• Published 18th Jul 2012
  • 6,214 Views, 232 Comments

Soul Eater: Soul Goes to Equestria? - Shadowflash

Soul goes to Equestria. The fun ensues!

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Kid, Maka, and Two Weapons: Everfree Forest and Timberwolves?

Kid, Maka, and Two Weapons: Everfree Forest and Timberwolves?

The group had been walking for a good fifty minutes through the dense forest, passing through even more dense bushes and small ponds that were filled with unknown gases and substances. Liz was having the most trouble with the forest, though, as there were many bugs -- which were ten times larger than normal -- and a lot of trees that resembled ghastly faces.

"This forest is creepy..." Liz said, as she gripped her upper arms in fright.

"I find it kind of funny! Look, a branch!" Patty pointed to a tree that had a branch sticking out in an odd curve, and she started to laugh hysterically at it.

Kid and Maka just shook their heads, as they continued to stumble forward, trying to walk in this new pony form. It was increasingly hard, as there were four legs, instead of one. Each leg moved at a different interval, and had to be done so with precision. Maka was getting used to it, though, so she was finding it much easier to continue forward.

"I don't understand...why is it that you two aren't...horses? Ponies?...Whatever you want to call it," Kid questioned out loud, sighing.

"I have a theory, but I can't tell until we find civilization.", Maka trotted a bit ahead of the group, getting more used to walking on all fours, now.

She stood in a bit of an opening that looked much like a road. It directed itself left and right, along with having trees crowding the sides of the roads, much like the rest of this forest. The only difference there was to define this 'road' as a road was a sign stuck in the ground just across from Maka. Maka trotted over to it, and read it aloud.

"Everfree Forest: Beware of Timberwolves.", Maka tilted her head and looked back at the three behind her.

"Timberwolves?" Liz gave an unimpressed look to Maka, letting her arms fall to her sides.

"Maybe it's some creature native to the forest. Doesn't sound that threatening," Kid suggested, as he clicked closer to Maka.

"Maybe it's a cat!" Patty said, laughing hysterically once more.

"Patty, why the hell would it be a cat? The name clearly suggests it's a wolf!" Liz yelled at Patty, and was barraged by laughter in reply.

Eventually, it broke down into a massive burst of laughter and yelling from Patty and Liz. Kid and Maka just sighed, shaking their heads as they let the two fight it out.

"So, which way should we go?" Maka asked Kid, as he examined the sign for a moment.

"We should head left. This sign is like an entrance, so, civilization must be this way.", Kid was pointing to the left, which lead the road to a bit of a brighter opening than the rest of the forest.

Maka gave a nod, and started to walk that way. Patty and Liz stopped arguing and laughing, and followed Maka, along with Kid. They trotted -- and walked -- for a good ten minutes down the road. Thanks to Kid's intuition, he was right about the exit being that way, as the exit was nearing, and a brighter atmosphere was muc--

"Do you guys hear that?" Maka stopped, looking around the group for a moment.

"Hear what?" Liz asked.

"Yeah, I hear it..." Kid said, as he trotted next to Maka.

"Hear what?” Liz asked again.

"Sounds like....growling...?", Maka suggested, and Kid nodded.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Liz yelled, and many birds flew away from the nearby trees.

Maka and Kid stared at her, very unimpressed. She gave a sheepish smile, and the growling that Maka and Kid were hearing was confirmed when glowing red eyes appeared nearby in the darkness. Liz grabbed onto her sister, scared for her life; much like the time when they were in Inubis' tomb.

"I think those are our Timberwolves..." Kid said, as he lowered his body to the ground, readying for a fight.

"Agreed..." Maka said quietly.

The growling intensified, and the eyes started to change into shapes. The bodies that emerged were covered with a wood-like structure, covered in various 'planks' of bark, to form the shape of a common wolf. The ears were much like twigs, but it could be assumed that they could pick up various sounds. The legs of these 'wolves' were structured for running, as there were less pieces of wood, but more versatile and dynamic shape, to the legs.

"What...?" Liz said as her eyes widened.

"Liz, Patty, get ready to change to weapon form..." Kid announced, as the wolves fully came out of the thick forest, wearing an expression that was labeled 'hunger' to any traveler.


"Holy crap...that was delicious..." Soul said, patting his much larger stomach, expelling some gas from his mouth.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it!" Pinkie said, bouncing next to him.

"Man, this place is pretty cool. I wonder what other things you chicks got here that would be entertaining." Soul was gently brushing Pinkie's mane, and she was nuzzling her head into his hand like a dog that wants to be petted.

"Well, there's plenty to do! Especially if you hang out with me, Soul!" Rainbow Dash said as she flew next to him, eyeing him with her magenta stare.

"Well, first things first...where the hell am I going to sleep?" Soul asked, looking at the three mares.

They stared at each other for a moment, unsure what to do for the moment. But then, they exchanged some sort of look that meant that they did know what to do. They started to laugh and giggle, shaking their heads, but then their expressions changed to a more serious one.

"You can stay with our friend, Fluttershy!" they all spoke in unison.

"Fluttershy? What kind of...actually, nevermind. I shouldn't be talking." Soul started to laugh lightly.

