• Published 14th Jan 2017
  • 2,330 Views, 224 Comments

Shut Up And Dance - TheVClaw

After accidentally injuring Elusive's dancing partner before a large competition, Rainbow Blitz swore that he would help him find a new partner and win. Unfortunately, Elusive seems to want Blitz to be his replacement.

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Chapter Twenty-Eight: Over the Cliff

Ever since he was a colt, Rainbow Blitz had always been the type to stay in the air as often as possible. Whether it be by perching himself on top of high structures, or just hovering a few feet in the air by his wings, it was fairly rare to see the pegasus stay on the ground for longer than an hour or so. But after that… awkward moment back at that Electro club, it was hard for him to stay afloat after bolting away from everypony. He wasn’t sure what the buck prompted him to scurry off so quickly, but he knew he’d probably be safer on a grounded surface to think things over.

So instead of perching himself on the top of a building like some gargoyle, or flying aimlessly around the packed island of Manehattan while his mind was frazzled, Rainbow reluctantly headed back to Elusive’s apartment to let everything sink in. Of course, even after a couple hours had passed, the Wonderbolt’s nerves still felt frayed as he sat on the living room couch with his head in his hooves. Butterscotch’s calming breathing techniques may have helped him a couple times in the past, but no amount of yoga-based bullcrap was enough to keep his rear-hooves from fidgeting against the hardwood floor. As he sat in silent solitude, Blitz couldn’t stop thinking about what the heck his friend was trying to do earlier that night.

There was no doubt that Elusive was drunk back at the club; even if he hadn’t have acted that way around the pegasus, the fact that Blitz could almost taste the tequila on his breath would’ve been a clear enough hint. But even with that obvious inebriation, Rainbow couldn’t shake that something else was up with his friend on that dance-floor. Usually when he had a little too much to drink, the unicorn either just acted really sleepy or overly emotional; but as he swiped Blitz away from Julianne to bring the dancing back to them, Elusive was almost unrecognizable to his dancing partner. Of course, Rainbow knew that move wasn’t the only thing his friend did which made him feel so weird afterward; no matter how much he tried to focus his thoughts elsewhere, that cheekily flirtatious statement Elusive made was running through his head in continuum.

‘What’s the matter, Darling? Would you rather get a kiss?~’

“Urrrgh!!” Rainbow gripped his mane tightly with both hooves as he sat in a more perched position on the couch. Even if he were to dismiss everything else that happened at Electro as just a bout of drunken idiocy, the fact that Elusive said that was making everything else seem more suggestive than expected. He could remember how weird the unicorn looked when they took that carriage ride to the club, but he figured that was just post-competition stress. But combined with him trying to keep Blitz and Julianne apart, and that way he was staring at him at the end of their forced impromptu dance, it was hard to see that as just being coincidence.

Not to mention, the memory of what almost occurred the previous night soon came back into Blitz’s subconscious as well.

Nnnnghhh…” As he leaned himself back against the couch, Blitz really wished he had something to drink to help avoid thinking that moment over. But alas, even if Elusive’s apartment had anything with alcohol in it, the pegasus knew better than to drink any more than he already had that night. His head was already ringing from the remnants of what he downed back at the stadium and that carriage ride, and that lightning-fast flight back here didn’t help his budding migraine by any means. But despite all that, his thoughts became as audible in his head as they did paranoid.

He… He didn’t mean that, right? He wasn’t… a-actually expecting me to kiss him, was he? Wh… What the buck would be the point of that anyway!? He’s my friend! I’m HIS friend!

This can’t… This can’t be it. No… No, there’s no WAY he was being serious… I mean, even with that one thing that happened last night, which doesn’t count at all, Lucy… Elusive wouldn’t wanna do that. I mean, LOOK at us! There’s no way that sort of thing would work…

He’s a prissy, overbearing prep who gets pissed-off when I preen myself in his Boutique! He actually used the term ‘Plebian’ to describe my music tastes! Like, non-ironically!Why the buck would he wanna kiss ME? He didn’t even lean in that much last night…

After a brief pause, Blitz caught that last statement in his mind to gasp and tense-up strongly on the couch. Shit, wait! I-I-I wasn’t leaning in at all! He… He was the one who did it, NOT me! I mean… Dammit Blitz, stop thinking about that! He wasn’t trying to kiss you last night, and he wasn’t wanting one now! That’s not happening, so stop getting your hopes up--WHAT THE BUCK, NO!!! NO HOPES! SHUT UP, YOU STUPID DRUNK BRAIN!!

