• Published 30th Dec 2016
  • 16,586 Views, 1,061 Comments

The King of Love Bugs - NavelColt

Embracing the power to share love rather than steal it, the changelings work to reinvent themselves and their kingdom while Thorax seeks to introduce a more peaceful hive to Equestria.

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Of Lustrous Bugs and Crystal Ponies - Part 1

"So, Sky Lance, tell me something."

"I think I'll pass."

"If Princess Celestia were to fall in love with a guard, what would you call that?"

Sky Lance used his eyes to bore holes through his friend's silver helmet. Once again, he was cornered with no chance of escape. He awaited the inevitable punchline.

"Knight and Day."

"Yup, that's about as terrible as I thought it'd be."

Sky Lance simmered in his everlasting distaste for puns. Straight Arrow, however, maintained a happy-go-lucky grin as he laughed.

"You really need to lighten up." Straight Arrow chuckled while eyeing the snaking train tracks for the due train. "I'm telling it to Spike the Brave and Glorious once he gets here. I'm sure he'll appreciate my humor."

Straight Arrow blew a raspberry. Sky Lance cocked a brow.

"Spike the Brave and Glorious is legitimately funny. Come to think of it, so is Thorax," Lance muttered smugly, his frown turning to a smirk. "You on the other hoof are just recycling quips you read in the Daily Crystal. Trust me, once Spike gets here we'll have some real humor."

"For your information, I told that joke to Princess Celestia herself, and she gave a modest laugh, way more than her usual giggle."

"Is that so. Well, from what Princess Cadance has told me, her aunt laughs at everything guards tell her. She was probably just humoring you."

Straight Arrow rolled his eyes.

"Oh, like the comedy-challenged pony is in a position to determine when somepony's humoring you or not."

Bickering filled the tranquil train station as the pair of guards began to lose their composure. This would go on for some time until the sound of a powerful brass whistle could be heard in the distance.

"Hah! Would you look at that! All we needed was a good joke, and Spike the Brave and Glorious beckoned my call."

"You're too much," Lance muttered. "I'm begging Captain Prince Shining Armor for a transfer the next chance I get."

"Love you too, Lance."

Arrow and Lance resumed their stances as the crystal train shot by with a blast of sound. The mighty transport's metallic wheels slowed and screeched to a halt, bringing a pair of sliding doors to a standstill between the two ponies. The train let off an expulsion of hissing steam, and the doors opened for royalty.

"Oh, greetings, sirs!"

Twilight exited the train with an air of optimism and excitement. The crystal guards gave slight bows of their heads.

"Good morning, Princess Twilight," Lance said.

"We take it you're doing well?" Arrow added.

"I'm doing just great!" Twilight declared with an outwards thrust of her hoof. "Thank you for asking. Spike and I just spent the night and the previous day with the changelings, and we've decided to lend them a hoof in negotiations with Princess Cadance today. But from the looks of things, I don't need to tell you that, do I?"

"That's one way to put it," Lance said with a small smile. "Captain Prince Shining Armor asked that we guard the train station in case you had decided to arrive by train today. It looks like he was wise to do so."

"I wanted the changelings to experience Equestrian train systems while we had the opportunity." Twilight looked back towards the open train doors. "They should be coming out any moment now."

"Oh, of course!" Arrow blurted, substituting his composure for that of a sprinter readying a marathon. "Does Thorax, er—King Thorax require any luggage to be moved from the train?"

Twilight replied with a series of giggles, much to the mutual confusion of the guard ponies.

"Well, I guess you could say he has some 'luggage'. But don't worry, sirs; I'm fairly certain he's got it."

For a few moments, the guards watched the train doors with patient curiosity. A moment later, their stern mouths bloomed into crooked smirks.

Thorax lumbered out of the train at a snail's pace, covered head to hoof in changelings. Changelings clung to his figure as if the very ground were composed of lava, with one per each of his legs, two on his back, two hanging from his antlers, and Apex atop his head. Every step was an exaggerated effort that erupted snorts and snickers.

"Erm, King Thorax?" Lance asked, the astonishment of the changeling's startling transformation overtaking his initial chuckle.

"Is that you, Sky Lance?" Thorax asked with a smile. "Oh, and Straight Arrow, you're here too. It's great to see you guys."

"It's good to see you too," Lance uttered. "You sure have changed, huh? Well, I mean, you all have, but you in particular."

