• Published 28th Jun 2012
  • 3,296 Views, 124 Comments

A New World... For Jack. - Dream Searcher

The sequel to A New World, Jack has arrived in Equestria in his new pony form

  • ...

Getting Settled

I know that much of you guys wanted an update, so here it is. Beware, it's not edited, not yet, but this should bring some satisfaction for the moment.

Thoughts color:
Jack: brown.
Rainbow: Light blue.
The General: Red.

Chapter 2: Getting settled.
Timeline: The next day.

Jack awoke when he felt something or somepony shifting on his flank. He opened his eyes very slowly, he still felt something light from his hangover and he didn’t like it. What did I do to deserve this? He rubbed with his hoof on his temple, trying to make his headache a bit lighter. When he felt satisfied, he fully opened his eyes and let them focus. He turned his attention towards his flank; he saw something he didn’t expect. Rainbow was still sleeping, but she held his left hind leg between her front legs. It looked like how you would cuddle a teddy bear. Go a bit higher and you touch my private regions. Not wanting her to do that, he slowly pulled his leg out of her grasp, but this alerted Rainbow and she slowly woke up. She opened her eyes and saw that she still held Jack’s hind leg in her grasp. She blushed and quickly let go. Well it can’t get any weirder now.

She sat on the edge of the couch and looked at Jack, still blushing. “I think I’m gonna use a quote from Rarity: Let us never speak of this again.” She spoke with a Rarity like voice.

Jack snorted and laid himself more comfortable. “Ha, my lips are sealed, but I do need to say that you looked very cute.”

She glared at him, her blush immediately leaving her face. Oh it is on. “I. Am. Not. Cute. Understand?” Jack only nodded; he was a bit scared of her intimidating form. “Good, are you hungry?”

Jack nodded again. “Yes, I’m starving.” A devilish smirk formed on Rainbow’s face. I don’t like her expression.

“Then why don’t you go to the kitchen?” Jack cocked an eyebrow. Did she forget that I’m technically crippled?

“Um… you know I can’t walk?”

Rainbow hopped out of the couch and walked over to Jack’s side of the couch. “Yes I know and now I’m gonna teach you how to walk, but you aren’t gonna like it.” Jack gulped, but before he could do anything he was pushed out of the couch.

“Ow, why did you do that?” He looked at her, but he only saw the devilish smirk on her face and a whistle around the neck. When did she get that?

She pushed him with her hoof on the ground, his face touching the cloud floor. “Shut up, do twenty pushups for me.” She took the whistle in her mouth and blew on it, it made a deafening sound.

Jack immediately complied and started doing his pushups; he didn’t want to feel the wrath of Rainbow Dash. I always make the best choices in ladies… um mares. She’ll probably stop after this. Jack was wrong; Rainbow didn’t have the slightest compassion with Jack. She let him do even more pushups, some sit-ups and some other exercises. God, you really hate me, what did I do to deserve this? After what seemed like an eternity for Jack, but actually it were only thirty minutes, Rainbow stopped her torture. If I need to do this every day then I’ll look like Rocky in no time, in pony form that is.

Jack was lying on the ground, heavily panting and his head was resting on the cloud floor. Rainbow lowered her head towards Jack’s face; she was only inches away from his face. “Now call me cute one more time.” Jack only shook his head in response. “Good.” She then kissed him on the lips; it was a kind of make up gift. While it wasn’t that romantic, the kiss certainly didn’t miss its effect, Jack immediately felt better. “Now stand up.”

Jack slowly stood up, the pain of the exercises was still in his body. When he felt that he stood stabile he spoke. “Okay, now what?”

Rainbow stood in front of him, she was going to demonstrate how to walk. “Well, first you take a step with your left foreleg, your right hind leg will follow a bit later.” She took a step and a bit later her right hind leg followed automatically. “Now you do the same with your right foreleg.” She took a step with her right foreleg and her left hind leg followed automatically. “That’s everything, it’s always the opposite hind leg that will follow.” Jack nodded and got ready to walk.

