• Published 3rd Jul 2012
  • 9,538 Views, 397 Comments

A Storm of Chaos: A Doctor Whooves Adventure - Shotoman

Dr. Whooves goes on a Discord Hunt.

  • ...



"I don't believe it. It looks brand new!"

The Doctor smiled as his favorite customer excitedly scrutinized her newly repaired clock. "Well, Miss Sparkle, when you hire the Doctor you hire the best."

Twilight Sparkle cast the Doctor a wry grin. "And so modest, too."

"You and I both know there's nothing immodest about stating fact," the Doctor replied with a grin of his own.

Twilight chuckled as she gave the clock one more quick but thorough look over. "Well, there's no denying the quality of your work," she admitted before stowing the clock in her saddlebag and producing the Doctor's modest fee (Naturally and to the Doctors amusement, she counted out exact change.). The Doctor stored the coins away without any real thought--truly he had no real use for money, but it was all part of being a "normal" pony.

"Thank you again Doctor Whooves," she said with a smile as she left the store.

"It's the Doctor," he replied quickly. "Just... oh, never mind." Smiling slightly, the Doctor locked up his register and strolled outside himself. He smirked at the last little bits of conversation between Miss Sparkle and her assistant that drifted his way.

"Okay, Spike, what's the next item on the agenda?"

"Twilight, you know what's next. You went over the list a hundred times already. You could probably read it back to me in your sleep."


"Fine. Next up is Fluttershy's place. She needs an extra set of hooves to help with some sick field mice..."

The Doctor chuckled to himself. Hero of Equestria multiple times over, and Twilight Sparkle was going to spend the day tending to some field mice with her friend. He personally knew ponies who would never believe that the legendary Princess of Harmony, she who freed Princess Luna from the Nightmare, defeated Discord, and defender of the Crystal Empire, would ever have stooped to such mundane chores. Ponies were funny like that. Tended to forget that legends were ponies, too.

Inhaling a deep breath, the Doctor turned to look at the rest of the marketplace. Thanks to the efforts of the local pegasi and Little Celestia (one day, the Doctor vowed, he would learn how she and her sister affected the sky the way they did) it was a typically beautiful Ponyville day, just like it always was this time of year. The Doctor nodded politely at the stallion who was currently unlocking the Quill and Sofa next door. Across the way Carrot Top and Applejack had set up their carrot and apple stands respectively and began the day with their customary glares at each other (not that they had anyone fooled, everyone knew they were each others' last customer of the day). The Doctor watched as Lyra and BonBon entered the marketplace from further down the road, the minty green unicorn easily standing on her hind legs for a second as she used her forelegs to emphasize some point or other to the cream colored earth pony. In short it was a very typical, very normal day in Ponyville, just like they all had been this last week since the Doctor returned from his latest adventure.

So why wasn't he bored?

Back when he and Derpy first saved the town from invading Autons, he couldn't wait to leave. Given the way she leaped into the TARDIS when he offered, he thought she felt the same way. But to his surprise, after the next trip or two, she asked if he could take her back. He did so, and she bounded out with the same enthusiasm and said "It's good to be home." She surprised him further by turning back to him and asked, "Same time next week?" The Doctor had never encountered that before--a companion willing to live both in the mundane every day and the fantastic box travel.

It was a few years and a new face later when he decided to stick around, and that was more for her sake than anything. Even still he tended to lose patience at living life in the correct order. But now... here he was sitting on a porch in front of his own shop on a normal, everyday morning, and he was happy to do it. It was particularly strange given the what happened this time--learning he was not the last, being reminded why it was better that he was, and then being reduced to the the last once again. How would he have reacted if he were still just out there with no fixed abode? He cast a look at the sign above his door--an image of his cutie mark of course--and remembered Wordsmith's words from the beginning of it all.

Doctor, you've gone domestic.

