• Published 28th Jun 2012
  • 3,296 Views, 124 Comments

A New World... For Jack. - Dream Searcher

The sequel to A New World, Jack has arrived in Equestria in his new pony form

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Nightmare Night

A New World… For Jack.
Chapter 5: Nightmare Night
Timeline: A month later.

Nightmare Night, the Equestrian equivalent of Halloween. A night where pranks are very common. A night where the foals go trick-or-treating. A night where the foals can finally stay up past their bedtime. But for some ponies Nightmare Night was a night from Tartarus. It was scary and terrifying. So lock your doors and close your blinds, because tonight is Nightmare Night. MUHAHAHA!!!


It was just a few hours before the start of Nightmare Night. The ponies in Ponyville were decorating their houses, even the ones who were scared of Nightmare Night. Jack-o’-lanterns were placed next to doors and sometimes accompanied with fake spiders or ghosts. For this special occasion the town hall had been painted orange and black. The river that flowed through Ponyville had been magically changed by Twilight. She had changed the blue color of the water to a red one, it was almost the same as blood. She had created a costume for herself with the help of her magic. She was going to celebrate Nightmare Night in an Ursa Minor costume. Secretly she hoped to see Trixie again so that they could settle things between them, but her mind told her that she wasn’t going to come back.

Rarity had been the costume creator the past couple of days. Everypony, except the scared ones, wanted a costume and she was the only fashion designer in Ponyville. She accepted all the commissions, but as the generous soul she is, she gave everypony a discount because it was for a special occasion. She created many costumes: ghosts, Timberwolves, devils and even a batmare. She created a Countess Flankula costume for herself. Fangs, cape and a black dress, which even rivaled the blackness of the night itself. She was ready for Nightmare Night.

Applejack and her brother bucked as many trees as they could before the start of Nightmare Night. The Mayor had appointed Applejack and her family as the ponies who were responsible for the food on Nightmare Night. She needed to make apple pies, apple fries, apples on a stick and so on. Now she and her family were busy cooking. Her costume was also ready. She was going to celebrate Nightmare Night in an apple costume, a big red apple. Rather silly, but it fitted her love for apples.

Pinkie Pie was the mare responsible for the games which were going to be played near the town hall. She was also responsible for the foals who were going to be trick-or-treating with her. Her costume was a cupcake with pink frosting. Yes, a real cupcake. She decided to go for a cupcake costume so that she could eat it after Nightmare Night.

Fluttershy helped the ponies with the decorations on their houses and in the town. She was afraid of Nightmare Night, but that didn’t stop her from helping other ponies. She attached some balloons to lanterns or placed a jack-o’-lantern on a good location. Due to Rainbow’s persuasion she decided that she was going to leave her house and try to enjoy Nightmare Night. Her costume fitted her love for animals. She was going to live a little on Nightmare Night in a brown squirrel costume. Her whole body was covered in that costume, except her eyes and her mouth. She even had the ears and tail of a squirrel. One could easily mistake her for a giant squirrel. It was the perfect costume.

Rainbow and Jack were responsible for the weather. They needed to make sure that there weren’t any clouds in Ponyville airspace. It was an easy job for them so that left them with enough time to try on their costumes.

Rainbow Dash’s choice was just a black cloak that covered her whole body and this was accompanied by a scythe that she could hold with her wings. She was going to celebrate Nightmare Night as the pale pony; as Death.

She walked around in her living room, showing off her costume, while Jack sat on the couch and looked at her. “So, whaddya think?” She asked while she once again hit Jack on his right foreleg with her plastic scythe.

Jack rubbed his right foreleg and pushed the scythe away. “Y’know, it’s really starting to hurt after the 21st time.” Rainbow pouted and lay her scythe on the ground next to the couch. “But I think you’re going to have one of the best costumes in Ponyville. If you just dyed your coat and mane white, then ponies will surely take you for the real pale pony.”

