• Published 26th Dec 2016
  • 3,518 Views, 13 Comments

Dreams of You - SapphireSparks

When Luna's teachings on entering dreams ends up revealing Fluttershy's crush on Twilight, Twilight had no idea how to respond; she even suspects the feelings are mutual. So one thing leads to another, and the two share a simple dance.

  • ...

Thinking of Her

Author's Note:

Collab with Holly Jolly Stories.

Stupid romance inbound.

Twilight Sparkle paced, biting the bottom of her lip as her ears fell flat against her head. Mane sticking out everywhere, sluggish movement, and a nasty attitude growing by the second, the sleep deprived mare growled at herself. She shook her head ever so often, rubbing a temple as she scowled and murmured ‘no’ repeatedly. The sun had set long ago, leaving her in the dimly-lit room to ponder her feelings. It was not fun, especially for the dragon trying to read comics on her bed. He was there to watch over Twilight’s anxiety-induced pacing, though he was growing angrier by the second. Hours of her mumbling, and then another hour of this.

“Twilight, you’ve been pacing for over an hour. Surely you’ve gotta use the bathroom or something?” Spike snapped from behind her, Twilight’s ears pricking up at the sound of her name. Twisting her muzzle at his statement, she scowled, twitching her tail as she sucked in her teeth.

“Don’t you understand at all? This new discovery of mine could change my life forever!” He deadpanned as Twilight locked eyes with him. “Don’t you care about that at all, Spike?”

“If it’s interrupting my reading, then no,” he grunted. He rustled the comic books so it was straight again, skimming the page for where he had left off.

Twilight huffed in aggravation and went back to pacing, much to Spike’s displeasure. He folded the corner of his page and pushed it aside with a roll of his eyes, figuring he wouldn't be able to focus as long as she kept up her nervous antics.

“Alright Twi, if you need me I’ll be downstairs eating or something,” he mumbled, making his way to the door. His words went through one ear and out the other, Twilight barely managing a nod as she continued her walking. A noticeable groove began to form in the marble. Of course, she didn’t notice that either. Her mind was still racing.

When Luna had offered her the chance to learn about the dreamscape, she had practically exploded from excitement. She was getting a chance at learning about the very magic used to protect Equestria. To shape Equestria, even. Luna had been excited too.

So when Luna mentioned learning the magic might have effects such as witnessing other pony’s dreams instead of her own until she learned how to control the dreamscape, she had dismissed it as nothing. After all, what was the worst she would see? At least, until Fluttershy’s dream...

Mortified as the memories came back to her crystal clear, Twilight’s cheeks burned. She paused and sat down with a huff. It wasn’t right for her to see something so personal of her friend’s. What would Luna say if she found out about this? What about Fluttershy? What if Celestia found out and banished her to the moon or, even worse, the sun? Her frantic pacing resumed within seconds while she chewed on the inside of her mouth. This was not good. Not at all. Her heart was beating a thousand times per minute, clawing at her chest like a trapped animal.

A piece of parchment flashed before her in purple sparks, a quill levitating beside it. Perhaps she could write a letter to Luna asking for her advice. After a thousand years, there was a small chance she could’ve caught herself in the same situation. She lifted the quill, ready to write.

The words were still fresh in Twilight’s head, swirling around in a mix of her worries and subconscious thoughts. “I love you.” Fluttershy’s gentle movements, her sultry stare, hot breath and soft lips-

Muzzle turning a crimson red, Twilight shook her head for what could’ve been the thousandth time that night. It was… weird to think of her friend like that. One thing Luna did not mention was how dream Twilight was swapped for her, real Twilight. Fluttershy had kissed her. One of her closest friends dreamt about kissing her.

Grunting, the paper and quill vanished. Luna would be of no use unless they were going over dreamscape magic, which was the last thing she wanted to learn at the moment.

So why did she feel oddly okay about all of this? Like it was alright… Was it because it was a dream? Was it because she didn’t simply care? Was it because of… Twilight froze. No. It couldn’t be…?

“I can’t like Fluttershy, can I?” she whispered. Silence was the only response.