On his first try he lifted his left fore leg up, but he fell on his side. On his second try he stumbled and fell on his face. On his third try he fell on Rainbow, every try failed miserably and occasionally Rainbow facehoofed. When he finally got it right for the first time, Rainbow’s forehead wasn’t cyan anymore; it was red from her facehooving.

“How can anypony fail so miserably at walking?” She placed an ice pack on her forehead, she facehoofed so hard that she had a light headache.

Jack glared at her, but he did find it funny that Rainbow got a headache from facehooving. Maybe now she’ll stop with that. “Do you think it would be easy to walk if you changed into a human, I don’t think so.”

Rainbow put her ice pack down. “Alright, alright. I want to see if you can really walk. Walk to the kitchen.”

Jack looked at the kitchen, it was not very far away, but this distance would prove if all his trying was worth it. Here goes nothing. He slowly did what he tried to do the last hour and surprisingly enough he didn’t fall, it felt actually very normal to him. It seemed that his brain had adapted to four legs instead of two and he was in the kitchen in no time.

Rainbow wiped her eyes with her hooves, her mouth slightly agape. “Am I dreaming or did you just run towards the kitchen?” Jack walked back into the living room.

“I don’t know either, first I fail at every try and now it feels like I had been doing this for my entire life” Jack never felt more confident.

“Don’t get your head up in the clouds.” She looked at her cloud house. “Um… bad choice of a saying, but I will teach you how to fly after breakfast.” Jack gulped. Oh no, soon I’ll plunge to death. With shaking knees he followed Rainbow into the kitchen.

The kitchen wasn’t that large, but it was large enough for 2 ponies. Rainbow opened her fridge and took out some cereal, milk and 2 apples. She placed the food on the table, took 2 spoons and 2 bowls out of a drawer and sat down on her chair. Jack also sat down on his chair, but in a strange way for ponies.

“You know, you look like Lyra now.” Rainbow said while adding milk to her cereal. Jack looked at himself, he was sitting as a normal human person would sit, but it was quite uncomfortable.

“Humans sit like this all the time, but I think I will adapt to the way ponies sit, my back hurts too much.” Jack then sat on his haunches on the chair; this was a lot more comfortable. “Tell me Rainbow, why such a small breakfast?” He took some cereal and placed it in his bowl, then he added milk.

Rainbow was already done eating. Dang, she’s fast in everything; maybe she’s also fast in bed… What am I thinking? No mind, don’t go there, you're going to make me uncomfortable. Rainbow clopped her hooves together in front of his face, Jack immediately snapped out of his thoughts. “Good, you’re back. I said that this is a breakfast for somepony who likes to sport, wants to keep his or her figure and I think this breakfast could make you a bit more muscled.

Jack shook his head in disbelief. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, are you saying that I don’t have any muscles?” He was a bit insulted.

“No, not at all. You just have fewer muscles than the average Pegasus stallion. You’ll need to have more muscles if you want to fly decent and if you want to keep up with The Dash.” And there’s her ego again. Rainbow took a bite from her apple and Jack did the same with his apple, he figured he needed all the calories he could get his hands… hooves on.

He locked eyes with her, those beautiful magenta eyes. No, I’m still a bit angry at her. He broke eye contact and looked at his body. She’s right, I need some muscles. Jack hung his head in defeat “Fine, how will I create muscles and how long will it take?”

Rainbow thought for a moment. “With my training schedule that consists of exercises and healthy food, I think it will take two weeks tops. Ugh, two weeks of training, no wait, two weeks of hell. Rainbow had finished with her apple and so had Jack. She took the two bowls and placed them in the sink, she could do the dishes later. “Come on, it’s time for your first flying lesson.” Rainbow walked out of the kitchen and Jack followed her, his heart was beating in his throat.

