• Published 30th Apr 2017
  • 4,648 Views, 198 Comments

Revisiting Lessons - Grey Rebl

The Brony Fandom died. For a former middle-aged Brony who met his end, TutorialBlues88 nostalgically wondered if his twice decade-long obsession was still worth it. Through optional reincarnation, he sought answers.

  • ...

Elements of Harmony, Part 2

“Stay back you foals!”

The night was terrible.

Thunder and maniacal laughter sounded all throughout the wide room as the Royal Guard performed their sacred duty: Charge in and be utterly useless. As a result, Nightmare Moon simply struck them down with lightning. The bout didn’t last long at all as she stormed out of the Town Hall in the form of midnight mist.

And that there was my first time seeing a true cartoon villain in the flesh. Music, color, and evil laughter—the encounter had it all. It was surreal being aware of the impending catastrophe and yet assured that it truly wasn’t the end. After surviving the dangers of the Everfree Forest, my knowledge of the future was almost comforting. Almost.

If I muck up at all, things won’t go as exactly as planned. The future would suddenly be left uncertain. My unintended bond with Twilight and Pinkie could attest to that. At least it was nothing major since the events remained the same.

The ponies were in an uproar. Her promise of eternal night resonated so deeply in the crowd that I could hear their despair. Where’s Celestia? Is the end nigh? What will they do? What can they do? But in the sea of hysterical ponies, I remained as calm as the eye of the storm.

One thing in my mind was certain: Princess Luna was best pony.

Revisiting Lessons - Chapter 3:
Season 1 Ep. 2
Return of Harmony, Part 2

“Are you a spy?”

I quietly sighed, walking into the door just in time to see Applejack pull the future Wonderbolt by the tail and give back Twilight her personal space. I didn’t sprint like the rest—I haven’t gotten the motor skills required for that yet, leaving me with a brisk trot as my max speed without tripping over myself. The rest of the Mane 6 were there, but I was left unnoticed as I closed the door with a soft click. Although Twilight was looking in my direction, the girls blocked me from view.

“Simmer down, sally. She ain’t no spy.” Applejack looked at Twilight. “But she sure knows what’s going on. Don’t you, Twilight?”

From there, the basic explanation of Nightmare Moon’s return went as exactly as I remembered, brief and concise. I stared up at the window near the ceiling, the moon in plain view. I admired the slight crescent of light in its blank space, once occupied by the Mare in the Moon’s image. I frowned.

Twilight went on, staring at the exact same view as I was. “Some mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony are the only things that can stop her, but I don’t know what they are, where to find them---I don’t even know what they do!”

“I bet Tori knows!” Pinkie said, and she looked straight at me. “I saw him read something like that.”


As one, everyone in the room became acutely aware of my presence, surprised. I was too, but mostly because this turn of events didn’t go as I expected. True, I read the book about the Elements of Harmony before, but Pinkie was meant to find the book herself. I even put it back exactly where it belonged just to let it happen. But then again, this was Pinkie Pie I was talking about. I suppose it was too naive to believe that she would do exactly as what’s in the show, and I had to acknowledge that the same was possible for the rest of the Mane 6.

Although, it didn’t make the suspicious looks the girls besides Twilight and Pinkie gave me hurt any less. I returned it with a blank look and a salutation of my own.

“Hi.” It’s in dire need of a personality.

Nonetheless, I took it as my cue to show them the book. I trudged to one side of the library, ignoring the stares until I was in front of a certain bookshelf.

“It was under ‘E’,” I said, stealing from Pinkie’s original line. “Library’s ordering system is simplistic like that.” I picked off a book with a wing, heavy once it went off the shelf. “Here we are. Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide.

I showed the cover to Twilight and she nodded happily. Against my expectations, she didn’t take it out of my wing.

“Thank you, but we need to go as soon as possible. You already read the book, right? You can tell us more as we go.”

She’s already trusting me to take lead. This development...wasn’t it a bit too fast? Twilight had initially denied the Mane 6’s aid, but sought out mine quite easily enough. Was it because showed myself as reliable? Regardless, she was the boss. Instead of watching from afar, I’ll be in the middle of their adventure no matter what I did. I remembered the good ol’ days where I’d marathon through these episodes splurging on potato chips without a care. What happened to those days?

“Castle of the Royal Sisters, deep in the Everfree Forest,” I replied. I didn’t even need to open the book. “It’s where Nightmare Moon was defeated.”

Everyone but me and Twilight suddenly exclaimed, “The Everfree Forest!?”

“What’s wrong? Is the Everfree Forest that dangerous?” Twilight asked, concerned.

“Dangerous doesn’t even dare to begin,” Rarity said. “Just by looking at the entrance, it’s dreadful!”

Even Applejack appeared disturbed. “And besides, that place… It just ain’t natural!”

Despite their fearful expressions, Twilight remained steadfast. When the fate of Equestria was at stake, she couldn’t back down from danger, not when she was determined to save Equestria with her own two hoofs. “Even so, we still have to get the Elements of Harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon.”

A pause. “You sure about that Sugarcube?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes.”

Applejack sighed, tilting her hat over her eyes in thought. It didn’t last long, a grin broke out. “Well, if you’re going, then ya’ll need help.”

“Huh?” The soon-to-be librarian blinked. “You’re coming with me?”

“Us included!” Rainbow dashed in.

“Why of course, darling! Would we ever leave a friend in need?” Rarity said. “And besides, there’s a certain pony who’s quite...familiar with the Everfree Forest.”

Twilight’s new friends turned, and the lavender unicorn followed their gazes.

I sighed as their eyes landed on me. “Let me get my saddlebag,” I grumbled.