It seemed ridiculous to say out loud, but at the same time didn’t exactly sound wrong. The signs had been subtle; Fluttershy’s glances, constantly trying to talk to her and get her away from the group. Had she tried to stop Fluttershy’s advances? No. She had… rather enjoyed them. She wanted to think more, opening her mouth to think out loud before a yawn escaped her lips. Stifling it with a hoof, Twilight’s eyes glanced over to the clock sitting on her nightstand. Her pupils dilated.

“It’s midnight,” she said between a yawn, “already?” Looking outside, she saw the moon hung high in the sky, stars twinkling beside it. Swallowing, her eyes cast back to the bed. She would have to go asleep again. She might have to see another one of Fluttershy’s dreams again.

There was the possibility she could stay up all night like she did yesterday, but she doubted her body could handle yet another all nighter without passing out halfway through from sleep deprivation. She’d also considered drinking that type of tea that gives one lots of energy, but she had done that a while ago and hadn’t liked the flavor. Not to mention how hard her lack of sleep had hit her after the effects wore off.

Maybe if she kept busy enough, her mind would forget she was supposed to be sleeping?

“Spike, did you--” She stopped mid sentence as soon as she realized he was gone, comic discarded on her bed with the not-so-discreet gem shards littering her blanket. Sighing with a frown, she walked out of her room and down the stairs, thinking he probably got hungry and went to go get a midnight snack. That sounded vaguely right.

“Spike?” she called halfway down, the click of her hooves echoing. She heard some paper hit the floor and footsteps marching towards the stairs.

“What’s wrong?” he asked. Squinting in the little light the torches offered, he noticed huge bags under the hunched alicorn’s eyes. “Twi, are you okay?” he added; he hadn’t gotten a head on look at her tired face until now.

“I’m fine,” she lied, “why?” A casual conversation could always help one stay up late too, right? Maybe one with Starlight, though. “Where’s Starlight?”

“Uh, she left to see Sunburst two days ago.”

Twilight blinked. “Oh.”

“Twilight, you look like somepony just punched you in the face,” he replied, “repeatedly.”

She blinked, finishing her journey downwards. Spike scrambled to her side, twiddling with his claws. “I do?” she asked at last, not a hint of worry or concern in her voice.

The young dragon sighed, holding his head in his claws. “Look, Twilight,” he started, “I think we’re both super tired right now. I’m sorry I was mad at you before, it was just me on no sleep for over twenty four hours. I thought you knew what you were doing before, but…”

She smiled a bit at his remark; ever faithfully had he stayed up with her. Yet his last remark left her tilting her head.

“But what?” She blinked again; playing dumb, though not her ideal choice, was a good way to draw out any normally short discussion.

“You’re a grown mare.” Spike blurted, not sure on how else to say it, “I know you had a bad dream a couple nights ago, but this lack of sleep is starting to make you a little crazy.” He circled his claw around his ear to get the point across.

Twilight could feel the conversation drawing to a close. Frantic for something--anything to keep her awake, she went on with her dumb act, making herself just a notch stupider. “Uh huh, and?”

He sighed again, rolling his eyes. “I know what you’re doing, Twi,” he yawned, “quit acting so dumb and go to sleep. You and I both know that you need it more than I do.” She froze, not sure of what else to do; Spike grumbled at her lack of a response and stretched his arms wide. “I’m just concerned for you, Twi,” he stated, moving past her to go to his room, “I’m gonna go to bed; I hope you do the same. Night, Twi.”

His feet padded up the stairs and, a moment later, his door closed with a soft click.

Twilight groaned, knowing he was right; though reluctant, she also knew she had no other choice. Her brain was to muddled to comprehend any book she would try to read and all the chores had been finished during that morning. Sucking in her teeth with a tsk sound, she grumbled a goodnight to her assistant, trudging her way up the stairs. Once in her bedroom, her tired hooves practically moved themselves into the bed, relaxing as they hit the soft fabric of her sheets and blanket. Thoughts of getting up to brush her teeth passed her mind though her body protested the slightest movement.

Eyes fluttering, Twilight could barely focus on the world around her as sleep encompassed her. When her eyes opened, however, she found herself standing in the middle of a field, the sun beating down on her as a cold breeze wound its way around her. Mane lashing out behind her as if flowing like Celestia or Luna’s, Twilight took a step forward as the sweet smell of roses filled her with an odd sense of calm despite the night’s worries. She noticed a path of them, and couldn’t help picking one up.

