Twilight stammered, uncomfortable to meet my gaze.

Huh. I hoped I didn’t give them too much of a shock. I wasn’t bullshitting, either. I didn’t have to use my prior knowledge to prove my point There was both an anthology and a reference guide for Magic Schools in this very library. It probably helped that Ponyville was relatively nearby to Canterlot despite the rural setting. I had to say, Twilight had a good eye picking out Golden Oak as her home.

Spike leaned towards Twilight and said, “Wow, he’s good. Maybe he really is a mind reader.”

Thank you, Spike. I try.

“Who are you by the way?” I asked, eyeing the drake.

“Oh? Me? I’m Spike.“ The dragon waved, smiling.

I waved back with a wing. “Nice to meet you, Spike.”

“Same!” Spike replied cheerfully. His attitude seemed to compensate for Twilight’s own lack of enthusiasm for social interaction, of which he nudged an elbow to her rib for. “Seems like you two have somethings in common.”

Judging by the smug look he’s giving to the unicorn, he believed that we were 100% friendship compatible. Unfortunately, it seemed that he underestimated her deterministic solitude.

“Yeah,” Twilight grumbled, brows furrowed in frustration. “It’s...interesting to meet you and all, but I’m tired and I still have some personal business to attend.” This was further emphasized with her hoof rubbing under the base of her horn---relieving a migraine from Ponyville’s crazy.

“Awww, come on, Twilight!” Spike whined. However, he was ignored.

As if realizing something, I uttered, “Ah,” and nodded. I was supposed to introduce her to her room. “I see. If you need rest, I’ll show you to your quarters if you want.” I stood up, laying my book on the table.

At this, she lit up. “...that’s it? Just like that?”

“Just like that.”

She gave out an audible “phew!” and I resisted the need to raise a brow at that. It seemed that her future friends gave off an overbearing impression. Thinking back to the episode, it DID seemed like the case. Speaking of the episode, I needed to let it run its course.

We navigated around the slew of ponies scattered around the library. It was a tight fit, but it seemed that a majority of the Ponyville Residents were here. Initially, I figured the library would be too small for that, but I was proven wrong. Small world.

As I expertly avoided a certain rambunctious group of fillies, Twilight was stumbling under the insufferable might of greetings of which she was expected to reply to. Each hello seemed to put her on edge, as though a precious amount of her time would leap away if she answered. Spike took it all easily. If it weren’t for my stern strides splitting the crowd to open a path, they’d likely have a harder time going through.

“Here we are.” We stopped by the staircase. It was so conspicuous, I believe Twilight and Spike wouldn’t need my guidance if it weren’t for the overbearing crowd. “Upstairs will be your room. I doubt the noise level will be to your liking but it’ll be better.”

“Thank you.” Without hesitation, Twilight trotted up the stairs and slammed the door shut.

Sighing, Spike rubbed the back of his head. “I know she doesn’t seem like it, but she’s a good pony. Honest.”

“It’s admirable of you to try to salvage a friendship that never began, but it seems that she’s not ready to start it herself. Good effort, though.” In an attempt to make him feel better, I gently patted his head with a wing. “Enjoy the party. I’ll be by the table if you need me.”

Finally, I left, idly forming up the words of an explanation I will give to Pinkie about how I technically didn’t lose another friend.

Strange. I was happy with the standoffish outcome. I chuckled internally, a guilty feeling welling up as I realized why: It's still scary meeting new people. Maybe my relighted, past memories had something to do with it, but I'm an adult for crying out loud. I should've been over this. The music, growing louder, muted my thoughts.

I could feel Spike’s gaze on my back as the distance lengthened.

I was sulking at my table with a book on hoof. Besides Pinkie, who lamented over Twilight taking refuge in her room rather than bond with anyone, I wasn’t bothered at all. The ponies here knew to leave me alone, put off by my distant attitude to the festivities as a whole. A random pair of ponies even went out of their way to stay clear of my table.

Something in their path caught my eye. “Ah, watch out for that ball.”

Be it because they didn't hear or deliberately chose to ignore me, they met their downfall. “W-waaagh—ooof!”

One of them stepped on the ball and keeled over. Her friend shamelessly laughed at her misfortune as the ball rolled over to edge of the room, out of the way.

“...nevermind then."

For the past few hours, my mutual isolation ran its course throughout the night. I made to resume my reading, but purple and green appeared in my peripheral. A certain baby dragon had worked up the nerve to sit right next to me, and stared. I was so tempted to return the gaze, but I steeled my resolve, hoping that the awkward atmosphere between us would deter his attempt for a conversation.

“Sooo, you do freelance work?”

It didn't work.

Slowly, I turned and found myself staring at a lampshade Spike wore as a hat. He blinked innocently. Sighing, I closed my book. “Yeah. Pretty much,” I replied, watching the party-going crowd to avoid his gaze. “If I believe myself capable, I’ll take up the job as long as it provides the bits. Not much for me to do nowadays.”

At this, Spike's lampshade hat bobbed as he stifled a chuckle. “Man, you're so dry. By the way, Pinkie said you are a mind reader. That true?”

“No,” I said, “but if you give me that kind of face, I can already tell you don’t believe me.”

“But I mean, it’s so neat that you can tell at all!”

I blinked. “Is it?”