Thorax attempted some manner of body language in acknowledgment, but this proved impossible while wearing changelings as clothes.

"Yeah, it's quite a sight. To be honest, we're still getting used to it, ourselves."

"Well, I like the antlers. Aesthetic and deadly!" observed Arrow.

"You actually know guard ponies, Papa Thorax?" the drone clamped around Thorax's left antler inquired, examining the muscular guards with mild interest.

"Yeah, I just sorta figured they all had number names and didn't talk," the right antler-ling added, immediately earning glares.

"Hey, be polite," Thorax scolded. "Don't forget that we are guests. And yes, lest you all forget, I lived in the Crystal Empire for a while, so I know quite a few of the guards here."

Thorax turned to face his companions properly. Unfortunately for him, his frontal view was even more hilarious than the side view. Straight Arrow's lips quivered dangerously.

"A-alright, I'm sorry, I cannot take this", he said at last. "Somepony's got to explain what's going on."

The more the guard laughed, the more the cling-lings grinned.

"Introducing the Mobile Bug Pile!" said Apex's ecstatically. "It was all my idea."

A few changelings shot him dirty looks.

"Alright, maybe it was only mostly my idea."

"What's a 'mobile bug pile'?" questioned Lance.

"Thorax promised to play a tag and tackle game changelings play, called 'Bug Pile'," said a certain dragon, just now exiting the train car. "Thorax promised to play it if Apex here would agree to sit still on the train. When Apex modified the idea last minute, Thorax couldn't back out of his promise since it's still technically the same game."

"Now, instead of everyling tackling a changeling after they get tagged, everyling tackles Papa Thorax instead!" shouted Apex with glee.

"We're seeing how far he'll carry all of us before he gets fed up," right antler-ling added with a smirk.

"Correction," Thorax interjected, "I'm dumping you guys once we get past the train station. I'm not carrying you through town, and I'm certainly not carrying you all the way to the castle."

A disappointed whine erupted from every changeling.

Lance and Arrow took the convoy's lead and navigated them out of the crystal train station. Twilight moved up alongside Spike, who was following Thorax's hooves and sharing suppressed snorts with the changelings on Thorax's back.

"As always, Spike, your timing is truly remarkable," Twilight commented, shaking her head with an amused eye roll. Changelings started to make faces just to elicit laughs from the dragon. "Though I'm rather curious when you found all that out. I didn't see you wake up once the entire train ride."

"Twilight, you do realize you talked to Minuette for like, half an hour, right?" Spike replied, crossing his arms. "I managed to have an entire conversation with Thorax and fall back asleep by whatever time you came back."

Twilight gave him an incredulous look. She placed a hoof to her chin whilst she contemplated her understanding of time and space.

"There's no way I was distracted that long. We were just catching up. I mean, she did most of the talking, per usual, but it couldn't have been that long a conversation...could it?"

"I've said it before, I'll say it again, Twilight. That pony is a time vortex."

"Reporting in, Your Highness!" a guard announced firmly, practically smacking his helmet with his routine salute.

"Yes, has there been any sign of Thorax and his group, yet?" asked Princess Cadance softly, hiding the growing anticipation in her voice. The majestic princess of love sat upon her crystalline throne, waiting with bated breath upon each new report from the squads.

"Not yet, I'm afraid, but we do have some encouraging news. Squad three has seen the Crystal Train arriving from the south, which our information tells us is the changeling hive's general direction. It departed from Dodge City just several hours ago."

"It's definitely a possibility." Cadance stood and descended from her throne. "Please have squad three check on the status of squad six. If they have encountered the changeling party, they'll be too preoccupied leading them through town to make a report. If the changeling party is here, send word to the other squads. If not, please continue your patrol of the border. Thank you, you are dismissed."

With a confident and stoic nod, the guard pony galloped off.

"Hah, see? You do a pretty good job yourself, hun. I couldn't have done it better, myself."

Cadance turned to find her husband leaning against her crystal throne, watching her every move with an etched look of pride. Cadance giggled to herself and joined him, gently meeting her horn to his.

"Oh, believe me, you're much better at it than I am," she said modestly. "I never was very good at commanding. When you do it, it's second nature. You don't even have to try. Just one of the many things I love about you."

"You make it sound like it's all that impressive. So I can raise my voice and look serious—big deal. You spread love into whatever room, whatever kingdom you step into. That is truly remarkable."

"Shining, come on." Cadance pouted but embraced the robust stallion regardless, and laid her head against his neck. "Don't downplay your strengths. You know I hate it when you do that."

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry," he said with a laugh, enjoying the attention and returning her nuzzles. "I guess I should take care not to add anything else to my list of things forgotten today, huh?"

Cadance closed her eyes, allowing herself to enjoy the warm embrace fully. A few moments of precious silence went on too long, and then she felt something off. Shining's body had frozen stiff, his muscles suddenly rigid and tense. With a rush of concern, Cadance leaned back to examine the stallion's face, only to find a look of surging horror.

"Shining Armor, what's wrong?"

"The crystal ponies," Shining Armor croaked. He frantically turned his gaze towards the vast windows overseeing the Crystal Empire, then darted back to Cadance with a single drop of sweat gliding down his cheek.

"I never addressed the crystal ponies to let them know the changelings were visiting today!"

"So, King Thorax, are you still getting situated as the new changeling leader?" Lance queried.

Thorax drank in the cool breeze sweeping through the crystal plains. Though his muscles were starting to complain, the silence of content changelings kept him moving at a steady pace. With a warm gaze, he looked at the curious guard by his side.

"Little by little," he replied. "I love helping and guiding the changelings. I'm just still getting used to being in charge. And, you know you don't have to call me that if you don't want to, Lance."

"Of course I do; I'm on duty," Sky Lance stated matter-of-factly. "Prince Captain Shining Armor would have my tail if I was informal with royal guests while on duty."

As the group traveled along the cinnamon dirt road leading into town, they took in the sights of the empire's skyline, from the rather modest crystal homes to the gleaming castle piercing the clouds.

Thorax paused in thought at the impressive spectacle but quickly clenched an eye when stray hooves poked his face. Overwhelmed with excitement, Apex had decided to stand atop his perch to take in the new surroundings. The little changeling radiated with bliss, drawing looks as he gasped softly, fluttering his tiny wings.

"Papa Thorax, why doesn't our hive sparkle like the crystal pony crystal castle?"

"Well, we sparkle now, so I say it's just a matter of time," a drone sarcastically quipped from Thorax's leg. The air vibrated with chittering.

"It may not shine in the light, but I really like our new hive," Thorax said with pride, gently using one hoof to guide Apex's stray legs out of his face. "And you know, the Crystal Empire doesn't have natural underground hot springs like our hive does."

"Yeah, I guess that is pretty cool," Apex admitted. "Plus, if the hive did start to sparkle, I think that'd hurt my eyes after a while."

"Speaking of shiny things, King Thorax, if you don't mind me asking, what are the little crystals for?" Straight Arrow asked, nodding his head towards the trio of gems decorating Thorax's neck. "Is that like, male/female identification or something?"

Thorax forced his mind back on track.

"Well, as far as I can tell, they're-"

"Why must you bother King Thorax with such personal questions?" Lance spoke abruptly, furrowing his brow to a razor point. "He's probably tired from his long journey, not to mention his...current predicament."

With an unsure glance, Lance surveyed a few drones parkouring around Thorax's hindquarters. This lasted only a moment, however, until Thorax fluttered his tucked wings and sent the drones tumbling, eliciting a chorus of snickering.

"For your information, Lance, I'm carrying on a conversation with my good friend. Perhaps you've met him," Arrow muttered sarcastically.

"While on duty, humility and professional behavior comes first."

"So cut and dry; you're like sun-baked straw."

"Sirs!" said Twilight sternly, extending her wings with a thrust. The two guards jumped in surprise, and eighteen compound eyes gave their attention to the sudden excitement.

"While it is important to maintain a respectful attitude, there's nothing wrong with some casual conversation." Twilight's wings curled back to her petite frame. She then turned to Thorax with an encouraging smile.

"Um, that's right," Thorax added, scrambling to continue Twilight's wisdom. "I'm the changeling leader now, but I'm not a foreign leader. I already have close relationships with the empire, so you don't have to worry so much about being so formal with me, Lance."

"As you wish, Thorax," Lance acknowledged, reluctantly backing down.

Thorax's laboring continued as the convoy neared town. Once again, the alpha changeling's soft streak had gotten the better of him.

For now, 'Mobile Bug Pile' would remain operational.

But while Thorax trudged onwards, Spike had stealthily hidden behind Thorax's lower legs, obscured from view for all present parties. He grabbed the attention of the changelings closest to him and put a claw to his lips.

"Hey you guys, I just had the best idea," he whispered, rousing the changelings' attention.

"Oh yeah?" one drone replied. "Do tell."

"Just a little something Spike the Brave and Glorious, also known as Spike the Hilarious cooked up for those moody guard ponies. Trust me, it's gonna be awesome. When I give you guys the signal, here's what we're gonna do..."

A muffled explanation ensued, and the two back leg-lings exchanged wicked grins.

Shining Armor's hooves thundered against the stone ground, shortness of breath burning his lungs. By his side, the normally reserved Cadance sprinted alongside him.

"You are impossible," she stated, her tone caught somewhere between a laugh and a reprimand. "I know today's meeting was short notice, but of all the things you had to do today, Shining Armor, how could you forget this one?"

"I'm sorry! A thousand times, I'm sorry!" he said frantically, his shaded blue mane undulating in the wind. "I remembered to inform the guard units, but the populace slipped through the cracks. I swear to your aunt, I'll dump cold water on my head every morning from now on if I have to. But right now we need to hurry—if Twily did arrive on the last train, they'll be hitting town any second now!"

"I'm still not sure why you're so freaked out. If Twilight is with them, I'm sure things will be absolutely fine."

"Hun, do you know why I wanted you to give the guards their daily orders today?" Shining lept a bench. Cadance simply watched her stoic husband with patient resolve, signaling him to continue. "It's because I thought it'd be a good idea for you to get outside the castle a little more often and mingle with the guards and the citizens like I usually do."

"And if you remember, I agreed that it was a wonderful idea. But, what does that have to do with the changeling's visit?"

The core of the empire approached—the edge of town would soon be visible. Shining Armor's gaze fixated on that still unclear horizon with mounting dread.

"Policing the empire means you deal with day-to-day problems a lot more often. The real ones, and the not so real ones."

Cadance shot him a confused look.

"Let's just say the crystal ponies tend to...overreact to things."

"Shining Armor, I'm still fairly certain Twilight can handle any initial shock just fine. Really, it's like you're suggesting I've never been around to witness a major...panic."

Cadance's train of thought derailed into shock and awe. Before her was a scene of tumultuous chaos that Discord himself would be proud of. Crystal ponies young and old charged aimlessly in every direction, their faces twisted with exaggerated terror. Shrieks of fright rang in her ears as ponies bellowed at the top of their lungs. They took refuge within their homes, under benches, or behind hanging plant pots.

At the mayhem's epicenter was the arriving convoy. At the forefront was Thorax, frozen in shock and still covered in changelings. The drones clinging to him peered around, some blankly staring while others laughed so hard they cried.

Just beyond the changelings were Straight Arrow and Sky Lance, who had just shaken off two drones atop their backs. Just a moment prior, the drones had launched a spontaneous tackle attack upon them, under the command of a certain dragon.

"Run for your lives, everypony!" a crystal mare exclaimed, her voice cracking as she pointed. "That multi-colored monster is attacking! Its babies just attacked the guards!"

Like an accelerant poured on a robust flame, the mare's words stirred the frenzy further. Ponies began running into one another and pushing others out of their way as they attempted to flee the area.

"No, no, no! No one is attacking anyone!" shouted Twilight anxiously, ascending through the air in an attempt to harness the crowd's attention. "The changelings were just playing! The guards weren't in danger!"

"Changelings!?" The crystal pony pressed her head between her hooves. "There are changelings in the empire!?"

A resounding gasp echoed throughout the entire crowd, followed by a respite of silence as every head turned to closely examine the intruders. Thorax blinked and gave a desperate smile—unfortunately, it had no effect.

"Look at their eyes! They are changelings!" a stallion proclaimed, lowering himself to the ground and concealing his face.

"A new breed of changelings that attack from a congealed form!" a mare added, hiding behind her friend.

The hysteria continued where it left off, leaving the combined efforts of Twilight, Lance, and Arrow a lost cause.

Seated ahead of the chaos, Cadance gradually turned her head. Sweat poured from Shining Armor's face as his wife's fury put heavy pressure on his entire being.

"Shining Armor."

"Yes, dear?"

"Turns out you were right."

"I know, I wish I wasn't."

"You were right, and you're going to fix this. Now."

"Of course, dear."

Author's Note:

"WhAt If ThIs *GASP* iSn'T *GASP* ThE ReAL SpIkE!?"

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