"Well, anyways, you can stay with her for now...if she's okay with it," Twilight said sheepishly.

"Sounds good to me. Let's just hope she can feed me like this chick can." Soul snatched another cupcake and tossed it in his mouth, quickly finishing it off.

After a couple minutes of some more eating, Soul and Rainbow Dash left Twilight and Pinkie Pie, waving them off as they left. They eventually made their way just a little outside of the town, and into the park, where the birds were the only thing that was making a noise.

Trees neatly lined the road of the park, and a large fountain sat in the middle, emitting water from the top of it and flying downward into a little pool underneath. Around the fountain was a couple of small benches and a few areas where a good picnic could be held. Alongside this, there was a bridge just leading outside of the park, over a small river that flowed to the right into the forest, and coming from the mountains to the left.

"Hmm...seems creepy here..." Soul said as he looked around the park, eyeing the empty benches and fields.

"Yeah...it is...I've never seen the park so empty," Dash said, as she trotted forward a little to look around the area.

"Uhm...well, anyways, what do you want to do?" Dash's head tilted upwards to Soul, and he just shrugged.

"Dunno. You're not big enough for me to ride, so that's out of the question," Soul said, giving a cheeky smile.

"Ride?! Ewww! That's disgusting!" Rainbow Dash yelled, sticking her tongue out in disgust.

"Not that kind of ride!" Soul yelled as his face flushed red with anger and embarrassment.

"Uhg...well, anyways, how about we just chill out on the grass? I'm tired," Soul suggested; Rainbow Dash responded with a nod.

"Sounds good!" Rainbow Dash said excitedly.

They both walked over to one of the open fields outside the light tree line, laying down on the grass. To Soul, the ground was a bit uneven, and bumpy, but the grass made it comfortable, and made him feel drowsy just laying himself down on it. After a few minutes of getting comfortable and nearly falling asleep, Soul felt a small head nuzzle down on his leg.

He looked down to see Dash, fast asleep, laying her head on his upper leg, with her forelimbs folded behind it. Soul just shook his head and gave a small laugh as he gazed upwards to the clouds, giving a bit of a sigh.

I wonder how Maka is doing...Soul thought to himself, closing his eyes tightly and drifting off to sleep.


The Timberwolves gathered around the small group, ready to strike at any moment. They licked their bark lips and growled fiercely, letting their red eyes do any talking to their prey. Kid was tired of it, though, and wanted to show what the son of Death could do to these beasts.

"Liz, Patty, Weapon forms. I'll take care of this," Kid said, holding out his forehooves and arching up on his hindhooves, waiting for the two girls to turn into their weapon forms.

"Got it!" they both said as their bodies emitted a yellow glow, and they changed into two identical weapons.

Liz and Patty both changed into a handgun. The style and type of handgun was unknown to everyone, but Kid mostly didn't care. What he cared about was the handgun's symmetry. Both guns had a teeth-like pattern on each side, and behind those were semi-circles, looking like eyes. Other than that, the only distinct feature was the colour, which was a silver-steel for everything but the grip, which was black.

As they transformed, they landed next to Kid, and he placed his hooves on them, trying to pick them up. He aimed at the Timberwolves, but soon realized that he did not have Liz and Patti in...hoof. He tried picking them up again, and nothing happened. He had no appendages to grip the handguns, or even fire them!

"GAH! I can't pick you two up! How am I supposed to fight if I can't pick you up?!" Kid yelled, losing a bit of his sanity (or what there was of it).

"What the hell, Kid! Why didn't you think of this before?!" Liz shouted from the gun on the right, and giggling and laughter was heard from the gun on the left.

"Uh, guys..." Maka said sheepishly, staring at the nearing Timberwolves.

"What?!" they all yelled, Kid looking at her.

"The wolves?" she inquired, pointing a hoof at them.

"Oh, right," Kid said calmly.

Shortly, the group could be seen running frantically away from a wild pack of wolves. Debris and dust was shot everywhere as they tried their best to speed away from the already fast creatures. Kid was nearly crying, Liz was screaming for dear life, Patty was giggling, and Maka was keeping a level head, darting for the exit, which was relatively close now.

As they all exited the forest, the wolves suddenly stopped, growled at the group, and then darted back into the forest. Maka sighed, taking a breather, as Kid continued crying and yelling at Liz and Patty for their stupidity.

"Our stupidity?! You're the one who told us to go in Weapon form!" Liz yelled, as Patty just laughed wildly.

"You should've known beforehand! That's what you're trained for!" Kid yelled, tears streaming down his jet-black muzzle.

"Would you three shut up?!" Maka looked back at them, yelling.

They all stopped, staring at her, and she simply pointed a hoof to a nearby town, which seemed to echo life.

"We'll head there. Maybe there's someone who knows where Soul is. If he stayed human, then they'll know what he looks like, making it easier," Maka said, giving off a small smile.

"Well, then, let's head out," Kid said, reforming his stature and following Maka, as they walked toward the town.

Hope Soul is okay...I'm coming, don't worry, Maka thought to herself, sighing.


They're all doomed. Soul is in this place, but now Maka and Kid are here. This is getting better every day...

And, soon, we'll be together, my love.
