• Published 30th Nov 2016
  • 2,242 Views, 72 Comments

The Element of Hope - Shootingstar212

Born on Earth. Raised in Equestria. A young Human Male from Manehattan, was mistreated by everyone he knew, outside of his founder. for his 18th birthday, he is given the chance to live on his own in Ponyville for one year.

  • ...

Chapter 15: Loyalty

"Hey, are you okay?" A distorted voice calls out to me, "Please don't be dead..." The voice trails off in sadness. Be dead? Why would I be... Images of the fight with Chrysalis flash through my mind. My eyes slowly open, to be greeted by Rainbow Dash's worried face. I move my eyes around to see that we're surrounded by trees, are we in the Everfree forest? It's still night time, so I don't think I was out for long, "Oh, thank Celestia," Rainbow Dash exhales.

"What... What happened?" I say groggily. I slowly sit up, placing my hands on the damp grass.

"You took a plummet out of the tower, but I managed to grab you before you could hit the ground. I tried to get us to land softly, but you were too heavy. Let's just say, we're further away from the castle than we should be." Rainbow Dash puts a hoof behind her head and smirks, "You should've seen it. They don't call me the fastest flier for nothing!" She boasts at her own speed.

"You saved me?" I ask with a little disbelief. Why would Rainbow Dash save me? I thought she hated me the most...

"Well, duh," Rainbow Dash mocks, "If you were dead, how would you talking right now?"

"That's not what I meant by that..." I lock eyes with Rainbow Dash for a second. We sit in silence for a few seconds before she starts to speak again.

"Anyway... We need to get back to the Changeling's hideout, our friends are in trouble!" Rainbow Dash shouts.

"In trouble? What happened?" I slowly stand up, wobbling a little in the process, "How'd you find me anyway? This place doesn't look like it's close to town at all..." I observe my surroundings. Darkness is the only thing past the trees, and the last thing I want is to get lost in this place. We're practically in the middle of nowhere.

"Fluttershy saw you get attacked by two Changelings earlier today. When she came to us, we left immediately to the spot you were at. There wasn't anything left, other than some blood, and boy did that make Pinkie Pie queasy... Twilight tried to follow it without even getting ready first. We lost the trail not too long after we went into the forest... That's why it took us a while to find the castle.

"Go on," Fluttershy was tailing me when I was tailing the Changelings, huh? I didn't even notice her...

"It was a little too easy to get into the castle. Usually, there's at some guards going around the area, but there weren't any when we got inside," The girls probably got here not too long after I woke up. There were no guards around the area when I was being escorted, "We heard crying from where we were and followed it. We found the dungeons on the lowest floor of the castle, there were so many ponies locked up, I just wanted to break down the bars right there! We couldn't see you in any of the cells, so Twilight started to get worried. She wanted me to try to find the throne room because she thought that Chrysalis was torturing you. She wanted me to go because I was the fastest out of all of them. That's when things to a turn for the worst..."

"What do you mean by that?" Worry begins to wash over me.

"It turns out, the crying pony was just bait and we fell for it! The jail cells were just full of Changelings disguising themselves as ponies. They had us surrounded, so Twilight made me leave her and the others behind to find you..."

"Wait, so the girls are jailed up? Twilight was worried about me..." I look towards the ground, guilt washing over me. If I wasn't so careless today, this wouldn't have happened, "Do you know where the girls and the other ponies are in the castle?"

"Not a clue..." Rainbow Dash kicks a nearby rock in anger, sending it flying towards a tree. When the stone collides with the tree, bark flies off of it. Rainbow Dash stands there in silence, not even looking in my direction, "Hey, do you remember where your cell was? I'm sure that the other cells aren't' too far from yours."

The thought of going back inside the castle terrifies me. I wasn't strong enough to even defend myself from a single Changeling, let alone an entire army swarming the place.

"I... I can't," I mumble out.

Rainbow Dash's ear perks up, she turns around with confusion and anger filling her, "What do you mean you can't'?"

"I can't go back in there!" I yell, "I'm... I'm too scared..."

"Travis, our friends are in there! Innocent lives are in there, and you're telling me that you can't go in because you're scared!?" Rainbow Dash yells back at me.

