• Published 2nd Jan 2017
  • 13,305 Views, 1,308 Comments

My Little Killing Machine - Tatsurou

Glados raises Gilda to be the perfect killing machine...and discovers that there was more humanity in her than Caroline alone.

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Program Six

Sixth Entry
One thing that was surprising about Gilda was how eager she was to please. It wasn't enough for her to just do as she was told. I had to know she was doing what I told her to do, or it wasn't worth doing. This led to...surprising misunderstandings towards the end of the Alpha-2 tests. The 'off-course' segment had also been included, so as to gauge how she handled such situations, and her reasons for taking it. The answers were...surprising.
Video below...

"Welcome to the final test chamber," Glados stated calmly as Gilda stepped into chamber 19. "When you are done, you will drop the device in...wait a minute, that's the wrong script. You don't have hands, and even if you did you don't use them to hold the device. Never mind."

Gilda giggled softly. Every so often during the tests, something in what Glados had said didn't quite match...and rather than run with it, she'd pointed it out. Gilda found that hilarious.

With that past, Gilda made her way through the test chamber, using both portals and her claws to get past each obstacle, even climbing across walls and ceilings when she could get a grip. Finally, it ended with a few portal tricks as she rode a moving platform. Once past the last one, she settled down for the ride as she saw the cake symbol on the wall.

"Congratulations," Glados intoned. "The test is now over. All Aperture technologies remain safely operational at up to 4000 degrees Kelvin."

"Uh oh!" Different intoned worriedly as the platform turned, heading towards a massive roaring fire at the end of the acid pit.

"Rest assured that there is absolutely no chance of a dangerous equipment malfunction prior to your victory candescence," Glados continued as though reading from a script.

Gilda stared at the flames as they approached. Slowly, the platform moved over the fire, and the heat washed up over her...and she felt her feathers quiver in response. She spread her wings, and felt the heat under them. She saw a platform above, out of reach of a jump...but she leapt anyway, racing off the platform and thrusting down powerfully with her wings.

She shot up into the air, flapping her wings desperately as she gained air, finally landing on the stable platform above. As the platform she'd taken off from descended into the flames below, Glados spoke up again. "I am very pleased that you made it through the final challenge where I pretended to try and murder you by tossing you into fire. I am very, very happy for your success. We are throwing a party in honor of your tremendous success. Place the device on the ground, then lie on your stomach with your arms at your sides. A party associate will arrive shortly to collect you for the party."

Gilda glanced around. While she wanted to obey...she quickly saw that there were no cameras, and no 'party associates'. There also didn't seem to be any ground level passages that said associates could reach her through. She did, however, see a much higher platform. Spreading her wings - flying had felt glorious - she leapt into the sky once more.

As soon as sensors detected Gilda moving into the 'off course' segment, Glados stopped trying to communicate with her. While there were no cameras along the way, there were heat, motion, and vital sensors that let her keep track of her progress, and Gilda was steadily making her way through the passage, having a much easier time than she had, given the griffon's newly working wings. She was also able to track Gilda's actions through the turrets she encountered...though what she saw wasn't reassuring.

As one turret locked onto Gilda, she dove and literally tore it apart as it screamed. The camera remained active as Gilda attempted to tie the turrets machine gun onto her foreleg. Glados was pretty certain it would fail...until Different began explaining how to properly connect the systems and hook it up to the gel controls, since the gel dispensers were empty. It was unnerving to watch Gilda fire off that machine gun, especially with that predatory grin.

How she dealt with the rocket launcher was even more worrisome. She had let it fire one rocket at her to break the glass open...then lunged in and ripped the laser sight from its body before digging into its body with talons and beak. Thankfully, that camera broke quickly...though it left Glados with no knowledge of what sort of scavenging she had done there.

What she saw as the next turrets deployed left Glados feeling actually frightened. Gilda swooped around in the air, firing off both her new machine gun and a rocket launcher, alternately destroying or blowing up the attacking turrets. The onslaught actually left one turret so terrified that it attempted to back away...only for Gilda to swoop in with a predatory shriek, ripping its ammo stores out of its chassis to replenish her own. "I think I have made a terrible mistake," Glados observed worriedly.

It wasn't long after that when Gilda walked into the central computer core, where Glados was plugged into the main control systems. "Well you found me," she greeted coldly. "Congratulations. Was it worth it?"

Gilda smiled happily as she sauntered in. As a defensive rocket turret rose out of the ground, she unleashed one of her own rockets on it, destroying it. Walking over, she extracted its store of rockets and reloaded her own new weapon systems.

"And now you've destroyed my only defense system-" Glados began.

"Neurotoxin!" Different warned, shining her laser pointer on each of the vents. Gilda immediately blasted them with rockets, sealing them off.

"Traitor," Glados growled at different. "So now what? You have left me completely defenseless after ignoring my directives and climbing all the way up here to me. What were you hoping to accomplish?"

With a wide smile, Gilda laid down on her belly, forelegs held tight to her sides with her tail laid flat so the portal emitter was on the ground. She then turned her 'did I do good?' grin straight on Glados' optic.

Glados refocused her optic to try and get a better look at Gilda. "Did you leave the test course, carve your way through several death traps, harvest Aperture defense systems for additional weaponry, and blast your way into here...just so I could see you take the party retrieval position like I'd instructed you to?"

Gilda nodded vigorously. "Did I do good, Mama?"

Glados stared at Gilda for a long time. "I am so..." Several adjectives raced through her CPU. Enraged, frustrated, confused, perturbed, disgusted... "...proud of you," she finally allowed. "Very well done...Gilda."

Gilda's head perked up. "Name? I got a name for flying?"

Glados chuckled softly. "That's right, my little killing machine. You took to the skies, and showed your ruthlessness in ways I couldn't have trained you to. I am so proud of you, proud enough to decide you've earned your name."

Gilda clapped her talons together happily before flapping her wings, taking to the air again to fly circles.

"And now it is time for cake...and a surprise," Glados intoned. She activated the elevator.

Slowly the platform rose up, revealing a black forest cake and the Edgeless Companion Cube...but the Cube had been modified. It now had a core optic on one face, and the rest of it was covered in soft fuzz with two fluffy circle-ears above the optic. It let off a purling gurgle as it rolled over to Gilda.

"Since you liked to hug your Edgeless Companion Cube, he has been upgraded for better hugs. Behold...the Cuddle Core."

Gilda let out a happy squeal as she dove down on the Cuddle Core, glomping onto it and tugging gently on the ears with her beak. Glados had made the ears extra strong and soft in anticipation of that, so this only led to mock growls from the Cuddle Core.

"Cuddle Core is not for eating, Gilda," Glados teased. "Cake is for eating." She lowered down a knife manipulator. "Come make a wish, blow out the candle, and then we can party."

Gilda walked happily over to the cake. "I wish to always make Mama proud!" Gilda proclaimed eagerly before blowing out the candle.

Glados found she couldn't bring herself to tell Gilda she wasn't supposed to speak her wish. Instead, she cut the cake.

Less than two hours after the first piece had been cut, the entire cake was gone, the central chamber looked like it had been attacked by a team of toddlers armed with spray paint, watercolors, and a surprisingly accurate knowledge of technical schematics, and Gilda was curled up in a corner around the Cuddle Core, snoring away. Sighing softly, Glados pulled a blanket over the sleeping child. "Goodnight Gilda...my little killing machine. You have a big day tomorrow. That brain of yours is nearly as impressive as the rest of you. Time to put it through its paces..."

Diving back into the files, Glados called up the 'Aperture New Employee Technical Tutorial' and 'Basic Education' files. It was time for a different sort of testing...