• Published 9th Nov 2016
  • 2,310 Views, 49 Comments

Chaotic Odds - PsychoNerd

When Luna hosts the Grand Galloping Gala, Celestia looks for a plus one, but not many options are available for her. Will she go empty hooved? or will she find more than just a guest to the Gala?

  • ...

The Arrival

Carriages came and left.
Ponies of all shapes and sizes trotted to what was known as the Best Night Ever.

Everypony was spot on greeted by a warm reception. It was a red carpet moment after all.

Even the Lunar guards were made boastful. Sporting their best armor and best uniforms.

They were tasked to make sure no incidents were to occur and everything went exactly as planned.

“Welcome to the Grand Galloping Gala, the princess is waiting inside.”

“Is everything according to plan?”

“Yes sir, everything’s running smoothly.”

“Good, the princess doesn’t want anything to happen that can utterly humiliate herself, is that clear?”

“Yes sir, we’re sure nothing humiliating will happen tonight,” two guards greeted each other, followed by a salute.

The ponies enjoyed their time.
The food was quite exquisite and even foreign delegations were invited. Most of them gazed around at the grandeur of the night.

“Good Evening Princess Luna,” A mare with notepad approached the diarch.

“Hmm?… Oh Raven… how wonderful it is to meet you. What a lovely dress you’re wearing.” Luna gave her a warm smile.

“Not as beautiful as yours, your majesty.”

“Oh hush now, I’m sure stallions are just dying to get the opportunity to dance with you.”

Raven couldn’t help but feel flattered at the compliment, her cheeks reddening.

She quickly shook her head, retaining her composture. “I’m afraid no pony has took that chance your highness… I’d rather prefer my duties and it’s been such an honor to be your assistant for tonight.”

“Oh well why not? They should!… and I understand, you can thank my sister for that. She recommended you, after all being her assistant proved that you’re a reliable and trustworthy mare.”

“I uhh… thank you, your highness… I do apologize for my twin not greeting you formally during the… “incident” at Ponyville during the Nightmare Night festival.”

“Oh no need, it seems logical for your twin sister to react that way considering I was howling my voice and… quite not accustomed to your current affairs.”

Raven was quite taken.
She engaged in talks with Princess Celestia before, but she never really felt this normal before while talking to a royal.
A smile escaped her lips as she adjusted her glasses sliding down her muzzle.

“So how’s my Gala doing?” Luna turned to Raven, her tone more serious.

“Everything’s going to your expectations, princess.”

“The guests are quite in awe at the decor you planned at the Gala. Personally, the dark blue drapes and night sky carpet are divine. The dignitaries from Saddle Arabia have already arrived and we are expecting the Yakyakistan envoy any moment now.”

“Very good… I expec-”

“Unfortunately the guards tasked to deliver invitations to the zebra in the Everfree Forest were… unable to report back but scouts report that petrified statues can be seen from the sky…”
“Oh… for what do we have the survival guides and ponies studying the magical creatures when nopony listens to them?”
“Oh should I dispatch some guards to-”
“Oh no no, it’s all right, the few experts we have on this topic aren't accesible now after all. Better let them focus on the mission to the northern dragons… Just try to gather the statues together. Nevertheless, the gala must move forward.”
“Very well, princess.”

“Have you seen my sister though?”

“No, your majesty. She hasn’t arrived yet.”

Luna raised an eyebrow.
Her sister was late? What could possible force her to be late to the most important night of the year? Not considering the fact it took place in her home..

“Oh well thank you Raven… I shall come to you when I am in need of your services. Now go on, enjoy the night.”

“Thank you princess,” Raven replied along with a bow as she walked away.
Luna was deep in thought. She wanted Celestia to be here. More so that the party was off to a good start and yet she was nowhere to be found.

Anxiety sent shivers down her spine..

“Where could she be…”


Outside of the Gala, a white flash appeared near the entrance.
Celestia materialized right alongside Discord.

“Well… we’re here.”

“I must say… your sister certainly has thrown out the Red Carpet treatment… did somepony die? Curses! I should’ve brought a handkerchief for the waterworks…”

“No Discord and no surprises there… this is her first Gala… expect nothing more than the best.”

A guard was snoring right in front of them, leaning on his spear for support .

“Well this is certainly the best then!”

Discord took the opportunity to twirl his mane like an ice cream on a cone as he made the guard’s face look like a clown, followed by a weapon change to a balloon animal.