The peace was shattered by a sudden, loud sob from behind her, snapping Twilight out of her trance as she realized she was dreaming. Panicking, she closed her eyes and opened them again and again, only to still be in the dream. Was it not letting her go because it was a nightmare? Or because…

She was in Fluttershy’s dream again.

Twilight vaguely remembered Luna saying something about the magic activating on its own at night. Shaking her head, she pushed her ears forward, pinpointing the sound and certain yellow pegasus ahead of her. Hoofsteps gentle, she walked slowly, Fluttershy’s mane a mess as she sobbed into her hooves. Twilight froze; should she do anything? She craned her head back, eyes unable to move away from her distressed friend. Holding on to her breath, Twilight gently poked Fluttershy. Why would she be crying?

She looked up with puffy emerald eyes, Twilight’s cheeks flushing as she struggled for the right words to say. All she could do was sheepishly offer the rose, Fluttershy beaming as she wiped away tears. Twilight found herself unable to look away as Fluttershy stood up and leaned in again. She had to stop it. Not again. Not another kiss. But as the alluring scent of roses grew stronger, their bodies grazing past each other, Twilight practically melted into the mare’s kiss, finding herself leaning in as she pressed back against her soft lips.

Her eyes jolted awake to the bright sunlight shining through her window. Her muzzle twisted into a frown as she levitated a pillow directly onto her face, screaming until she ran out of breath. No, no, no. She let it happen again.

Spike must’ve heard her, as the unmistakeable scraping of his claws against the marble reached her ears. Turning away from the direction of the door, Twilight mumbled into her blanket, wings twitching. Spike cleared his throat.

“Uh, Twilight? Why were you screaming into your pillow?”

“Because, Spighk,” she said through the blankets wrapped around her head, “I’m angrgh.”

“Twilight,” he uttered, rolling his eyes, “take your head out from under there and eat breakfast. I’ve already got it cooking. And,” he paused with a smile. “Thanks for listening last night. You would’ve been crazy today without some shut eye!”

She opened her mouth to complain, only for her stomach to growl in protest to her thoughts. Snorting from her blanket fortress, she slowly leaned up. “Yeah, yeah, you were right. I feel better.” Spike instantly threw a claw to his mouth as the alicorn’s mane stood out everywhere, resembling a lion’s mane. Twilight cocked an eyebrow. “What?”

“Nothing, just don’t let Rarity see you until you shower,” he snickered. Rolling her eyes, she shooed Spike forward, following him downstairs. When they both entered the kitchen, the last thing they expected to see was a smiling Draconequus in a ‘kiss the cook’ apron. He craned his neck to them in ways seemingly impossible, flashing a toothy grin. The pair stood starstruck.

“Why hello, my dear friends! Care for blueberry waffles and chocolate milk?” his voice was almost singing, each word smooth and cheery. His eyes soon met with Twilight’s, his paw darting over his mouth as he let out an overly dramatic gasp.

“By the stars Twilight, dear, I simply cannot see you with that dreadful mess of a mane, dear, darling, dear!” he feigned Rarity’s voice, a couch similar to hers appearing underneath him as he ‘fainted’. Disappearing with the couch in a flash, he reappeared behind her. “Dahling, this won’t work at all!”

“Hey-” he voice was cut off by a sudden tugging at her mane for a few seconds, followed by a mirror hovering in front of her.

“There you go, much better!” She closed her eyes as she braced for the worst, slowly opening the up and looking back at herself. Her hair was pulled back into a Prench braid, her fringe brushed out. She titled the mirror back to see Discord’s mismatched arms reaching for her tail. Blushing, she used the mirror to hit his paws as she yelled, “I can braid my own tail, thanks!”

“What, I was trying to be ni- oh.” He paused, a bit of red climbing onto his own muzzle. “Whoops. I better leave that for later!” he added with a wink.

Sighing, she looked back to Spike. He was already making his way out of the room, leaving her by herself to deal with Discord’s mischief. Facing him again, she put on her best smile.