"I almost died twice today! I couldn't fight Chrysalis and I couldn't fight the Changeling from earlier today," I finish with tears beginning to form in my eyes.

"So you're going to just abandon your friends? Twilight was willing to put her life on the line just to make sure you were okay. You repay her just by giving up when she needs us?" Rainbow Dash takes a few steps closer to me, her rage at a boiling point.

"I'm not like you, Rainbow Dash!" I yell. Rainbow Dash stops walking towards me and just glares, "I'm not brave... I'm not strong... I'm not a hero... I'm just some kid that got in way over his head! I wanted to be something that I'm not, I thought that I could just magically make others respect me. All I wanted to do was just run away from my old life, and start over," I clench my fists so hard they begin to shake. I can feel the tears starting to pour down my face while I look at the ground.

"You don't need to be a hero to stay loyal to your friends," Rainbow Dash says, "You want to make ponies like you more? You can start by actually being there when they need it!" I raise my head from the ground and stare at Rainbow Dash, unable to find any words to respond with, "If you're not as brave as you say you are, then why did you come help out Twilight and me when you first came here? Even though you thought that everypony hated you, you still came to help two strangers when they needed it."

"It's because I..." I can't find the words to express how I was feeling that night, "It's because that's what I felt was the right thing to do..."

"So you think just standing around here when your friends are in trouble is the right thing to do now?" When Rainbow Dash finishes I sit in silence. It's the right thing to help out my friends, but I'm too afraid of failing again. If I fail this time, it'll not only cost me my own life but the lives of innocent ponies. I don't know what to do. Should I take the risk and possibly die trying? Or should I just head back home and give up? Hell, even move back in with my Grandpa so I don't have to deal with all the shame and blame I'll get from Ponyville. I sit down on the grass, leaning up against a nearby tree. I place my head into my palms while I think.

"I don't know... I don't know what to do..." My voice cracks a bit at the end of my sentence.

"Do what you want, I don't care. I'm going back to the castle with or without you," Rainbow Dash scoffs. I hear her wings flap, "I don't know what Twilight saw in you that made her want to be friends, but I now know for sure that she was wrong about you. Don't even bother talking to us, unless you actually understand what being a good friend is about!" When Rainbow Dash finishes, she flies away from the area as fast as she can.

Shame... That's all that I can feel in my body while I sit down defeated. I'm not sure how long it's been since Rainbow Dash left me here, but it's been torturous on my mind. I can't stop thinking about the days leading up to these events, how I've slowly been getting used to my life here. The time I've spent with Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Spike have all been the best days of my life, even though it hasn't been a lot of time. The feeling of having somepony to talk to and to be with is something I don't want to lose all because I'm being some selfish asshat.

I remove my hands from my face and stare at the grass. I don't want to let Twilight down, I don't want to abandon Rarity and Applejack, and I don't want Spike to be alone like I use to be. I slowly stand up from where I'm sitting, staring in the direction Rainbow Dash flew off to. I don't want Fluttershy to lose her chance to see her animals again, and I don't want Pinkie Pie to feel like the welcome party she threw for me was a waste. But most of all... I don't want what Rainbow Dash said to be fact!

I sprint from where I'm standing, heading in the direction that Rainbow Dash flew off to. I carefully avoid any trees, branches, and rocks that could cause me to stumble. I don't care what's in the Everfree forest, it doesn't matter to me if anything will try to attack me. I don't care if a Manticore jumps out at me right now, I won't let that stop me from saving my friends. I don't want to be alone again!

My heart is beating faster and faster, my breathing is becoming irregular, and it's getting darker in this forest. I can feel eyes watching me while I sprint, but I have to ignore them. I engulf my hands in my teal magic, as an attempt to provide light for me. I don't even pay attention to how much magic is in my hands, I just need to see where I'm going. I run around the trees and duck under any branch that's too high. I see some light at the end of this dark tunnel. I blast a massive gust of air to send me flying towards it at a high speed. The wind is whistling past my ears, my jacket flowing behind me. This is a sense of speed I haven't felt before.