As I did, I didn’t dare miss the midnight mist that slithered away from outside the window.

It was horrendously dark in the Everfree Forest. Luckily, tucked under my wing, I brought a flashlight to light the way. We were all traveling down a trail within the Everfree Forest, one that I recognized when Zecora took me to Ponyville.

Being their guide, I was up front with Twilight just beside me. The others were in single-file behind us. In my saddle bag was the Elements of Harmony reference book and a general map of the ancient castle among other essentials. Out of everyone, I was the only one who looked prepared. Not that anyone felt any safer.

“The Elements of Harmony: there a total of six elements but only five are known.” I recited, “Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty and Loyalty, but the sixth element can only appear when five are gathered and a spark brings it to life.”

“Spark? But what does that mean?” Twilight asked.

“Didn’t specify. All up to interpretation.”

Twilight hummed, a thoughtful expression on her face. “Spark… Could it be talking about the magical resonance upon which the mana cores activate? The Affinity Unification Theorem may correlate to it…”

“Unification seems about right. It could also relate to the Metaphor Manifest Theory. The Elements name character traits after all.”

“You understood that?” She looked surprised yet oddly pleased.

“Yeah.” I sleep in a library for crying out loud. I may be a working member of society in my past life, but that didn’t stop my inner brony nerdism from consuming pony lore. Reading what’s available was as close to fanfiction as I could get. I glanced back at the rest of the Mane 6. “It would also make sense if it allows for multiple wielders.”

“Is that so…”

I obviously knew the answer, but it was better for her to come up with the conclusion herself. Otherwise, where’s the magic in telling? There wouldn’t be much meaning. Her element could only appear from what’s inside after all.

Rainbow Dash groaned. “Seriously? How can you two talk science mumbo-jumbo in a place like this?”

“Now, now, Rainbow Dash. To each their own,” Rarity commented. “Although, this place isn’t what I call ideal for small talk.”

“Awww, but I love small talking!” Pinkie piped in.

“Actually, Pinkie, keep on talkin’.” Applejack looked to the side wearily. “This place gives me the creeps.”

I had to agree. Even during the day, the Everfree loved to make a show of its eerie side. At night? Utterly unsettling, where every shadow could be anything. By design, the dark shades of green and brown didn’t help matters. If it weren’t for my flashlight and the moon lighting the way, we’d all be blind.

Speaking of which, I looked up. The shining blank face of the moon greeted me.

“Honestly, it was almost sad to see it go.”

The girls were puzzled. “Huh?”

“The Mare in the Moon—the image up there,” I pointed out. “For over a thousand years, it had apparently been there ever since Nightmare Moon’s banishment. Now? It’s just gone. Probably forever.”

“I never thought of it like that before,” Twilight murmured, gazing up at the moon.

Fluttershy’s ears flickered, and for the first time since we left the library she spoke. “You miss it, Tutorial?” The forest was so quiet that even she was heard.

I paused in thought, taking in the moonlight. “I miss a lot of things,” I said uncaringly. I miss being honest with my feelings, for one. “At least some things have yet to change. Like the Big Dipper, just beside the moon,” I pointed.

“Oh, oh! Never forget the Little Dipper,” Pinkie helpfully added.

Applejack chuckled. “Ah see the North Star. Grandma Smith taught me that one if Ah ever get lost.”

“I know there’s the Twelve Zodiac, quite famous for fortunetelling,” Rarity said, admiring the night sky. “Although, I don’t know where they are.”

Twilight decided to enlighten her. “They’re actually all in an arc over the moon. It’s quite an interesting detail.”

“In fact, each represents the order of the month,” I supplied. “It basically helped define the Equestrian calendar.”

“You know what’s awesome about the night sky?” our resident daredevil inquired. “I get to chillax~.” To empathize, she smoothly glided besides us in such an easygoing way that I was almost jealous. “Nothing beats taking a flight with the cool breeze under the night sky and then taking a nap on a cloud after that.” Eyes closed, she flapped her wings before hitting the ground, lifting herself back into the air again.

Our conversation even brought Fluttershy in. “Oh! I know a lullaby that can lull you to sleep.”

I muttered to the side so that no one could hear, “Oh don’t I know it.”

“Eh, no thanks,” Rainbow Dash declined.

And just like that, they had forgotten the eeriness of the Everfree Forest, allowing them to march on without fear. I almost had to wonder, was Nightmare Moon hearing this as they appreciated what her night sky had given them?

Bliss didn’t last long.

A single riveting howl freezed us, and then fell silent.

“W-what was that?” Twilight squeaked.

A nearby bush rustled and the girls gasped, looking toward where the noise came from. They waited, but nothing came out. The rustling continued elsewhere. I whipped my flashlight around, but caught nothing. Eventually, it drove us all back to back as we prepared for the worst.

I bit back a curse. “Another variation, huh?” I whispered.

“A t-timberwolf?” Applejack uttered. “This is bad. There might be more.”

A chill slithered up my stiffened back and my lungs went tight. The feeling of numbness and ‘that’ night flashed in my mind. My throat hitched in that moment, springing me back to reality. When I noticed my legs shaking, I seized back control. Gritting my teeth, I sat down, shrugged off my saddlebags and said, “Change of plans. This is as far as I could take you.”

When I turned off the flashlight with a flick of a wing, panic in the girls began to set in.

Rainbow Dash was outraged. “What?! So you’re just gonna run away?!”

“Exactly. Twilight, catch.” With a ‘hup’, I tossed my saddle bags to the side where I thought she should be. The twinkle of magic assured me she got it. “In there is the book and the map should you need it.”

