• Published 5th Jan 2017
  • 4,218 Views, 75 Comments

My Little Bug Pony - Liarra Sniffles

Chrysalis has discovered a long lost cocoon, what could be inside?

  • ...

Chapter Seven: Oops?

Did you know some authors put quotes at the beginning of each chapter they write? Seems awful pretentious if you ask me.

~ Liarra Sniffles

"Boss... Hey Boss!" Chirped the gruff looking changeling, standing in the most dark alley-like path they could find.

"What is it Tony?" Grumbled the bigger of the two.

"What are we doing here again?" The dim glow of a single light nearby barely strong enough to cast shadows.

"I am here to nab that new arrival and bring her to the big boss, who was asked to bring her to bigger boss, probably by biggest boss. You are here to help." The cigar was lit with a spark of magic, a soft fwoosh and a sudden, momentary increase in light revealing the battered fedora on Boss's head. "Didn't I tell you this already Tony?"

Tony adjusted his weight around a little.

"Well yeah, and I know we're going to use that magical strap thing to hide her presence while we hightail it out of here, but I mean..." Tony chewed his cheek a little. "How are we supposed to get the strap on in the first place? I don't think I could focus on a spell if she gets much closer."

"Tony... Let me tell you something I don't tell many 'lings." Boss double checked to make sure they were alone before continuing, although to a casual observer he would just look like he was fidgeting with his wings. "I was one of the three hundred." Tony was silent at this.

"Whoa Boss. Really?" Tony looked at his companion closer. "Where's your mark then?" Boss simply closed his eyes.

"I was busy fighting Loyalty when I was hit, let's just say my wife is the only one to see it frequently." Tony felt a blush coming on but managed not to let it show, Boss had made quite a catch with Precilla.

"So that means you can only feel one emotion?" Tony asked carefully.

"I can already tell what you really wanted to ask." Boss opened his eyes and scuffed a hoof on the ground. "I can sense only the feeling someling will get just before they need to yawn." It wasn't actually quite as useless as it sounded, but Tony could certainly see why Boss wouldn't be so free with this information.

"I can hardly believe the three hundred are even real, I guess skitter wasn't pulling my antennae after all." The silence returned once Tony said this, Boss not having anything to add other than a grunt.

A short time later, the two stepped into the shadows on either side of the alley in unison, and a tall humanoid figure rounded the corner. For her part, Tourmaline walked at a slow pace, clearly thinking about other things. Completely oblivious to the trap she was about to step into.

Just as she passed where the two changelings had been standing, Boss leaped out from a nook in the wall and silently threw a short strip of black material at her, neatly clipping on the thing around her neck with his magic in an instant. Tourmaline let out a small "eep" before all hell broke loose.

Not even a second after the strap had been secured around her neck, did the large stone on the front light up, getting brighter and brighter to the point where noling would be able to look right at it. Boss just shielded his eyes and crossed his wings, this wasn't how it was supposed to go but he wouldn't back down just yet.

"Uh, what is this really bright thing on my neck?" Tourmaline asked in an octave she was unsure she could replicate in future, the light was so bright she had to tightly closer her eyes and she was still seeing spots.
Boss didn't respond, but did back up a few steps as the light got brighter and brighter, everything was so bright that all the colours he would normally perceive started to bleed out making his whole world nothing but black and white contrasts through his tightly squinting eyes.

Then it exploded.

It wasn't really that loud of an explosion, more like someone dropping a small glass onto stone. The light died out in an instant leaving everyling present unable to see anything and Boss found himself being peppered with sharp fragments of the once dull stone, now bright pink. They cut into the soft skin around his joints and stung like hell, almost like being in a really strong sandstorm, he fell to the ground in quite a lot of pain immediately.

The surrounding stone walls, once dark black in colour, found themselves bleached white as if left in the sun for too long, interestingly one could even see the shadow where Boss had been standing forever etched onto the wall.

Tourmaline clutched at her neck before quickly giving herself a once over with her hands, still unable to see. She seemed to have suffered no harm, but wouldn't really know until her vision returned. In the distance she could hear the rumble of hooves and wings so she supposed help would arrive in a moment. The strange choker was still tightly clasped on her neck, and she could not find a latch to undo it with her fingers, but it didn't feel particularly alien to the touch. She left it be and tried to feel around for a wall before she heard a strangled groan from nearby.

"Oh no, are you hurt? What happened, was it my fault? Where are you?" Boss could only groan in response, where the hell was Tony? Tourmaline shuffled forwards on her hands and knees until she came upon the similarly blind changeling. Still unable to see she blindly groped out for the changeling and made contact. She instantly wished she hadn't as he howled upon the contact as if in pain.