“MRRRRGHHH!!!” The pegasus leaned back forward with his face in his hooves, almost resembling a fetal position as he let out a muffled groan in irritation. He wasn’t sure what the heck was going on, but he felt like all this deafening silence was getting him too lost in his slightly tipsy thoughts. He didn’t know what to believe or consider, and he was certain his own mind couldn’t be trusted in the state he was in. After an annoyed huff, the Wonderbolt got up from the couch to head towards the window. If silence wasn’t doing it for him, then there had to be something happening in Manehattan to keep him occupied until sobering up com--


GAHHH!!” Blitz wasn’t usually the type to get startled by loud noises, but the sudden boom of the front door opening and slamming against the wall made him jolt embarrassingly high. When he glanced back to the source of the noise, his eyes widened when he caught sight of a sweat-matted, and very winded-out Elusive panting at the doorway. The unicorn’s breaths were heavy and strained, undoubtedly from running all the way from Electro back to this apartment to chase Rainbow down. But even with how messed-up his purple mane became, and how red his face looked while beading with sweat, the unicorn’s wide-eyed face showed nothing but relief at seeing his partner standing awkwardly in the living room.

“Oh… Ohthankgoodness…” Due to his lungs burning painfully with each forced gasp for air, Elusive could only speak in weak and rushed-sounding blurbs. Meanwhile, Blitz stood with his brows raised on his friend as he tried to fathom how far that run must’ve been for him. “I… Itriedtofol… Itried… tofollowyourtrail, and… andI… Ihopedyouwouldbehere…”

Rainbow bit his lip as he looked away from his friend, not wanting to think about how quickly the unicorn had to have galloped to follow his rainbow trail. Given how difficult it is for ponies to follow it by flying, it seemed almost impossible for Elusive to have done so on hoof. Of course, there was always a chance he lost sight of it halfway through, and just guessed he would be here instead of elsewhere. But as his thoughts became more jumbled and assuming, Blitz was wary about that being the case.

“So, you…” Even with how sympathetic the unicorn looked while so exhausted, Rainbow could barely look at him while pointing his muzzle away. He rubbed one of his forelegs with his hoof as he took a breath and asked, “So you just… ran out of that club and galloped full-speed to find me?”

Even with Rainbow Blitz’s slightly judgemental tone of voice, Elusive’s ears dropped down at hearing that response out-loud. With each second he spent collecting his breath and trying not to pass out, his thoughts became clear enough to realize how ludicrous his reaction was to Blitz leaving the club. Plus, considering the fact that he undoubtedly caused his friend’s exit due to his own impulsive behavior, his head lowered in a mixture of embarrassment and regret. But regardless, Elusive still felt the need to retort in a winded tone of voice, “W-Well, I… I didn’t want you to do anything reckless…”

“Oh, like what you were doing back there?” asked the pegasus in a surprisingly blunt tone. Even Rainbow paused for a moment with his brows raised, not expecting that response to come out so quickly. Meanwhile, Elusive could only bite his bottom lip with a pained wince on his face. After a brief moment of silence, Rainbow was able to add with a more irritated huff, “I mean, seriously dude! What the buck was up with you back at that club?!”

“I don’t know!” whined the unicorn in a pained and shameful-sounding groan. Even without being able to see his face, Blitz was able to tell that his friend felt like crap for how he acted earlier. Elusive could only exhale with a strong cringe while keeping his head hung low. “I… I don’t know what came over me, alright? I just… I had a couple of shots at the bar, and I…”

“... And you what?!” asked Blitz impatiently during Elusive’s pause. “You just felt like coming in and cock-blocking me from Julianne!? I mean, seriously?! That is NOT cool, dude! I would never do that to you!”

