• Published 30th Dec 2016
  • 16,587 Views, 1,061 Comments

The King of Love Bugs - NavelColt

Embracing the power to share love rather than steal it, the changelings work to reinvent themselves and their kingdom while Thorax seeks to introduce a more peaceful hive to Equestria.

  • ...

Epilogue III: My Place is Here With You

"...and that concludes our tour! Our hive isn't quite as breathtaking as Mount Aris or Seaquestria, but we love it here. We worked really hard to turn all this into a home full of warmth, and I hope I was able to show you that, today."

Thorax wore a smile before he even turned. The regality of the hippogriff queen and her entourage stared back at him, pleased and attentive.

"Oh. My. Gosh."

Princess Skystar somersaulted over her mother's guards to be by her side, as if that were the only way to accomplish it.

"Mom, there were baby changelings back there. The tiniest ones were as tiny as Shelly and Sheldon. We have to go see them!"

"Princess Skystar, I swear," Queen Novo groaned in exasperation. "You are in the presence of royalty other than yourself and you will be respectful. What did I say about how we behave in another creature's kingdom?"

"But mom, King Thorax said that was the end of the tour, so can't we-"

"Mm-mm, what did I say?"

Skystar's bubbliness faded as she fell to earth. She seemed to grow antsy, frantically looking down the twisting tunnels behind her, then back to her mother.

"'Let King Thorax decide on what we do while we're visiting.'"

"Mhmm. And what else?"

Skystar huffed impatiently. "'King Thorax and his brother will decide what they are or are not comfortable with us doing during the visit.'"

Novo nodded sagely, satisfied.

"That's right. We’re guests here, My Pearl, and we will give the changelings the respect they deserve. The same respect that I'd expect from any visitors of ours."

The hallway sat quietly for a time. When Novo spoke next, she addressed her host directly.

"So sorry about that, Thorax. The tour was delightful."

"Thank you," said Thorax. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I was really kind of nervous, actually."

Queen Novo giggled. "Well, as you'll remember from our letters, I've never seen a changeling hive before. I thought this was a marvelous first impression."

"Yeah, and it's really pretty, too!" Skystar added. "Please don't belittle it by comparing it to our home. That's not fair to you. All homes are beautiful in their own way, and you've made yours beautiful with all of these plants! We don't have nearly this many pretty vines on Mount Aris!"

Thorax placed a hoof to his chest.

"Princess Skystar, what a lovely thing to say," Novo whispered, nuzzling her daughter. "Stars above, she knows how to bring both the storm and the sun out of me. So be it, then. I hate to be a bother, Thorax, but would it be too much trouble for us to visit the nursery area one more time?"

"Oh, not at all. The nursery is designed for play and high energy, and there are always plenty of adult changelings there to supervise. Visitors are welcome."

Princess Skystar squealed. Her claws instantly found her mother's leg.

"Come on, mom! Let's go see the baby changelings! They had such big, colorful eyes and little buzzy wings! They're like hummingbird ponies!"

Sighing in defeat, Novo locked eyes with her host. She ignored her daughter’s impatient calls to action.

"Will you be joining us, Your Highness?"

"Well, in a minute," Thorax replied, looking elsewhere. "Now that our tour is finished, I really need to check up on someling before I do anything else. If I don't, I'm sure to get an earful about it. I'll have some changelings escort you, for now, and I'll meet up with you."

Thorax motioned a hoof and drones flew past him on command. They bowed before the hippogriff queen and waited patiently for her to take the first step.

With unspoken understanding, Novo chuckled through a closed smile.

"Some things in our lives will always take priority, won't they? There's no need to rush; we're in no hurry. Anytime I bring my daughter anywhere I have to plan to make a day of it, whether I want to or not. I suppose we'll be seeing you soon then, King Thorax."

Thorax bowed respectfully. Novo mirrored it perfectly.


"Gracious, yes, baby changelings, I hear you. I assure you momma is not old enough to be going deaf just yet."

The queen turned to follow the bouncing princess back the way they came, and her escorts closed rank behind her. The small entourage disappeared down a side corridor, and Thorax was left alone.

The young monarch turned to another adjacent hall. His ears twitched. He couldn’t see or hear it, but he could feel it, even from this distance. It was the anticipation of someling waiting to see him, somewhere beyond these walls.

He grinned a foalish grin. The feeling came from more than one source, and they were together. With that in mind, Thorax broke into a run.