He'd never admit it, but she was right. He had gone domestic. But why, though? What was it about this town that made him feel more at home than he ever did on Gallopfrey? It's historical importance made for a fun visit every now and then, but it was just so... so... normal the rest of the time. His thoughts were interrupted by a soft object bouncing off his head. He caught it offhoofedly and grinned as he saw it. A bran muffin. Looking up with a smile, the Doctor waved at Derpy and Dinky as they flew off to drop the latter off at school. That's one thing, isn't it? he thought with a smile. It didn't really matter why, the Doctor decided. The fact was that, for now at least, he was at home here. For now that would be good enough.


With a start, the Doctor spun to look at his shop. Smoke was pouring out of the windows and the door, and he could smell fire somewhere within. He cast a few glances around and sighed in relief that no one was looking. For better or worse, explosions in his shop had also become commonplace. The low level perception filter helped. He stopped short as he heard several ponies coughing and sputtering from within.

"Was that supposed to happen?" a female with a Scoltish accent asked.

"Supposed to happen?" another voice asked, this one a male from Trottingham. "Of course that wasn't supposed to happen. When is that ever supposed to happen?"

"And yet somehow it does," a third voice--another Trottingham male--spoke up, his tone suggesting a long standing exasperation.

"Oh shut up you. Go outside for now, let me deal with the fires."

The Doctor's eyes narrowed as two ponies stumbled into view, still coughing up smoke. The young mare was white with a long, straight mane and tail of red, and her cutie mark was an apple with a smile cut into it. The stallion was tall an lanky with a slightly over sized snout, blue eyes, brown coat, and messy mane. His cutie mark was a blue cross juxtaposed atop a royal guard's sword. Now that was interesting.

The two caught sight of him almost instantly and the mare rolled her eyes. "Oi, Raggedy Colt! We got a pony out here!"

"Yes, the owner of the shop probably," the voice called back from within. "It's a clock shop, apparently. Oh, isn't that nostalgic? Well you wouldn't know it's nostalgic, I don't speak of the Ponyville days. But nostalgic it is. Keep him busy while I put this last fire out."

The two ponies rolled their eyes and shared a look. That look. The look his companions shared when they thought he wasn't looking. The Doctor's blood began to run cold. He didn't recognize the ponies, but he sure did recognize the scene. It played often enough.

Finally, the third pony exited the shop. He was grey with a shaggy black mane and tail. He was wearing a tweed jacket and a bow tie, though the bullet ridden stetson hat took the ensemble from simply out of date to out and out ridiculous. The Doctor didn't even need to look to confirm his cutie mark was an hourglass.

"Hello there," the newcomer said distractedly. "Sorry for the mess. Our ride is giving us a bit of trouble. The fires are out but I wouldn't go in yet if I were you. Don't worry, though. I just need to see where the hiccup is get her fixed. We'll make sure the place is clean when we leave, you won't even know we were here. Oh, right. Introductions. This is Mr. and Mrs. Ripple Pond and I am the Doctaaah!"

Upon actually looking at the Doctor's face, the newcomer quickly withdrew the hoof he was about to offer and jumped back a couple of hooves, his companions shooting him odd looks. He narrowed his green eyes as the smile vanished from his face. "Wait. Wait wait wait wait wait. You are..." then he looked at the shop behind him. "So this is...?" With a look of panic he began to search the sky. "And she is...?" Turning back to the Doctor, a look of pain and confusion on his face, he asked. "What?"

The Doctor couldn't help but smirk. A normal day in Ponyville indeed.


Author's Note:

Well, friends. Here we are, at the last page. I don't know about you, but I didn't think I'd ever get here, but here we are. Amazing, isn't it? Before we go, I do have a few folks to give special thanks to:

First and foremost, CommacazzyFreak, my collaborator. His knowledge of Classic Who helped me a lot. and he helped keep me on track during the middle acts of the story. His biggest contribution would be that he came up with Wordsmith's name. Though it has actually been a while since I needed his help, that's just because the story had been finalized by then. Without his help I never would have gotten that far, so thanks, dude.

