• Published 29th Oct 2016
  • 991 Views, 132 Comments

The End has Begun - Bronycommander

The third world war is raging across Earth. A Grenadier of the European Federation Enforcer Corps lands in Equestria. Can he convince the ponies, that he is friendly and not the enemy?

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Chapter 8

Chapter 8

I slowly awoke with a groan. My head was hurting and I felt numb. I still had felling in my right arm.

Using my free arm, I reached up and rubbed my eyes.

“I think he’s really awake this time, Sergeant.”

“Looks that way. Stay here, Private, I’ll get the doctor.”

“Yes, Sergeant.”

Everything was blurry at first, but then my vision was slowly becoming clear. I was in a hospital bed. The door was straight ahead and a female bat pony was guarding it.

“Can… can I get a glass of water please?” my voice was weak and dry.

“Of course, Lieutenant.” She left her post to walk to the sink and putted an empty glass under it. She grabbed it like a human would without problems. Interesting.

“Here.” She offered the drink. I took it and it was watering my throat with a very pleasing feeling.

“Thank you Private…”

“Clear Amber, Lieutenant.”

I putted the glass on the table right next to me as Clear Amber returned to her post. I had a warm blanket over me, an IV in my left arm. My clothes were very fancy. A blue shirt and blue pants. I could tell that Rarity made them. Blue was my favorite color after all.

Checking my chest, a bandage was around it. My head wasn’t bandaged which was a good sign. I was in pretty good shape despite the pain.

“Can I ask you something, Lieutenant?”


Amber took a deep breath. “I-I heard that human Soldiers are cold-blooded when it comes to killing…Is this true?”

I took a deep breath of my own. “Some Soldiers are like that, some aren’t.”

“And you?” She tried to hide her fear.

“Do I look like I am cold-blooded?”

She shook her head.

“You should know I am a merciful person. I don’t like to kill, but I do if I have to.”

“Have you killed one of us?”

“Ponies? No. Our orders were if we should encounter any of you, that we should use only non-lethal force. After all, the Enforcers have the best less than lethal weaponry and I never would harm a civilian or a child. It is against my honor and I also always show mercy when asked.”

“What do you mean you kill if you have to?”

“Let me put it this way: Would you kill a pony to save the life of another pony?”

Amber nodded. “I get your point. You only kill to safe other lives.”

“Correct. Do all bat ponies look so awesome?”

She looked away with a blush.

Then the door opened and Sergeant Mark along with a unicorn doctor walked in.

Dr. Stable or Dr. Horse I believe.

He asked, “How are you feeling, Lieutenant Hartmann?”

“Pretty good. Can I go now?”

“If your arm is in good shape, yes.” He was sounding confident.

“A little bit numb but no pain. My chest only hurts when I have to cough.”

“Still, I need to check it.” He lit up his horn and scanned me.

“You seem to be fully recovered. You can go now.” He removed the IV.

“Thanks doc.” I got from the bed. “And shouldn’t you supposed to be in the Hospital of Ponyville?” He was confused.

“Actually yes, but I was called here to take care of you. How did you know that?”

“Lucky guess. You don’t look like a doctor from Canterlot.”

“You got that right. Anyway, you can go back now.”

“So, you just leave it with that? Stud and Strikes almost took your head off.”

“I made my stand Sergeant Arrow. Let me tell you something – back in GSG-9 and in the Enforcers that counts for a lot more than you might think.”

“For real?”

“Yes, Private Flash.” He sounded interested in it.

After the attack, I had three guards that were “protecting” me from any more attempts on me. Clear Amber, Ash Mark and a guard I didn’t know were in the night shift, while Storm, Sentry and Arrow were the day shift. All were hoof-picked by Luna and Celestia and since I had had their respect and a good relationship to them, they would never hurt me.

I was never terrified of guns or magic but that night… I will not forget this so fast.

We took the way to the cafeteria again if I remember correctly.

As it was late in the morning, I could need a good breakfast. But as Storm opened the door I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Nope.” My mind said in the voice of the Engineer of Team Fortress 2.

“That isn’t what you’re thinking Lieutenant.” Storm tried to convince me that this wasn’t a trick.

“There is nothing to fear.” Out of reflex, I drew my imaginary sidearm, as Celestia’s voice came from behind.

“No offense, but can you be so quiet?”

She giggled. “I have my ways.”

“But as far as I know, you don’t eat meat.”

“Yes but despite this, we are prepared to host dignitaries and the ones who eat meat.”

She sighed. “And this is also my apology for what happened to you. I promised you fair treatment and the Royal Guard has this also in the oath they have to make. If a Guard breaks this, I will take the full consequences.”

Just like in the show, she cares really for her subjects.

“And you have visit.” The CMC was behind her. Dinky was holding a big basket.

“We were really worried about you. We got you some treats from Sugarcube corner.” They spoke together.

I smiled. “That’s really nice from you, but that would not have been necessary.”

“Nonsense! After you saved our lives, we have to repay you somehow. And I hope you like the clothes my sister made for you.” Sweetie Belle explained.

“I love them. Blue is my favorite color”

“Rarity will be glad to hear that.”

“Now, would you join us for brunch?” Apple Bloom asked me just like she asked Twilight in the first episode.

“Of course.” Even a Spetznaz couldn’t resist that cute face.

We entered the cafeteria while the guards were outside. I had bacon and juice, the filly’s, oatmeal and juice while Celestia had some tea. Like the British would say: its tea time.

In the basket were muffins, donuts and cake. Even some apples. The bacon was good. It’s been a long time, since I had such good meat.

“Don’t worry Peter; we’re completely fine that you are eating meat.” Scootaloo finished her glass of juice.

“Can I ask you something, your highness?”

“Yes and you can call me Celestia.”

“What happened to Stud and Strikes?”

“They got their punishment. And you should know I am aware that we are just characters in a kids show.”

“You are?”

“Yes. In fact, I was aware since the first episode. And I am happy to hear that you’re a fan of it. And your son. My young subjects told me about you. We have our own language but the Magic allows us to understand you and you us no matter what language you’re speaking.”

So that’s why it sounded like German to me.

“And this is not confusing to you?”

“Not at all. I wish if any of those three Superpowers enters our country, I want to resolve this war peaceful. To make them friends again.”

“Peace… The motto of the Enforcer Corps is ‘Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum’ which means in Latin ‘If you want peace, Prepare for War.’ I can understand this, but I told you how this war started. Peace and friendship does not exist anymore. Diplomacy is dead.”

“But it is worth a try. And after I heard how kindly and polity you are, I allow you to move freely in Equestria.”

“Really? You would?”


And we wanted you to show Ponyville!” The fillies exclaimed.

Guess this isn’t so bad at all. Not bad at all. But why is this bad feeling still here?