• Published 3rd Jul 2012
  • 9,538 Views, 397 Comments

A Storm of Chaos: A Doctor Whooves Adventure - Shotoman

Dr. Whooves goes on a Discord Hunt.

  • ...

The Distant Drums

Part 10

The Distant Drums

The engines of the TARDIS fell silent, and for a moment neither of its occupants said anything. Derpy sighed as she picked herself up from the floor. “So, where are we this time?” she asked.

The Doctor glanced at the monitor once, then quickly looked back at it again. He brought a hoof to his face with a muttered “Of course.”

“What is it?”

The Doctor turned to his companion, a grave expression on his face. “We're back in Equestria, Canterlot specifically, in the year four hundred thirteen C.R.”

Derpy looked confused. “Why would the Master come to Equestria? And why almost six hundred years in the past?”

The Doctor tapped the floor agitatedly with his foreleg. “The date is a mystery. As near as I can tell, it's not even a particularly noteworthy year. As for why he'd choose Equestria, it's likely because I made my home here.”

“What does that have to do with anything?” Derpy questioned.

The Doctor opened the TARDIS door and turned back to his companion for a moment. He seemed to be ready to say something, then changed his mind. Instead he simply issued a brusque “Come along, Derpy.”

Without another word, the Doctor exited the TARDIS. Her brow furrowed in concern, Derpy followed. They exited out into a back alley of the city. Not too surprising, the TARDIS usually appeared in back alleys and the like. Nothing seemed too out of place, either. The sky wasn't an unnatural shade, no screams could be heard. It was a bit nippy, but nothing out of the ordinary.

The Doctor was already looking about, sticking his tongue out as if tasting the air. After a moment of this, he withdrew the sonic screwdriver and began taking readings with it. He didn't say a word, didn't hum to himself, didn't nearly trip over his own feet in excitement. The Doctor showed none of his usual giddiness at arriving at a new destination, and Derpy was concerned.

Knowing that attempting to talk to him in this mood would be an exercise in futility, Derpy instead began checking out their surroundings herself. She may not have had a sonic screwdriver of her own, and had only the most rudimentary knowledge of how to work one anyway, but the Doctor had stated on numerous occasions that her “unique” view on life was one of her best contributions as a companion.

Something pasted to the back of the alley caught her attention, and she trotted over to get a better look. Derpy reared back in surprise, then called to the still silent Doctor. “I think you should look at this.”

“What is it Derpy?” the Doctor asked even as Derpy pulled one of the many grungy-looking posters off the back wall. Holing a corner between her teeth, she practically bounded the short distance between herself and her friend. After getting a look at the parchment, the Doctor's eyes widened and a gasp escaped his lips. He snatched the paper out of Derpy's mouth so quickly it tore.

The image on the poster was that of the Master, his ever-so-smug grin firmly in place, and written just below the picture was the word “Change.” The Doctor scowled. “Brilliant. Just brilliant. Do you know what this means?” He didn't wait for a response, and his voice continued to grow louder as he ranted. “It means we've missed him, given him time to enact whatever it is he's planning. We've missed him! It could have been by days or weeks or even months! Just once It'd be nice if we could actually land where we were aiming but that just seems too much to ask, now doesn't it?”

He would have continued for quite some time, but the Doctor's rant was interrupted by a gray hoof planting itself in his face. The blow sent the Doctor into a full 360 degree spin, and as he regained his hoofing, he stared wide eyed at his now sheepish looking companion. “Did-did you just punch me in the face?” the Doctor managed to ask after a moment.

Derpy nervously shifted her weight from one side to the other. “Well, you were starting to freak out, and it kinda scared me. Besides, you aren't gonna help anypony by yelling like that.”

Silence reigned for a moment more before the Doctor burst out laughing. He laughed for several minutes, the laughter increasing in intensity as he went. He only managed to stop himself when he noticed that Derpy was tensed, apparently ready for another blow. His composure finally regained, he laid a foreleg over Derpy's shoulders and gave her a small but sincere smile. “Oh, Derpy. Derpy, Derpy, Derpy. Don't you ever stop being magnificent.” Suddenly, the moment was over and the Doctor was instantly out in the streets, his eyes on the impressive structure built into the mountainside. “Now then, what would you bet Little Celestia could give us some info on whatever's going on around here?”

Derpy smiled as she followed the Doctor out into Canterlot proper. “I wouldn't bet against it. Are we going to walk there or vwoop?”

The Doctor's smile was wide as he responded. “Let's take the mundane route today. We're going to need all the information we can pick up on this one. I estimate it's an hour's walk from here so we'd better get started. Allons-y!”