“I know you wouldn’t, okay?!” Elusive had to step away to further conceal how hurt he felt about Blitz’s words and his own selfish actions. Regardless of how impulsive or drunk his ‘cock-blocking’ may have been, that didn’t make him feel any less horrible for acting to foolishly and upsetting the pegasus. He couldn’t even bear to look up and see Rainbow’s expression, but he could tell from his irritated voice that he wasn’t going to let it slide that easily. The unicorn could feel his throat closing up, and he had to clench his eyes shut to keep from crying in a mix of over-emotional stress and guilt. “I… I just…”

Elusive tried his hardest not to feel too overwhelmed, but Blitz was still able to overhear the faint sobs his friend struggled to suppress. Even with how pissed he was, Rainbow’s bitter scowl couldn’t stay as strongly on his muzzle at hearing Elusive’s obvious distress on the matter. He didn’t want to just look past what happened, but he also couldn’t look at the unicorn as he averted his eyes and said with a sigh, “C… C’mon man, don’t go there.”

“I-I can’t help it,” muttered Elusive as he tried to keep his breaths from sounding so choked or strained. He quickly tried to wipe his eyes with a hoof while adding, “You… You know how I get when I drink too much…”

Rainbow didn’t say anything in response to that statement, but he still nodded with a wrinkled muzzle. Elusive might have proven to be a good friend to drink with since they started dancing together, but he could recall a few instances where his partner became an utter wreck while tipsy. One of the most notable examples Blitz could recall was after Dusk’s sister’s wedding, when Elusive couldn’t stop clinging to the unicorn before the reception and sobbing between his drunken apologies. But even with that recollection in mind, it didn’t really explain why he was acting so emotionally stressed now.

After taking a quick breath, Blitz looked back at his upset friend and said, “Yeah, I get what you mean, but… But I still wanna know what’s going on! What was with that whole interruption thing on the dance-floor back there?! Or how weird you were acting during it? That’s not like you, dude!”

“Yes, I know it’s not!” blurted Elusive in a more fed-up tone of voice as he threw his hoof back down. He breathed in sharply while pulling his head up, fortunately not tearing up anymore. However, his eyes were still visibly reddened while trying to speak up for himself. “Rainbow, I am so sorry for what I did, and I swear I wasn’t in the right state of mind back there! I… I don’t know what I was thinking!”

Blitz rolled his eyes and groaned from that answer. “Well, give me something, Lucy! Ever since we left that stadium, you’ve been acting totally weird!”

“I-I don’t know, okay!?” Elusive was feeling his anxiety creeping back up, but he tried to hold his own to keep Blitz from thinking anything too close to the truth. He had to close his eyes while trying to think his words over. “I just… it’s been a really eventful week, and I… I’m still trying to process everything that’s been happening…”

Rainbow sighed as he closed his eyes as well, not wanting to say too much and risk going into subjects he hoped had passed. Although in retrospect, it was easy for the pegasus to think that all the drama that ensued since Las Pegasus was still sore for both of them. But as Blitz stayed silent and looked down to the ground, Elusive bit his quivering lip while thinking to himself painfully.

What am I supposed to tell you, you over-machismoed brute?! That I want you in a way I never expected to want any friend, let alone a stallion? That I didn’t want you dancing with another mare, and risk seeing you fall for her? That I… That I want nothing more than to tell you how I feel, but know how easily you could tear my heart in two?! What do you expect me to say without ruining what we already have…

With those thoughts racing through his clouded mind, Elusive was feeling even worse from the weight of reality bearing down upon his back. The last thing he wanted to do was brush aside how he felt back at that club, or risk admitting defeat to himself after just discovering how he felt for the stallion before him. Unfortunately, as his hooves ached from the lack of adrenaline he used to have earlier, the depletion of alcohol in the unicorn’s system left him feeling that bitter taste of doubt and pessimism on his tongue. He wished that he could just overcome his anxieties and confess the truth to Rainbow while they were alone; but as the seconds passed in a growing void of pregnant reluctance, all that Elusive could do was close his eyes and sigh with pity.