“Well, thanks for braiding my mane anyways. But why are you here?”

Discord was already back at cooking, barely looking back at her as he juggled blueberries in his arms. “What, a friend can’t visit another friend?” there was an edge to his voice.

“No, Discord, but you usually don’t come without a-”

“What, prank? Joke? Something unpleasant? Yeah, go ahead and say it, Princess,” he growled, suddenly shooting daggers at her. Twilight’s ears fell back. Discord never snapped all of the sudden. Shaking her head, she pressed again.

“Did I do something Discord? Why are you so mad-”

He cut her off again, an unnatural venom in his voice. “Well, maybe if a certain princess wasn’t snogging my best friend in her dreams I wouldn’t be so mad!”

Twilight’s wings fluffed up from her sides, her cheeks growing bright red as she stuttered.

“I-I, well, it’s just, um, er,-” Discord raised a paw up, silencing Twilight as she ruffled her wings and straightened her hunched posture.

“No, I’m not mad.” He took in a deep breath. “ I’m just concerned, to say the least, and thought we should discuss this over a friendly breakfast.” He turned around with two plates in his mismatched arms, waffles covered in syrup and whipped cream tempting her to stay. His smile was obviously fake.

Nodding her head slowly, they both made their way to the table, sitting down with plates in front of them and forks in magic. Twilight cleared her throat as silence passed between the two.

“So, um, how do you know?” she said barely above a whisper, Discord’s ear flicking in her direction as he casually picked at his food.

“Simple; I sensed foreign magic when Fluttershy was sleeping, further inspected, and saw our precious little princess sneaking a kiss with her. Twice.” While his voice was more calm, Twilight knew better than to trust he wasn’t upset anymore. But her head tilted a bit at his last words.

“Wait, you can enter the dreamscape?”

“After you’ve lived this long, you tend to learn things,” he chided, “Of course, Luna is the only pony who can truly master the art of dream magic. I merely play around with it, such is the same for you and would be the same if either of you tried to learn chaos magic. But we’re not here to discuss magic theory, are we?”

She shook her head no, biting her tongue as she braced for his harsh words. Would he tear her apart? Would he threaten her? Would he tell her to never talk to Fluttershy again? Twilight’s heart skipped a beat when his voice sounded again.

“As much as I am displeased with your invasion of my dear Fluttershy’s dreams, I will admit that she has… affections for you,” his face twisted up at the words. “And I’m here to set you two up on a date.”

Twilight nearly choked on her waffle. “W-what?”

“Don’t play dumb, we both know you two have crushes on each other and… Fluttershy was so happy after those dreams, I…” he trailed off, a smile creeping over him as he blushed. “I like seeing her happy.” His eyes turned cold as he looked back at Twilight. “So you’re not going to mess this up, and this date will be perfect or I will skin you alive.”

Silence passed. Twilight deadpanned.


Discord growled, slamming his arms against the table. All of the items flew up in sync while Twilight yelped, her chair threatening to fall back before she caught it with her magic. The items crashed back down, a muffled snicker echoing throughout the kitchen. “Now that I have your attention, Twilight, I think it's time we began planning this date. But first I want to be very certain you two are compatible.” A watch appeared on Discord’s wrist, Twilight’s pupils dilating as he tapped on it with a talon.

“Oh no you didn’t-”

There was a knocking at the door. The corners of Discord’s mouth lifted into a cheeky grin. With a click of his claws, a bowtie appeared on Twilight’s chest.

“I’ll be watching.”

He disappeared, leaving Twilight to break out in a cold sweat as she bounded off her chair in front of the door. Her racing mind barely processed the sound of a certain dragon scrambling towards her, until a claw poked into her side. She directed her attention towards him, happy to have something to stall her.

“What was that all about?” he asked, continuing towards the door.

Twilight sighed, seeing no other choice as to follow him so they wouldn't be screaming at each other from across the hall. “Oh, you know,” she smiled, “just Discord being Discord.”

Spike gave her a look, reaching out to grab the door handle. “Yeah, but, I heard a huge slamming noise. Are you okay?”

