• Published 9th Nov 2016
  • 2,312 Views, 49 Comments

Chaotic Odds - PsychoNerd

When Luna hosts the Grand Galloping Gala, Celestia looks for a plus one, but not many options are available for her. Will she go empty hooved? or will she find more than just a guest to the Gala?

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The Home

The other dimension was a total nightmare for ponies.
Water of different colors and consistency, floating islands in a seemingly endless void, some upright while others are upside down, fauna in different aspects and characteristics, most would say that the creatures came from a science fiction movie.
All of whom are in a dream like landscape that’s shrouded with different shades of violet, purple, blacks, and blue.

A terrifying work of art...

And in the midst and center of this disorder is a relatively calm, small, normal, and plain house.
It’s perfectly fine despite the chaos. It stands out given the surroundings it’s in. That house is the home of the most disorganized and distorted being in all of Equestria and if not, the whole world.

Through the door, we encounter a bizarre home that resembles a surrealistic work of art.
A tree branch mounted as a trophy, a lamp shade upside down, stairs on the ceiling, a sofa in a weird yet remarkably comfortable form, dust bunnies in the shape of bunnies, the floor itself which is actual grass, the pictures frames crooked. There was no sense whatsoever in that home, and that’s how Discord liked it.

“Home Sweet Home” a plaque portrayed. It’s crooked and placed on the ceiling, yet it still dictated that even an environment so disorganized as this, is a home. It’s Discord’s home.

With a white flash appeared as a being made up of different body parts appeared. Discord yawned as he stretched his arms, the bathrobe with the text “Chaos is a wonderful thing” present on his back.
As the Lord of Chaos sat down in an armchair that was once his own throne.

As he snapped his fingers, a tea cup, delightfully filled with chocolate milk topped with soft whipped cream, floated in parallel to a plate of odd shaped cookies made out of cotton candy. It matched well with the beverage on it’s opposite side of the throne.
An odd and yet perfect portrayal of Discord, his chaotic magic making reality lose her mind for a moment which is unfortunately seen by most as dangerous and evil rather than magical and beneficial.

“Ahhhhhhhhhh… A nice cup of chocolate milk with a side of cotton candy cookies. Just the way I like it, with a touch of Chaos!” he laughed as he sat in a nonchalant way on his throne.

As he sat and enjoyed his time, he remembered what had happened in his life in regards to his reformation.
Discord learned a lot after his reformation, especially after his near disaster experience with last year’s Grand Galloping Gala. It involved him bringing an unlikely guest that flooded the ballroom, a pony almost being sent to another dimension, and almost losing his best friend whom he tried to get her attention but undeniably failed.

His past experience with that gala wasn’t all exactly peachy memories and for someone of his stature, he’d most likely try to forget such an experience from his memory.
He frowned as these memories come into picture in his mind. His humiliating performance with stand up comedy, his efforts trying to get Fluttershy’s attention, not to mention his so called efforts to find somepony and have them bring him to the gala as their plus one was wasted.

He gave a sigh but suddenly turned into a smile. There was one or two things there that he did pick up at the gala despite his futile efforts.

He remembered laughter…

Not the laughter of the ponies who made fun of his expense. Not the laughter they gave when Tree Hugger stopped the disaster he brought with him.

But the laughter from Celestia...

Her unconditionally adorable laugh which was not given to him negatively as he made his horrible act on stage. She wasn’t laughing at him but rather at his poor jokes - poor judging by the overall reaction, not Celestia's.

“Can you imagine how dull it would’ve been if I hadn’t invited Discord?”

“Oh Celestia,” Discord couldn’t help but chuckle and smile as he remembered what she did.

Celestia herself invited him to the Gala just to make things exciting and fun. She even stated that it was the most fun Gala in Years and no one could argue with that statement.

Discord smiled as he slowly sipped his warm drink. He looked at an oddly shaped calendar where the date marked on that day was the Grand Galloping Gala.

“Ponies must be excited for this year’s Grand Galloping Gala. I heard that Princess Luna was hosting it so it must be exclusive and very very special and without a doubt different,” he thought as he bit down a cotton candy cookie.

“I don’t think I will be invited to this year’s Gala since Luna’s the one who’s running the show and not Celestia.”

True to his word. Discord didn’t receive an invitation nor was he expecting one in the mail and even if he did receive one, He made no plans on attending the gala, out of fear of doing something disastrous to the Gala that will incur Luna’s wrath.

But nevertheless, Discord was happy given the memories he had from last year’s Gala.
He expected nothing more than to relax and enjoy the peace and tranquility in his chaotic home.

That is until his ears lifted up and his eye opened. An unfamiliar sound was at his door that was not commonly heard whenever he’s at home.

He looked at the door with uncertainty…

"headless horse 3" she says

scary movies are not my game

but now I'm afraid of just one thing

the thought of losing her”