“Elusive… Dude, come on…” The pegasus’ muzzle was skewed in uncertainty, and he took a single step towards his friend cautiously. “I… I really don’t know what’s going on, and I just… I want some kind of answer, alright? Can… Can you just tell me something!? Anything?”

“Ugh!” Elusive felt how hard his chin struck his chest when he lowered his head in frustration. The mental restraints he felt within his mind were trying to bear down on his ability to speak, but he knew better than to leave his friend hanging. Even without looking up to see his face, he could tell how badly Blitz wanted to know the reason for his behavior; not just out of anger or discontent, but with concern that something may have been wrong with a good friend. It felt near impossible to utter out anything in shame, but Elusive still opened his muzzle meagerly to keep the pony he loved from feeling hurt or unheard.

“I… I was... I was scared…”

Blitz’s brows rose briefly, and he blinked a couple times with a look of surprise on his face. Of all the answers he would’ve expected Elusive to give him, the idea that it was fear didn’t seem to cross his mind. But judging by the way the unicorn’s legs were shaking, and how badly he was trying to hide his face and keep from crying, it wasn’t hard to see that it wasn’t a dishonest response. But alas, Rainbow still took a second before asking in clarification, “You… You were scared? B… But why?”

The white stallion brought his head back up and thoughtlessly blurted, “Because I didn’t want to lose you, alright?!”

The instant those words escaped through his lips, Elusive’s eyes shot wide-open in overwhelming shock and dread. Meanwhile, Rainbow Blitz just stared at him with a look of growing confusion on his face. But despite how obviously petrified Elusive looked after that blurt, it didn’t seem like the Wonderbolt noticed how quickly his friend’s breaths became. Instead, all that the pegasus did was jolt his head briefly and ask, “Wh… What would make you think something like that?!”

“I… I don’t…” Despite how badly he wanted to rectify that statement he made, Elusive had to cover his face with a hoof while struggling to get his words out coherently. It may have hurt to think about how he really felt, but he knew it was better at that moment to overthink his words than to just let them come out blindly. After forcing out a couple huffed breaths, the unicorn was able to say in a clear, albeit slightly-strained tone of voice, “I don’t… kn-know how to adequately explain it, but… but I…”

Before Blitz could ask for more than just that as an answer, Elusive put his hoof down and spoke while his head was pointed away from his love.

“I… I honestly can’t explain how wonderful everything felt since we began dancing together. I mean… I know it didn’t exactly start within the greatest circumstances, but… I really do feel like it’s brought us closer than ever. Like… even with all the battles we fought together, and… and how often we helped each other out beforehoof… I’ve learned more about you in the past couple months than I did when we first reformed Prince Artemis…”

Rainbow Blitz wanted to be surprised, or even wary about where this speech was heading, but nothing came to his mind that made his friend’s words sound wrong or exaggerated in any way. While he kept himself silent, the pegasus knew that Elusive wasn’t the only one to have felt that way. In between all of their dance practices and petty squabbles, Blitz could safely say that he learned a lot about the unicorn as well. And through all that, the stunt-pony couldn’t deny that he saw him in a much brighter light than he had before.

“And… and when…” Elusive pursed his muzzle shut for a couple seconds, and tried to control his breaths so they couldn’t come out so shaky or hiccuped. “And when I saw you with her, I just… I wasn’t sure how to feel about it. And I… I just felt so scared. Like… Like despite all we’ve done together, that… that what we had from our practices and performances could just… be replaced with somepony else. And… And it just killed me to even think about that, because… because the last thing I want is to lose all that we had, and to feel like it wasn’t special for both of us…”

By the time Elusive was able to take a deeper breath following his answer, he tried his hardest to keep his eyes closed while he was tearing up. Meanwhile Rainbow’s ears were lowered as he carried a sympathetic expression of his own. He wanted to remain pissed over what happened at the club, but he couldn’t bear to even try and see it without his friend’s perspective in place. Was Elusive’s response to seeing him dance with somepony else a dumb move? Absolutely. But could Blitz blame him from feeling so distressed after all they went through as friends? Well… at that moment, the Wonderbolt honestly couldn’t say that he could…

“So… So what you’re saying is…” While Elusive remained silent and focused on getting his emotional state in check, Rainbow Blitz sighed and asked hesitantly, “Be… Because of all that we’ve been doing for the past month or so, you… You were worried that me dancing with her would undo it all?”