“Well I’m surprised your sister even added a clown to the Gala… she must be that desperate,” Discord chuckled as he wiped his hands.

Celestia just rolled her eyes as she woke up the dozing soldier.

“AHH! W-who g-goes there?!…OH!… Greetings your majesty, your sister has been waiting for you, I’ll announce your arrival for all to hear right away.” The guard greeted them, unaware of his “new” appearance.

“Very well, a simple announcement will do… right along with my plus one.”

Her head motioned to Discord.
The guard’s eyes grew, wide in surprise. He didn’t expect Discord to be there.

“He’s my plus one and my personal guest.”

“Very well then, princess… right this way.”

As they made their way to the entrance, Discord felt beads of sweat drenching his suit.

He knew why Luna didn’t invite him.

“I’m not so sure this is a good idea Celestia.”

“How so?”

“I prefer my presence… welcomed, maybe even expected. I want to spend time with you but how can I if I’m not even meant to be here.”

“Discord, you shouldn’t -”

“Announcing the arrival of Princess Celestia and her plus one… Discord!”

There were shocked expressions and vague gasps as Celestia walked in with Discord, not to mention the appearance of their escort.

Celestia was mesmerized by the overall display of the Gala. She expected something different but she never imagined such glory. She was absolutely speechless.

Discord was speechless too, but not in the way Celestia had hoped. He was looked at with contempt. Guards, guests, visitors, even Luna herself were glaring daggers at him.

Discord gulped as he realized this was a mistake.

“Celestia… I think I should leave… it was foolish of me to go here… I’m sure you’ll have fun anyway,” He motioned for the exit as he closed his eyes.
“I best be off then, it was -”

He was stopped by the warm feeling that was grasping his right paw.

“Oh hush now Discord, you’re my guest and my plus one. You have every right to be here so come on!… You’re my plus one and my responsibility, no need to be afraid,” she smiled as she warmly held his paw and lead him inside, not paying any attention to the crowd.

“She… she’s holding my hand…”

Discord was blushing.

He could only follow her movements as they made their way to Luna.

The younger princess's stare was burning a hole right through Discord’s forehead, her horn threatening to do the same.
Never in a million nights did she expect him to be there.

“Uhh Celestia… I think I’m quite parched, I think I shall sample the drinks at the buffet table, would you like some?”

“Oh no but help yourself Discord.”

They both parted ways as Discord made a bee line for the buffet table and Celestia walking casually to her sister at the stairs.

Discord grabbed two glasses to quench his thirst after such a horrid ordeal. Panting, he grabbed one more.

“Stay calm you idiot!… Keep yourself together! She already made it clear that she wants you to be here… DON”T BLOW IT!!!” he screamed at his reflection in the punch bowl.

He slowly turned his head and noticed the nearby guests looking at him with uncertainty.

With a quick snap of a finger, he disappeared into the nearby bathroom. With a sigh he looked at himself at the mirror.

“Just stay cool and keep yourself together old boy… You’re already in a tight spot as it is… don’t make it worse… Just let her have a good time… don’t make her regret for ever considering you to be her plus one.”

“Uhhhhhh…” a stallion in a stall that slowly opened looked at Discord, doing his “business” on the toilet.

“DO YOU MIND?!… I’m having a nervous breakdown and a humongous issue here!…Honestly, some ponies have no sense of respect and punctuality,” he said as he fixed his suit and hair, snapping his fingers once more as he disappeared.

The stallion didn’t say a word. Not even daring to breath as a
”plop” was heard in the bowels of the toilet.


“Sister, I have to say… this is the most spectacular Gala I’ve ever seen.”

“Thank you sister though, I want to ask you… why is Discord here?”

“Oh he’s here as my plus one and my guest.”

“But sister, can he be trusted?… I mean he’s…Chaos impersonated!”

“He’s my friend Luna… that’s all the proof and trust he needs.”

Luna opened her mouth, only to close it again.
She knew whenever Celestia called her by name, it’s never a good sign.

Celestia left her perplexed sister behind as she went to find Discord, whom she noticed drinking punch as he explored the food buffet.

“You may trust him… but I don’t…” Luna stared after her.

"Ponies in love
Ponies in love
Ponies in love"

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay, lots of bumps in the road such as the holidays and school :derpytongue2: