• Published 5th Jan 2017
  • 4,225 Views, 75 Comments

My Little Bug Pony - Liarra Sniffles

Chrysalis has discovered a long lost cocoon, what could be inside?

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Chapter One: Awakening

I once woke up on a Sunday. It was horrible.

~ Liarra Sniffles

I did not wake with a start.
Technically, I did not wake at all. I simply started existing, my eyes already open.

'Have I always existed?' The thoughts seemed to spring into my mind unbidden, I almost panicked when I realised I could think. Taking stock of my surroundings, I seemed to be within some sort of green substance that stretched on as far as I could see. Perhaps it was how new I was to the world, but so far this green substance was my entire universe.

'It's strangely calming, floating in this goo.' I moved my arm through the thick goo, my stark black arm contrasting the gentle green.
The process of discovering myself was quite slow and embarrassing in hindsight. At first I thought of myself as nothing more than a conscious floating around, but I had known that I possessed eyes and an arm, therefore a body must be around here somewhere.

My arms and legs were the first things to make themselves known, my black extremities containing several structurally questionable looking holes in them which happily stopped before my hands or feet. Strange that I knew the terms for each part, I could not remember anything beyond the green that could explain this knowledge.

My fang filled mouth soon followed, my lungs burned when goo got into them but, breathing had not been a problem so far so I ignored the need to breathe for now. As I moved my hands about myself, I found several interesting exceptions to my knowledge. For one, I could twist and contort my body in many strange directions which made me feel nauseous despite not doing any harm. Twisting my head a full one hundred and eighty around let me see my back, which some part of me told me I should not be able to see.

'I have wings. Have I always had wings?' The question rang hollow as I was alone with my thoughts in the green slime, the transparent insect wings buzzed slightly in the goo with my agitation. The sensation wa s interesting.
While moving my head around I felt a strange pressure against my forehead, upon further inspection it appeared that I also had a crooked looking horn sticking several inches out of my forehead. It looked like it could do a fair amount of damage but I could not help but feel that it was not meant to be used as such.

After continuing to explore my body, I could not find any more entirely new body parts. Interestingly my chest and ribs were covered in some kind of green banding pattern which went all the way from my collarbone to the top of my pelvis, completely obscuring the modest chest I knew I had under there somewhere at some point.
My face flushed as I realised that I was completely bare of any clothing on my still normal lower half, but I couldn't pin the relevance of clothes onto anything specific. I just wished I had something covering myself.

Bubbles erupted from my mouth and slowly floated in front of my face as I gasped, movement from outside my prison of goo alerting me to the presence of others. This was a new and exciting development, as I had already seemingly run out of things to discover about myself. I hadn't the foggiest how much time had passed since I awoke, but boredom was not proving to be fun once the novelty of feeling bored had worn off.

My stomach lurched as my gooey prison was moved, the muted lights changing. I could not make out anything concrete about the outside world, the figures moving me seemed to be quite small but the goo made them appear as little more than foggy shadows.
I was briefly concerned that the outside world had some physical requirement to be a foggy shape, which my stark outline would defy, but when one of the creatures put what looked to be a hoof against the goo my worry faded.

Strangely, it seemed that none of the figures would ever stay to help carry me for long, constantly swapping for different ones. I had no idea why the creatures had such little stamina but, then again, I couldn't gauge my own stamina from within the goo.

Chrysalis stood watching, her practised face only showing mild interest as her changelings brought the pod towards her throne room, several changelings becoming overwhelmed by the apparent love in the pod and having to switch with fresh ones.
Amusingly, it seemed that none of them had thought to use the large amount of love they were absorbing to magically lift the pod, instead running off to dump their excess love into the nearest collection point.

'Now let us see who has been hiding within the very hive for so long' Chrysalis smirked, the love from the pod was not as intense as she had hoped, not matching the alicorn of love. Shooing the changelings back a ways, she turned to the pod and ripped open the side with her jagged horn.

"What is..."

Suddenly my world shifted, the big shadow had stuck what looked to be a horn similar to my own into the side of the goo pod. Unable to resist the flow, I was pulled out of the pod on a wave of goo, sliding to a stop before a large black quadruped that shared a lot of similarities to my own form.

Several things happened at once as I slid to a stop.
Firstly, new sensations wracked my body. The feeling of the warm air, the smell of the room around me, the sounds the creatures around the edges of the room made as they all collapsed to the floor as one. It was all too much for my poor brain to handle, the air crashing over me in waves causing an embarrassing amount of pleasure.
The creature in front of me was making a lot of noise by the time I couldn't take it anymore, and as everything faded to black I was only dimly aware of her horn lighting up a bright green.

I awoke after an indeterminate amount of time.

This time I had actually woken from a slumber, my eyes opening for technically the first time as I had not shut them in the goo.
After a few seconds the burning in my chest became too much and I gasped for breath. Right, breathing was a thing I needed to do now.
'Almost makes me miss the goo.'

Snapping myself out of my thoughts with a groan, I focused my eyes on the world around me. The first thing I noticed was that I was lying on something very soft, even softer than the goo had been. The roof above me looked almost like some kind of sea shell in the way its ridges spiralled out from the middle all the way to the floor.
Propping myself up on my elbows I followed the ridges to the room proper and look around. I was indeed on a huge bed of some kind; it was long enough that I could be stretched all the way out on it but I noted it seemed very low on the ground for someone who would need that length.

Looking to the foot of the bed, I noticed a large door set into the dark walls, green highlights glowing unnaturally here and there to illuminate the room.
To the left of the door sat a large dresser with a mirror on top, while I was not in the perfect place to see the mirror clearly, I could just make out myself in the distance.
I noted that my hair was slightly transparent even at a distance and that my large blue eyes had no pupils before moving on.
Several outfits of what looked like green and black silks sat on rails beside the dresser, none of them looked big enough to fit me however.

To the left of this, the wall curved around until it met the head of the bed, the only other feature being an open doorway leading to what looked like some kind of bathroom from my vantage; just barely able to spot what look like stone pipes.

The right of the big door held much of the same as the left, several chests and a writing desk with a cushion in front of it. All of them looked very low to the ground, but I supposed the quadrupeds I had seen before would have difficulty sitting on a raised chair. The ground that I could see from my vantage point was covered in expensive looking thick rugs.

Sitting up properly I nearly cried out, as I noticed one of the creatures from before standing beside the door. Its height was such that I had been unable to see it over the bed; no taller than a large dog at best.
Rolling over to my side, I fluidly swung my feet off the bed and onto the floor, the movements coming with practised ease despite my lack of movement until now.
Gingerly I pulled myself up from the bed, using one of the curtains to keep my balance as a wave of dizziness rolled over me. With a stretch that resulted in some satisfying pops from my spine, I turned to the little creature and slowly got closer.

Upon closer inspection, it appeared to be a small pony made from insect-like parts, similar to mine. Its wings were hidden under a blue shell, checking my own to find them similarly obscured, I eyed its horn. Just like mine, its horn was jagged in all the same ways. Mine seemed somewhat longer, but I put that down to me being bigger than it more than anything.

Strangely it did not appear to have any hair on its head like mine, I could have sworn one of them had hair before I passed out. Nor did I have the odd ears or spines that rose up the back of its head.
By now I had closed the gap to less than a foot, crouching down to bring myself closer to its height I looked into her eyes. How I knew it was a her I couldn't tell you, the information just seemed to pop into my head once I got close.
'You're a cute one, aren't you.' I thought to myself, watching it paw at the ground nervously. I looked closer and was somewhat shocked to see a blush forming on her face, could these little bug-ponies read minds?

Whatever it was, it really was super adorable and the blush was making it even cuter. I reached out with my finger and poked its nose.


Chrysalis marched to her room, both her and every changeling within the nearest five miles was aware the the creature had woken after passing out. The emotions the creature gave off were indescribably strong, it almost felt like being hit with that shield all over again.
As soon as she had released it from the pod, Chrysalis had been almost reduced to tears. She only hoped that noling had heard the things she had been saying when overcome with pure love, but considering every other changeling in the hive had promptly been pass-out drunk on love for the next few minutes she didn't have cause for concern.

Some changelings could still be heard having a massive love filled orgy downstairs, Chrysalis chuckled.

According to the various notes found etched into the walls of the chamber that the pod was found in, this creature was completely foreign to Equestria, none had been found before or after this one. The creature had been used to test the 'fermentation' pods when they were first created, due to its love output being so low normally as to make it worthless.

Judging from how slow her current, more advanced pods were to increase a creatures capability to love, Chrysalis didn't even want to think how long this creature had been in that pod. It could very well be older than the alicorn sisters!
Seeing as all the notes left had referred to it as just 'creature' its changeling-like look may actually be a side effect to the pod, Chrysalis doubted that it started its life as a changeling as even she, with the memories of past queens at her disposal, could not recall any such 'ling.

It made sense that she had not been able to properly gauge the creatures love from within the pod, after all, it was a fairly recent change to the pods that allowed changelings to harvest love from them easily. The queen could not find it within herself to be mad at the creature for making her look and act the fool, a side effect to being so full of its love she supposed.

Chrysalis paused at the door to her chamber, she had teleported the creature there after her throne room had descended into chaos to stop the drunk changelings doing anything she might regret to it when a thought occurred to her.

'Oh buck, I left that drone in there with it all this time.' She slammed open the door a little harder than she initially intended, brought up short by the sight in front of her.

Author's Note:

Ah yes, the nose boop. Truly a universal sign of greeting.

As of right now, as the 'creature' has no proper name, I've just been using perspective and tense shifts to differentiate them. I'm still not entirely happy with this way of doing it, so I may re-write this chapter and some parts of the next chapter depending on your input.
It is rather nice to switch when writing though, makes it more interesting to re-write while polishing multiple chapters at a time.