"Oh wow, I can't believe my luck! I caught a rare red-bellied beetle boy! I better hold on to him so I can show Thorax!"

Calor curled around a nymph of vivid lime and cherry, tightly clutching him to his chest. Protests and giggles filled the air as the pair rolled about, bumping into walls and stalagmites alike.

"Let go, Calor!" the nymph cried.

"It can talk? Oh, I definitely have to show Thorax, now!"

Apex puffed his cheeks. He pried at the azure hooves holding him, but they were too strong. He attempted to transform, to reduce his size and escape, but observant eyes commanded hooves to tickle him and ruin his concentration.

"Hey, you can't do that! That's cheating!"

"Do what?"

Apex squeaked. Another hoof motion around his soft undershell made him twitch.

"You know what!"

"I promise I'm innocent." Calor rolled onto his side. Small hooves continued to flail in vain. He grinned an unseen grin.

"You are not innocent! You snuck up on me and that's not fair!"

"Well, of course, I snuck up. You would’ve run away, otherwise."

Apex blinked. "You just admitted it! You’re not innocent! Let me go so I can tell Papa Thorax on you!"

Calor made to respond, but then he heard a noise. His eyes flicked towards the doorway, and with a giggle, he rubbed his chin along the nymph's head.

"Oh, Papa Thorax already knows, I think," he murmured.

"What do you mean? How would he already know?"

"...I can't leave either of you guys alone, can I?"

Thorax stepped into the room, drawing immediate affection from eyes of red and blue. Calor released Apex, and the nymph scurried to his hooves and took to the air, hovering before the alpha changeling's face.

"Papa Thorax, just in time," said Apex, throwing an accusatory hoof behind him. "Calor is being a bully!"

Thorax glanced past the riled nymph. Calor stood and brushed his shell of dirt before returning the look. The adults shared a smile.

"I wasn't expecting to find someling looking after him already," Thorax said, motioning a hoof towards Apex. The nymph roosted himself on a throne of antlers and glared at Calor.

"I figured you'd still be caught up with Queen Novo," Calor explained, walking a bit closer. "I mean, you did tell the tour committee this morning that you'd handle her tour yourself. Then you told everyling that Pharynx was in charge until she left."

Thorax wore a sheepish half-smile. "Where is Pharynx, by the way?" he asked. "He told me he'd at least keep an eye on Apex."

"Probably outside with the upkeep drones," Calor replied. "Apex was coming in from outside when I found him, so my guess is he got bored and ran off."

"Uncle Pharynx never wants to do anything fun," Apex grumbled.

Thorax opened his mouth but said nothing. Calor watched him with a patient smile. The changeling's eagerness to help him deserved more than a passing phrase, this time.

"Thank you, Calor. I don't quite know what to say anymore. It seems like you're always there when I need you to be, even when I didn't know I needed you."

Calor's smile grew.

"You know me, Thorax. Always happy to help."

Thorax looked at the doorway, at his responsibilities that laid beyond it. Queen Novo seemed patient, but to what length did he dare test that? They were so close to the visit's end, and so far, everything had gone perfectly.

Thorax looked back. Calor chuckled, perhaps amused by his uncertainty.

Thorax chuckled, also. Something was telling him to stay, and the more he stood there, the more he agreed with it.

"Well, I have at least a few minutes, don't I? Why don't we sit down for a bit? My hooves are killing me."

Thorax laid down in the shade. With his eyes, he encouraged the blue changeling to do the same.

Little did Calor know it was a ruse. A lime hoof grabbed the drone and reeled him in, tipping him over in the process.

"Yeah, get him!" Apex cheered from his throne.

"Whoops. This thing just has a mind of its own," Thorax bantered.

"I've been gotten!" cried Calor, feigning distress as he readily hugged the hoof holding him.

The room reverberated with laughter. Calor slipped through Thorax’s hooves and strained his own to reach the crimson nymph mounted atop him. With a yank, he claimed the small changeling once more, who yelped in surprise.

"I know you're the real mastermind behind this betrayal!" Calor declared. Apex squirmed and flailed his legs.

"Help! Papa Thorax, he's doing it again!"

"Oh, is he?" Thorax smirked as he bathed the blue changeling in a teal aura and lifted him and Apex off the ground. He put a hoof to his chin while pretending to examine Calor from every angle, gently turning him over in the air as he did so.

In all honesty, though, he just enjoyed watching the two argue and play.