“I-I know how it sounds, okay?” Elusive replied in a weak and meager-sounding creak. “But… But that was how I felt when I saw you with her. I mean… I really do feel like we have something… pretty special going on, and it just… seeing you with Julianne made me scared that what we had was being jeopardized or something…”

Upon hearing those words being said out-loud, the unicorn groaned and shook his head. “Ughhh… Oh, Solaris that sounded petty...”

As Elusive sighed in exasperation and pinched his temple with a hoof, Rainbow looked away awkwardly while scratching the back of his technicolor mane. He no longer carried a pissed-off scowl on his muzzle, and instead had a small blush as he tried to think of a proper response. Despite not wanting to condone his friend’s cock-block, the pegasus couldn’t help exhaling pertly before he said in response, “Well… I mean, I… I don’t think it’s that petty…”

Elusive dropped his hoof in surprise, and glanced up at his friend with a more befuddled expression on his face. “You… You don’t mean that, do you?”

“Well, I… I don’t think it’s worth acting like that over,” said the Wonderbolt with a hoof raised in honesty. But alas, Blitz then sighed and added with a more blunt tone of voice, “I mean, that was a stupid thing to do back at that club, and I wanna be pissed at you for it! But, like…”

After another prolonged breath, Rainbow shrugged while avoiding looking back at his friend’s surprised face. “I… I honestly didn’t think you were taking this ‘dance competition’ stuff so seriously, but… I guess that’s more on my end than yours…”

Elusive wanted to be grateful that his friend was able to try and see things from his side. However, the unicorn felt compelled to say with a quick huff, “Honestly Blitz, it’s not exactly the competition that made me feel like that. I just--”

“Yeah, I mean, I get it,” replied Rainbow with that interruption. Before Elusive could clarify what he meant, his friend finally looked back at him and said apprehensively, “And… and I’m not gonna lie to you, dude. I… I really do like what we have going with this whole, ‘dancing’ thing. I just didn’t, like… expect you to be feeling that dedicated about it in regards to us. But… I mean, it’s not like I don’t understand that feeling.”

Elusive’s head pulled back for a second as he turned more confused. “You don’t?”

“Well, yeah! I mean, I am a Wonderbolt, after all!” Blitz shrugged after that reply, giving Elusive an expression like that answer should’ve been obvious. “You think I don’t feel that way with some of my other fliers? Like, there have been a few times where I had to work with a specific teammate, and it just… it felt so weird when I was with somepony else. Or when I saw that pony performing just well with another flier! And, like… those are just members of my team, so I can totally see how it’d freak you out since we’re such good friends and all.”

Elusive blinked a few times, unsure whether to feel thankful or disheartened by that kind of mature answer by his friend. On one hoof, he really appreciated that Rainbow wasn’t treating him so poorly over his earlier actions, and giving a fair response he could respect. But on the other hoof, hearing him mention their relationship as ‘friends’ so casually made the unicorn’s heart push harder against that imaginary knife Blitz was unknowingly holding. But regardless of how pained he felt from those unintentionally callous words, he was able to maintain an appreciate smile for the sake of the stallion he cared about so deeply.

“I… Y-Yeah, I… I was hoping you would understand…”

“Well, you don’t have to worry, dude,” assured Blitz with a warm smile growing across his muzzle, not seeming to notice Elusive’s lips quivering ever so faintly. “I know I might act like I don’t care about what we’re doing sometimes, but I totally do. I made a promise to you that we were gonna win, and I’m gonna be damned if I break that to someone as important as you! Plus, I… I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy what we were doing too…”

With that last sentence, Rainbow’s muzzle wrinkled in slight embarrassment while blushing sheepishly. Elusive still felt uneasy with his friend’s earlier statements, but his head still tilted curiously before asking, “You… You do?”