Rainbow shook her head. “Not gonna happen. My coat and mane need to stay natural or otherwise I’ll lose the shine on them.” She took off her hood and went with a hoof through her mane to empathize her ‘shine’. Jack just rolled his eyes. “Well,” Rainbow began. “Aren’t you gonna show me your costume?”

Jack stopped staring at Rainbow’s ‘oh so glorious’ mane and quickly got off the couch. “You’re going to love this.” He said while he disappeared into the bedroom.

He took the box that was placed under his bed and put it on the bed. He opened the box and laid his eyes on the prize. He had asked Rarity to make a suit the same as Slenderman. Or is it Slendermane? Before he went to Rarity he drew the suit of Slendermane on a piece of paper. His drawing was a total disaster, but he didn’t need his drawing. Rarity said she had heard of Slendermane and she even played the game, so she was familiar with Slendy’s suit. The game had scared the living hell out of her and she slept with Sweetie Belle for a couple of nights.

He took the suit out of the box and admired it for a moment. Rarity had done a really good job on his costume. His suit was black, which was going to cover his whole body except for his head, and his collared shirt was white, he also had a red tie just like the real Slendermane. He put on the suit and readjusted his tie so that it was perfect. Then he took another piece of clothing out of the box. It was a white mask that could cover his face. He put it over his head and looked at the mirror. Yes, he can see through the mask. It was then that he noticed the tentacles on his back. (Editor: I’ve seen enough hentai :P ) Before he went home with his costume he went to Twilight. He had asked her if she could put some magical tentacles on his back so that he looked more like the real Slendermane. She managed to do it and now there were tentacles on the back of the suit. He smirked, knowing that he had the perfect costume to scare somepony, and that pony would be Rainbow Dash. He quietly walked to the window and flew out of it.

He flew to the window of the living room and peeked through it. Perfect, Rainbow Dash was still with her back to the window and she was once again playing with her scythe. Jack soundlessly crept through the open window and walked very quietly towards Rainbow’s back. When he was just behind her he tried to control his tentacles and to his surprise it worked. He controlled the tentacles and very silently moved them towards Rainbow’s back. Rape time… Wait what? Oh no, I have a dirty mind. He dismissed those thoughts and focused on his tentacles. It was actually kinda weird to control appendages that weren’t really his, but he could control them and that was all that mattered… and scaring Rainbow Dash of course.

Rainbow felt a tap on her shoulder, but to her surprise the thing that tapped her wasn’t a hoof. From the edges of her vision she could actually see that it looked like a tentacle and she hated to admit it, but she was scared to turn around. Eventually she mustered up all her courage and turned around. She immediately was eye to… mask with the strange creature. She wanted to scream, she just wanted to scream her lungs out, but no word left her mouth. She just stared at… it, but nothing happened. She was fairly certain that she would die, but then the creature began to laugh. Her face that had an expression of fear, but it slowly began to change into one of confusion. She saw the creature and she thought she was going to die. She saw its white mask, completely covering its eyes and its emotions. She saw its black suit with the red tie. She saw its brown tail. Wait… brown tail? Laughing? No… Jack? … Oh no he didn’t. “Jack, is that you?” She asked, but with still with a bit of fear in her voice. She wasn’t sure if it was Jack so it could be anypony.

The creature briefly stopped laughing and pulled off his mask. It was then clear to Rainbow that Jack had pranked her. He met her furious gaze, but he couldn’t contain himself and began laughing again. She kept her furious gaze fixated on him, but after a few seconds she joined his laughing, because his prank was too damn funny. She really didn’t mind to be pranked, in fact she actually likes it once in a while. “Hohoho, you should have seen your face.” Jack managed to say between his laughs.

Their laughter slowly died down and they both sat on the couch. “Yeah yeah, but you just won the battle, that war is far from over.” She said.

Jack raised his eyebrow in an almost comical way. “Is that a challenge, Miss Dash?”

Rainbow nodded and spit on her hoof. “It is, Mister Mavis. The one who has pranked the other the most after one week wins. The loser has to… treat the other like royalty for one week.” She extended her hoof.