Second, my anonymous friend without whom this story would never have gotten featured on Equestria Daily. I may be unable to reveal his identity, but I would be remiss if I didn't show him proper appreciation. I may not be able to reveal who you are, but you know who you are and I thank you.

Finally, thanks to my readers who liked, favorited, and commented. It really helps keep the motivation up. See y'all next story.

Comments ( 59 )

Yes! Perfect way to end: Wibbily-wobbily, etc.

Now, please tell me this won't be the last time we see the Doctor from you? :twilightsmile:

Lol, nice ending, does this mean you plan on writing a sequel involving Amy and Rory as well as the Eleventh Doctor?

Not immediately. I want to write some regular pony fiction for a while, but I do have some ideas circulating, yes.

It's like 50th anniversary with ponies. I approve.


I liked it.


being reduced the the last once again.

*to the

thanks to my readers

You're most welcome! It's an excellent fic!


Just check the calender, fouth season of mlpfim start the same day as 50th anniversay. (And my sister's bithday but thats irrelevant)

If they restart Young Jusice that day, it could mean two things.

1) Gods tought he could have another kid after 2000+ years.
2) It will be the last day of happiness before the Apocalypse.

Either way I will need popcorn, soda and cofee (or something else to keep me awake).

Playing the Pallet Town theme during the first part makes it feel so beautiful.:twilightsmile:

And Shotoman, this has been a wonderful adventure. I'm glad I was here to share it with you.:pinkiehappy:

3273423 I could tell you all about the extraordinary cosmic significance of that day. I could tell you that it also marks the starts of the next Krephix of Handular on planet Umchuk 12, which only occurs when the 4th moon of Dramuel aligns with the Prime Temple Mount in the Prefecture of Slagrath. And that's only once every 2,493.8 Earth years!

But that wouldn't mean much, and I'm not one to give spoilers.

All I'll say is that it's going to be a VERY interesting day! :raritywink:

3273730 ya... it's truly mind boggling awesome how far the Doctor has gotten.

The Equine Adventure Continues . . .

Perfect ending to a perfect ponified Doctor story, with (as many have mentioned) just the right touch of wibby-wobbly regeneration crossover goodness. I look forward to whatever stories you decide to write next, be they Doctor Whooves or otherwise. Well done!!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Ahh, that was just PERFECT with the other Doctor showing up at the end and quickly avoiding contact.
I trust your next Whooves story will be good; I want to read it already!
Don't think I've ever seen pony!Rory before; it'd be interesting to see how you play it out.
Also, if you're reading the official comics: in the Celestia miniseries issue, there's a pony in one panel who looks like the First Doctor. Hourglass cutie mark, collar and tie, green coat, pale mane and tail. Don't have the issue right with me right now, and I don't want to get up the all of one foot to reach it, but I thought you might find that interesting.

i'm just waiting for the Rory pony to do what Rory is good at being a badass and dying



dang you shoto. you are seriously making me impatient. seriously, the way you ended this story is causing that. please tell me that you aren't just going to end it like that.

3273038>>3273423>>3273852 I have no idea what you guys are talking about...

3286337 We only pretend to know.

Or maybe we're pretended to pretend! :trixieshiftright:


On november 23 the 4th season of mlp:fim will begin and it will also be the episode of doctor who that will mark the 50 years of the serie. In this episode of doctor who, the eleventh and tenth doctor will meet. The rest was just a bit (okay a lot) of fanboyism (and perhaps a few nerdgasm from the others).


This is an OK story. The characters are developed and have their own charm, though some characters felt like they were only there to make a quick reference to Doctor Who, and due to not being a really big Doctor Who fan(only watching New Who, none of the original stories), I got lost with who you were referencing some of the time.