“Well… Yeah,” confessed the pegasus in a meager, but still sincere-sounding tone of voice. “Like, it’s still kinda weird sometimes, but… I’d be lying if I tried to say you aren’t a great dancing partner! And… And I think it’s pretty clear we work so well together.”

Elusive quickly nodded in agreement, and decided to add happily, “I… I feel the same way! And… Well, when it came to seeing you with her, it just felt so… I dunno…”

Rainbow honestly wasn’t sure what the unicorn was specifically referring to, but he still nodded his head faintly. While he wasn’t going to admit it out-loud, the Wonderbolt couldn’t help thinking back to the brief instances of awkwardness he felt while dancing with that mare. It was probably just ‘First-Dance’ sumbling or something (or whatever dancing ponies would call that sort of thing), but Blitz was still aware that his chemistry with Julianne wasn’t as evident as it was with Elusive. Regardless of that fact, the pegasus stayed silent for a brief moment while thinking everything over; while he wasn’t going to say anything to Elusive about it, he made a mental note to try and meet up with her again.

“Yeah, I… I think I get your point,” Blitz finally said in response to his friend’s half-finished statement. “We work really well together, and… it was weird seeing me with her, right?”

Despite knowing there was much, much more to his apprehensions than just that, Elusive still nodded to Blitz’s response. After all, nothing that the blue stallion said was particularly wrong. So instead of dwelling on what else would’ve been true about his worries, the unicorn kept his accepting smile on the friend he had to keep silent for. “I… I think that sums it up, really… But I will say more than anything that I’m really sorry for what happened back at that club.”

After all that was discussed, Rainbow merely sighed and nodded with a light smile of his own. “Well, ummm… thanks for telling me that,” he answered with an honest tone. “And… I do accept your apology.”

It may have not been an admission of love, but that response from Blitz was more than enough to make Elusive smile more naturally. He then leaned in towards his friend, and pulled him in for a much-needed hug. Fortunately for the unicorn, he could hear Rainbow sigh in acceptance and hug him back lovingly. “Th… Thank you, Rainbow,” he muttered as he kept his eyes closed and his voice in a caring mutter.

“Hey, it’s no problem,” replied Blitz contently. “We are bros, after all. And Bros come before Hoes, right?”

Even though the stallion openly cringed at such a sexist and clichèd line, a small huff of amusement still escaped his muzzle while smirking a little. “I… I suppose so…

Before Rainbow could try to let go, Elusive kept his eyes closed while lighting up his horn. Part of him was worried that he shouldn’t press anything too far after such a tense confrontation, but his body seemed to ignore any hesitations his mind tried to give. While his hooves were still tightly wrapped around his partner’s back, the unicorn used his magic to turn on the nearby radio. The unpleasant sound of static began to flood the inside of the papartment, which made both stallions squirm and pull back. As soon as he got back on his four hooves, Elusive reopened his strained eyes and tried to adjust the knob to find a suitable station.

Really, dude?” asked Blitz with a roll of his eyes. “I mean, I hate awkward silences too, but we just--

“I know,” interrupted Elusive while trying to avoid seeing his friend’s unamused stare on him. “But… After that argument, I just… I really think I need this right now…”

Blitz pursed his lips together and exhaled sharply while looking elsewhere. He wanted to say something about what his friend was trying to do (especially since dancing together was what sparked their argument in the first place), but something in Elusive’s insistent tone prompted him to stay silent. Meanwhile, the knob continued to slowly turn as various noises and musical notes came in split-second blurbs through the wall of radio static. Before Rainbow could try and tell him to stop, his ears perked up when the unicorn’s magic stopped at a specific song; like some grand coincidence even Dusk Shine would’ve been befuddled by, a familiar track was just starting to play through the speakers:

The song may have only been a couple years old, but the retro-sounding instrumentals made it feel like some long-forgotten gem from much earlier. Despite his and Elusive’s vast differences when it came to music preferences, Blitz was happy that something was playing from an artist they both enjoyed. He didn’t want to give in to what he knew Elusive wanted, but he could already feel his hind-hooves tapping against the hardwood floor in tandem to the song’s addictively bass-leaden beat. Plus, it was near impossible for the Wonderbolt to resist the soft, pleading glance Elusive made back at him. “I… I know it’s a lot to ask, but… W-Would you mind if…”