Spike smiled. “Yeah! Nopony bothered to know who Twilight is before, not unless she’s in the same class or something. I mean, hello! Celestia’s personal student!” Then, he grumbles, “She always holes up in the Canterlot Archives rather than make friends. Hardly anypony gets to know her.”

“Yeaaah. I think you mistake me for some pragmatic social sleuth. What I displayed earlier could easily be suspect of stalking or witchcraft.” In hindsight, I shouldn’t have tried to pull a clever one to begin with if that’s the case. But what the hell, it’s fun.

“You sure? I think you impressed her.”

“Spike, I—” I stopped when he looked smugly to somewhere else. I followed his gaze to see Twilight herself going down the stairs. Her eyes were set at my table. I looked back at Spike, who smiled cheekily. “Depending on what she wants, I’ll concede defeat.”

I withheld a frown as Twilight approached. This wasn’t suppose to happen. Ususlly she'd hole up in her room and then Spike calls for her to come out. Only the first episode, and it seemed that I made an effect. Just what was she going to say?

Twilight cleared her throat and spoke, “Hey, I’m sorry for leaving like that. It’s been a long day.”

I shrugged with my wings. “Stuff happens. Finished with your business?”

“No, but that’s why I’m here.” The purple unicorn then glances around, as if watching out for witnesses. “Earlier, you said that the 1000th year of the Sun Celebration is significant because I’m here. But that’s not all, is it?”

In other words, if I knew that much, then chances were that I knew more. A smart conclusion. It was something that was expected of her type of character but wasn’t as respected in the show as it should. In the show, the more dorky part of her prevailed, charming and yet cringe-worthy during her moments. But right now I underestimated the intellectual in her and found myself blindsided by the result of my clever ploy.

Heh. But it’s a pleasant surprise. Fine. I’ll follow along.

“You’re talking about the legend of the Mare and the Moon,” I said.

My reply brought a smile on her face. “So you realized it too!”

“How could I not? It’s a common tale taught to scare kids in Nightmare Night and the number 1000 is just everywhere.” I made a show to look pointedly at her. “But what’s your stance on this? Is this more than just an inspection of the celebration?”

It was at this point when Spike decided to jump in on the conversation. “Actually, she’s sent here just to make friends. I have the letter right here of Celestia saying that she should stop being cooped up in—”

“Yes!” Twilight suddenly interrupts, smiling nervously as she rips the letter from his grasp. She really wanted to keep up appearances, it seemed. “It’s true that I was sent here just to…socialize. However, if it concerns the fate of Equestria, I can not ignore this---coincidence or not---for it is my duty as Celestial’s student.” It didn’t take long for her determination to shimmer through her eyes.

Duty and study: it honestly felt as though she’s a soldier underneath her scholarly personality when I looked past her cartoony visage. It’s not something I can simply chuckle at. Meanwhile, Spike looked worriedly between the two of us, likely conflicted with the topic he had been trying to stray Twilight out of. But with her determination, he stayed his hand. Suddenly, a glass of punch seemed like a good idea.

“I see,” I said, “but what do you want me to do about it?”

She smiled. It seemed she took my reply as an offer to help.

“I want you to help me look for information. You’ve already shown you’re adept with analyzing information earlier.”

Ah. So that’s why. The reason was so simple I had to chuckle, taking a glance at Spike who had a satisfied look on his face. “I didn’t think that display impressed you. Y’know, for someone who didn’t seem sociable, you’re quite eager to find an ally in me.”

“Uh, I-I do?” She seemed confused, even conflicted, before regaining her composure. “I mean, yes, and that’s because I now know you understand the situation.”

To the side, Spike gasped at her declaration and pumped his fist in victory. “Yes! You acknowledged him as your friend!”

“I didn’t say that!”

I chuckled at her expense and then saved her the embarrassment with a statement, “Then I’ll just consider this a freelance job. Alright, boss, what are we looking for?”

“I want anything that relates to Nightmare Moon and artifacts known as the Elements of Harmony. Other pieces of info that can help us defend against her are welcome as well. And I need it soon.” Twilight tapped the table in emphasis.

I hummed in confirmation. However, our conversation had to be cut short by a shift in movement of the party-goers. The music stopped, but it seemed that the real excitement was about to begin as the enthusiastic crowd flowed toward the exit. After all, it’s time for the main event.

Unfortunately, Twilight couldn’t share the same sentiment. “It’s time already?” she breathed worriedly.

“We’ll just have to delay our search until after we confirm if Nightmare Moon’s return is real,” I said. I stood up from my seat and followed the crowd. “Let’s go. And whatever happens...happens.”

“...I hope I’m wrong,” Twilight muttered as she and Spike trailed behind.

“Come on, Twilight!” Spike reached up and patted her shoulder. “Lighten up. Besides, even if it’s true, Celestia would be there to kick butt! Swoosh! Magic! Bam! And then it'll be over!”

Oh, if only he knew.

The goal was clear, but my mind was cloudy as we trotted out the door. As a Brony, I was familiar with the events of Friendship is Magic, but I never expected myself to accidentally obtain a front row seat to the events themselves. At this rate, I couldn’t play spectator as I planned.

When I entered the cool air outside, my first thought was how great the night felt.

Author's Note:

Persona 5 has taken over my life. Send help.