"I dunno, Apex," Thorax said at last. "I mean, he has a shell and everything. I don't think I can stop him."

"Try harder!"

"This is not how you rock someling to sleep," Calor criticized sarcastically. "What a terrible technique, Papa Thorax."

Thorax curled his lip. "If I can't figure this out, maybe I should come back with help. I bet Uncle Pharynx could—"

"No!" the other two shouted unanimously. Thorax nearly dispelled his magic from laughing.

"Well, alright, but I think you might be stuck then, Apex. You might just have to get used to being hugged like that all the time."

Never had the nymph's eyes widened quite so much. Thorax's lip trembled.

"But I don't want to get hugged all the time, especially by someling who cheats!" Apex pushed again at the locked forelegs holding him. He stopped suddenly when a thought came to him.

"Wait, that's it! Tickle him, Papa Thorax! He wouldn't let me transform that way! See how he likes it!"

"That won't work," Calor sang, squeezing his prisoner. "I'm not ticklish anywhere. Thorax is right. I have no weaknesses. You might as well surrender your ringleader to me now, Thorax!"

At first, Thorax said nothing. The aura holding the pair dissipated, and they returned to the ground. Two sets of eyes watched Thorax with rapt attention as he sat back on his haunches, wearing a mysterious little smirk. He then exhaled softly and stared back at them, as if waiting for something.

For Apex, it held no great meaning. There was a tingling in the air, sure, but that was always there. It was Thorax's magic, reaching through space to comfort and energize him. It made him smile, too.

But then Apex felt himself released, and he blinked a moment too soon. In a second, Calor was gone, and the nymph had regained his freedom. Getting to his hooves, he saw Calor and Thorax embracing. He shivered as he felt a great wave of warmth flow over him, and for a moment, he could have sworn the air itself tinted in color.

"No weaknesses, huh?" Thorax remarked softly. "Seems like the hive's 'top cuddlebug' might have some chinks in his shell, after all."

"Now you're the one cheating." Calor pressed his snout into the crux of his monarch's neck. "You know I can't resist an invitation like that."

"...Calor, why are you blushing?"

Calor had his eyes closed, being lost in the moment. They opened quickly to find a curious nymph buzzing behind Thorax's head, ogling him.

"I'm not blushing," Calor responded lamely, blushing even more. He pulled back from the hug to face Thorax. "I'm not blushing, am I?"

"Just a bit," Thorax lied. He hid his amusement behind his smile.

"Are you embarrassed?" asked Apex.

"No, I just-"

"Are you too hot? I felt a big wave from Papa Thorax just now and it was super warm. Is that it? It must’ve been it. It must’ve been really, really warm from this close to him!"

Calor returned his focus to Thorax with considerable effort. His gaze was like an anchor, still and welcoming. Apex's babbling dulled to white noise the longer he held that gaze.

"You know, I've gotten better with keeping up correspondence with the princesses of Equestria, lately."

Calor blinked, and he sighed a subtle breath. The topic had been changed.

"I remember you saying something about that, a while back. Is there anything new going on with them?"

Thorax motioned his head and invited his nymph to take roost once again. As soon as he felt tiny hooves lay across his forehead, he nodded.

"Well, I guess it isn't 'princesses', anymore. Princess Twilight had her coronation, and Princess Celestia and Princess Luna retired, which means Twilight is the new ruler of Equestria. Queen Novo and I talked about it. It's just her and Princess Cadance now."

Calor's brimming smile returned. He nuzzled into the king’s green chitin.

"You make it sound so lonely and sad," he chided. "Don't forget about all the other kingdoms. You, Dragon Lord Ember, Queen Novo, Prince Rutherford, and...do the griffons even have an official leader?"

"You could call him a village elder, I guess. I believe Grandpa Gruff was his name."

Thorax's eyes fell with his smile, lost in thought. Calor's snout dug into him.

"Hey, things change, we change! It's okay. We're all still here. I bet both of the princesses would like to see us again, soon. What about Princess Cadance? Have you talked with her lately?"

Thorax ears perked up.

"Actually, yeah. I was visiting the other week and we got to catch up a bit. Every time I see her, she teaches me something new about love magic, or how ponies show love. She’s always been so wise. On the last visit, we talked about what ponies call 'crushes', and how they fit into the nature of romantic love. Shining Armor had a 'crush' on her when they were younger. Apparently, that's how their love connection started."

Lost amidst his recollections, Thorax failed to notice the return of Calor's blush, or his avoidant eyes.

