• Published 30th Nov 2016
  • 2,242 Views, 72 Comments

The Element of Hope - Shootingstar212

Born on Earth. Raised in Equestria. A young Human Male from Manehattan, was mistreated by everyone he knew, outside of his founder. for his 18th birthday, he is given the chance to live on his own in Ponyville for one year.

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Chapter 14: Underestimation

My brain is pounding, almost like it's trying to escape my skull. I slowly place my hand on the spot that hurts the most and try to massage the pain away. My eye's flutter open; I'm staring at a stone ceiling, it's riddled with cracks. Where am I? The last thing I remember is fighting the Changeling... And then...

I slowly stand up, my right arm is still in pain from earlier. I quickly place my left hand on the spot where the damn Changeling bit me earlier. To my surprise, I'm no longer bleeding. My wound feels like it's been stitched up with magic, all that remains of it is scars. Did the Changelings patch me up? Why would they do that? I thought they wanted to kill me...

It's really dark in this room, it's hard to tell where I am exactly. The only light is coming from the moon outside. How long have I been knocked out for? The moonlight is somewhat blocked by the metal bars on the window. I quickly turn around to see if I can find a door, but I'm only greeted with metal bars blocking the only way out. Am I in some sort of jail? Too many questions are racing through my mind, but the fact of the matter is that I need to find a way to get out of here.

I hastily jog my way up to the jail bars and try to move them to the side, hoping deep down that the cell is unlocked. The cage can only shift slightly open before getting caught in the lock. What was I thinking? Like a jail cell would be left unlocked... I grasp the bars tightly, anger is boiling up inside of me. I can't believe I let myself get caught by those damn Changelings! I told myself that I wouldn't let them get away again... Maybe it was just luck that I was able to win that first fight.

I need to use my head if I want to get out of here. If I hang around for too long, who knows what will happen? I quickly begin to search around my jail cell for anything that could help get this door open. I engulf my hand in magic to light up the area. My teal glow illuminates the room, helping me make out the details. Saying that this place is sketchy is the biggest understatement of the year. The stone walls and ceiling are cracked and covered in moss. to my dismay, there's nothing in this room, not even a bed. I run my hand along the mossy wall, trying to think of a solution to my problem. I'm not strong enough to bust down the wall with my magic. Even if I could, I'd probably be too drained to do anything else.

I walk up to the barred up window and look up into the moon. Princess Luna did a really good job tonight, the moon looks absolutely outstanding from this angle. This could be the last time I see something this beautiful if I don't get out of here. I don't know what to do... I'm pretty sure Twilight and the others don't even know where I am...

I slump down, my pack pressing against the wall. I'm staring at my exit, it's taunting me. I clasp my hands together and close my eyes. I can't believe I'm about to believe in these superstitions, but I really need it right now... Princess Luna, please guide me with your moonlight. Show me what I must do in order to get out of here safely... I sit in silence for what feels like hours, hoping that praying to the Princess of the Night would work. I open my eyes slowly, only to be blinded by a bright flash.

"What the hell?" I question out loud, I shield my eyes with my arm. When the light fades, I look to what caused the light. I see that the light from the window has lit up the room a bit more clearly, but that's not all. The moonlight is reflecting off of a metal object. Could that be the key to the cell? I stand up in shock, did that actually work? It could've been a coincidence, but I won't rule out the possibility. I quickly run up to the cell door and try to reach out for the key by sticking my hand in between the metal bars. I quickly come to the realization that it's out of my grasp, there's no way I can reach that far out. I pull my hand back into my cell, disappointment washing over me. This damn place just keeps taunting me. The old fashion key is resting on a hook, it looks really rusted. I couldn't care less how it looks, as long as it's for my cell.