“Fine,” She muttered, “it’s just… Discord wants Fluttershy and me to go on a… a…”

Her speech was cut off as soon as Spike pulled the door wide open. Fluttershy was standing there in her gala dress, her mane and tail in braided buns, teal ribbon interwinding with her hair. It was early enough that the sun hit her just so, causing a halo effect around her whole body. For a moment, it was hard to remember how to speak.

“Hi, Twilight,” Fluttershy greeted shyly, bowing her head by a fraction of a hair, “you look nice today.”

Twilight remembered her mane in its braid and the ridiculous bowtie she wore, feeling her hooves grow wobbly. She was going to make a fool of herself. Fluttershy spoke up.

“Discord said we were supposed to be going to some sort of dance? I…” Twilight watched as she trailed off, her eyes looking behind her. Twilight followed her gaze, her jaw hanging agape. Her whole castle had been transformed into a ball room, soft music playing from a record player as the lights were dim, the soft fragrance of roses hitting her nose as streamers and other various decorations hung around the castle. Twilight felt her heart pound wildly. She turned back to Fluttershy with a sheepish grin, wiping away beads of sweat.

“Uh, it’s okay if you don’t like it-” Fluttershy’s excited squeal cut her off, her friend’s forelegs wrapping around her. Twilight felt her cheeks burning and legs stiffen as Fluttershy embraced her, still squealing.

“Oh my goodness, it’s beautiful! You did all of this just for us?” she asked eagerly, pulling away to look Twilight in the eyes.

“Oh, I, uh,” Twilight’s tail twitched nervously, “yeah, I did. Because, you know, uh, we need to spend more time with each other and, er-”

“I don’t think you should’ve done all of this for me…” Fluttershy suddenly mumbled, looking to the side as her ears fell back. Twilight tilted her head a bit, standing up.

“Why shouldn’t I do all of this for a pony like you?” Twilight stated firmly, the mare’s emerald eyes gazing back at her. Just looking into them she could see her inner beauty and kindness. Shaking her head, Twilight gestured in. “Please, come in.”

“Oh, alright,” Fluttershy murmured with a nod, walking in. So caught up in her excitement and fear, Twilight once more was caught off guard by Spike’s confused stare. She opened her mouth to explain things, until a certain song began playing. Or rather, a certain mare started singing a song. She turned around to hear Fluttershy openly singing along with a smile, taking in the scenery around her as she walked around in awe.

She’s come so far from who she used to be, she thought. Twilight barely noticed the goofy grin spreading across her countenance until Spike walked up to her.

“Is this… a date?” Spike inquired, furrowing his eyebrows at the purple alicorn as he pursed his lips.

Her ears perked up at the voice that wasn’t Flutters and she eyed him while trying to pay attention to her date at the same time. “Uh… yeah, kinda.” Spike’s expression changed from confused to slightly alarmed in a heartbeat. The princess realized she had caused him to panic and sighed, leaning down so she was eye level with him. “It’s a long story,” she mumbled, “please just leave us alone and I’ll explain everything later.”

Her assistant gave her a look but obeyed her nonetheless, rounding the corner to where the stairs were.

Twilight, meanwhile, straightened up again and started strolling towards Fluttershy at a steady pace. “Fluttershy?” The pegasus, who had been facing the other way, spun around to meet her. “May I have this dance?”

Her cheeks started to turn pink, but she put her hoof in Twilight’s and they stood on their hindlegs. Twilight twirled Fluttershy around, the pair giggling as a soft instrumental played. Once their hooves came in sync, their steps matching and hooves resting on each other, Fluttershy spoke.

“W-when Discord told me about this,” Fluttershy started not even halfway in, “I got so nervous... I didn’t know anypony knew about my…” She averted Twilight's eyes, hiding behind her braid. “My crush on you,” she finished in a whisper.

Twilight laughed nervously, looking around to see if she could spot the draconequus anywhere. The two let the music play for a bit longer, Twilight’s thoughts racing. How had she said that so fast? She shook her head.

“I’ll have to admit, it caught me a little off guard, too.” The pegasus stiffened slightly, meeting Twilight’s gaze again. “Not in a bad way,” Twilight added quickly, “a good way, like-- like opening presents on Hearth's Warming Eve.”