"What's a crush, Papa Thorax?" asked Apex. Thorax looked up to see what he could of the nymph’s hooves.

"Princess Cadance said it's like a seed of love. It's when one creature feels powerful love for another creature, but it isn't felt both ways. The potential for shared love can stay dormant, or it can blossom at any moment. It all depends on if it's cared for the right way."

"Well, I know you love me so we don't have a crush, then."

Thorax snorted. Calor continued to subtly fall apart.

"What does a crush look like?" Apex continued impatiently. "It's not just ponies who get to have it, right? Changelings know way more about love so it should be our thing!"

Thorax hummed to himself, still fixated on his upper peripheral. Thus far, the tighter squeeze of azure hooves went unnoticed.

"Don't be greedy, Apex. Love is for all creatures. Anyway, a crush is also like a sickness when it's not expressed. Cadance talked about how some creatures will start developing habits because of it. Their heart will race when they're around someone they really love, or they'll find themselves thinking of that someone. In a way, they’re like symptoms. She also mentioned how they'll blush, or seem timid and restless around...those they…"

Thorax looked down at Calor. He met his eyes for what seemed like the first time, and his train of thought derailed entirely. With rose cheeks and an insatiable fidget, Calor seemed ready to gallop around the room or hide under the nearest rock he could find. Perhaps he'd do both.

"Those they what?" Apex tapped Thorax's head with his hoof. "Papa Thorax, you're really bad at explaining things today."

Unfortunately for the nymph, he'd become background noise once again.

"Calor, you-" Thorax stopped and started repeatedly. The blush had infected his cheeks, as well. "Are you-with me? But I never-oh my gosh. Have I not picked up on something this entire time?"

An imagined moment came at last, and Calor found the courage to grin. Through a thin film of tears, he embraced Thorax tightly.

"Even now, I love how aloof you are. You're so pure, Thorax. Just clueless enough to be really, really cute."

Thorax continued to stammer. He returned the hug instinctively.

"Calor, I-I'm so sorry. I never realized or-or even considered your feelings might go that far for me. I've never even thought about that depth of love before...but I guess that kinda goes without saying at this point."

Calor didn't respond at first. He settled against Thorax and thrummed, amusing himself by making the alpha's words vibrate. It made Thorax laugh.

"...So, you're not upset with me?"

"Of course not!" Calor answered immediately. He lifted his eyes, still lit with elation and tears. "Thorax, I wanted to tell you for the longest time. You brought love to our hive. You encouraged everyling to give affection to each other instead of taking it from other creatures. You even invented things like cluster sleep that brought us closer together. It’s all been so incredible. You’re incredible! After getting to know you and opening up to you, I-I couldn’t help wanting to be closer to you. I developed feelings for you pretty early on if I'm honest. You just...never picked up on the fact that our wavelengths were a bit different."

Even Apex was quiet now. The three changelings sat in a void of calm, the sound of steady breaths their only companion.

"If anything, it's my fault," Calor continued. His voice was weak against Thorax's shell. "I was just so nervous at the thought of saying it out loud. Then, I guess over time, I got complacent with how things were and shrugged it off. I could cuddle with you and spend time with you whenever I wanted, so why risk all of that by talking about my feelings? I didn't want to risk our friendship getting awkward for you. It wasn't perfect, but I was okay, for the most part."

"...You know, I'm really glad Pharynx isn't here," Thorax said softly. He laid his head against Calor's. "He'd be making so much fun of me, right about now. The signs should’ve been obvious to me, in hindsight. 'Top cuddlebug', becoming the hive's event coordinator, always eager to help me with favors. It was all to spend more time with me, wasn't it?"

Calor snickered. "Don't forget the life-sized plushie of you that I got from that vendor in the Crystal Empire. I was surprised that you didn't pick up on that."

Thorax sighed loudly before laughing.

"Let's maybe not talk about that one," he murmured into the changeling's ear, eliciting further giggles. "But I guess I should thank you for being so patient with me."

"Of course. So then...can I ask what you think about all of this?"

Thorax pulled back to meet the drone's anxious eyes. He could feel Apex’s eyes on him as well, equally as invested. He labored a heavy breath. Several responses jumbled in his head.

"I've never given thought to it before," he reiterated. "I honestly never thought I'd be in this situation. For the longest time, noling wanted anything to do with me, let alone want to seek me out as a mate. I have to admit, the whole thing is really unfamiliar territory for me."