Elusive could barely muster up the confidence to ask for his friend’s hoof for one last, impromptu dance for the night. However, he was able to bring up one of his hooves before Rainbow, and silently hoped that he wasn’t too tired or upset to accept it. But even with a brief pause, it didn’t take long for Blitz to breathe out and smile back at him. Before the vocals of the song could begin, Rainbow hook Elusive’s hoof as they both got on their rear legs.

The two held each other at hooves-length as they began to move to the tempo of the song, not needing any prompting from either side to get in proper sync. With each step Rainbow made with his right hoof, Elusive did the same with his left like it was as natural as breathing. Much like when they were first practicing the Cha-Cha-Cha, the two never pulled away from one another while working their hooves with poise and precision.

As the stallions’ moves became more synchronized and free-flowing, Elusive had to bite his lip to keep from smiling too wide in elation. Unlike back at the club, the unicorn didn’t feel any pressure or jealousy while dancing with Rainbow all to himself. Each movement the two made felt unbelievably right to the unicorn, almost as if the music was prompting him to continue with his heart as opposed to his brain. Of course, given the lyrics of the infamously romance-laden track, Elusive had a feeling the words being sung through those speakers were getting to him more than anticipated.

Elusive’s cheeks began to blush as he made his steps more pronounced alongside Rainbow’s, and he tried to let the music guide them closer while they were in seclusion. Fortunately for the stallion, he could sense Blitz’s steps becoming more defined to match with his partner’s. Hips began to move more notably from both ponies, and the grip of their hooves around each-other’s torsos tightened to make sure neither would slip away. Aside from a couple quick glances down to make sure their hoofwork was correct, Rainbow made sure to keep his eyes on Elusive during their increasingly profound steps. And before too long, the pegasus’ cheeks began to turn redder when their bodies moved ever so closer alongside the song.

Blitz wasn’t sure how to feel as they danced, but his heart was racing a little faster by the time the song’s robotic backing vocals chimed in. Even though he was rightfully upset for what his friend pulled back at Electro, none of those feelings seemed to manifest within his mind while dancing with Elusive in his apartment. Unlike his slightly clumsy moves with Julianne, the impromptu steps he made with the stallion before him came with near perfection in their timing. Even when the pegasus pulled his friend back to prompt a spin, Elusive did so with flawless precision; it may have been due to the countless hours they spent in practice over the past month, but he couldn’t deny how connected the two became with their moves.

As the song’s instrumentals and passionate tone picked up, so did the moves the stallions made within the small confines of their private space. They may have been in one of the most densely populated cities in Equestria, but the apartment began to feel like an oasis among a desert of silence and uncertainty outside. Hooves started to move with more flow and freedom between Blitz and Elusive, and their minds became more focused on each other than they did anything else.

By the time the song reached its highest points near the end, Rainbow and Elusive had fully succumbed to the beat and the mood of the track. The pegasus couldn’t do a lot of the moves he pulled back at that club, but he was able to move in close to pick up his partner. Within the confined space of the Manehattan apartment, Blitz was able to do a free-flowing spin while holding the unicorn close against his chest. Elusive, who was holding onto the Wonderbolt with all of his might, had a heavy blush on his face while so close to the stallion he adored so much.

With the way their hearts were thundering, and their blushed faces were beading with sweat, it wouldn’t have been surprising if their minds began to associate their dancing with a much more sensual physical act. Rainbow Blitz had to bite his lip while performing more daring moves with the stallion towards the climax of the song. His mind was growing blank with focus, and all that grew to matter was the spinning, passionate pony before him. Even as their positions remained increasingly close with each other, the pegasus’ expression didn’t seem to show any resistance or hesitation behind his blush.