I fly out of the tunnel and attempt to land on my feet. I slide on the grass for a bit before falling onto my back because of my lack of balance. I slide a little more before coming to a complete stop. I try to catch my breath while I wipe the sweat off of my face. I slowly get on my feet and look at my surroundings. There are fewer trees than before, but I'm still in the forest. It's a lot easier to see because of the moonlight. I look around the area and see a tall structure in the distance, that must be the castle.

I make my way to the structure in the distance, I can finally see what this castle looks like. It's definitely been here for years. Moss is growing all over the crack cobblestone bricks. There's a tall tower on the castle, that must be where Chrysalis's throne room is. I carefully begin to circle the castle, looking for the entrance and hoping that no guards find me. I stop when I'm at the corner and press my body up against the wall. I slowly peek around the corner to see if there are any guards around the area. To my surprise, there aren't any guards around the entrance. Maybe it's just to make it look like that the castle is abandoned still.

I carefully walk up to the open entrance of the castle and peer inside. I've already made up my mind, there's no turning back now.

I'm sneaking around the castle halls, making sure that I'm making as little noise as possible. When I take my steps, I'm placing my heel down and then my toes. It's not total silence, but it's better than running through this place. The flickers of the torches on the wall mask the sound pretty well. I have no idea where the real dungeon is in this place. Every hallway looks the same as the last. I think if I find the stairs to the throne room, I can try to remember where I had to go when the guards escorted me.

I approach the end of my path to be greeted by three choices. I can keep going forward, go left, or go right. There's a door to the left I can also check as well. Maybe I should at least see what's inside before I keep looking for the throne room? I slowly open the door to reveal an empty supply closet. I lightly sigh, like there would still be anything here... I hear some hoofsteps coming from around the left corner. I quickly enter the supply closet as an attempt to hide, I'm so screwed... The hoofsteps slowly go passed my area, I can hear them speaking from here.

"What does she look like?" I high pitched voice asks.

"The Queen says that she's got a rainbow mane and tail," A gruff voice responds. They're talking about Rainbow Dash for sure. Did she get caught?

"Why is she so worried about some pony?"

"She's not just anypony, she's an Element of Harmony. The Pegasus apparently took care of two of our elite guards without breaking a sweat. Keep an eye out for her."

"Yeah, yeah..." The high pitched voice loses interest.

I wait for what feels like hours before opening the door. So, Rainbow Dash hasn't been caught yet. I don't think Chrysalis expected me to come back to the castle after my humiliating defeat. It's a good thing for sneaking around, but it's a bad thing for my pride...

I leave the supply closet and continue my way down the hallway. I peek my head around the right corner, there is a pair of double doors at the end of the hallway. I recognize that door, that's gotta be where the throne room is. So that means I'm getting pretty close to the dungeons. I quickly head down the hallway parallel to the double doors, I know exactly where I'm going now!

I've made it to a familiar hallway after a long journey through the castle. I was starting to get a little reckless on my way there, almost got caught a few times, but I managed to hide in the shadows because of my dark clothing. I never thought my choice in fashion would end up saving my life one day, but I'm not complaining. I slowly open up the door at the end of the hallway. Just as I thought, this is where they kept me locked up, but there's nopony in any of the jail cells. At the end of the hallway lies another door, maybe that's where the rest of the ponies are.

I quickly run to the end of the room and open the door, heading down the set of spiralling stairs. The torches on the wall make it easier to see where I'm going, I just hope I don't trip because I'm going too fast. I reach the bottom of the stairs to be greeted by yet another door. How many are in this one hallway alone? I quickly open up the door, not even sure if there are any Changeling behind it. I just want to make sure everypony is okay. I feel a hoof slam right into my stomach with plenty of force behind it. I grunt in pain and fall to my knees, spitting saliva in the process.

"Travis!?" A raspy voice yells in confusion.

"Why?" I croak out, "Why would you do that?" I lift my head to look Rainbow Dash in the eyes.

"You came back?" Rainbow Dash says in disbelief, "And you were able to get here without being caught? I thought you were too scared to?"

"Yeah..." I slowly stand on my feet, "What you said earlier, it got me thinking. You're right... I don't need to be a hero if I want to stay loyal to my friends. Thanks for reminding me of that," I smirk at Rainbow Dash.