The pair walked down the streets of Canterlot for several minutes in silence. Derpy in particular couldn't keep her eyes from wandering. On the one hand, there was no mistaking the city for Canterlot. It was still as impressively huge as ever, with a large population of ponies, largely unicorns, crowding the streets around them. But it was so different at the same time. There was a lot less marble, and considerably more cobblestone than in her time. It all seemed almost... rural. By comparison at least.

“Do you notice anything strange?” the Doctor asked, breaking the silence.

Derpy screwed up her face in thought for a moment. “Well, everypony seems to be avoiding us and giving us the stink-eye, but that's nothing new for Canterlot. They all seem... a little jumpy, though.”

The Doctor nodded. “'Jumpy' seems to be the word. Much more so than they really should be, by all rights. Fourth century Equestria is a bit wilder than the Equestria of the early one thousands, but it's still a remarkably peaceful land. The last major conflict the country's suffered was the Second Griffon War, and that ended over a hundred years ago. No one outside of Celestia herself and maybe a couple of grizzled old griffons should even remember it. This almost reminds me of a country embroiled in a cold war.”

“Cold war?” Derpy asked in confusion. “What's that?”

The Doctor couldn't help but smile. “And they always wondered what I saw in Equestria, bless. A Class 3 civilized world with peacetimes measured in centuries, such that the concept of a cold war is as alien as I am? You ponies are amazing, you really are.” Derpy was shooting him her best 'you're beginning to ramble' look, and the Doctor reigned himself in. “Imagine for a moment, Derpy, two countries that are technically at peace with each other. No overt hostilities between them. But each country is convinced the other is gearing up to start a war. A war to end all wars. So they prepare. Stockpile weapons. Teach their children fear and paranoia in place of love and tolerance. And this goes on for years. Years and years, with not a shot fired, but continual fear over what will happened should that shot ever be fired.”

“That sounds horrible!”

“Oh yes. I've seen it on many worlds. And it seems the Master has put Canterlot at the very least into this same mindset. I'd guess he's made himself known, and though he's done nothing hostile, what he's done is enough to plant fear in them all.” The Doctor became grave. “I think we've learned enough on the streets. Let's pick up the pace, yeah?”

Derpy nodded. “Yeah. Let's go.” The two ponies burst off in a gallop, sending Canterlot ponies running every which way.


As the Doctor and Derpy approached the main entrance to Canterlot Castle, he noticed a definite change to the atmosphere of the place. Oh sure, there were always guards at either side of the door, serving as a reminder that visitors were expected to behave, but now there were something like triple the normal amount of guards, with expressions that made it clear that visitors were discouraged altogether.

Well there was only one thing to do with a hostile audience like this. Walk on in and act like you belong. “Hello, there,” the Doctor said to the nearest guard, his best smile on display. “I'm the Doctor, this is Derpy. If at all possible we'd like to see Princess Celestia regarding this stallion.” The Doctor flashed the poster of the Master, and suddenly found himself with a significant number of spears pointing at his face. The Time Charger could only sigh in irritation. “We're not even in a new place and they're pointing weapons at us.” At the sound of nickering behind him, he added, “Don't you even start, Derpy.”

“What business do you have here?” the lead guard asked. “And what connection do you have with that stallion?”

The Doctor eyed the guard with a hint of distaste. “If you must know, I'm currently on a top secret mission from the Princess herself, and my connection with this stallion is strictly between myself and her. I do have credentials, if you'd kindly get these things out of my face so I may produce them.”

The guard glared at the rather aggravating chestnut pony in front of him before nodding to his subordinates, and the spears were lowered. “Thanks for that,” the Doctor said amicably as he dug into his trench coat and produced a worn black wallet. “At your leisure,” he stated as he handed the wallet to the guard.

The guard opened the wallet and gave a thorough look at the blank paper within, completely unaware of the smarmy smirk the Doctor was wearing. Best invention in the universe, psychic paper. “Everything looks to be in order,” the guard said as he handed the wallet back. “Still, we must check with the Princess herself before we can allow you to see her. Who shall we tell her is visiting?”

“The Doctor.”

The guard cocked his head in confusion. “Doctor who?”

The Doctor chuckled a bit. That question was second only to 'it's bigger on the inside' when it came to things he just couldn't hear enough. “Just the Doctor. Trust me, she'll know who you're talking about.”


The two time traveling companions were left alone in the Princess's stateroom, two guards posted just outside. Derpy cast a concerned look about her surroundings. “Isn't this kinda weird, Doctor?” she asked. “I mean, usually whenever we visit the Princess, she's right there happy to see you. But now...”