“Y-you’re just going to leave us?” I could hear the disbelief in Twilight’s voice. “You can’t! We need to stick together!”

“Me sticking with you would only slow you all down,” I countered. To be fair, it was the truth. Who knew how far off the events would go if I stuck around? For all I knew, Twilight wouldn’t be able to make the realization of what the sixth element was by the time she face Nightmare Moon.

“Quit making excuses! You’re just chickening out on us!” Rainbow Dash said angrily.

Casually, I said, “I hope I smell like chicken. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be much of a distraction.”

The Mane 6 was stunned.

I couldn’t see their expressions but I could tell by their sudden silence. Their shock lasted long enough so that I could hastily say what I needed to. “Find the Elements before Nightmare Moon does. You don’t have the time to deal with the wolves, but you’ll be fine. They’ll be too busy chasing easier prey.”

Rarity was the first to gasp in realization. “W-wait. On your own?!”

“Yep.” If it weren’t for the darkness, they could’ve seen me smile as I dropped a huge hint, “It’s almost perfect, really. Six mares and six elements.”

The moment I saw the flash of glowing eyes, I kicked off with a word:


And I brazenly ran toward it, ignoring the calls of my name, and slammed shoulder-first into the most quadruped-looking shadow I could find. Impact! The creature snarled, and I knew I got its attention. I pushed off and scrambled away, encouraged by the sound of footsteps giving chase behind me. I may not be fast, but I caught it by surprise well enough to gain some distance.

Now that I was alone, my nerves broke.

“Worst fucking idea I have yet!”

I snapped the flashlight back on to help see my way, but it didn’t stop me from grimacing at the familiar feeling of twigs and leaves tussling my coat and mane. “Just a cartoon! Just a cartoon! Just a cartoon! Just a cartoo—waugh!”

I tripped as expected, but rather from myself, it was by a large root that reached to the knee of my fore hooves. I tumbled over the large root. However, I didn’t dare break stride and pushed off, flipping back to my hooves without losing too much ground. But I lost my light, laid forgotten as I blindly ran straight ahead. A burst of pain as I roughly collided against tree bark soon met me. And again. And again! The creature was already close!

“Catch me a break!” I was answered with a log to my chest. “Oof!”

But there was a light beyond the darkness. Literally. A tiny inkling of silver caught my eye and I unconsciously grinned, renewing my efforts. I hastily climbed over the log and ran toward it. The creature was already hot behind my heels as I heard its ragged breath nipping my tail. But by then, I already emerged out of the darkness and into a small clearing.

I pivoted on a fore hoof and turned around to face the creature. What came was not a Timberwolf. Large as a bear with a coat of constellations and eyes of stars: That’s what I could describe the canine as it menacingly stepped forward with a monstrous snarl of its teeth-clad maw, an audible thud coming from that one step.

“Canis Major.” Although out of breath, I still had it in me to speak. “Of the constellation-based creatures, they’re one of the most fearsome in this forest, yet seemingly disappeared as a species. In the Everfree legends, it is said that they are the descendents of the Timberwolves a long, long time ago. At least they don’t smell as bad.” With narrowed my eyes, a sense of bravado welled up in me. “Which is why I know this isn’t real. Cut the theatrics, Nightmare Moon! I know it’s you.”

The Canis Major stopped. I stiffened by its reaction but stood my ground, ready for anything—hoping that it’s nothing. The creature shivered, but not out of coldness.

It was out of laughter.

Like a mirage, it dispersed into an ethereal mist and circled around me, swimming like a shark at sea. I was trapped.

“Interesting.” Nightmare Moon’s voice seemed to come from all places. “Very interesting.”

I gulped. Just a kids cartoon, I reminded myself. The rating won’t let me die. “Although it’s great that you took inspiration from our talk about constellations, it’s not nice to eavesdrop.”

“So you knew I was following.” It was as though me knowing held no consequence to her. Or rather, it intrigued her. Slowly and threateningly, she said, “But now that we have met face to face...what’s to stop me from destroying you like the miscreant you are? Do you not fear me?”

This feeling...I was definitely scared, but not because I was in mortal danger. Such a thing wouldn’t faze me since I knew what the afterlife would turn out. Neither did the promise of unrelenting pain spook me. It’s actually laughable and rather fitting; my phobia was a personal one. “...I do. I fear you the most.”

“Is that so?” The circling didn’t slow down. Instead, it picked up to the point where my mane and fur fluttered along with the whistling wind. “Be grateful, welp. It seems you may be worth my time.”

Her dark giggles were the last things I heard before darkness enveloped me.

“Aww. Who’s a good kitty? Yes you are, oh yes you are.”

As cute as the scene was as Fluttershy and the manticore cuddled, Twilight anxiously looked back at the direction from where they came from.

Applejack noticed, concerned. “Still worryin’ about Tutorial?” The manticore’s ears flickered.

“...it’s just---will he be okay?”

Pinkie Pie giggled suddenly. “Oh, knowing Tori, he’ll be surrounded by a chimera, a dragon, and a sloth and then be like, ‘Okay’,” she said, giving her best impression of Tutorial. “And then he’ll make their minds explode!” She emphasized it with her mane suddenly poof!

“W-what if he really is surrounded by a chimera, a dragon and a sloth?!” Pinkie’s talk didn’t console Twilight not one bit. “He could be in danger! He could be---ow!”

Applejack nipped her with the flap of her own stetson. Realizing what she almost did, the unicorn smiled sheepishly.

“I-I almost did it again, didn’t I?”

To the side, Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “For the 16th time, yeah,” she grumbled. “Seriously, do you freak out for aerobic exercise everyday? Besides, worrying about him isn’t going to help us finish this any time soon. The faster we kick Nightmare Moon’s flank, the faster we can save him. Simple.”

“I can’t help it.” Twilight bit her lip as she glanced back at where Fluttershy giggled in the manticore’s licking embrace. At the show of companionship, she took a breath before returning to the others. “Wouldn’t you feel worried too?”

Rainbow opened her mouth but then, to the unicorn’s shock, closed it. When the rest of the girls followed suit, Twilight figured something wasn’t right. Rainbow Dash looked to the sky in avoidance while Rarity and Applejack shifted uneasily. Even Pinkie Pie stopped hopping, thinking the question over. As Twilight waited for an answer, she realized that there wouldn’t be any.

“I don’t get it.” She shook her head in confusion and also in disappointment. “How could you be so cold about him?”

“Well, Twilight, it’s mighty complicated,” Applejack rubbed her neck nervously. “The thing is...we don’t know what to expect from him. Ah’m not sure if you knew since you’re new here, but Tutorial ain’t normal. He’s as strange as the Everfree Forest. Hay, he came from here.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “When you said he’s familiar with the Everfree, that’s what you mean?” She glanced around and grimaced at the dreadfulness of the forest, which appeared more and more like an abyss each time she looked. “...From a place like this? This scary place?”

“Not only that, but he walked side by side with another pony who lives here.” By that name, Applejack’s eyes then nervously flicked towards the side, where the darker parts of the woods were, as if someone could be watching. “Ah’m tellin’ ya this because Tutorial is suspicious.”

For Twilight, it didn’t explain much. “I don’t understand. He seems...normal when we first met.”

“You gotta be kidding me! He acts like a zombpony, and that’s not normal,” Rainbow Dash snarked. ”It’s like he doesn’t sleep! One time, when I was out busting clouds at night, the lights of the library he lived in were still on. And it stayed on all night! I stayed up thinking he’s up to something.” She huffed proudly at that. ”And ya know what’s the kicker? I haven’t seen him flap his wings not once! It’s like he’s not a pegasus at all.” For some reason, that fact seemed to bother her the most. “That guys is just...weird.”

“Um, isn’t that just because he’s up all night reading?”

Rainbow’s eyes narrowed as if to challenge that statement. “I’ve never met a single pony who would read so much at any time of the day. So there’s no way.”

“I-I see.” Twilight chuckled nervously. None of the girls could see the guilt written in her face. “But is that all?”

Rarity hummed, a hoof under her chin. “Well, darling, these were somepony else’s words but Mr. Blues knows more than he should. He meets somepony for the first time, and it’s like he already knows her deepest secrets.” She shuddered at the thought. “If anypony told me he’s a gossiping savant I would believe her.”

“He’s a mind reader, I’m telling ya!” Pinkie blubbers.

At this, Twilight frowned. “He’s either informative or a much greater analyst than I thought. But that doesn’t necessarily make him bad or strange.”

Rarity sighed at her point. “True, but I can't feel comfortable knowing so little about the stallion. I heard when he signed up for citizenship he wrote in an entirely unknown language! It almost filled the entire page with ink! We don’t know where he came from or why he moved to Ponyville, only that he likes to buy hats, and only hats, whenever he has the spare bits.”

“Oh! Oh! I know the answer to that one!” Pinkie jumped in. “He said he always was a person of many hats.”

“Is that right?” Twilight said dryly, before turning back to Rarity. “But why don’t you just ask? Get to know him?”

“I believe Fluttershy can answer that best,” Rarity said pensively and turned to the side.

They all looked at said animal caretaker, who was still in the manticore’s surprisingly gentle grasp. The manticore was unusually fixated to the conversation, but they didn’t mind it much, letting Fluttershy speak.

When she spoke, what left was a forlorn whisper. “Um, I asked some help from the request board near Town Hall one day. Tutorial took the job. He did exactly what I said and I was happy with his hard work but, um…” She trailed off slightly, unconsciously hiding under her mane. “He keeps it so impersonal that it’s like I wasn’t talking to a pony anymore. After I paid him he just...vanished.”

“Huh? Vanished?” Twilight couldn’t believe her ears. Were they talking about a pony or a myth?

“What Fluttershy means is that he is always cold and distant,” Rarity supplied, “so much that one can’t even tell if he’s there at all. A part of the background, you could say. He’s virtually unapproachable.”

“I think that’s his way of being professional...” Twilight gave a deadpanned glance at Fluttershy. Talk about irony. But then she blinked as though a thought just came to her and turned. “Pinkie, you’re his friend, right? Can you confirm any of this?”

“It’s no secret that he’s like that. Even though he looks the same age as us, he acts sorta like my mom and dad! And my parents are super duper mature! I mean, can you imagine?”

“I can’t imagine,” the lavender unicorn easily responded. “No, really. I can’t.”

“He’s not all that bad, though! Like, he’s the second pony ever next to my sister to take me in stride like I’m a normal pony! But…” For the first time concerning Tutorial, Pinkie frowned. “I thought he’d be really, really lonely so I tried to get him friends. I made three parties so far but nopony else stuck. He’d laugh it off though. It’s like he’s okay being alone.” As she said this, her ears pressed themselves against her head.

Applejack decided to finish it there. “Ah guess what we’re tryin’ ta’ say is that Tutorial ain’t the type of pony we should worry for. ‘Sides, he’s at home in this forest. He can take what’s thrown at him. Let’s go. We still gotta find the Elements, and we wasted too much time.”

Everyone was in agreement, but then the manticore suddenly grumbled.

“What’s that, Manny? You want to come along?” Fluttershy inquired. “And you know the way? Oh, how sweet! But are you sure this wouldn’t be a bother?” When Manny nodded with a serious face, the pegasus giggled at his show of chivalry. “Then we’ll be in your care. Thank you.”

“Why, I certainly feel a lot safer with a strong gentleman escorting us,” Rarity said, patting Manny who preened from the attention.

“Yeah, yeah. Enough talking, let’s go already!” Rainbow urged on impatiently.

And so, the entire group moved on as Twilight had a lot to think about.

When the group completely disappeared into the forest’s depths, a midnight mist came swirling where they once occupied. The mist suddenly bulged, turning pitch black. And from that darkness I emerged with a gasp.

The mist returned to its original hue as it left me be, parting away to reveal the silver sheen of Nightmare Moon’s chestplate, helmet, and hoof shoes. The pitch black fur soon followed, alluring toward her fierce cat-like eyes. When I calmed down, I straightened up. She and I stared at where the Mane 6 disappeared to.

“The more I learn about you, the more interesting you turn out to be.”

I shrugged helplessly. “They give me too much credit.”

“On the contrary. Too little.”

With that we turned face to face. I was short compared to her, and she had to look down on me. Her face was cold and expressionless behind her bluish-silver helm, starved for something that I couldn't even see. It was almost like looking into a mirror. A stare down commenced, her regal, solitary eyes versus my plain, blue ones.

“After your short feat of bravery, they did not speak of your glory but instead made a mockery of you.” Her harsh gaze would’ve made the grown stallions in this world freeze in fear, but fortunately it’s a cartoon to me.

“You don’t mince words.”

“Hmph! Why should I not? As Queen of the Night, is my word not law under this moonlit sky?” she said pridefully. However, her scowl dialed down to an idle frown. “It seems you and I are not so different.”


“So you agree as well.” Despite my lackluster response, she nodded approvingly. “You are quite fortunate, for I deem you worthy to receive..an offer.” She didn’t elaborate. It was obvious that she wanted me to ask.

“And what is it?”

“Join me.”

“...!” The proposal silenced me. By all rights, I should be a nobody to her. Hell, the same should apply to Twilight. Even though I didn’t ask for it, there were people who would unexpectedly reach out for me. To my credit, I didn’t show a thing in my mind. My face was as blank as ever as I asked, “Why? Why do you find me worthy?”

“You are sick of it, are you not? You are dissatisfied by the fact that no matter what you do, as you work to appease your so-called peers, those bumbling fools will toss your efforts away. Why bother with petty bonds that will never last up to your short lifetime? You don’t need them, and you’ve shown the intelligence and will to already understand this.” I dared not to let my face twitch, but she went on with a cruel smirk. “Don’t deny it. I could feel the darkness bubbling in your psyche as you watched them talk about you.”

For a few moments, we stared at each other. She won it out. My face softened as I let out a heavy sigh. After all, everything she said was true. “Way to hit where it hurts.”

Since leaving the Brony fandom, my overall relationships across the internet remained unchanged. The only difference was that I wandered, fandom to fandom, each a gateway branching to another.

Sometimes I’d write fanfiction, sometimes I’d indulge in several fandom discussions simultaneously. But I never dared stuck around for too long, not after the effort I put into being a Brony only for it all to be in vain. It was pathetic how much I obsessed over ponies, especially through superficial online friendships. Even now I thought, “What a waste.”

Real life was, well, real life. Meeting real people never gave me the same spark as it used to ever since the Golden Age of the MLP fandom. Despite this though, I found satisfaction and happiness anyways in memes, shows, and gaming.

But then Nightmare Moon did something that shocked me. She tenderly lifted my chin with a hoof. From where I looked, the moon perfectly shined behind her horn as she stared deep into me.

“But we are kindred spirits. Just as how you acted to garner their favor, I tried to seek the same within my own subjects only to experience the same darkness as you did. Accept, then I shall recognize your efforts in turn. ‘Tis a great honor.” Then, she backed up and offered the same hoof that was under my chin. “Join me, and you shall obtain something that will truly be eternal.”

If her speech intended to rouse me up, well, it worked. But I feel that it wasn’t so simple. I broke into a slow, dark chuckle, and she was taken aback when I honed my maddened gaze at her. “I was once told to drown in my obsessions,” I suddenly said. “I tossed away my shame and reason to further dedicate to something that I thought was worth it. But you? You want eternal night." My eyes narrowed. “How bad do you want it?”

Steel in her eyes was her answer. “Enough to do whatever it takes.”

I made sure that she couldn’t see it, but I felt pity for her. Nightmare Moon, no, Princess Luna was so estranged that she’d resort to a roundabout method like this to have a friend of her own. But I guess this worked for the both of us. She wanted to be recognized, and I wanted to belong. I couldn’t help but accept.

“Vague,” I said. “But alright. Fine. I’ll join you, but only in one condition.”

Nightmare Moon frowned. “State your terms.”

“Achieve what you desire.” I looked at her, smiling wryly. “It’s good to have a decent resume before acquiring a leading role, yes?”

Nightmare Moon’s eyes widened in surprise at the odd request. Then, she started laughing. I didn’t know why, but I felt that it's coming on to me. “Very well then! I shall prove to you that I’m worthy to be your new ruler!”

And so, I took her hoof before darkness enveloped everything once again.

“It’s a shame that Manny couldn’t cross the bridge,” Rarity said as they entered the ancient castle of the Royal Sisters. The walls were toppled and the building was exposed to the night sky. Age did not treat it well. “He’d be quite helpful against Nightmare Moon.”

“Tell me about,” Rainbow Dash agreed as she flew beside overhead. “Would’ve been so awesome if we had our own manticore to kick flank with!”