She opened her front door and walked on her cloud lawn. It was morning so the air was still a bit chilly, this combined with Jack’s fear gave him the chills. He walked to the end of the clouds and looked down, Rainbow’s house was very high up in the air, if you fall off then death is inevitable. Rainbow sat down next to him.

“Alright, for your first lesson I want you to experience a free-fall. Jump off.” Jack looked at her with a horrified expression on his face. Rainbow couldn’t help it and found this funny.

“Um… Rainbow, I might be a bit strange sometimes, but I’m defiantly not suicidal.” He looked back at the ground. Because his gaze was fixated on the ground, he didn’t notice that Rainbow was now behind him.

“Don’t worry, I’ll catch you. Enjoy your free-fall.” With that she pushed Jack over the edge; he immediately fell towards the ground.

“Raiiiiiinbooow, I fucking haaaate youuu!!!” Jack looked around him; he figured that he had 10 seconds before he was just a puddle of pony remains on the ground. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck. Quick, I need to use my wings. He tried flapping his wings, but they didn’t move. Only three more seconds before he died. Jack closed his eyes and waited for the impact. Goodbye cruel world. He was prepared for his end, but it didn’t come. He opened his eyes and saw that Rainbow was holding him like she did when she was transporting him to her house.

“I told you I’d catch you. I’ll never leave you hanging.” While her words were comforting, Jack was still shaking from fear. She put him down on her cloud lawn. “Now the second lesson: Flapping your wings.”

Jack controlled his shaking and listened carefully. All he needed to do was extending his wings and then just flap them up and down. Jack did what he was told to do and after a while he was hovering inches above the clouds.

“Hey, I can fly.” He was still hovering in place, but he felt like he could take on the world. Never thought I’d see the day where I’m the one who does the flying and not an airplane.

“Good, now if you lean forward you’ll fly forward, if you lean left or right you’ll turn, but you can’t fly backwards.” Jack followed her instructions and so he flew around her lawn. When it was almost noon the training was over. “You fly even slower than Fluttershy, but you’ll get there eventually. Now we’re going to Cloudsdale.”


Rainbow took off and flew beside him. “We’re going to find you a job.” Jack liked this idea. Now I’m not useless, now I can do something for the pony community. Jack flew with Rainbow to Cloudsdale, at a snail’s pace that is.


Normally Rainbow flew in just 5 minutes to Cloudsdale, but now with Jack it took her over an hour. Rainbow felt frustrated for flying so slow, but she couldn’t blame him, Jack was still learning how to fly properly and that was something she needed to take into account. They both landed in front of the weather facility.

“Wow, it was amazing to just look at it from a distance, but there are no words to describe this place, it might even be more beautiful than Paris.” Jack looked at the weather facility. It looked like a factory, but there wasn’t any smoke coming out of it like the factories on Earth.

“You should see the city and not just the facility, but what’s Paris?” Rainbow asked while they walked towards the entrance of the facility.

“Paris is a city on Earth, I find it the most beautiful city in the world. It’s also the city of love, la ville d’amour.” They walked into the facility. There was a mare with a white coat and a black mane and tail sitting at a desk in front of them, she looked like the receptionist.

“I don’t think that visiting Paris will be a possibility” They walked to the mare; she was busy with some papers. She was so busy with the papers that she didn’t hear them coming towards her, only when Rainbow coughed she looked up.

“I’m sorry Miss Dash, I was so busy with these papers that I didn’t notice you, did you have fun on Earth?” Rainbow and Jack blinked for a moment and shared confused faces.

“How… how do you know that I was on Earth?” Rainbow asked the receptionist. The receptionist took a newspaper that was lying on her desk and showed it to them.

“The Princess herself wrote an article in the Equestria Daily, she wrote that you and your friends were there for quite a time, but that Mister Jack here helped you through it. You, your friends and Mister Jack are quite famous.” Rainbow gave the newspaper back.

“Well Earth was fun, but can we speak to Mister Breeze?” The receptionist looked at a paper in front of her.

