• Published 2nd Jan 2017
  • 13,319 Views, 1,308 Comments

My Little Killing Machine - Tatsurou

Glados raises Gilda to be the perfect killing machine...and discovers that there was more humanity in her than Caroline alone.

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Program Eighteen

Entry Eighteen
I didn't have anyone in mind to show these entries to when I made them, but I still wanted to document everything that happened with Gilda. I now had both my daughters back, and the rocky road of rebuilding relationships was coming. On top of that, Chell had obviously gone through some truly awful things up on the surface...things we would have to correct. But there was time enough for that once we knew what we would be dealing with. For now, I watched while the two sisters bonded.

Once Chell got a hold of herself and stopped weeping, Gilda stepped back awkwardly. "...wanna talk about it, sis?" she asked carefully.

"N-not yet," Chell stammered out. "I...I just got my voice back. I...I want to use it for something happy, first."

"Fair enough," Gilda agreed. "So what do you want to talk about?"

Chell opened her mouth to speak, then paused. Closing her mouth, she rubbed her chin, scratched her head...and then burst into uncontrollable laughter. "Irony, maybe?" she gasped out as she convulsed in pleased paroxysms.

"Why irony?" Gilda asked, confused.

"When I woke up as a test subject, I refused to speak as an act of defiance," Chell gasped out her explanation between laughs. "Then when I woke up the second time, atrophy had destroyed my vocal chords, and I'd have given anything to be able to speak. And now I have my voice back...and I have no clue what to say!"

Gilda chuckled a bit at that, though she didn't really follow the humor. "We could talk about your voice," she offered, holding up a device she was clutching in one talon that looked like a cross between a heavy-duty hypodermic needle and a dirk. "I'm pretty proud of pulling that one off."

"Did you make it?" Chell asked, startled.

"Nah, artificial voice boxes were perfected back before Mom took over, according to Mom," Gilda explained. "Course, the original was so big it involved surgically removing your throat, lungs, and diaphragm for supplementary systems. This was the miniaturized version." She held up the device in her talons. "This is the delivery system," she explained, giving the handle a squeeze.

The pointed tip shot out like a nail gun with a loud 'ch-clack!' Chell jumped back in shock. "The fuck?" she demanded as she swung her Gravity Gun up to defend herself.

"See, normally I'd have to slip it in while you were immobile, but given how you acted previous times you were here, I seriously doubted you'd trust me enough to go under the knife," Gilda explained. "But the artificial voice box was the only thing I had to earn your trust with, so I needed to figure out how to get it in you without knocking you out. After studying human anatomy, I realized that if I could cut your throat open, I'd be able to see well enough to place the box with pinpoint accuracy no matter how you were moving...so the hard part became sealing your throat back up afterwards so you didn't bleed out."

"And that's where Different's laser came in?" Chell asked curiously, rubbing her throat. She paused, running her hand over the surprisingly smooth, unblemished flesh. "Why isn't there a scar?" she demanded.

"Cause it wasn't a laser," Gilda explained. Squeezing a different part of the grip, an almost silent 'sprtz' sound accompanied by a fine gray mist coming out of the tip resulted. "Nano-spray. Nanites programmed to break down completely a few minutes after application, with completely blank programs...until they're exposed to a specific coded-light pulse to give them a command prompt. The only hard part was programming Different's laser pointer for the coded-light pulse."

Chell rubbed her throat again, marveling at how such advanced technology had both been applied and hidden from her own senses. She'd thought she was dead, which had altered her senses a great deal. That was why she'd missed that almost silent spray of nanites. "So...you knew it would work, then?"

"I had no idea!" Different piped up playfully, her voice now very familiar to Chell as she was relaxed enough to recognize it.

Chell shook her head as Gilda burst into laughter. "So...I saw the videos about the Test designing..."

"Did you want a crack at it?" Gilda asked hopefully. "I'd love to see what you made to test my limits!"

Chell covered her eyes. "N-no, thank you. I...the things that I would base the chambers I came up with on...I don't want to contaminate this place with any of that. Down here...it's still clean."

Tilting her head, Gilda twisted the Portal Emitter on the tip of her tail and fired off a portal. Reaching through, she yanked Cuddle Core out of her nest and shoved it into Chell's arms. "Here," she stated firmly. "Not as many corners as your Companion Cube, and chewing on the ears is really therapeutic."

Chell stared in shock. "But...but it's yours," Chell pointed out.

"And you're my sis," Gilda countered bluntly. "Cuddle Core's a lot easier to fix than you are." Grabbing Chell by her belt, she yanked the girl to the floor before curling up to her back, wrapping her wings around her.

Chell blinked in shock, curling up instinctively around Cuddle Core as it let out purling whines and other playful animal noises. The overwhelming comfort being offered, the sense of home, of belonging...it was too much for Chell. Lunging in, she bit down hard on one of the ears as she felt more gentle tears pouring down her cheeks, to keep herself from bawling aloud.

Oddly enough, Gilda was right. Chewing on the ear was therapeutic...almost like sucking on one's thumb or a pacifier, but less helpless feeling...

Glados stared through the cameras at her two daughters as Gilda helped Chell through the hardest parts of her reacclimation. Glados had already set up what she'd felt were necessary, once Gilda brought her sister in. Cave hovered beside her in silence for a time. "Are...are you sure about this?" Cave asked finally. "It's a huge departure from Testing protocol...and how you've acted towards her outside of Testing protocol..."

"Once I remembered who I was, and who she was, I did what I did to protect her," Glados replied. "Before I remembered, it was just a job. But no one puts my girls through hell but me. When she's ready to tell us about what happened, we will learn all we can about the forces on the surface - I am sure they are connected to the Combine the moron spoke of - and then we will move to cleanse them."

"Couldn't agree more," Cave confirmed. "Looks like they're coming."

Glados dimmed the lights. As Gilda brought Chell into the room, all that was visible were five glowing optics - Glados, Cave, Assphalt, Pea-Brain, and the gold-optic construction drone dubbed Derp Face - and light from a single candle. Glados remained deathly quiet until she heard Chell ask, "What's going on-"

"Blow out the candle, Chell," Glados interrupted, pitching her voice to be not that of Glados, but that of Caroline. "It's been waiting for you for a long time."

Stunned, Chell walked slowly towards the candle, close enough to see it was sitting atop a black forest cake with real strawberries glistening in a circle around the edge. In disbelief, Chell leaned forward and blew out the candle...and the lights came up.

Cave hovered beside the cake, with Assphalt and Pea-Brain standing to either side. Derp Face waved happily from the corner of the room before tripping over its own feet and landing face first in a punch bowl with a shout of 'My bad!' Glados hung from the ceiling, a banner clutched in her talons with a simple message that spoke volumes.

'Welcome Home'