Jack hesitated for a moment, he knew how Rainbow was when she was in a challenge. She was like a Pitbull, once she had her teeth in something, she wasn’t going to let go and she was going to do everything to win. Nonetheless he liked taking a risk, so he spit on his hoof and hoof-bumped her. “Deal.” He answered.

Rainbow snorted. “You’re going to lose. Jack, mah boi, get ready for another week of being my slave.”

Jack stuck his tongue out. True, last month was hard, but he deserved it. “We’ll see, we’ll see. Right now I’m gonna take a nap, Nightmare Night starts around 8PM and it’s just 2PM. Wake me when it’s time.” He yawned and rested his head on the armrest and closed his eyes.

Rainbow got out of the couch and began to play with her scythe again. Not many ponies knew this, but she had a bit of weapon training in Cloudsdale when she was just a filly, so weapons interested her. “Fine, but try to keep those tentacles in your control, they scare the heck out of me.”


“Where is it? Where is it?” Luna asked herself while she searched through her closet.

The whole afternoon she had been searching for one item that seemed to have disappeared into thin air. That item was a black cloak she wore when she wanted to celebrated Nightmare Night in Ponyville.

Two years ago was her first Nightmare Night in Ponyville and lets just say that things didn’t go the way she planned. But then that mare with the violet mane, Twilight Sparkle, helped her. She convinced the inhabitants of Ponyville that Luna wasn’t dangerous and that they just had to give her a chance. Of course Luna herself had to try a different approach to make friends with the inhabitants of Ponyville, but in the end they accepted her as a friend and now Nightmare Night was her favorite night. Last year she couldn’t attend Nightmare Night, because she was on a diplomatic mission in Zebrica. But tonight she was going to celebrate it, but only if she could find her cloak.

“Are you missing something, sister?” Celestia asked. She was standing in the doorway while wearing a slightly amused smile on her face. She always enjoyed seeing her sister when she was stressed.

Luna pulled her head out of the closet and stared at her sister, her eyes just small dots in her eyes. “Yes,” She quickly said. “We need our cloak or otherwise we cannot attend Nightmare Night in Ponyville. Thou must tell us where it is, we know that thou hast hidden it from us.” Her nostrils let out some steam, Luna was getting rather angry now.

Celestia just raised her hoof in a swift, calm motion. “Calm down Luna, and remember your grammar lessons.”

Luna sighed slowly and tried to calm down. “Please sister, where is our… my cloak?”

Celestia chuckled. “Oh I hid it alright, but it’s up to you to find it. I’ll give you a clue. The cloak you are looking for is somewhere here in your bedroom. Have fun searching.” She walked out of the bedroom and closed the door behind her. After 5 seconds she could hear Luna’s hoof smashing against the closet, probably to let off some steam.

“Sister, you’re such a troll.” Luna said when her anger disappeared.

She had searched everywhere. Under her bed, in the closet, in her bedside table and even on her roof, her cloak was nowhere to be found. She felt somber, due to her sister she couldn’t attend Nightmare Night. It was her sister who made everything difficult for her. It was her sister who had the easy way of living. Slowly her hooves began to change to a black color and when she saw that she immediately knew what it meant. She had to stop feeling resentment towards her sister or otherwise Nightmare Moon would come back and she didn’t want that. She began to think happy thoughts. Celestia was her sister and she knew that Celestia loved her. Her hooves stopped changing. Celestia liked to play with her. Her hooves slowly regained their dark blue color. Celestia was just playing a prank on her and they both loved pranks. Her hooves were dark blue once again.

She sighed, she had averted changing into Nightmare Moon. The elements didn’t destroy Nightmare Moon, they just locked her up and now she was waiting for a hole to break through. Luna had to keep herself under control if she wanted to keep Celestia and her subjects safe.