Fluttershy smiled, happy to hear her feelings or this whole thing wasn’t freaking the princess out. The two spun together as the soft music thrummed throughout the room. Twilight couldn’t help but watch as her eyes fluttered, a soft blush on her face. “Uhm…” Fluttershy looked down, biting her lip, nervous to continue. There were a few times where they almost fell out of sync. “D-does that mean that you l-like me, too?” She finally managed to ask.

Twilight paused, Fluttershy following in suite. She could see the pegasus’ nervousness, her ears twitching as she averted her eyes from her gaze. “Well, I… don’t know,” Twilight finally admitted, Fluttershy twirling around this time as they resumed their dance. “This all happened so sudden’ the dreams-”

Both of them pulled from each other’s embrace, stepping backwards with only their hooves still touching. Fluttershy’s whole face grew bright red, struggling to find the right words as she stuttered.

“Y-you know about the dreams?” she said barely above a whisper. Twilight cursed herself for ever bringing it, pulling Fluttershy back in.

“Well, I don’t want to get into the details too much but… yes.”

Fluttershy could only bring herself to nod, eyes unmoving as she stared right at Twilight. Twilight felt her nerves coming back, focusing on her hooves as her wings began to twitch. The song on was slower than the rest, causing their movements to be sluggish as they matched with the rhythm.

“You know,” Fluttershy said softly, “I never thought I’d be good enough for a princess.”

Twilight perked up at the words. “Huh?”

“It’s just, you’ve accomplished so much Twilight!” Their movements quickened, Twilight tilting Fluttershy back like she’d caught her mid fall. Bringing her back up, she continued. “You were Celestia’s student, you figured out about Nightmare Moon, you’ve defeated villains, reformed them, become an alicorn and all I’ve done is… is tag along.”

The record began repeating a lyric from a song: “I’d like to walk around in your mind someday.” The two stopped their dance, holding each other close as they balanced on their hind legs, staring into each other eyes.While Fluttershy’s expression spoke volumes of her sorrow, Twilight could not look more confused.

“That’s not true, though,” Twilight said slowly. “That’s not true at all!”

She felt Fluttershy’s grip on her loosen. “But of course it is! You girls have always been so brave, standing up to so many challenges while I… I’m just me. Too scared and shy to do anything.”

Twilight scoffed, using a hoof to guide Fluttershy’s gaze back to her. Smiling, she said, “If any of those things were true you wouldn’t be standing here right now! Fluttershy, you’ve been an element bearer, have been there every step of the way when we’ve been defeating villains, you reformed Discord, for Celestia’s sake, and now you’re helping ponies solve friendship problems! Does that sound like nothing?”


The two came closer, the lyric still playing. “And you’ve come so far from who you used to be. Would the old Fluttershy even come here if she had a crush on me?”


Their muzzles were closer. “Then how dare you say you’re not enough for me. You’re perfect. And I have an answer to your previous question.”

“Oh?” Fluttershy said barely above a whisper.

“I’m still not sure if this,” she gestured to everything around her, “is going to work. But I’d like to try it.” They drew closer and closer until their lips met. That was until a thundering voice startled the both of them, Twilight losing her footing as she toppled on top of Fluttershy. Both of their faces grew red as Discord’s cheshire grin grew wider.

“Seems like you two passed my test!” he teased, Twilight scrambling to get off Fluttershy. “So is it official? Will you two go on a second date?”

The two mares looked back at each other. Twilight couldn’t help but smile, the words coming out before she could process them.

“I think so.”

Comments ( 10 )

Very mushy and sappy, I liked it. :twilightsmile:

Daww that was just adorable. A++

I like this. Especially your interpretation of Discord being a misunderstood person but a big fluffy softie at heart.

While I am saddened from the seemingly short length of this, I really enjoyed reading it.

:twilightsmile: Favorited and upvoted :twilightsmile:

Ugh, I love Twishy, but putting DISCORD into the mix to force them into a date kinda repels me. In all honesty, though, I do like the fic as a whole and the concept of discovering love by accident has always been a favorite plot of mine.

Really liked this story.

Are you well?

I thought that would mean you would rip into them. :[

7852802 10/10 best review I've ever recieved

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