“Hmm… Yes, yes you can. He’s in room 14, just go to the hallway left of me, it’s the last room on the left.
Rainbow thanked the receptionist and then they walked towards the office of Mr. Breeze. “Who’s Mr. Breeze?” Jack asked to break the silence.

“He’s my boss and he’s also the one who decides what job you’ll get.” Rainbow was again silent; it seemed that she was thinking about what the receptionist just said. I don’t really mind the popularity, it’s fine to receive some recognition. Jack stopped Rainbow when they were halfway to the office.

“Rainbow what’s wrong, is it about your recent rise of popularity?” Rainbow hesitated for a moment, but decided to drop her ego.

“It’s just that I don’t feel like I deserve all this popularity. I enjoy popularity when I do something, not just because I was accidentally transported to a different universe. You, on the other hand deserve all this popularity. You helped my friends and me while we were on Earth and I did nothing.” This was the real Rainbow Dash, a pony who cares about others and not about herself, a pony who sometimes doubts too much about herself and a pony who uses an ego as a defense mechanism. Jack embraced Rainbow to make her feel better.

“Rainbow, I appreciate all your compliments, but it is you who is the real hero. If you weren’t there for me when I was tearing up about Hugo’s and my parent’s deaths, then there was a great chance that I committed suicide. Actually if you think about it, I was in a deep depression before you and your friends arrived and it is your friends and you that pulled me out of it, so I’m pretty certain that this popularity is well deserved.” Jack’s pep talk didn’t miss its effect, Rainbow’s mood immediately brightened.

“Thank you, you really are the best stallion a mare could get.” She wanted to kiss Jack, but he pushed her off him.

“Not here, I want to make a good first impression on your boss.” Rainbow nodded with a sly smirk and began to walk towards the office, her tail touching Jack’s face as an invitation for later. A blush appeared on Jack’s face, but he quickly suppressed it.

Rainbow knocked on the door and opened it. Inside was a stallion sitting at his desk, he was a black stallion with a red mane and tail, his mane and tail showed some silver hairs, this meant that he was starting to get older. He looked up from the papers that were lying on his desk; he quickly got up and trotted towards Rainbow.

“Rainbow, long time no see.” He gave Rainbow a quick kiss on the cheek. Jack just stood there, a baffled expression on his face. So this is how ponies greet their bosses. Jack coughed as an indication that he was still there.

“Oh yeah, I forgot for a moment that you were here. Jack, this is Mr. Breeze, my boss and my uncle.” Mr. Breeze trotted past Rainbow towards Jack and shook Jack’s hoof.

“Just call me Breeze, all my friends do and I know that you and Rainbow are a little bit more than just friends.” Jack just looked away and whistled a tune, but it was Rainbow that broke the silence.

“How?” Breeze motioned with his hoof to two chairs that were placed in front of his desk. Rainbow and Jack sat down on the chairs while Breeze did the same on his side of the desk.

“Call it intuition and besides, I was young too.” He answered with a wink. “But I’m digressing, tell me why you two are here, we can chat another time.” Rainbow wanted to answer, but Jack was quicker.

“Well sir, I’m looking for a job, I can’t always live on the expenses of your niece.” Jack was nervous, but who wouldn’t be nervous when they’re talking with a potential boss. Breeze searched in some drawers, when he was done he placed two papers on his desk.

“You might not know this but the facility has a shortage of Pegasi, so you’ll need to do two jobs instead of one. The first one is dispatch, you pass on orders to the weather teams and occasionally you’ll need to do some paperwork, this is on Monday and Tuesday, from 10AM to 4PM. Your second job is being a part of a weather team, Rainbow Dash’s weather team to be exact. Rainbow will tell you what to do. This is on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday also from 10AM to 4PM. You’ll get 1200 bits per month.” Jack nodded. “Tomorrow is Monday, so you’ll start tomorrow.”

“I’m okay with this, thank you sir.” Jack wanted to get up, but was stopped by a hoof from Breeze.