"Don't mention it," Rainbow Dash smirks back, "I'm serious, don't mention it to anypony, got that?" Rainbow Dash practically whispers so nopony can hear us.

"Did you find the girls?"

"Yeah, they're just over here," Rainbow Dash begins to run down the hallway. I follow Rainbow Dash, looking into the jail cells in the process. The ponies that have gone missing are grouped up in every jail cell. Every pony has their hooves tied together by rope. The Pegasi have their wings bound by ropes too. The Unicorns are all wearing rings around their horns. All of them are completely helpless. I even see some children in the jail cells, those Changelings are disgusting.

"Isn't that the strange creature from the party? What's it doing here?" I hear one of the stallions whisper to its cellmate

"Is it here to help us?" I hear another voice say.

"You all need to stay quiet!" Rainbow Dash says harshly, but keeping her voice down.

We arrive at a stretch of jail cells, the one we stop at has both Twilight and Rarity in it.

"Travis, is that you?" Twilight questions, "I thought you left us... Rainbow Dash said that you couldn't come back..." Twilight says with sadness creeping into her voice.

"Yeah... I just had some reflecting I needed to do..." I trail off, feeling guilty about not being able to get here sooner.

"Thank goodness you're here. Those ruffians tossed us in these disgusting cells and completely messed up my mane!" Rarity cries in agony, "They also forced us to wear these awful rings on our horns."

"Those rings... I saw all of the Unicorns wearing them. What do they do?"

"These rings are suppressing out magic. We can't use any spells with these rings on," Twilight informs me.

"I'll be right back, Twilight," I tell Twilight. I head over to the other cells to check on the other girls.

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are sharing a cell. Pinkie pie not only has been bounded by ropes, but her mouth is covered in tape as well. Pinkie Pie is trying to speak through her tape, but it's only being muffled. Fluttershy is shaking in fear, hiding in her mane.

"Fluttershy." I say to her, only to get no response, "Fluttershy, are you okay?" Fluttershy still doesn't respond. I begin to boil in anger. Fluttershy did nothing wrong, she doesn't deserve this. Nopony deserves this kind of suffering. I look over at Rainbow Dash. She's staring into another cell, trying to contain her laughter. Why would she be laughing at a time like this?

"This ain't funny, RD!" Applejack shouts from her cell. Applejack's hat has fallen off of her head, and she's attempting to put it back on without using her hooves. Applejack is rolling around her cell, using her head to try to scoop it up. I snicker to myself, but Applejack overhears it, "Travis? You came here just to laugh at me?" Applejack says with a little bit of anger in her voice.

"Actually, I'm here to help... But..." I roll my eyes at Applejack in a joking way. Applejack glares at me with a murderous intent in her eye, "Alright, I'll help you," I panic a little, "Rainbow Dash," I get Rainbows attention via her name, "Did you happen to find a key while you were looking around?"

"Those Changelings must be smarter than they look, I couldn't find it anywhere. I thought it would be either here, or on the floor above," Rainbow Dash responds. She sits on her haunches while she begins to think. Where would the key be? With the number of jail cells that need to be kept in check, I doubt they'd have multiple keys for the cells. Just one master key that the Changelings would use when they need to feed... Wait a minute!

"I've got it!" I snap my fingers, getting Rainbow's attention, "When I was in my cell, they had one key hanging off of a hook. I tried to use my levitation spell to get it, but I couldn't get the key in time. One of the guards that escorted me used the key to unlock my cell."

"Okay... And your point is?" Rainbow Dash responds while standing up.

"You knocked out those of those guards when you came to save me. Maybe the guard still has the key on his body."

"So we just need to go back to the throne room and swipe it off of him." Rainbow Dash finishes the plan for me.

"Right!" I give Rainbow Dash a thumbs up, "I'll be going with you, I know how to get to the throne room."

Rainbow Dash nods her head with a smirk, "Then let's not waste any more time," Rainbow Dash begins to run to the door at the end of the hallway.

"Travis..." I hear Twilight's voice say to me.

"Yeah?" I walk up to her cell.

"Thanks for coming back for us," Twilight smiles, it reminds me of the same one she gave me when she first came to my house.

"No problem... What are friends for?" I smile back at her.

"Both of you be careful now," Rarity requests.