The light in Calor's eyes faded, and he looked away. When a lime hoof guided him back, he blinked in surprise. Thorax was smiling again, with a blush in full bloom.

"With all that said, I'm not against giving it a try. And...I can't think of another changeling I'd be more comfortable trying it with."

Calor squeaked. The tears fell fresh once again, and the two reconnected their hug. The room was filled with empathetic magic, but this time, it was uniform.

Shivering from his perch, Apex leaned out from Thorax's head and prodded Calor’s.

"So, does this mean I have to start calling you Papa Calor now?" He pouted. "Because I'm still mad you snuck up on me and I don't know how I feel about that yet."

The new couple laughed. The nymph was brought down and sandwiched between the two, and his ears vibrated with the combined strength of two adult changelings thrumming.

Suddenly, Apex didn't seem quite so averse to the idea.

Just then, a sour aura spoiled the room and caused all three changelings to turn. Cool violet eyes watched them from within the doorway. It was Thorax who spoke first, tilting his head to better see his brother.

"Oh, Pharynx, there you are. Did you-"

"It's about time, Thorax," Pharynx said dryly. His nose scrunched. "No mistaking that sickly aura. If you're here, finally figuring out you have a pining mate, then I'm gonna assume the hippogriffs are elsewhere, waiting on somebody to finish escorting them. How close am I, so far?"

Thorax grimaced. He'd almost forgotten about the queen.

"Well, you're right, but I was just about to go catch up with her."

"Don't bother." Pharynx sighed, as if mentally preparing himself. "I already told you that I'm willing to help you with political nonsense for your anxiety’s sake. Here's a time to own up to that."

"But Papa Thorax isn't anxious, Uncle Pharynx," said Apex.

The beta changeling shadowed a little smirk.

"Well, close enough," he mumbled. "And by the way, seeing as Thorax could probably use someone to look after him when I'm not around, I should thank you in advance for stepping up, Calor. Way to volunteer. Just understand that if he ever cries while under your watch, you and I will have extensive problems."

Pharynx glared a nasty glare. Only when Calor began to sweat did Pharynx sneer and chuckle to himself. With just a few steps, he was gone.

Thorax turned to Calor. With a subtle movement, their snouts connected, and magenta eyes swam in deep azure.

"Well, what now?"

"Whatever we want, I guess. Wanna tail Pharynx and watch him try to be an accommodating host?"

Thorax chortled.

"I like that idea!" yelled Apex, pulling himself up onto Calor's head. For once, he could stare down Thorax from his own height. "Come on, Papa Thorax, let's go see Uncle Pharynx fail spectacularly!"

"Seriously, who is teaching you this vocabulary?" Thorax mused. "It's certainly not me. Last I checked, you still couldn't pronounce 'metamorphosis'."


"Keep up, Thorax!" Calor called, tearing down the hall. He grinned at the joyous laughs coming from above his ears. "At this rate, we'll miss their introductions! I bet Pharynx grunts through most of his!"

Shaking his head, Thorax unfurled his gossamer wings. He took to the air and made his way after the pair of changelings he loved so much.

Author's Note:

Here we are, at the end of an era.
Artwork by CitreneSkys.

I can scarcely believe I've finally finished this story, five years in the making. It's survived lapses of my interest in FiM, hectic adult schedules, and more. :raritydespair:

This is the end of the raw writing, but it is not the end of the journey. :twilightsmile: My editor, Double R Forrest, nears the halfway point of the weary editing process at the time of this publishing. After that, I'll be compiling the story in a book-ready word document with the appropriate forward, author notes, credits, etc. And then, printing. :pinkiesmile:

I've said before that this story is my magnum opus for a fandom that played a huge role in changing my life. I'm so proud to be getting to the end stages of immortalizing it—not only as a personal memento, but as a physical collectable for all my readers who have enjoyed this journey of feels alongside me. :heart:

For the last time, thank you for reading The King of Love Bugs, everyone. I hope you'll read it again once it's been fully polished and printed. :pinkiesad2:

Comments ( 36 )

Awww I like the picture so cute 😍

"That won't work," Calor sang, squeezing his capture in response. "I'm not ticklish anywhere.