The story itself was cleverish. Sure somethings did surprise me, but most of it seems to blatantly copy popular scenes from Doctor Who, so I knew what was going to happen most of the time. Also, that big "emotional" sequence near the end made me feel really indifferent and confused as to what was going on. It again uses short snippets of scenes that are references to Doctor Who, and though it may excite some fans who watched the Classic AND New Who, to everybody else, the feeling is really lost.

This is definitely a story that has been crafted to excite/intrigue those who have committed their time to watch/listen every surviving story of Doctor Who, as many (if not all) references are only those a true Who fan will get. Due to being only watching the New Who, I did get some of references, though others were completely lost to me. I will say that this was very interesting, and really does deserve a favorite. I'm pretty sure that if I was a bigger fan, than maybe I would've enjoyed this a lot more.

3289069 Well, supposedly the Master stole regenerations from Paul Mcgann. And he's been cheating death constantly; stealing the Sash of Rassilon and tapping into the cosmic powers and stuff on Gallifrey, then stealing the Keepership of Tralcan and swiping that dude's body.

He just won't friggin die cuz he's so evil hell won't take him! The Devil's scared he'll overthrow him!


3289130 I think it's more, he won't die because the creators in BBC keep coming up with great ways to put him in. :trollestia:

3289399 Kinda like the Borg became in Star Trek.

"Ok, we beat em all! Yay!"

Next season: "ERMAGERD!! TER BERG ER BERK!!"


"Here we are, at the last page."
I see what you did there, well I hope I did, because if you weren't making that reference I'd feel pretty silly.
Anyway, great story, and you better make a sequel.

So I read the story for 3 hours straight now....and now it's at it's end. A really awesome piece work I must say :heart:
It was entertaining, hilarious and exciting. You have my respect for making such a cool story :moustache:

I love this. Especially how you used Lissy-strata's designs for the characters.

You know, I think you're the first person to notice that. Or at least the first to comment on it.

3383826 Cool. I'm rather interested in these ponified Companions... perhaps a story focusing on some of them, rather than the Doctor would be well-received. I'd make one, but who has the time? You, that's who. Plus you have the skill and experience to back up that time. I'm going to shut up now.

I apologize for nothing :pinkiehappy:



Welp, this was certainly worth the read. :twilightsmile:

I've been on a bit of a Doctor Whooves bender since watching The Day of the Doctor and out of all the fics I've read this was certainly a gem to read. The pacing of the story felt exactly like an episode of Doctor Who and your characterizations were spot on. I especially enjoyed all of the interactions involving The Master or Discord. Now I'm just going to be waiting on the edge of my seat to see where this epilogue will take us. Can't wait to see what you plan to release next. :pinkiehappy:

I was going to say that. :(

3801900 HEH! well use one of the others.

Bring on the drums? I'd say that the Master is the culprit, but he's dead. Died in the Doctor's arms, and disappeared when the Doctor sent the Time Lords back into the Time War.

Yeah. IF this Doctor were the canon one made pony. That's not the case in my Doctor Whooves stories, which means anything goes.

Calling the War Council of Gallifrey, this is the Doctor.

3813215 2nd:GOOD LUCK!:rainbowdetermined2:
3rd: STAND BY..READY :duck:
4th: COMMENCING CALCULATIONS....:pinkiehappy:
5th: SOON BE THERE!:yay:

Across the boundaries that separate one universe from another.

3814120 The General: I didn't know I was well off! All 12 of them.

No sir! All thirteen!

Thank you folks! We'll be here all week! Don't forget to tip your waitresses.

3814239 Also thank your Waitress. They're the ones that have to hear this tomorrow night.

Comment posted by StrigidaeFan deleted Jan 20th, 2014

*Pulls lever and Glares.*

(I'm sorry; I had to.)

I just wasted half my day reading this. It was well worth it. :ajsmug:

wish i could give you 30 green thumbs

4698965 Because only emos are converted? :trollestia:

Best...Endin'...EVER!!!!!!!!! I would love to see a sequel to this please.

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