• Published 18th Jul 2012
  • 6,214 Views, 232 Comments

Soul Eater: Soul Goes to Equestria? - Shadowflash

Soul goes to Equestria. The fun ensues!

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Maka: Twilight and Books?

Maka: Twilight and Books?

Maka started to make her way through the town, eyeing many of the cultural houses and noting how they represented a lot of the early European ones back home. She also gazed over many of the different stalls that were scattered around Ponyville. Some sold fruits, others vegetables, even tools and small accessories.

But, that isn't what caught Maka's eye. What did catch it was the large tree not too far away from her. Many birdhouses, beehives and birdfeeders hung from it, and the tree stood tall at about two, maybe three stories high. From what Maka could see, there was a balcony jutting out from the right side of the tree, and a telescope aiming out the top.

"Maybe someone here knows something," Maka said to herself as she trotted forward, looking at the door with a large candle-like symbol upon it.

She raised a hoof to the door, clopping it against it and waiting for a response. A few seconds later, a lavender-coloured pony answered the door.

"Hello, welcome to the Ponyville Library. We're closed, though, so you'll have to come back later," she said, giving a small smile.

"Oh, I'm not here about that. I just need to talk to you. Trying to find a friend," Maka said politely.

"Oh, really? Well, come in!" The lavender mare opened the door for Maka, and as Maka made her way in, she continued, "My name's Twilight Sparkle. You are?"

Maka didn't answer as she gazed at the many books that rested inside this wonderful library. She could see many titles such as those labelled Magic for Foals, Starswirl the Bearded's Guide to Equestria, Celestia and Luna: The Great Dispute, and so on. It was truly a sight for any egghead to go wild for. But, it was short lived, as she realized Twilight was poking her; Maka finally answered.

"Maka. My name's Maka. I've come here to look for someone, and I was hoping you'd know something about my friend." Twilight's purple eyes glared at her, and she gave a small smile.

"Hey, who's here, Twilight?" A small scaled creature walked in from a stairwell in the middle of the room.

He had razor-sharp, green spikes jutting from his head, continuing along his back to his small, diamond-like tail. The rest of his body was purple, with a white underbelly. His eyes were a bright-ish green, with cat-like pupils.

"Who're you?" Maka asked, a little impolitely, and Twilight answered briskly.

"He's my assistant, Spike. Spike, shouldn't you be cleaning the upstairs, again?" Twilight motioned her hoof upstairs, and Spike grunted.

"Oh, come on, I just did that last week!" Twilight just gave an unimpressed look, and Spike rolled his eyes.

"Fine. If you need me, I'll be cleaning the upstairs." Spike wandered back upstairs, and a few incoherent mumbles could be heard from the stairwell.

"Well, anyways, I'd be glad to help out in any way. What's he look like, what's his name, and when did you last see him?" Twilight pulled up two small cushion chairs as she sat on her rump, Maka following suit and finding it extremely comfortable.

"Well, he has white hair, and wears a bandanna that says 'Soul' and 'EAT' on it. He usually wears a yellow and black jacket, with a pair of jeans, and he's Caucasian. His name is Soul Eater Evans, but I just call him Soul. I saw him just a few days ago, and I'm looking to bring him back to an Academy we bo-- ...are you okay?" Maka glared at Twilight, seeing Twilight's mouth was in an 'o' shape, as if she was stunned by the information.

"Is...he a bipedal, per se?", Twilight asked, ignoring Maka's question.

"Well, yeah. I expected myself to stay bipedal when I came here. But, I was transformed into a pony somehow. Kind of weird, to be honest." Twilight's eyes seemed to lock onto Maka's, and Maka was feeling slightly weirded out by it.

"Uhm...Tw-Twilight?" she asked, and Twilight just shook her head.

"Yes! I've seen him! He's in town, actually, staying with my friend Rainbow Dash for a bit. He's going to be with my other friend, Fluttershy, soon, but I assume Rainbow Dash and Soul are just hanging out somewhere. It won't be too hard to find them. I can help you look, as well!" Twilight jumped up, and Maka started to smile.

"Perfect! This'll be easier than I thought, then. So--" Before Maka continued, her stomach growled, and her face went red with embarrassment. "Uhm...maybe I should eat, first?" Twilight nodded, and quickly called to Spike.

"Spike! Can you fetch us some apples, please?"

"Yeah, one minute!" Spike returned an answer, and Twilight sat back down along with Maka.