Heh, don’t worry, Apex. He’s lying. :trollestia:

Other than that:

Well played, Navelcolt, well played indeed. :pinkiesad2:

Awwwwwww!!!! Well, that did it, my heart has melted, I've died of cuteness and love! :pinkiesad2: It was just so adorable and precious and I've got to say a perfect ending! Even though we'll miss watching Pharynx try to be his brother for a bit, we honestly don't need it. You wrapped up the story in such a thoughtful and emotional way, I love the ending!

I'm sad it's over, but I'm happy it's here

Bravo, NavelColt, bravo

I’m smiling like a big idiot right now. Too cute! Ahahjaamcuwj I’m so sad the story has come to an end, it was such a fun ride! :heart:

Breaking news, dentists worldwide declare bankruptcy as TKOLB ends and reported cases of cavities fall drastically.

What a great chapter. I think I suffered like five heart attacks over the course of it thanks to Calor and Apex. Totally worth it.

Great to see Thorax and Calor getting together. Cinnabug and the Hive's top cuddlebug are made for each other.

Pharynx threatening violence on Calor if Thorax is hurt is adorable in its own way, and totally in character.

As for the story overall, the only thing I can say is I loved it. I joined way during the latter part of it, but it was a great journey nonetheless. It's one of the first large fics I read on this site, and still remains firmly as one of my absolute favourites. If I were to try get someone invested in MLP fiction, TKOLB would certainly be one of the stories I showed to them. I'm gonna miss seeing more adorable bugs, but oh well, nothing can go on forever. I'm just glad it happened at all.

You may have joined later on, but you've been one of my favorite commenters because of your wit and refreshingly positive outlook. :twilightsmile: It's been great having you, and I hope you'll take another look once KoLB has been edited and printed.

After all, I need someone to go through the entire story and track just how many heart attack moments there are. :moustache:

Congratulations on sucessfully completing a chapter of life. :moustache:

Hope the edited version doesnt take too long.:twilightsmile:


You may have joined later on, but you've been one of my favorite commenters because of your wit and refreshingly positive outlook.

Heh, thank you for that. I wouldn't really comment unless I had praise to give, questions to ask or found something to poke fun at. With TKOLB, it's been nothing but the first category. A rare distinction if I dare say so myself, given my usual tendency for excessive nitpicking.

It's been great having you, and I hope you'll take another look once KoLB has been edited and printed.

I'm not sure if I could be able to purchase it physically, to be fair. Though if I were to get myself a printed fic, TKOLB would be my first choice. I can hardly think of a story as worthy of being printed as this one.

After all, I need someone to go through the entire story and track just how many heart attack moments there are.

As much as I would like to read TKOLB again, I'm pretty sure the amount of heart attacks it can cause could get you in trouble with law enforcement. Charges of attempted murder via excessive cuteness are no joke.

YUSSS! I KNEW MY SHIPPING SENSE WAS NOT BROKEN! A fine way to finish off the fantastic fic.

Ok wow I had to admit this was a pretty good story how to changelings are been doing lately especially after the coronation so it looks like thorax is giving a tour with Queen Novo and princess skystar and it turned out pretty well especially skystar really want to see the nursery room to see the baby changelings which I don't blame her they are so freaking cute but with that he went to the other room and he saw apex and Calor kind of playing around and everything and it looks like they had a pretty good conversation with each other especially when apex wanted to talk about crushes which that made Calor blush and apparently he had a big Crush thorax for the longest time he didn't wanted to make it too awkward with him or anyone else but thorax understand and he even apologized for not noticing his emotion and it looks like they became a couple so I kinda guess apex is going to called Calor papa lol and not only that pharynx actually saw this coming as well apparently so with that he was happy for his brother and it looks like it's going to be a brighter future for the changeling Hive this was a pretty good story and it's a good thing I discover the story a long time ago sad to see this go end like that but sometimes good stories have to end somewhere anyway this was awesome and very cute keep up the good work

i am disappoint with this chapter
my Embrax-shipping heart just don't like this chapter
and it's really frustrating to me that i can't find any real complaints other than that with it, cuz i wanna tear it a new one for disappointing me so
and doubly disappointing because it's likely your last big story
it's also really frustrating that the rest of the story was great
long story short, i am rather cross about the way this ended


This was a road well worth traveling. Thanks for giving us a good story with lots of cuddle bugs.

The true King of Love Bugs was the author who guided us on this journey. Many thanks, NavelColt. :twilightsmile:

Fitting this epilogue was released early in Pride Month.

I love that Thorax took until 90% of the way through reitering what a crush is to actually realize Calor was crushing on him, even after Cadance explained the concept to him. He really is just so adorably innocent. I personally see Cinnabug as aroace (see again: adorably innocent), but I really like his relationship with Calor. Honestly, I want to see more of them together.

I was actually just re-reading the fic from the beginning (for the twenty-first time) when I saw the update. I'll definitely be buying the physical copy as soon as it's available! This story is easily my favorite of all time. It may not be deep or epic, but it is sweet, adorable, fun, and uplifting, and honestly, that's the most important thing to me. I will always be fond of my over-the-top action and interesting theming when it comes to my entertainment, but at the end of the day, it's the cuteness that I care about the most.

I wish Ocellus showed up for more than one chapter-- bookbug needs love too!-- and I'm not really fond of Apex, overall, as brattiness rather enormously detracts from cuteness to me, but other than that, I'd call this fic flawless. It does exactly what it set out to do, and does so with a level of quality and canon-compliance that very, very few fanfics can claim to be anywhere near.

In a time where it's really, really hard to see any good in our species, this story will always lift my spirits and restore just a little bit of optimism to my heart. Thank you, NavelColt.

Also, Pharynx has impeccable timing! :rainbowlaugh:

Awwwwwwwwwww... :pinkiesad2:

*realizes story is complete*
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :raritycry: Where are we supposed to get our regular dose of fresh cinnabug hug scenes? :raritydespair: Tis unfair! Yes we can re-read it but that's not the same!
Yes, I know you said you've burned yourself on writing changelings, and I understand, but any chance you'll write more eventually if/when you unburn yourself out? :duck: Even if it's only a quick oneshot every once in a while?No? Oh well, sorry to be a bother...
Anyway, congrats on finishing this gloriously adorable (adorably glorious?) fic! Looking forward to the printed version!

Eh not s sure I like this pairing. I would like to see more platonic love between unrelated males a bit more, bit it feels like if two males are close they can only be siblings or a couple. Though I suppose with Changelings ones sex is rather a moot point.
I do like them over all story even if this bit is not to my taste.

Awww. What a nice end to a great story! I look forward to what else you release in the future!

Ever the highlight of the room, Princess Skystar somersaulted over her mother's guard units to be by her side, as if that were the only way to accomplish it.

As far as she's concerned...

"...Princess Skystar, what a lovely thing to say," Novo whispered. Placing her snout to her daughter's briefly, she again sought Thorax. "Stars above, she knows how to bring the storm out of me and the sun, too. So be it, then. I hate to be a bother, Thorax, but would it be too much trouble for us to visit the nursery area one more time?"

Skystar's a sweetie.

He grinned a foalish grin. The feeling came from more than one source, and moreover, they were together.

This should be fun.

"I promise I'm innocent," Calor sang, rolling onto his side. Small hooves continued to flail in vain from his chest. He grinned an unseen grin.

"...I can't leave either of you guys alone for even an afternoon, can I?"


"Whoops, this thing just has a mind of its own," Thorax chuckled.

That's one way of putting it.

"That won't work," Calor sang, squeezing his capture in response. "I'm not ticklish anywhere. Thorax is right—I have no weaknesses. You might as well surrender your ringleader to me now, Thorax!"

Really now?

"Now you're the one cheating," Calor chuckled back. He pressed his snout into the crux of his monarch's neck. "You know I can't resist an invitation like that."

It's his job to cheat.

"Don't be greedy, Apex, love is for all creatures. Princess Cadance said a crush is also like a sickness when it's not expressed. She talked about how somecreature's heart will race when they're around someone they really love. She talked about how they'll blush, or seem timid or restless around...those they…"

And it clicks.

"Calor, you-" Thorax began. He stopped and started again, unable to form thoughts. The blush had infected his cheeks, as well. "Are you-and with me? But I never-oh, my gosh. Have I not picked up on something this entire time?"

You're a dumbass moose, that's how.

"Even now, I love how aloof you are," Calor giggled. "You're so pure, Thorax. Just clueless enough to be really, really cute."


"...you know, I'm really glad Pharynx isn't here," Thorax said softly. He laid his head against Calor's. "He'd be making so much fun of me, right about now.

OH yeah he would.

"That all said, I'm not against giving it a try," he said softly. "And, to be honest, I can't think of another changeling I'd be more comfortable with trying it with."