She closed the closet and walked around her room, her mind still trying to find places she hadn’t searched before. Then, in her mind, a light bulb appeared. She knew where her cloak was. She trotted to a part of her wall, near the door, and pushed on a special brick. That part of the wall opened itself and she laid her eyes upon the bananas in the secret compartment of the wall. Her sister kept a secret stash of bananas in every room in case of a banana emergency. Luna didn’t know why her sister had such an obsession with bananas, but all of that didn’t matter right now, because on the stack of bananas lay her cloak. She jumped for joy, she could celebrate Nightmare Night.


8PM, it was time for Nightmare Night to start. Jack and Rainbow had held their promise and they met Scootaloo under their cloud house, together they were going to celebrate Nightmare Night. Scootaloo was wearing a chicken costume. She had to wear it, because she had lost a bet with Applebloom. Her original plan was to wear a Rainbow Dash costume, but now she was stuck in that chicken suit.

“Hah, I still can’t believe you lost a tug of war against Applebloom. You need to be stronger, squirt.” Rainbow said while she, Jack and Scootaloo walked towards the town. Her house was a mile from the town, so it took some time to reach Ponyville.

“Yeah, but it wasn’t my fault. A butterfly distracted me, it landed on my nose. Besides, Applebloom is an Earth Pony so it’s normal that she’s stronger.” Scootaloo tried so desperately to save some dignity, but it wasn’t working. Jack and Rainbow had laughed the whole time they had been walking.

Rainbow patted Scootaloo’s head. “Alright squirt, I believe you.” Rainbow said.

It was just a small sentence, but Scootaloo appreciated it. She didn’t let Rainbow down and she was so happy for that. The rest of the walk they talked to each other. Jack told Scootaloo that he had given Rainbow quite the scare with his costume and Rainbow blushed when he said that to Scootaloo, but now it was Scootaloo’s time to laugh which made Rainbow blush even harder. After that, Rainbow told Scootaloo that if she ever had a stallion that she would have to rule him with an iron hoof. She told Scootaloo about last month and told her that Jack was a very obedient pony. Now it was Jack’s time to blush.

They arrived in Ponyville around 8.30PM and the party had already begun. There was a giant stage where Vinyl Scratch was putting a record on her turntable. It was not the usual Vinyl song, but it was kind of electronic. Twilight was dancing, if you could call it dancing, with Storm who wore an Alien costume from the movie Alien VS Pony. Fluttershy, who actually looked rather relaxed, was talking with Rarity near the dance floor. They both seemed to have a good time. Applejack was busy selling her food, but occasionally her brother took over so that she could have a good time on the dance floor. Pinkie Pie… was nowhere to be found and there weren’t any foals at the games that Pinkie had created for them. That had to mean that she was trick-or-treating with them. Pinkie had the body of a mare, but still a filly inside. It was a nice thing to see. Ponies dancing, chatting with each other or just enjoying the night and forget about their worries for a time.

Jack lowered himself a bit. “So Scootaloo, you want to go trick-or-treating?”

Before Scootaloo could answer the music abruptly stopped, much to the dismay of the ponies who were dancing. Vinyl just shrugged, she also didn’t know why that happened. A record appeared out of nowhere and dropped on the turntable. Instantly the music, more fitting for Nightmare Night, began.

There was a lightning flash, followed by some thunder. Some of the ponies sought shelter under the roof of the town hall, in case it was going to rain, while others, like Fluttershy, cowered behind their friends. There was one thing that all ponies did and that was directing their gaze towards the sky. There they saw a chariot with two Pegasi with bat wings pulling it. The one who was controlling the chariot was none other than Princess Luna, who decided to visit Ponyville on Nightmare Night. Her cloak was covering a bit of her face, but most ponies could see that it was the Princess, so they got out of their hiding places or shelters. There were still some ponies who were scared of her, but with a bit of encouragement from other ponies, they too began to leave their shelters.