"Don't worry about it, we'll be back in no time," I saw with determination. I run to catch up to Rainbow Dash.

I push open the double doors that lead into the throne room, it's the exact same as we left it. The bodies are still on the floor, but Chrysalis is nowhere to be found.

"Did Chrysalis leave when I was thrown out?" I ask Rainbow Dash.

"Don't ask me, I was busy saving your butt," Rainbow Dash teases.

"I don't care where she is, we just need to get the key and get out of here," I run towards one of the bodies and begin to search. It's cold to the touch, which is a bit odd. I notice something strange with the body I'm examining, there are puncture marks all over it. It's almost like the Changeling has been drained of all its blood... Oh, Celestia, I think it's dead.

"I think I found the key," Rainbow Dash calls out.

"What'd you do to these Changelings?" I ask Rainbow Dash out of fear.

"I just knocked them out, what's wrong with that?" Rainbow Dash walks over to me, wearing the key around her neck. Something isn't right...

"Rainbow, we got to go," I say to her, worry in my voice.

Rainbow Dash gasps in response, tackling me to the floor. Before I can even register what's going on, a blast of energy hits the floor, sending bits of stone flying everywhere. Chrysalis lands on the floor, green blood dripping from her fangs. There's no way... Did she kill her own servants? Rainbow Dash and I quickly scramble to our feet.

"I knew you'd come back, Element of Harmony, but I didn't expect you to, Travis," Queen Chrysalis giggles sinisterly. Chrysalis is guarding the door, I'm not getting out of here so easily. I could jump out the window with Rainbow Dash, but Chrysalis could follow. There's only one choice here, huh?

"Rainbow Dash, go get everypony out of here," I say sternly.

"What?" Rainbow Dash questions.

"I'm not as fast as you, plus you can just fly out of one of the windows. Just leave me here to deal with this..."

"No way! I'm not leaving you here alone! I won't just abandon my friend!" Rainbow Dash yells at me. I smile slightly, I guess Rainbow doesn't hate me after all...

"This isn't about loyalty, Rainbow. It's about doing the right thing now. I'll be able to buy you some time at the very least."

Rainbow Dash sits there in silence for a few seconds, "We're coming back for you," Rainbow Dash flies out of one of the broken windows as fast as she can, leaving behind a rainbow coloured trail in the process.

"Fool, why throw your life away? Do you really think you'll be able to defeat me?" Queen Chrysalis questions. I don't need to beat Chrysalis, I just need to buy enough time to get the ponies out of here, then the girls will come back for me. I just need to survive until then.

"I want to know something!" I yell at Chrysalis, "Why are you doing this?"

"It's simple, I want to take what is rightfully mine. All of Equestria is mine to control, It's mine to shape. Under my rule, Equestria will become a place where all of my subjects may do what they please. No longer will they be under the rule of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. We Changelings have no love of our own, that is why we feast. Without love, we will die!"

"So you've been keeping ponies around for some sort of disgusting love farm?" I ask with anger flowing through me, "That's horrible!"

"It's simply what we must do to survive. I can't have any of you get in the way of what is rightfully ours..." Chrysalis trails off, "Now die!" Chrysalis lets out a screech so loud, I have to cover my ears to protect them, "Your friend only has a few minutes before my subjects arrive to take care of her."

A magic bubble surrounds me, almost like the one that she used on me before. This time, when Chrysalis lifts me off of the ground, the bubble begins to shrink in size.

"I want to see you die, nopony is here to help you," Chrysalis laughs. The space is getting tighter and tighter. I try to kick and push my arms out to stop it, but it's all in vain, "I hear that you're from Manehatten... Do you have any relatives there?" Chrysalis toys. Is she talking about Grandpa? No...

"Don't you dare lay a single hoof on him!" I scream at Chrysalis. I place my hands on the bubble that's so tight, it's almost crushing me. I focus all of my magic, I mean allof it into both of my hands. I won't let her hurt my family! I blast the bubble with all of the air magic I've got, causing it to shatter into pieces. I land on my feet, bending down to break my fall. I slowly stand back up and glare at her right in her eyes.

"There's the fighting spirit that was missing last time!" Chrysalis excitedly.