My grip tightens around the metal bars, it's now or never I suppose. I close my eyes as an attempt to rid myself of all distractions. It's only me and the object, just like what Twilight said. I visualize the key in my mind, making sure to remember all the little details. I just need to add a little magic to get it to move towards me, right? I've been practising this for hours, please let this work... I slowly open my eyes to see that the key is wrapped in my teal magic, it's shaking slightly. I just need to stay calm and the key will come towards me. I stare down the key, trying my hardest to get it to move off of the hook. The key begins to shake harder than before, but it's slowly beginning to slide off the hook at the same time. Just a little more and I'll be out of here!

My concentration is broken by the sound of a heavy door opening. My magic fades off of the key while it slumps back to its original position. I really hope that whoever is coming it didn't see that. I quickly sit down, leaning up against the wall beside me. I hear multiple hoofsteps approach my cell. Two Changeling guards stop in front of my cell.

"Inmate, stand up!" One of the guards commands. I slowly comply, making sure that they know that I won't make any sudden moves. I know I won't be able to take on these two in my current condition, even at my peak I was struggling with a single Changeling. The other guard uses his magic to levitate the key off of the hook and begins to unlock my cell.

"The Queen wants to speak to you. Try anything funny and you're dead," The guard with the key threatens. Once the guard is inside my cell with me, he steps behind me and lines his horn up with my back.

"Follow me," The first guard says before he begins to walk to the door. I feel a slight poke in my back, that's probably the guard wanting me to walk. I begin to follow the first guard to where he's leading me. When I leave the room, I'm met with the warm light of torches on the wall. This castle seems like it's almost abandoned, it's very worn down, "You're lucky that the Queen is being generous to you. I wanted to throw you down in the other dungeon with the ponies, but the Queen wishes to keep you alive," The guard speaks without looking at me. Questions begin to pop up in my mind. There's another dungeon? Why would the Changeling Queen want to keep me alive? The other dungeon is where all the other ponies are, I hope that they're alright...

After walking up what felt like hundreds of stairs, we arrive at an ominous set of double doors. The front Changeling pushes open the doors with his magic. The throne room isn't as long as I thought it would be, but there are plenty of stain glass windows filling the space anyways. It's a dimly lit room, with the only light being the few torches spaced out. I look forward at who's sitting on the throne. Queen Chrysalis is massive, she's almost the same height as me, her horn is as long as Princess Celestia's and Princess Luna's. Just she also bug-like wings like the other Changelings, but hers are currently tucked in her side. Queen Chrysalis as a long, stingy mane and tale that's a dark seafoam green colour. Just looking at her intimidates me.

"My Queen, we've brought the creature you asked for," The guard in the front bows, followed by the one in the back. Queen Chrysalis locks eyes with me and her horn begins to glow. Suddenly, I feel myself collapse onto my hands and knees, unable to move. What kind of spell is this?

Queen Chrysalis steps down from her throne and begins to walk up to me, "So you're the creature that I've heard so much about?" Chrysalis uses her hoof to raise my face to look at hers. She smirks before letting my head drop back down to its original position, "I cannot believe that my subjects had such a hard time with you. Some were claiming that you can use magic, but I don't sense anything. It's just an excuse for their ineptitude," Chrysalis begins to walk around me slowly, "But I'll admit, you put up a much better fight than the others we've captured," Chrysalis laughs. I try to struggle against the spell, but to no avail, "Now, on to the main reason why I've spared you thus far. I've gain information from my subjects that you've become close to The Elements of Harmony," Chrysalis becomes angry at the mention of the title, "I want you to tell me all about them. I want to know what they fear, what they're weak to, how to break them. Maybe I'll let you live if you cooperate."

"No..." I respond, metaphorically putting my foot down. I feel a hoof strike my face hard, the pain lingers.

"Don't you dare defy me!" Queen Chrysalis hisses, "I will not ask again. Tell me what you know about The Elements of Harmony!" Chrysalis is trying to intimidate me and it's working.

"I won't sell out my friends!" I yell back.

