• Published 29th Oct 2016
  • 990 Views, 132 Comments

The End has Begun - Bronycommander

The third world war is raging across Earth. A Grenadier of the European Federation Enforcer Corps lands in Equestria. Can he convince the ponies, that he is friendly and not the enemy?

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Chapter 15

Chapter 15

I was brought to Canterlot again. They took me into a large interrogation room. Nopony answered my questions. Frankly they did but all guards said they didn’t know why I was brought in here.

In the room, they surrounded me, spears pointed at me. Celestia would join us shortly.

I showed no fear. But something told me it had to do with the missing kids. We had order not to kill ponies. No Enforcer would disobey his orders. Either something changed after I got here or someone disobeyed. I could only image that a soldier of the regular army lost his nerves and hurt somepony, since they weren’t so good to stay calm like we Enforcers do in battle. I need to know what happened.

The door was opened. Princess Celestia was still passive, staring at me after she took position between Flash and Arrow.

After a long uncomfortable silence, I decided to break it. “Do you just stare at me, or what?” I raised my arms and looked around.

She said nothing for a few seconds. “There is a reason, and you will be told soon enough, but know we have to wait till my sister is here.”

“Can’t you just tell me right now?”

The guards were surprised about that, but Celestia stayed quiet. I expected that she would ignore me or would repeat her answer, but she did neither.

“So you want to know the truth right now?”

Her voice sounded slightly aggressive. I waited for the truth.

“About an hour ago, one of my subjects reported that your comrades killed four of my citizen… they were civilians. They killed the foals that went missing a week ago.”

Blinking for a moment trying to understand what I’d just been told, I came to a conclusion.

“This must be a mistake.”

The princess looked down at me. “And what, Lieutenant, makes you think that?”

Ignoring her glare I answered, “We don’t kill civilians. It’s against our honor. Besides, we had order only to use non-lethal force if we would have contact with your ponies.”

“Is this what you do then? You humans? Just come up with more and more excuses to brush off the murder of innocent children? Not here, not in Equestria. You have not been here a week and you have repaid our kindness, honesty, generosity, loyalty, laughter and friendship...with war, terror, deceit, confusion, despair and death. If you believe I will allow this to go unpunished, if you belief Equestria cannot defend itself and make its outrage known to your kind YOU ARE SADLY MISTAKEN! I have four dead foals that say that some of your comrades do not have honor, or followed that order.”

I shook my head. “This can’t be. The only possibility is that some soldiers accidently killed them. Collateral damage.”

“Four foals...Four innocent foals, beloved and treasured by their gentle and hard-working parents, four foals barely old enough to receive their cutie marks. Four foals who enjoyed nothing more than admiring and appreciating the gift of life in Equestria wherever they saw it.

Four foals, killed far from their homes and families, slaughtered without mercy by soldiers from another world fighting a war they, of all ponies, neither had nor wanted any part in, their bodies stolen, unable to be buried on Equestrian soil or even seen by their friends and family one last time...

You dare call that COLLATERAL DAMAGE?” Her eyes slowly glared at me in rage.

And you will tell me where your base is, so I can punish those responsible.”

Either she was acting very well, or my comrades had killed them. But wait! What if they used less-then-lethal weapons and for the pony looked it like it was deadly? This could be the way to me. I couldn’t explain my theory, as the door opened again and Princess Luna walked through.

“Now we can begin.” Celestia had an uncharacteristically dark tone in her voice, as she joined Luna.

“Where is your base of operations? I give this only chance to avoid the pain.”

“I told you already, we are using a mobile base, I can’t say where it is.”

“And about the other bases?”

“You get nothing from me.” For some reason, my patriotism took full control of me. I will not let them to go to war against us. They would lose within five minutes.

“You brought this on yourself.”

“Do it. See my mind. You won’t find anything.” This wasn’t me but I couldn’t control myself anymore.

Celestia stayed emotionless, Luna seemed to have compassion.

“I will only use it as last resort.” Celestia’s horn ignited. A bolt of electricity hit me.

Groaning in pain, I fell to the ground. “Your loyalty to your country is remarkable. But it won’t help you.” The Princess of the sun commented.

I spit blood. “I was trained not to break.” I gave her a mocking laugh.

“We will see.” She fired another bolt at me. I received special training against interrogation but nothing against that.

This time, I managed to keep my balance. “If this is the best you got, then you’re wasting your time.”

“We’re just getting started.” This time when the bolt hit me, I felt like I was burned alive. While there was no fire, my body acted like I was on fire. I rolled around to put it out.

“The more you resist, the more the pain.” As I got up again, Celestia looked still passive but sounded like she was enjoying it. I think she has lost her mind.

“For Europe. Victory always.” Suddenly I gasped for air. As my vision faded, Celestia let me breathe again.

“Tell us where the next base is, and the pain stops.”

After I caught my breath, I looked to Luna. “I will not betray my country, my friend and comrades.”

“We don’t want to do this as much as you do. Think of your family!” Luna pleaded.

I want to see my family again. But I would die rather honorable, then as traitor.

Shaking my head, Celestia eyed me with fire in her eyes. “What drives you, Peter Hartmann? Are you truly this loyal to Europe? Perhaps you’re more loyal then you should.”

I let out an insane laugh, causing some of the guards to back up.

“I only do this to save your subjects from a decision you would regret. If you think you can fight against a superpower, you are wrong. You wouldn’t last five minutes.”

She zapped me again, then grabbed me in her magic and threw me against the wall. I blacked out, as I found myself on my side. Everything hurts so I didn’t move. Eyes closed, hearing Celestia’s hoofs coming closer, I knew now she would finish it.

“How dare you to say this! I know what’s best for my kingdom! You imagine your weapons and technology make you superior. But let's be clear. They're only useful as long as there's anyone left to use them. And when I go into battle...I make sure that doesn't happen! Now, time to end this.”

“Sister, stop! He won’t survive, if you try to read his mind in this condition!”

“And how else should we find those responsible for the death of our citizens? Luna, he won’t tell us.”

“But killing him won’t help us either! It would make it worse!” she cried.

My MP3 player fell out of my pocket. It was surprisingly undamaged and started to play Firestorm by Sabaton. The first words of the song seemed to make Celestia realizing what she was about to do.

“But a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being. Nor can the dead ever be brought back to life.” Luna turned it off.

Opening my right eye, Celestia looked at her hooves, then at me in shock. “What have I done?!”

“Almost turned into your vision of Nightmare Moon.” The pain was incredible.

The guards were in shock after those words. However, Celestia calmed down.

“Bring him to the infirmary.”

“Yes, you’re Highness. Easy, Lieutenant. Relax.” Arrow helped me up. He used a spell on me equal to painkillers.

It was over. But did my comrades really kill them? I hope not. And if I was wrong, I hope it was quick and painless. But why? Why would they do something like this?

Author's Note:

What could have happened? Was it really so as Celestia got told?