I keep a constant stream of as much magic as possible in both of my hands, causing them to be engulfed by teal light. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep up this much magic, but I don't care as long as I'm able to smack that smirk off of her face!

"I don't care what you or your subjects went through in the past, I draw the line when you threaten my family!"

I run towards Chrysalis at my top speed, clenching my fists in anger. Chrysalis's horn glows and fires a few magic chrystals at me. They are tinted the same green colour as her magic. I push my left hand out to the side and fire out a strong gust of wind, sending me sliding away from the attack at a high speed.

This surprises Chrysalis. She quickly reorientates herself to shoot a strong bolt of magic at me. I finish sliding across the floor by the time the bolt is fired. I quickly place my hands on the floor and shoot a blast of air out of my palms. I fly upwards, causing the bolt to miss me and impact the floor. I hear a small explosion go off behind me, sending dust and debris everywhere. I pull my right arm back, trying to ready a punch. My fist collides with a shield spell, sending a shockwave throughout the spell with an audible sound. When my feet land on the ground, I continue my barrage of strikes on the shield. Each blow to the shield sending a ripple throughout it. I can feel my knuckles beginning to bleed.

"You dare defy your Queen?" Chrysalis shouts in anger, as well as in a taunting matter.

"You are not..." Each word I say results in another punch to the shield, "My Queen!" I yell the final part of my sentence. I pull back my fist once more and throw it forward as hard as I can. When my fist connects this time, I unleash a raw blast of magic out of my hand, throwing me backwards. I tumble across the floor before quickly recovering, my breathing is becoming heavy and both my hands are in pain. I look at the damage I did to the shield, there are now cracks forming inside of it.

Chrysalis's shield disappears and she begins to fire off a flurry of green fireballs. I shoot both of my hands to the right, firing off an air spell in the process to help give me a running start. The gust of wind carries me a few feet, when I land, I run at top speed in order not to fall. Every fireball that hits the wall causes the ball to burst into flames for a few seconds. One fireball hits the spot in front of me, sending me flying back. I land on my back, pain erupting through my body. Thankfully, I'm not on fire.

My heart is beating so fast that I feel like I could go into cardiac arrest. I can feel my magic on my hands beginning to fade away, I have to keep pushing on! I slowly stand up, stumbling a little bit. Chrysalis has momentarily stopped attacking me.

"Have you reached your limit already? You only have so much magic inside of you, I wonder what happens if you were to run out?" Chrysalis looks like she's not even felt a bit of fatigue this entire fight. Have I already used too much magic? I grit my teeth in response. I'll just have to hit her with everything I've got then...

Time seems to slow down while I run forward, almost painfully slow. Chrysalis isn't bothering to attack me, she's taunting me. I bring both of my arms back, pouring my soul into this attack. When I reach Chrysalis, I thrust both of them forward, shooting as much magic as I can out of my body. My vision goes white for a moment, both of my arms are in agonizing pain, and my ears begin to ring.

When my vision comes back, I'm laying on the ground, my face looking at the ceiling. I'm too tired to move, my arms feel like they're dead. I'm trying as hard as I can to get air into my lungs, not even caring if Chrysalis is alive or not.

"That actually did something..." I hear Chysalis say. I'm too tired to even care, that's all I had in me, "Try as you might, you're not strong enough to defeat me," I hear hoove steps approach me. My heart rate is slowing down now, I can breathe properly. Chrysalis towers over me, her horn beginning to glow. One of her eyes are closed and she's breathing a little heavier than before. I can't do anything to stop this... I just hope it's painless... I shut my eyes tight to prepare for my fate.

A massive explosion goes off in the distance, sending dust and wood chips everywhere. What the hell was that? Chrysalis and I both look towards the source of the noise. The dust begins to swirls around the source, circling a Unicorn horn. It's Twilight and the others! They really did come back for me, huh? I begin to laugh out loud in relief. Chrysalis stands there, terrified.

"Get away from him!" Twilight shouts before firing a beam of magic at Chrysalis. Chrysalis uses her wings to fly out of the way. When the magic hits the wall, there is an explosion that destroys the entire thing. The blast is so strong, that the wind from it almost can slice through stone.