"It's about time, Thorax," Pharynx said dryly. He looked back to the hallway and narrowed his eyes. "No mistaking that sickly aura. If you're here, finally figuring out that you have a pining mate, then I'm gonna assume the hippogriff queen is elsewhere, waiting on somebody to finish escorting her. How far off am I so far?"

Dead on.

"Well, close enough," he mumbled. "And by the way, seeing as Thorax could probably use someone to look after him when I'm not around, I should thank you in advance for stepping up, Calor. Way to volunteer. Just understand that if he ever cries while under your watch, you and I will have extensive problems."

He's an asshole, but he does care about his brother.

"Whatever we want, I guess. Wanna tail Pharynx and watch him try to be an accommodating host?"

Oh this will be fun!

For the last time, thank you for reading The King of Love Bugs, everyone. I hope you'll read it again once it's been fully polished and printed. :pinkiesad2:

It's been a pleasure.

Wow, what a wonderful journey it was ! It was probably one of the stories i looked forward the most in all that i followed here...

I don't have much more to say that wasn't already said a billion time already, so i'll just say thank you, for all these wonderful and adorable moments that always were a wonder to read ! :heart:
I must have been as oblivious as Thorax honestly, i always thought Calor was just admiring Thorax, not hitting on him :twilightsheepish:

There's a grey area between hivemates/friends and—I'll use the term 'mates'—with this fanon of changelings, and that's all by design. :twilightsmile: Because physical affection and intimacy are not exclusive to mates, it's not really easy to tell when someone is actually pining for you. As Calor said, he was getting along well enough even with Thorax being clueless because, either way he was able to be physically and emotionally close with him.

The theme of this entire story, Calor aside has been platonic love and how it's okay to show affection to and even be intimate with those you care about, whether you're in a relationship or not. A hyper progressive take on what humans typically do. The relationship between Clyepus and Labrum was actually the most concentrated example of this. They interacted in ways that most would label as a romantic relationship, but the story states they're just good friends.

With Calor and Thorax, though, I did want to take things to that next level at the end. :pinkiesmile: Calor has been subtly pining for Thorax in this story and several of my related one shots, so it was time to give it closure. :raritystarry: Plus, having their relationship escalate in this way gives further lore building for how relationships work in the modern hive.

You can thank my editor for a nudge in that direction, too. There was a point where I was considering leaving the crush as just a running gag. :twilightsheepish: I'm glad now that I didn't.


Buggus! Precious lovebuggus! Oh my heart, they are adorable!

My only regret is that I can't favorite and like this story more than once.

This story is great!

No problem. Tragically, Tombstone's remix exploded to such an extent that younger generations of fans started to think it was the original.

Well, here's another completed story to add to my archives. Also, so adorable pairing Calor and Thorax like that. I may just have to go back and read this again, as much like Thorax, a lot of the hints went over my head too.

Adorable. Absolutely adorable.
I'll admit, there have been plenty of times that I'm perfectly happy to be behind the times when stories are in their prime popularity or past hiatuses. It means I don't have to deal with nasty cliffhangers. :derpytongue2:
The story as a whole was fantastic. Like you said in the last chapter pre-epilogues, expanding on what you thought things would be like for the changeling hive after Thorax became leader was an amazing opportunity. And wow, what an incredible series you've turned it into. I'm still not completely versed in every story (I have to read Lingering Shadows, and I believe the other was The Pattering of Rain), so I'll have to fix that ASAP.
All that said, if it wasn't obvious, I enjoyed this immensely, and it's going into a special folder separate from my Faves. :twilightsmile:

It's great to see you catch up at last! Thanks so much for the compliments. :heart: Yeah, 'Lingering Shadows', 'Changelings are Like Plushies, They're Made for Hugs', and 'Rain Curfews' (Pattering Rain's rewrite) are the one shots most connected with KoLB's universe. Excited to see what you think of those as well! :pinkiesmile:

Such a delightful story, I am really glad I found it and took the time to read through it.

Glad you took the time to read it, and even more glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

Its too bad there is no “Cute” tag.

Yeah, “don’t judge a book by its cover word count”, and all that. I’m most probably not going binge it just because at some point I’m going to end up skimming, and because of the current beauty and slightness of the wording/writing/story, I definitely don’t want to do that.

I’d consider that advice to any future readers who may deal with the same problems with longer fics (^^).


...How have you stayed off government radar for hazardous materials?

This fluff-stuff is weapons-grade!

Bravo, NavelColt. But also: Dang it, NavelColt!

(whine) "CLEAR!"

Oh no...

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