“Stop calling me sir or I’ll fire you.” Breeze let out a little laugh.

“Okay si… Breeze.” Breeze nodded and opened the door for Jack and Rainbow, when they were back in the hallway Breeze closed the door.

“Good kid.”

Meanwhile in the hallway: “Nice uncle.”


Jack and Rainbow trotted out of the weather facility, they were talking about being a part of a weather team. Rainbow told Jack that he had to listen to her orders. She also told him that he had to take it easy for a few days, because he still wasn’t very good at flying. While they were talking, a black zebra Pegasus with a black/gray mane and tail and with bat wings landed near them.

“Hiya Rainbow, who’s your friend?” The voice was so unexpected that Jack jumped a couple feet in the air. Rainbow, on the other hand, just stayed her calm and cool self. Half an hour ago she doubted herself and now she’s as cool as ice, how does she do that?

“Hey Storm. This is Jack; he’s my coltfriend and a member of our weather team.” The two bumped hooves and Rainbow turned towards Jack who now mastered his sudden fear. “Jack, this is Dark Storm. He’s a zebra Pegasus with bat wings, the only one in existence. He’s also part of my weather team and while he might look a bit weird he certainly is a cool pony, but he’s not as cool as me.” Storm gave Rainbow a little hit on her shoulder and walked towards Jack.

“So you’re the famous Jack? You look like a cool dude, but to prove that we need to go out and grab a drink, let’s say this Friday 7PM.” Jack wanted to say no at first, but Storm seemed to have a special convincing power which made it very difficult to say no.

Jack let out a sigh, his resistance was futile. “Fine, but stop with those puppy dog eyes.”

Storm clopped his hooves together from happiness. “Excellent, you won’t regret it.” With that he flew off as quick as he came.

Jack and Rainbow continued their walk in Cloudsdale. They passed certain landmarks and they strolled through the shopping street. When they arrived at the arena Rainbow told Jack about the Wonderbolts, how good they are and that it was her dream to join them one day. They passed a clock tower and Jack saw that it was 3PM.

“Rainbow, is it alright with you if I go to Twilight now?” Jack knew that Twilight was a librarian and he wanted to look into some books.

“Yeah fine, I’m gonna catch up with some friends.” They gave each other a quick kiss and parted ways, but then Rainbow realized that she forgot something and she flew back to him. “Here are your keys to my house, I almost forgot it.” She gave him the keys and flew away.

Jack walked to a secluded spot at the edge of Cloudsdale. He looked over the edge; Cloudsdale was even higher than Rainbow’s house. Okay, don’t panic, Rainbow isn’t here right now, but remember what she said. Just flap your wings and lean in the direction you want to go. Jack flapped his wings until he was hovering just above the clouds. He leaned forward and flapped a little slower, that way he lost some height. After 5 minutes of very cautious flying he touched the ground. It was somewhat scary for him, but he managed to do it. I did it, I flew without Rainbow Dash. Jack let out a yes of happiness, but what he didn’t know was that there was a certain cyan Pegasus hiding in the clouds and looking at him with a smile on her face.

“He’ll be an amazing Pegasus.” She left her hiding spot very silently and flew back to Cloudsdale. Why do I feel that someone… somepony was spying on me?


It took Jack a while to find Twilight’s house. He had to ask directions from different ponies and while some of them didn’t recognize him, most of them did. Some asked an autograph and some others wanted to talk with him for a bit. At first Jack really didn’t mind all the popularity, but now it was starting to get on his nerves. Man, now I know how Johnny Depp feels. I hope that this will die down soon. Most of the time Jack walked through the alleys instead of the streets, he wanted to avoid as much awestruck fans as possible. After his little endeavor through the alleys of Ponyville he arrived at Twilight’s house. He opened the door, since it was a public library, and he saw Twilight talking with a mint green mare with a lyre cutie mark. Jack coughed to get the attention of the mares.

“Ah Jack, I was just about to search for you.” Twilight motioned with her hoof to a cushion, indicating that Jack had to take a seat.