Chrysalis laughs in response, "You really those ponies are your friends? I know who you are, Travis. I know that you don't have a family of your own, you're hated by the world," Chrysalis says trying to break my spirit "If those ponies were your friends, would you be alone right now?"

"I don't care if you think that they're my friends or not. I will never betray their trust like that!" I shout back angerly.

"If you wish to die so bad, then so be it..." Chrysalis says in anger. She begins to walk in front of me, her horn beginning to glow a bright green. I feel an intense force on my back, trying to push me into the ground. I try to keep myself up, but it's no use. I collapse to the ground, the pressure on my back still growing, "I'm going to make this one nice and slow," Chrysalis giggles to herself. My body is still frozen, I can't use my magic to get out of this one. I'm completely helpless. I scream in pain and fear, tears start to roll down my face. I don't want to die, it hurts too much!

Suddenly, a loud crash of one of the windows erupts through the room. Chrysalis stops her spell to see what the commotion is about.

"Blah Blah Blah," A raspy voice mocks Chrysalis, "Don't you ever shut up?" I lift my head up to see... Rainbow Dash? How did she find me?

"You!" Chrysalis screams in anger at Rainbow Dash. Chrysalis aims her horn at Rainbow Dash and fires off a couple of shots of magic. It looks like the same spell that one of the Changelings hit me with. Rainbow Dash effortlessly evades the attack by flying to her right at a blinding speed. When Rainbow Dash skids across the floor, dust is kicked up into the air.

"Aw, it's so sweet that you remember me, Bug Breath," Rainbow Dash smirks at her own insult.

Chrysalis charges at Rainbow Dash, charging up another spell in the process. The two Changeling guards surround me, making sure that I don't stand up. When Chrysalis fires her spell, Rainbow Dash takes off into the air. The magical attack slams into the wall, causing it to explode into a blinding green light. I shut my eyes in order to protect them from the light. When I open them, Rainbow Dash is nowhere to be seen. A blue blur rushes past me and slams into one of the guards, sending him spiralling backwards. The guard lands on the ground and is knocked out. Rainbow Dash lands on the floor, skidding to a halt. She looks at the second guard who is frozen in shock and smirks. Rainbow Dash propels herself into the air with one mighty flap. She spins in the air and bucks the second guard square in the face, sending flying back. The guard lands on his feet and begins to fire magic blasts at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash moves out of the way before the blasts can reach, they hit the floor and cause a shockwave of energy to erupt. The shockwaves throw me to the side of the room.

I'm regaining some muscle control while I slowly stand up. I look over at Rainbow Dash who's now in a full-on hoof fight against the Changeling guard. I hear the sound of magic being charged and see Chrysalis gathering power, she's aiming her horn at Rainbow Dash. I need to do something! I fire an air gust towards the ground, sending me flying towards Queen Chrysalis. I pull back my arm and ready up a punch, I need to at least get her to miss Rainbow Dash. My fist slams into a hard bubble of magic causing it to ripple.

"Oh, Travis. Do you think I wouldn't watch my blind spot?" Chrysalis taunts. The bubble leaves her and begins to wrap around my body, "How does a creature like you use magic without a horn? It doesn't really matter, you're too weak to stop me anyway," Chrysalis laughs. The bubble flies across the room with me in it and I'm sent crashing through one of the windows. Time seems to slow down as I get a glimpse of what's below me. My feel my stomach sink as I see how far I am from the ground. The bubble begins to disappear as I fall to my death.

Images of my past begin to flash through my mind. From growing up alone, finding out I have magic, to me yelling at my Grandpa the last time we spoke. I'm so sorry Grandpa... I close my eyes, tears flowing through them. This is how I die, huh? Falling to my death all because I underestimated someone who outclasses me in every way... I feel my consciousness fade as the shock takes over me...

Author's Note:

Sorry that this one is a little shorter than the last few chapters, it's because I want the finale to this arc to be a long chapter.