"So, while we're waiting, can you explain this whole Meister-and-Weapon thing to me? Soul briefed me on it, but it's still a bit unclear." Twilight's ears perked up, and she gave an expression that showed she was generally interested in what Maka was, hopefully, going to talk about.

"Oh, well, a Meister is like a 'Master', in a way. They're the 'Master' of the 'Weapon' they use to destroy evils in our world. Those evils, if they progress and continue to kill humans, will turn into something called a Kishin Egg. If they do that, then they'll become a god-like being that is beyond any power. Mostly, our leader, Lord Death, would handle those Kishins. But, after dealing with the first Kishin to exist, he founded the Academy for Meisters and Weapons."

Maka saw Spike carry in a tray of apples, including some milk to go with them, and she gently plopped an apple carefully in her hooves, biting down on it. Spike walked out of the room, going back to his cleaning duties.

"So, these Kishins are what you are out to destroy? Soul mentioned something about not every Meister can hold every Weapon, too. So, is that relevant to defeating a Kishin?" Twilight questioned as she took a sip of her milk.

"It could be relevant. See, our souls must be the same wavelength. If they aren't, it could hurt both the Weapon and the Meister. I guess I see the relevancy in this, as the perfect pair are needed to defeat a Kishin. I defeated a Kishin once. The first Kishin in existence. I'm glad that I don't have to worry so much about it, anymore, though." Maka sighed, chomping on more of her apple before taking a long drink of milk.

Maka looked down at the core of her apple, noticing how fast she ate, and set it down on the tray. She finished off her milk, and let out a sigh, her face contorting a little; she let out a sneeze. She brought a hoof to her muzzle, and wiped off any remnants of the mucus that may have evacuated; Twilight just giggled.

"What?" Maka asked, and Twilight shook her head.

"Nothing. So, anything you'd like to know about Equestria?" Twilight asked kindly, and Maka nodded.

"Well, I figured out a few things. I know it's really hard to walk on all fours, my friends that aren't Weapons turned into ponies, and I was sent here by Lord Death to find my friend. I want to know how Lord Death knew about this place, mainly." Maka grunted lightly, and Twilight just raised a brow.

"Lord Death? Who's that, exactly? I know you mentioned him before, but, I want to know who he is specifically." Maka let out a sigh, and started to explain.

"Lord Death, or known as Shinigami -- God of Death -- is the leader of the Death Weapon/Meister Academy; DWMA for short. He's basically a kind hearted kind of...uhm...I think he's a he, anyways. But, he's a kind hearted guy who mostly wants to protect the humans of the world. Well, our world, seeing as he knew about this one befo--" something started to buzz near Maka's ears, and make a light vibration to her body.

She stood up and look around the room, searching for something. Her body moved to the bookshelves, then over to the windows, and then back to Twilight.

"Is something wrong, Maka?" Twilight asked, confused and worried.

"Do you have a mirror? I need to do something." Twilight nodded, quickly making her horn glow a magenta colour, and withdrawing a mirror from on top of one of the bookshelves.

Maka approached it, tapping it gently to make sure it was solid. She moved her mouth close to it, breathing hot air upon it to build up condensation. She then used the tip of her hoof to draw in it. Numbers.

"42-42-564, whenever you want to knock on Death's Door." The mirror bubbled with an odd essence, as the shape of a mask with black outlines appeared in the mirror.

"What are you doi--?"

"Well, hey-hey-hey, Maka! How's it goin'? Enjoying Equestria as an equine, I see?" Lord Death had his signature, childish tone to his voice, and Maka grunted lightly. Twilight, being interrupted, just stared in astonishment at the mirror.

"Lord Death, I want to know how you know of this place. Is there a specific reason why you sent us here? You would've told us the dangers of Jigen if this wasn't done on purpose. Tell me, why are we here? Is there something else behind this?! Tell me!" Maka's voice boomed in the library, and Death sighed, nodding.

"There is another reason, Maka. One I didn't want to mention. I know of this place because I was there once before. A long time ago, I met Celestia, a wonderful Alicorn, and we both became close friends. But, that's another story. I sent you there for a specific reason, other than to find Soul. Soul was just an accident." Lord Death sighed once more, pausing.

"Then, why are we here? Why'd you send us?" Maka quickly questioned, and Lord Death's unseeable eyes glared at her.

"Medusa is back, that's why." The room went quiet.