Jack walked towards the cushion but he felt creeped out by the green mare. She was looking at him like he was a test subject in one of her freaky experiments. “Why did you want to find me?”

While Jack was asking his question Twilight was pouring some tea in a teacup. With the help of her magic she gave the teacup to Jack. “The Princess gave me an assignment. I’m going to be the author of a book called: ‘Earth: the planet of the humans’. But I need some extra information about Earth and that’s why you’re here.”

Now it all made sense to Jack, but why the green mare was here, he didn’t know. “Okay, I’m happy to help, but why is she here?” He pointed his hoof to the other mare who was still eyeing him like he was a lab rat.

Twilight wanted to answer, but was cut off the mare. “Allow me, Twilight.” She turned towards Jack “I’m Lyra, I’m a musician, but I’m also very interested in humans. Other ponies made fun of me, because of my ‘obsession’ with humans, but I always knew they existed and now I’m right. I’m also here, because I help Twilight with writing the book.” Jack accepted the explication and nodded.

“Alright then, ask away.” Jack was ready for the bombardment of questions and this could also be a good way to pass the afternoon, so he really didn’t mind.

Twilight levitated her notebook in front of her and Lyra did the same. It was Twilight who began with a question. “Tell me how Earth was formed.” This made Jack think a bit. This is a question one would need a day to answer it.

“Okay, but I just give you the short version, because I don’t know everything.” He looked attentively at the mares, their quills were ready to write down everything he was about to say. “Our universe began with a Big Bang, no magic was involved. The earth was first a boiling planet full of lava. This cooled down after billions of years, the crust was formed and due to the gasses that were trapped on Earth by volcanoes an atmosphere was formed. This atmosphere was toxic. Water was brought here by asteroids and comets, this water condensed into clouds and these clouds created the oceans. Oxygen was formed in the atmosphere, making it non-toxic. Then all the elements were present to create flora and after a long time the first animals were created, they were just as big as a cell. But due to evolution these cells grew into bigger animals and then they grew into bigger animals and so on. Fun fact: Earth first had no moon. When Earth was cooling down it collided with another planet. Earth survived, but the other planet was diminished in size. Due to the gravity Earth possessed this piece of rock stayed around Earth and so the moon was formed and Earth has pieces of the moon on its surface.

When Jack was done with his little explanation the quills were still writing. These two must really have a good memory if they can remember every word that I said. Surprisingly enough Lyra was the first one that was done writing. When Twilight is done writing, she spoke. "tell us something about Earth itself.”

Waiting on Twilight didn’t take very long and so Jack began with his next explication. “Earth is the third planet in the Sol System; the Sol System consists of 8 planets. Earth is a planet with much variety. It has ice, jungles, mountains, tundra’s, deserts, fertile land and so on. There are over 200 countries on Earth and each country has its own culture. The earth also has 7 continents, 4 oceans and many seas.” Jack took a piece of paper and a pencil and drew the map of Earth as detailed as possible. It was quite detailed, because Jack was one of the best in geography class. He showed his drawing to Lyra and Twilight. “This is Earth.”

Twilight took the paper with her magic and looked at it very closely. “I will take this to a professional drawer and then this can be an illustration in the book. Now the next question: How were humans created?”

Now this isn’t a hard question. “Evolution, we’re technically apes. There are some people who believe that humans were created by a God, but science says otherwise. Humans are just very smart apes.”

Now it was again Lyra’s turn to ask a question. “Tell us something more about humans.

“If I need to compare humans to ponies, then humans are a violent race. Most humans hurt each other whether they want it or not. We are also a very warmongering race, we bring death with us. Right now humans are still fighting with each other. The Middle East is now a playground of invasions and civil wars.” Jack showed on his map where the Middle East was situated. “But humans also have a good side. Humans created architecture, music, art, in short: culture. And while humans have their differences, in times of need like a disaster or the end of the world, they will stand together and together they will face their fate or so I hope.” The end of Jack’s little explanation sounded more like a speech than an explanation.