Luna had a smile on her face. “Ah Ponyville, it has been too long.” She silently said to herself. The chariot landed near the town hall, just next to the dance floor. She stepped out of the chariot and pulled off her hood, her regal mane again flowing in non-existing wind. She cleared her throat, she was going to use the Royal Canterlot Voice, just this once. “Ponies of Ponyville, it is wonderful to be here tonight and I-“ She stopped when she saw a brown spotted colt in a cowpony costume sitting on the bridge and with a smile on his face. That smile was clearly directed to her. She stopped her speech and flew over to Pipsqueak. “Pip, it’s so wonderful to see you again.” She grabbed the colt with her forelegs and gave him a bone crushing hug.

Pip desperately tried to push himself out of Luna’s hug, but she was too strong. “Please… can’t… breathe.” His head began to turn blue from not getting any oxygen.

Luna saw that she was almost killing Pip and quickly let go. He fell on the ground and took a deep breath. Luna lowered herself, so that she was face to face with Pip. “Oh Pip, I’m so sorry, sometimes I forget how strong I actually am.”

Pip waved a dismissive hoof at her and slowly got up. When his breathing was steady again, he spoke. “It’s quite alright, partner. A cowpony can take that kind of choking.” He came closer to Luna’s ear and whispered. “Just give me a pat on the head next time.”

Luna nodded quickly, she was really relieved that she didn’t give Pip any permanent damage. Her thoughts about harming Pip disappeared when her brain registered that he called her ‘partner’ and that he had a cowpony accent. She raised her head again and formed an amused smile on her face. “Are we a cowpony this time, Pip?”

Pip nodded. “That’s right, partner. Say, do you want to be my deputy and catch some bad ponies?”

Luna was silent for a moment. Nopony had ever invited her to play a game, most of them were still a bit scared. But Pip, he wasn’t scared and he was asking her to join his game. Of course she was going to accept it. “Gladly.” She made a mental note to invite Pip over for a sleepover party in the castle, just the two of them.

Pip jumped for joy. “Well, let’s get going, Deputy. A lot of outlaws are just waiting for us to catch them.” Pip said and ran away. Luna immediately ran after him, a little giggle escaping her lips.

Jack watched the display from a distance, but with a smile on his face. He had heard stories about Luna’s return and most of the stories tried to make ponies scared of her. There were still some ponies who thought that Luna was just Nightmare Moon in disguise and that she couldn’t be trusted, but there were others who accepted Luna. Of course, the scared ponies were around 80% of the population, but slowly more ponies would begin to accept Luna. To Jack Luna didn’t seem so bad, she was actually quite lovely. He had also heard her voice and he instantly connected that voice to the voice he heard when he was flying around midnight one month ago. He didn’t fully comprehend how Luna could have such a loud voice, but he also couldn’t comprehend how ponies could hold things with their hooves, so he decided to drop it. It would probably fuck his mind up.

He turned to Rainbow who was, as always, bragging about herself to Scootaloo. She stopped speaking when she saw Jack coming to her. “She seems nice.” He said. Truth be told, he wouldn’t mind having a talk with the princess.

Rainbow nodded. “She’s really nice, but most ponies don’t want to see that side of her. They just keep seeing her as a demon. It’s a shame, she can be so funny sometimes.” Her mind brought her to a night where she was having a sleepover at the castle together with her 5 friends and the princesses. Luna was good at telling jokes, some more explicit than others, and everypony had a good time. She really wanted to have a sleepover again soon.

“Yeah it is.” Jack agreed. He decided to take things the other way, before it became too depressing. “Anyways,” He turned to Scootaloo. “How about we get you some candy, because that’s why we’re here for, right?”

“Yeah, and I know just the place to get some candy.” Scootaloo said and began to gallop away. Jack and Rainbow followed her after shrugging to each other.

After a gallop of two minutes they arrived at a house which was built just next to the school. Scootaloo knocked on the door, her bag in her mouth, and waited for it to open. Jack and Rainbow just stood a bit further away, Scootaloo could ask the candy alone. The door opened and Ms.Cheerilee stood in the doorway. “Ah Scootaloo, here for some candy?” Ms.Cheerilee happily asked. Her name really fitted her personality, Jack could feel the happiness radiating off her.