Applejack chuckled at the image. “Tutorial’s map led us straight to him, but ah guess it wasn’t so bad. Hay, ridin’ on his back turned out to be faster. Tough fella could carry all of us.”

However, Twilight noticed that something was wrong with Fluttershy, who seemed to turn back where they left Manny at on occasions. “Fluttershy? Is there anything wrong?”

“Hmm? O-oh, nothing. I was just thinking about what Manny said during our lovely conversation.”

“What about it?” Twilight asked with raised brow.

“He mentioned that a friend ‘suggested’ him to rest where we first met.” The animal lover smiled. “Whoever did must’ve cared for him. The open space was quite nice for a large creature like Manny.”

“O-oh. Is that so...” Since it turned out to be nothing important, Twilight didn’t mind it. But enough of that, because they had finally found what they’re looking for. She gasped when she saw it.

It was just like in the pictures of the book. The Elements of Harmony, in the form of stone spheres with shapes carved into each, laid on their own respective pedestals like candles to a chandelier.

“The Elements of Harmony! We found them!” Twilight said.

Little did they know that I was watching. From a nearby tower, I sat in wait. With the entire roof missing, I had a decent view of them and could make out echos of their conversation. I shifted away from the open window I was viewing from, turned around and leaned against the window sill.

Before me was the final stage for the premiere’s climax. It was a wide and spacious room, and it was here where Nightmare Moon will be defeated by the full brunt of the Elements of Harmony.

Speaking of, Nightmare Moon left me here to have me watch her steal victory right before their eyes. It was fine by me. That just meant I finally found my spectator’s seat, leaving me time to think.

All parties arrived at the castle at around the same time. It seemed my stalling and Manny’s transportation service had paid off. Their long-winded gossip about me took way too much time, and a single change could deviate from Twilight’s epiphany.

I’ve waited over three weeks in Human time for this. In Equestrian time, it would be four weeks since this world’s calendars had five days in a week. Nonetheless, those days were spent in anxiety ever since my reincarnation. The Human in Equestria fanfictions with a similar premise to mine made it seem so easy. I blame my cliche encounter with Manny for my fear of possible alterations of the timeline. Honestly, he really was a handful.

And then there’s my bond with Nightmare Moon. At the very least, she’s still best pony deep down. Even if things suddenly turned out for the worst, I fully intend to follow through with our deal. I either become her most loyal subject or she taste the rainbow. Yet, just thinking that, I felt oddly okay with the former.

All I could do now was watch the show.

My ears flickered as a shriek from a certain lavender unicorn sounded from outside.

“Twilight!” the Mane 6 shouted.

“It’s time,” I sighed and quickly hid behind a pillar, right next to where Nightmare Moon should appear from.

Suddenly, there was a flash and a poof of purple smoke, and so Twilight Sparkle and Nightmare Moon appeared as expected. What I didn’t expect was the rest of the Mane 6 to arrive as well! Did the alicorn start too early?


The world’s background orchestra sung. Shaking off their daze, the Mane 6 swiveled towards the voice. Cue the dramatic display of lightning as Nightmare Moon made her appearance, evil laughter and all as the unawakened Elements of Harmony in her telekinetic grasp circled around her. 10/10, would see villain cliche again.

“I must admit, I didn’t intend to bring you all here. However,” the sight of her feral grin caused the Mane 6 to step back, “I just couldn’t wait to see you despair as I crush your hopes right before your eyes!”


I winced as she crushed the Elements as if they were glass. The Mane 6 gasped and a high-pitched string sang as the remains clink to the ground. It seemed she was a bit excited to wow her audience.

“Nooooo!” As if a linchpin had been pulled, Twilight wailed. Her legs collapsed, her eyes glazed. “No...no...I can’t fail!”

Nightmare Moon laughed maniacally at their reaction. “Surrender! Without your precious Elements, you can never hope to defeat me! The Night. Will Last. Forever! Mwahahaha!”

Twilight didn’t reply, her head bowed low and her bangs hanging over her face like a curtain,

In that moment, I feared I fucked up. The premiere never had Twilight show so much despair. Despite the weight of her mission, she had always pulled through. Frustrated, I bit my cheek. Just why? What changed?

“Yeah, so what?!” Rainbow Dash growled protectively over her despairing friend. "We’ll just have to settle this the old fashion way,” she said as she punched her hooves together.

“What are you all doing?” Twilight said in a hollow voice. Empty tears began to drop. “It’s over. If we fight now, it’ll be just like Tutorial! I-I don’t want to lose any of you!”

So that’s why.

I pressed my forehead behind the pillar with a sigh. I planted the idea of loss in her head ever since I disappeared. If she could lose me, then she could lose the others. And that thought haunted her. I could come out and show that I’m safe but wouldn’t prove I was on Twilight’s side. Nightmare Moon could boast about our agreement, but I couldn’t just betray her either. Even if she was the villain, it would be the same as betraying myself.

But I didn't have to choose.

Applejack stepped up as well. “No can do, sugarcube. This here is our home, and we can’t just let it go. We said it before and we are gonna say it again: We ain’t goin’ nowhere.” She winked. “And that’s the truth.”

Rarity. “I’ve already sacrificed my tail, so I’m seeing this through!”

And then Pinkie. “I still need morning to arrive so I could finish up the party!”

Fluttershy didn’t say anything but instead huddled up beside Twilight. In the face of danger, her kindness spoke volumes.

Twilight’s eyes sparked and then I knew it was all okay.

“You think you could destroy the Elements of Harmony just like that? Well you’re wrong!” She stood up with resolution in her eyes. “Because the Spirits of the Elements are right here!”

That was all that I wanted to hear.