I feel hooves try to help me sit up, I look to my left and right to see who it is. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are trying to help me sit up.

"Travis, are you okay?" Fluttershy asks, worry in her voice.

"I'm fine... I'm just really tired," I respond weakly.

"Thank goodness, can you stand?"

"I don't know..." I answer, "Just give me a minute..." Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy try to help me stand up, but I end up falling onto my stomach. I hear the both of them calm out my name, but darkness envelopes my vision before I can do anything about it...

I slowly open my eyes, only to be surrounded by an unfamiliar sight. I'm laying down in a bed, but it's not my own. I'm in a room with a seafoam curtain to my left and a nightstand to my right. The walls are a bright teal with a dark wood panelling going across the bottom. This definitely isn't my home. Am I in the hospital? What happened with the Changelings? I remember Twilight and the others showing up to save me and that's about it. It takes me a second to realize that I'm alone in this room, I'll have to ask whoever is running this place what's going on. My body feels more relaxed than usual. I don't know how long I've been out for, but I don't mind this feeling. My arms are feeling better than they were before, thank Celestia that they aren't broken.

As if almost on cue, somepony walks into the room. It's a white Earth pony mare wearing a nurse cap, her cutie mark is the symbol that's on most hospital fronts, "Oh, you're finally awake! Thank goodness, your friends were starting to worry," The mare says, her voice sounds a little older than most.

"My friends?" I slowly sit up in my bed, "They're here?"

"Yes, I'll go get them for you. They'll be happy to know you're awake!" The nurse trots out of the room.

A few minutes later, she comes back in the room with the girls. Before long, they surround my bed.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Twilight asks me.

"I feel... relaxed?" I respond, "What happened with Chrysalis?"

"Don't worry about her, we got her good this time. I'm pretty sure she won't be trying anything funny anytime soon. Even her army went running with their tails between their legs" Rainbow Dash boasts.

"We brought you here as fast as we could, deary. We couldn't save your jacket though..." Rarity says, trailing off at the end. I check under my blanket to see that I'm wearing a garb as a shirt, my jeans are still on but they are damaged. I notice that my right arm has been bandaged up where the Changeling bit me along with anywhere else that had a bad cut.

"That old thing? You sure you didn't just throw it out?" I tease Rarity.

"I would never!" She stamps her hoof on the floor, causing us all to laugh.

"It's gonna start gettin hot soon anyway, you'll be sweatin like a pig with that on," Applejack adds.

"How long have I been here for?" I ask. It can't be close to May already.

"You've been here for a day already. You must have been pretty tired," Fluttershy says, giving me a smile.

The nurse clears her throat, "Anyways, we managed to treat your wounds to the best of our abilities. Please take it easy for the next few days, we wouldn't want you to end up back in here too quickly."

"I've had too much excitement recently anyways..." I respond, "How long do I have to stay in here for?"

"Just one more day will do it, you need to get your rest."

"Oh, oh!" Pinkie Pie shouts, raising her hoof into the air. I look at her and nod, "We should throw a party when you get out of the hospital! A 'Congratulations on recovering' Party!"

"Uh... I don't think a party would be applicable for that," Twilight says, "But I do believe we should celebrate our victory. We all worked hard and I think that calls for a celebration." We all nod our heads in agreement, "I'll start to plan it right away!" Twilight shouts with glee at the chance of planning the event.

"I didn't take you for a celebration type, Twilight" I tease her.

"Huh? No, I just love to plan stuff, I love being organized!" Twilight is bursting at the seams with excitement.

"Okay..." I'm a little confused, but whatever makes her happy I suppose.

I feel like I'm a little bit closer to the girls than I was before. It feels like we all bonded in some way over this event, especially Rainbow Dash and I. I hope that whatever our celebration is, it'll be something to remember...

Author's Note:

There we go, the first arc is all wrapped up and done. It feels good finishing it with my longest chapter yet. I'm sure by this point, you can get a pretty good understanding of what kind of structure this story will have. I'd like to thank all of you for reading up until this point.

I'll be going on hiatus for a bit as I am working on a project related to this story. Those who've read my blog post already know what it is.

I'd like to thank all of you that have favourited and followed the story, and I wish you all a fantastic night!