Scootaloo nodded excitedly. “Yes Ms.Cheerilee and I even made my homework.” Scootaloo hoped that Ms.Cheerilee would give her more candy now that she had told her about her homework.

Ms.Cheerilee faked surprise. “Scootaloo, the most awesome filly in Ponyville, has done her homework? Well that deserves a reward, don’t you think? Wait right here.” Ms.Cheerilee trotted away from the doorway and she came back a minute later. On her back was a sack of candy and a book. She took the sack of her back and placed it in Scootaloo’s bag. “There you go, now for the moment suprême.” She grabbed the book with her mouth and gave it to Scootaloo.

Scootaloo placed the book on the ground and looked Ms.Cheerilee right in the eyes. PUPPY EYES MODE – ACTIVATED. “A-a book, Ms.Cheerilee? Why no candy?”

Cheerilee looked Scootaloo fiercely in the eyes, almost trying to glare the filly down. That was until she burst out laughing.”Haha, I got you there, Scootaloo.” Scootaloo just looked confused, but after a while Cheerilee stoped laughing and wiped some tears away. “Phew, it has been a long time since I had such a laugh. I might be a teacher, Scootaloo, but even I’m not that heartless. Here’s your extra candy.” She took the candy of a table that stood next to the door and placed it in Scootaloo’s bag. “There you go, Scootaloo, a good amount of candy. Now don’t eat everything at once or otherwise you’re going to pay Ms.Colgate a visit, understand?” Cheerilee had shifted back into teacher mode.

Scootaloo nodded “Yes Ms.Cheerilee.” She placed the saddlebags on her back, she could even smell the sweet aroma of the candy.

Ms.Cheerilee smiled. “Good, bye Scootaloo, bye Jack and Rainbow.” She waved at them and closed the door.

How Cheerilee knew that it was Jack under the mask of Slendermane, Jack didn’t know. Maybe it was teacher’s instinct or maybe it was because she knew that Rainbow and Jack almost always accompanied each other. Jack didn’t know it and he wasn’t going to pursue it.

The rest of the evening went well. Scootaloo got a good amount of candy and Jack and Rainbow occasionally pranked somepony who was standing near them. This night was one of the best nights that Jack ever witnessed. It was funny and scary at the same time. But every night has to come to an end and it wasn’t different for Nightmare Night, but before Jack and Rainbow dropped Scootaloo off at the orphanage, it was time for the grand finale.

“So tell me the plan again.” Rainbow asked when they stood in front of Lyra’s and Bonbon’s house.

Jack took a peek through the window and saw that Lyra and Bonbon were watching TV. Lyra was sitting like a human, but her hoof was lying on Bonbon’s flank, who was sitting like a normal pony would sit on a sofa. It was a heartwarming sight, seeing these two lovers enjoying each other’s company while watching CSI: Maneami. He turned back to Rainbow. “The plan is that you knock on the door and talk to them to keep them busy while I fly to the chimney and go into it. Then I will appear in their fireplace, which is not active by the way so don’t worry, and I quietly walk towards them. When I’m standing behind them, I’ll touch their back with my tentacles and they’ll have the scare of their life.” He grinned, almost diabolical, it just needed some evil music and a maniacal laugh to complete the picture.

“Sounds good to me.” Rainbow turned to Scootaloo. “Now, you just follow my lead and try to start a conversation with them. Oh, and don’t tell them anything about the prank.” Scootaloo just made a zipping motion, said nothing and smiled. She was clearly trying to show Rainbow that she wasn’t going to spoil anything and Rainbow loved Scootaloo for that. She always tried to impress her, to be as awesome as her idol and Rainbow knew that one day Scootaloo would become a shining star. Maybe not in flying, but she was sure that Scootaloo’s talent would be an astonishing one. She dismissed those sentimental thoughts and focused on the task at hand. “Now off you go, to the roof, and try to be silent.”