Elusive, much like Rainbow, wasn’t able to think clearly while dancing with more intensity and carnal impulse. Each spin and step the two made felt more defined, as if they were inching ever so closer towards its eventual conclusion. The stallion’s breaths became shakily anxious as he heard the song reaching its end, which made his heart pound in his chest to keep moving forward. And with his proximity to Blitz already tremendously close, Elusive’s conscience was completely muted, and unable to restrain him from giving in.

But judging by the burning ferocity he could see glimmering in Rainbow’s magenta eyes, Elusive was certain that he wasn’t the only one moving on impulse.

Just as the song reached its abrupt end, Elusive gasped in surprise when he felt his back being pushed up against a wall. Meanwhile, Rainbow’s hooves were tightly pinned against the unicorn’s shoulders as he stood on his hind-legs before him. The pegasus stayed silent for a moment, panting heavily while peering at his friend with a look of blushed intensity. His face was burning hot from that improvised session, but his heart-rate remained thunderous even after the song had passed. His thoughts remained empty, as his focus remained solely on the blushing stallion he was holding. As he breathed deeply through his muzzle, he could feel his throat and tongue drying up while peering into those gleaming blue eyes.

Elusive remained silent as well, but he felt like he was going to have a heart attack from how riled-up he felt in that moment. At seeing how primal and dedicated Blitz’s stare on him looked, the unicorn felt utterly helpless within his iron-like grasp. His breaths were just as heavy and rapid as his friend’s, but his thoughts weren’t as blank as Rainbow’s. But instead of his conscience trying to plead for him to pull away, or the rational part of his mind trying to remind him of the ramifications, all that the pony heard were those impulsive orders urging him to go for it.

It almost felt like slow motion was put in place as Elusive’s eyes narrowed on the stallion he loved, even though it most likely occurred within a few seconds at most. His hooves were wrapped around Blitz’s back, but they moved upward on their own accord so he could get a good grip behind the pegasus’ shoulders. Rainbow may have been the more daring and impulsive pony of the Elements, but Elusive barely felt the slightest quandary as he made the first move. Before he could get the chance to stop or second-guess his actions, the unicorn’s hooves tightened around his friend to pull him inward.

Despite Rainbow’s tight grip on his shoulders, Elusive was still able to move his head in after pulling his friend in within reach. He closed his eyes tightly, and tried to ignore his dangerously racing heart when he brought Blitz’s muzzle up against his own. As he felt his lips press in hard against Rainbow’s, a shaky exhale briefly escaped Elusive’s nostrils in a mix of elation and unfathomable wariness. He had absolutely no idea how the Wonderbolt would react to such a sudden or unexpected kiss, but he felt absolutely no regrets seep into his mind at doing it in that moment. Instead, all he could do was hold his friend in place, and hope to Solaris that he wouldn’t push him away.

For about four seconds, Blitz remained frozen at the spot while Elusive kissed him so bluntly on the lips. His eyes remained wide-open, and he was able to see up-close how blushed and uninhibited his friend looked. It was unclear whether it was the alcohol running through his bloodstream, the heated dance the two just did on the fly, or the weeks spent together which kept him from pulling away. But whatever the reason was, Rainbow’s grip on the unicorn didn’t weaken in the slightest by the time he was able to freely move on his own accord.

Instead, his hooves wrapped around Elusive to hold him in even closer.

The Wonderbolt closed his eyes as he let out a soft, muffled sigh during that first kiss he shared with his friend and dance partner. As his mind remained blissfully absent of any hesitations or worries, his heart kept thumping rapidly as he finally kissed Elusive back. The unicorn’s eyes opened for a brief moment as he felt his friend respond in such a way, but they quickly rolled back in undefinable rapture before closing once more.

The radio continued to play another song, but neither of them seemed to give it the slightest notice. As their hearts pounded in synchronised magnitude, the stallions remained in each other’s tight embrace while kissing even deeper. Neither of them could adequately think over what they were really doing, or how significantly things would change by the time morning came to sober them up. But on that night, Rainbow Blitz and Elusive stayed in their bubble of mindless bliss for quite a while after that first kiss. Without any words spoken, or any doubt running through either of their minds, it wasn’t long before the two continued to make out deeply while making their way to Elusive’s bedroom...

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