A breath of relief left my mouth as I slid lazily against the pillar. I looked up a nearby window and admired the moon for the last time tonight. Twilight's speech echoed in my head, in sync with my memory like two tabs of the same Youtube video. I didn't bother to watch this time around. I wanted to think—reflect.

“But you don’t have the sixth Element! The spark didn’t work!”

I was just an obnoxious 12-year-old bringing AIDS to the 4chan board when I first discovered ponies. It was probably dangerous for young me. Who knew what stupid ideas I could get? Give me a computer, and I could find a way to screw anyone’s day.

“But it did, a different kind of spark.”

It was said that the Brony Fandom began with a random anon shitposting on a 4Chan forum. Be it because of shits and giggles or some need to make the egregious forum several levels gayer in both definitions, that anon, without a doubt, gave birth to a fandom that could contest the likes of Furries, Otakus, Star Wars and Harry You’re-A-Motherfucking-Wizard Potter. This ancestry caused the newly born Bronies to spread like cancer, get called cancer, and introduce a whole new genre of trolling and autism of which it was dubbed, “Love and Tolerate.”

Personally? I thought that it was absolutely dope, and joined the bandwagon.

“I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you. How much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me, when I realized that you all. Are my. Friends!”

I treated MLP memes as ammo for my trolling. But as I was exposed to it, I began to think that it could be something more. As other obnoxious anons began to call themselves "Bronies," posting gif after gif and video after video, I realized how happy I was to be among them. I felt I could belong. And so, I started to genuinely take an interest on the show.

I suppose it was only fitting that I was hooked by the Season 1 Premiere itself.

The Elements of Harmony awakened.

A massive shine of color.

A light against the pillar I was leaning against.

A shadow casted over me.

A cry of defeat.

And just like that, Nightmare Moon was no more and Luna took her place. The night gave way to sunrise. Along with it, Celestia descended down and greeted her subjects, who bowed to her regal presence.

I glanced at Luna’s fallen form. It wasn't my business anymore, but there’s more I wanted to say. Under the shadow of the pillar, I said, “It seems I’ll have to call you Princess Luna now.”

“So you knew,” she muttered, still prone from where she lay. "But it doesn't matter now. I'm finished."

“Yeah. But don’t you still have something you want to do? What about our deal?”

She lifted her head in surprise. “What?”

"The condition is that you obtain what you want. Making amends with your sister...it's not too late to y'know,” I explained, and then smiled. “How bad do you want it?”

The light in her eyes brightened hearing these familiar words. She found her own spark.

I nodded at the celebrating ponies ahead. “Go then.”

And she did.

The other mares tensed upon her approach. Celestia was unreadable as she did the same, and the two stopped over a meter apart, meeting eye to eye. The princess of the moon may be shorter and less menacing now, having to crane her head up slightly to meet her sister's stern gaze, but her royal bravado made her seem more than she actually was. With such a display of will, the onlooking mares were riddled with trepidation.



The bearers of the Elements held their breaths for what’s to come.

In a few breaths worth of seconds, the princesses remained unmoved. But one of them flinched, and the Mane 6 gasped. Luna's legs were shaking. Tears steadily flowed down Luna's cheeks as she broke from the perfect mask, and Celestia's eyes widened in shock. For the very first time, the real Princess of the Moon seemed small, weak, and fragile. “I-I’m sorry. I’m so sorry! I just didn’t want to be...alone again. Night—night after night, it was just me each t-time. Eternal night, I,” she choked a sob, “I want to take it all back!”

“Oh, Luna...” With tears of her own, Celestia wrapped her dear sister in a winged hug, enshrouding her with feathers that glimmered orange from the dawn rising outside a window. Wherever the light touched, even as I looked, it felt warm from where I hid. “We always were meant to rule together, little sister. It’s been a thousand years...but welcome home. I missed you.”

Hearing those sweet words, Luna curled under the embrace, like a child refusing to wake up from a morning dream. “I missed you too, big sister.”

And thus, the sun and the moon had reunited and balance was restored. I ceased peaking, retreated back behind the pillar, and placed a hoof over where my heart should be. It’s warming up. Odd. Usually, I wouldn’t feel a thing for this scene, but I suppose it’s no surprise. It’s a bit more real this time around.

Pinkie Pie cried a river at their sisterly affection, and then stopped. “Hey, you know what this calls for?” she suddenly said. “A party!”

Celestia smiled as she lightly squeezed Luna, who busied herself into her sister’s chest. “Yes, that would be wonderful. Come along, my little ponies.” And with a incandescent shine of her horn, they all disappeared in a flash of light.

I came out of my hiding spot. My hoofsteps echoed in the now empty chamber as went to stand where they were. Glancing through an open window, I admired the happy day outside. The sun was up, the air was cool, and the silence was relieving. It seemed like a great day to be finding freedom in the chaotic foliage of the Everfree Forest. I smiled. My eyes didn't.

“...they fucking left me.”

It didn’t take too long to find Manny as he was waiting by the bridge. Apparently, he noticed my scent and stuck around. I greeted the reliable feline with a nod.

“Good job,” I complimented. He purred as I petted his crimson mane.

I should reward Manny handsomely later for being a good guide—after I lecture him about giving too much away to Fluttershy, of course. The preparations I started a few days ago with forging a map and getting him to memorize his original location in the Season 1 premiere finally paid off. Convincing Manny was easy. All I had to do was lay down my suspicions of Luna’s return and a sweet bribe, all without a hint of my foresight as a cartoon fan. I didn’t want anyone to catch wind of my human life.