“Yes,” the Doctor agreed. “She seems to be unusually cautious, doesn't she? Even random visitors she's never heard of usually get better treatment than this. Just what has the Master been doing? And how long did we miss him by?”

Any more querries were put on hold as the back entrance to the room opened and Celestia herself entered. The Doctor brightened up. “Ah, there you are Little...”

He was instantly silenced as Celestia's face suddenly appeared inches away from his own, her eyes narrowed and probing. “Silence, please,” she ordered in a tone that brooked no argument, not even from the ever-so-gabby Doctor. She circled around him a number of times, her face serious, her horn glowing it's distinct golden light. Finally, the light of her horn faded, and the expression on her face softened into a weary, relieved smile. “It really is you,” she muttered as she brought her head down to rest on the Doctor's shoulders in an equine hug. “It's good to see you, Doctor.”

The Doctor chuckled a bit nervously. “I can't wait to hear the story behind this one.”

Celestia straightened up to her rather impressive height. “I apologize for the cold reception. With the situation being what it is, I would have had to do the same even had you appeared with the teeth and curls and scarf. We had a rather... unusual visitor a while ago.”

“Let me guess,” the Doctor replied with a knowing smirk. “This visitor appeared in a vanishing blue box and claimed to be me, assuming that, given my penchant for appearing with a different face every now and again, a TARDIS would be all that he needed to be welcomed with open hooves.”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, exactly. He didn't seem to realize that I can recognize you almost instantly regardless of the face you wear, and the instant I questioned him on his true identity, he disappeared back into his TARDIS. In truth, I've been expecting you to show up for some time now.”

The Doctor tapped a hoof to his chin in thought. “Now, that's a surprisingly bold move on his part, especially as an opening move. What could the Master... hold on. How long ago was this?”

“Eight months.”

Eight months!?” the Doctor shouted. “We missed him by eight months!?

Celestia grinned a wry grin. “So he is one of yours, then?”

The look the Doctor shot back was one of exasperation. “Of course he's one of mine. He has a TARDIS, hasn't he? How would he not be one of mine? Are you purposefully stating the obvious just to get on my nerves again?” Celestia didn't answer, but her smirk and the wink she shot Derpy's way was all the answer he needed. The Doctor sighed and shook his head, though a small smile formed on his face. Little Tia... she hadn't even met this regeneration yet and she knew he needed cheering up, and did so in her own quiet, dignified, slightly mischievous way. Just what had he done to deserve friends like this?

The Doctor cleared his throat. “Anyway. Yes. He's one of mine. A Time Charger, a childhood friend, and my greatest single enemy. Calls himself the Master, and whatever reason he has for coming to Equestria is not a good one.”

Celestia became all business. “No, it isn't. Ever since he ran from the castle, he's been stirring up unrest. Holding secret rallies, spreading propaganda. In short he's attempting to rile up my little ponies' anger and get them to distrust me.”

“He's setting up a coup,” the Doctor agreed. “Trying to get a war going over the very throne of Equestria itself.” His face screwed up in thought as he rapidly ran his hoof through his mane, making it even more untamed than usual. “But why, though? I mean, no offense, Little Tia, but when one has all of time and space as one's backyard, a kingdom—strictly a principality in this case, though it wouldn't take much to change it into a kingdom I suppose—just doesn't mean much.”

The Doctor stopped in his tracks and suddenly began glancing around the room. “Wait. Wait wait waitwaitwait. Something's... wrong here. Something's... missing. Something big. Important. Obvious.” After a moment more of thinking, he shot straight up. “I got it! Dawn Riser! Where's Dawn Riser?”

Derpy tilted her head. “Who?” She asked.

“Dawn Riser! Celestia's personal student.” Lowering his voice to a whisper, he added. “Basically this era's Twilight Sparkle.” Raising his voice to address Celestia he continued. “I know by now she's finished her studies. She's got some important position or other on your court, so as to be by your side at all times. And there's no way she wouldn't be here for an important, potentially dangerous meeting such as this.” Seeing the subtle change to the princess's expression, the Doctor softened his tone. “Celestia, what happened?”

Celestia sighed, and a pained smile formed on her lips. “I never was very good at hiding things from you, Doctor.” Her expression darkened, becoming a rather alarming mix of sadness, disappointment, and rage. “He turned her. I do not know how he did it, but this 'Master' of yours has turned my faithful young student against me.”

The Doctor's eyes went wide. “Oh, that's... no good...”