Lyra clopped her hooves together. “Wonderful, you would make an excellent politician with a speech like that.”

Then came the questions about different cultures, about wars and about human procreation. Jack explained that humans procreated the same way as ponies, just with different positions. It was almost 9 PM when the questions finally died down. Jack wanted to leave, but a certain white alicorn hindered that. The Princess just teleported into the library.

“Greetings Jack, I just wanted to talk to you.” Her voice was as always very gentle, like little angels singing their song. Jack couldn’t help it and so a smile crept on his face.

Jack was still smiling like an idiot, but a little couch from Twilight snapped him out of it. “Oh, yes, of course. Why do you want to talk to me?”

Celestia levitated the communication device in front of Jack. “Your friends and I found this in the middle of Manehattan. My scientists studied it, but the only thing they discovered was its place of origin, that place is Earth. That’s why I’m here; do you know what this little device is?”

Jack studied the device for a moment, but he knew what the device was. “That’s easy, it’s a walkie-talkie. This device comes with two. You just need to push this button and speak into it; the person or pony on the other end of the walkie-talkie will then hear your voice. Jack took the walkie-talkie out of the levitation magic and pushed the button. “Hello, is anyone there? … Hello? … Anyone?” There was no response, just static. He gave the walkie-talkie back to Celestia.

“So that’s its purpose. Thank you Jack, I’ll let my scientists study it even further so that way we can make the same devices.” She said her goodbyes to everypony and then she was gone.

Jack also said his goodbyes to Lyra and Twilight and left the library, he figured that Rainbow should be home by now. Man, what a day. He slowly and cautiously flew to Rainbow's house, it was already going better. He arrived at Rainbow's house and opened the door.

“Rainbow, I’m home.” He closed the door and began to walk to the living room, but he was tackled by Rainbow who seemed to come out of nowhere. Jack was now lying on his back and Rainbow was standing on top of him.

“Do you have any idea what time it is, we need to work tomorrow.” Jack knew that Rainbow wasn’t completely angry, she loved him too much.

“It’s only 9.30PM, but how can I make it up to you?” Rainbow’s frown immediately disappeared and this was replaced by a more seductive expression. She got off him and began to walk towards the bedroom, her behind swaying left and right.

“Let’s play a game, you naughty boy.” Jack wings extended and he quickly followed Rainbow into the bedroom. This is going to be a good night.


On Earth the general was in the communications room of the bunker, he heard that there was something urgent going on. He walked up to the sergeant who was monitoring everything.

“Sergeant, what the hell is so urgent that I had to come down here?” The general just had a meeting with some corrupt secret agents from Russia and the meeting didn’t go as planned, so it was normal that the general was a bit more frustrated than normal.

“General Jones, sir. We were recently contacted by these ponies through the spying device, of course we didn’t respond and we send out static.”

The general’s frustration left and now he was curious and concerned at the same time. “How, I though these ponies didn’t know about our technology?”

The sergeant scratched the back of his head. “Well, the pony that contacted us used to be human. We don’t know how he was transformed or how he was transported into the pony universe.”

The general was silent for a moment. “So it does work, we can be transported between different universes.” He said silently. The general turned towards the scientist who was standing next to the sergeant. “How long before the teleportation device is finished?”

The scientist looked through the notebook he was holding. “According to our calculations, we think it will be finished in about two months.”

The general didn’t like thinking, he wanted action. “Thinking is not good enough, I want it finished in two months.” The scientist nodded and the general left the room. Everything is going according to plan, soon the invasion will begin.


Note: Phew, my biggest chapter yet, yay. Also, I want to know what you think happened in the bedroom. Come on, share your thoughts. I will reveal what happened in the next chapter.

Extra Note: Hardcore Gamer, this is just a small appearance of your OC, I still have many plans for him. MUHAHAHAHA, I like my evil laugh.