I did it. I secured the future. But in truth, I wanted to see for myself if friendship could last forever as Death claimed. I wouldn’t be satisfied otherwise. If I can ensure a long lasting and flourishing friendship could exist, I will if it validated my belief in it. Even if it's just a cartoon, I desperately wanted it to be true. My hoof stopped, and Manny blinked.

“So, uh, can I hop on?” I wearily asked.

Judging by his cheshire grin, I was in for a ride of my life.

In Ponyville, ponies rushed to properly enjoy the Summer Sun Celebration, oblivious to how they almost experienced their final sundown. It didn't matter to them, not Nightmare Moon or the inexplicable alteration of the timeline. They're just glad that morning finally came. And just like that, the events of Friendship is Magic resumed as originally intended. How it was possible for them to be ready for another round of celebration after a sleepless night remained unquestioned.

A pony's glowing mirrored the rest with illogical eagerness as the ponies huddled up to see with their own eyes the newly returned Princess of the Night. A pair of fillies flew up and adorned a wreath of flowers around Luna neck. She graduated from being forever alone, and a frail smile graced her muzzle. She gazed to Celestia next to her, who warmly nodded back with a smile as if to say, yes, this perfect happy ending was real.

But there was still one last thing. A fair distance away from all the fun, Twilight sulked as she watched on. A sigh broke through her and, as if by practice, glanced over her shoulder toward the edge of town, where the Everfree Forest lie in wait. This wasn't without witness.

“Why so glum, my faithful student?” Celestia walked up to her. “Are you not happy that your quest is complete, and that you can continue with your studies in Canterlot?”

“That’s just it.” Twilight looked down. “It’s not finished. I still haven’t heard from my friend Tutorial Blues yet, who’s still lost in the Everfree Forest for all knew. And just after learning how wonderful it is to have friends, I’d have to leave them. I can’t let it any of it go.”

“Tutorial?” Celestia asked.

To the side, Luna’s eyes bulged in realization, frazzled.

“He helped guide us to the Elements of Harmony,” Twilight said.

“U-um, now that you mentioned,” Pinkie said, looking frantically around the crowd, who shared growing concern as well, “I haven’t seen him since he distracted that wolf.”

“You don’t supposed th-that he’s…” Horrified, Rarity gulped. “...gone.”

Fluttershy felt the chill as well, her fluffy ears pressed against her head. “O-oh my.”

“N-no way!” Rainbow protested. “He’s a pegasus. He can fly away. It’s not like he can't—!” She blinked “...fly.” Slowly, she floated down to the ground as a thought dawned on her. "I-I never seen him flew before."

Applejack simply went silent as her hat covered her eyes. "Whoever goes in...never comes out..."

By those words, Twilight was visibly shaken as her fears came to frution. She lost him. Eye's clenched as her eyelids went wet, she whimpered, “If it weren’t for him, we might not be able to reach the castle safely.”

Princess Celestia closed her eyes forlornly with an, “I see,” pondering Twilight's words with a frown, only to open them back up again. “I'm so sorry, my dear student. What’s his full name?”

“Tutorial Blues.”

“Um, sister—” Princess Luna tried to say something, but her sister had already spoken.

“Spike, take a note please,” she said. The drake was at the ready with a quill and paper in a snap. For all to hear, she made her announcement. “I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the pegasus Tutorial Blues shall be recognized for his noble sacrifice and contribution, for without them the Elements of Harmony and Princess Luna’s return would never have been realized.”

The ponies looked at each other, conflicted, and guilt swelled among them. Ponyville went silent in solemn respect. Celestia continued, "Without the bond that marked Twilight and her friends a path to their success and safety. As shall Equestria and those he touched, may he rest in harmony."

By an unsung signal after Celestia's speech, everyone's heads bowed in prayer. One of the few sounds left were Twilight's sobs as her new friends circled around her in silent comfort and Luna's ruffled wings. The eyes of the Princess of the Night in question nervously flickered from pony to pony, lost as to how she'd voice herself.

It was a coincidence that I appear behind Celestia and the Mane 6 with a sigh as dry as a grave, mercilessly chopping down the silence like a guillotine. “Girls, I’m not dead.”

“What in tarnation?!”
“The hay?!”

I should’ve accounted for their colorful screams. My ears were ringing from that.

“T-Tutorial!” Twilight squeaked my name in insurmountable relief that I didn't deserve, not for the heavy tears that I caused, of which she messily wiped away to show face. “You’re okay!”

I deadpanned. “Just so you know, I’m an expert at running away from my problems. So of course I’m okay—oof!” Although, I might not be if Pinkie continued to squeeze the life out of me. I gurgled, "Air!"

Pinkie released me shortly enough, hopping excitedly over my well being. “Eeee! Tori! You’re alright, you’re alright, you’re alright!”

“Yes, yes,” I rolled my eyes, “just felt that you needed to know.”

A heavy yawn overtook me. I was up all night until morning after all. As I realized that thought, I became acutely aware of how unruly the sunlight was today. It irritated me to no end, like an unforgettable, endless itch in my mane. And so I took my leave, giving no less of a damn of those in my way as they scrambled to part a path for me. Pinkie stopped talking. The Mane 6 and the Princesses looked at me. In fact, the faces of everyone in Ponyville watching burst in bewilderment. Honestly? I could care less. I could hear my bed, made completely out of books and newspapers, calling for me.

“U-um, Tori?” Pinkie called, nervously following. “Aren’t you going to join us for the rest of the Summer Sun Celebration?”

“Yeaaah, no. The sun can go fuck itself. I’m going to sleep.”

Not once did it occur to me I wasn't supposed to.

Author's Note:

Enjoy, and thank god it didn't take 2 months this time. I'm hella slow.