Jack nodded and took off. Flying with a suit was a bit harder than flying naked, but it was worth it. He landed as silently as he could on the roof and walked to the chimney. His ears perked up when he heard a knock, Rainbow had knocked on the front door. He listened intently. He could hear some murmur, clearly Bonbon and Lyra weren’t happy with the unexpected guests, and then he could hear the clopping of hooves on the floor. He dived into the chimney and again landed as silently as he could in the fireplace. He knew that his suit was covered in soot, but he didn’t mind. Rarity, however, would kill him. The door was opposite of the fireplace and he could see that Rainbow was doing a good job of distracting the two mares. He hovered above the floor, he really didn’t want to make any noise. When he was just inches from the backs of the two mares he landed and immediately and he began to caress their backs with his tentacles, it looked like he was going to rape them.

They froze, literally froze. Their bodies became cold and their breathing stopped. It almost looked like they died on the spot. Slowly they began to turn around and made eye contact with a mask and that’s when the screams began.

“Aaaaaahhh, it’s Slendermane. Quick, turn around before he knocks us unconscious.” Bonbon yelled. She had heard of Slendermane and how he caught his prey. Maybe turning around wasn’t going to help, since he was already behind them, but it was worth a shot.

They both turned around, so that they were facing Dash and Scootaloo again and saw those two lying on the ground and having the laugh of their life, Rainbow even had some tears coming out of her eyes. Confusion began to spread in their brains. It was also then that they heard some laughter from behind them. Their confusion changed into realization, they had been pranked. They once again turned around and saw Jack’s face, his mask in his hoof. He too was laughing.

Bonbon wasn’t happy that she had been pranked, her face immediately turned into a scowl. “Hey, that wasn’t-“ Her stomach grumbled. “Toilet!!!” She pushed Jack out of the way and ran to a room that was probably the toilet.

He had the perfect remark for this situation. “Well, I guess you can say that…” He took a pair of sunglasses from a table that was placed to his right and put it on his face. “I scared the shit out of her.” A YEAAAAAAAAHH followed, probably from CSI: Maneami.

Dash managed to stand up and cocked an eyebrow at Jack. “Dude, that sucked.”

Jack just shrugged. “Hey, you can’t blame me for trying.”

Lyra smiled, she actually thought that the prank was quite funny, even if she was the victim. “As much as I want to congratulate you three on a successful prank, I think I need to comfort Bonbon a bit. I hope you don’t mind, but I have to ask you all to leave.”

Jack nodded. “Of course we don’t mind. It’s your house and it’s getting late. See you later, Lyra.” He walked past Lyra and through the open door. He quickly turned back to her before she could close the door. “Here.” He tossed her the mask. “Keep it as a reminder.” A wink followed.

She looked at the mask, then at Jack and then back at the mask. Suddenly, an evil smirk formed on her face. “Bonbon will love this.” She smashed the door shut and Jack, Rainbow and Scootaloo could hear Lyra shouting: ‘Bonbon, I have a surprise for you.’

Scootaloo pulled with her teeth at Rainbow’s cloak. “Rainbow, if it isn’t too much to ask, but could I sleep at your place tonight. I think the orphanage isn’t open anymore, since it’s so late.” She wanted to use her puppy dog eyes on Rainbow, but saw that she wasn’t going to need it, because Rainbow as already nodding her head.

“Of course you can. Come on, hop onto my back. “She lowered herself a bit and a second later Scootaloo was lying on Rainbow’s back. “Jack will sleep on the couch this night.”

Jack nodded, but only because he hadn’t fully registered the sentence yet. “Yeah, I- I what?”


The General sat at his desk, studying the invasion plans. The portal to the new universe was ready and tomorrow would be the day that he himself would start up the portal. The nukes had also arrived and had been equipped with a portal device. Basically that meant that when a nuke was launched he just had to push a button and the nuke would travel between universes. Still, he needed to do one thing before he started with the invasion and that one thing he would do tomorrow…

A/N: That’s it, the introduction chapters are over and now the real fun and action begins. I’m sorry for all my late chapters, but I have 3 other stories to attend to and school. I have a busy life.

E/N: >>Rape