For his part, Boss was feeling an intense burning at the contact with Maline, he felt it spreading all over his body and eventually focusing on an area between his thighs as well as around his fresh cuts and scrapes. After what seemed like eternity the burning faded and so did his screams, his senses were going wild with the feelings all around him, namely the intense amount of love radiating through the air. His previous disability seemingly gone, he was no longer protected from the very close presence to Tourmaline, and quickly his thoughts turned to mush and he passed out, still being poked, prodded and shaken by a frantic hybrid.

With a pop, Chrysalis appeared at the scene, shortly before a veritable horde of changelings poured out of every entrance to the small passage. Thinking quickly, the queen put up a large bubble shield to prevent the masses from getting in her way and appraised the area. It was quite a sight indeed, the walls, floor and ceiling looked to have been bleached a near perfect white, reminding her of Celestia's castle.
To her left, an unconscious changeling lay in a heap behind some garbage, seemingly shielded from whatever happened by his sleeping place.
In front of her the floor and right wall were covered in thousands of tiny sparkling pink motes, shards of crystal or stone from the look of it, best be careful not to breathe any in.
To her right, a frantic looking Tourmaline was trying to rouse another equally unconscious changeling who seemed to have collapsed against the wall. A strange incident to be sure, but what really caught her attention was Tourmaline and the second changeling.

Both Tourmaline and the changeling looked to have been dumped in a vat of bleach, everything from Tourmaline's hair and hooves to the changeling's fedora where as white as snow, she even spotted a still lit cigar on the floor equally bleached. The only thing seemingly untouched appeared to be Tourmaline's eyes, though it didn't look like she could currently see.

Chrysalis jumped slightly as another pop heralded the arrival of Wispy, still decked out with multiple party hats, who took one look at the scene and said exactly what the queen was thinking.

"What the buck."

Author's Note:

Fuck I really fell off the horse writing these stories. Ah well, here's another chapter of this old but gold story. Hope you enjoy it and sorry for the bit of a big delay between chapters.

I'm currently still working on the next chapter for my other story, so stick around for that if you're keen.

Comments ( 13 )

he was unsure she could replicate in future,

‘‘in the future’’?

she could here the rumble of hooves and wings


another pop heralded the arrival of wispy

Should the lowercase W not be uppercase, since it seems to be a name?

"What the buck."

It seems like that is supposed to be a question.

I honestly forgot that this story was a thing, after reaching the last chapter, I put it on tracking and since it did not up date, I thought it was dead. Nice to see that that is not the case!

In the future is actually more clumsy than in future, both are grammatically correct.
Hear is correct, thank you.
It should be Wispy, yes.
What the buck is a stand in for what the fuck, it is said more as a statement than a question in this case.

That is one hell of a sunburn. So the gem contained UV light most likely. Congrats Boss you probably had the worst case of skin cancer on record before the immediate accidental healing.

To be fair, a "pure" version of Changelings is really nice, but they did a really poor job of it. A moth type would be adorable, with all the floof, but their butterfly thing was horrible.

I learned a few things myself, now.

Ah, but in Skyrim he doesnt necessarily lie. Certainly is a quirky fellow, but he only states his opinions, weird as they are. Like how he wonders how people know there was a city of winterhold, as many havent seen it with their own eyes, and even he didnt see it. Ironically, of the "city", you never actually find many traces of ruins. A couple destroyed houses, and thats about it. Not much of a city. Or, how Skyrim was once a land of many butterflies, but not so much anymore. As butterfly wings are useful for not only making potions for bartering, something merchants and thieves would find handy, but also restore health, good for the many wounded, lingering damage stamina, great for poisoning enemy troops' food stores, and damage magika, good for dealing with enemy mages, of which the nords despise. Itd make sense for most butterflies to be hunted down for potions. And, to be fair, they werent gone as Paarthurnaax and Alduin were still alive, and it's quite possible that they WERE invisible. Theres a shrine to Akatosh near Rorikstead, the dragon goddess, which has dragon scales at the base, and a little girl there says she saw a dragon at it, yet literally nobody else saw it. And, Paarthurnaax has been on top of High Hrothgar for eras, and has never really been discovered despite flying around the mountain and occasionally leaving. Theres a dragon shout for becoming aetherial, and Alduin has one that summons meteors which we never learn, so it only goes to figure they have a way of becoming invisible since magic is essentially a weaker imitation of the effects of shouts.

Many of his statements are ACTUAL lies.

Excluding the different games as I honestly didnt nor do care to bother going through them all, in Skyrim, the ONLY statement of his that can be proven as a lie would be him carrying two weapons as he doesnt have any in his inventory. However, as a Khajiit, he might be referencing his hands due to his claws so even that is up in the air. The one where he says he was soul trapped once MIGHT be a lie, but then again you yourself were punted into Azura's Star. All of his other statements are either just funny comments like how Nord Armor has a lot of fur and that makes him nervous, observations like how there isnt really any proof there was a City of Winterhold outside of people saying there was, personal opinions like him saying that while some say nords are more beautiful than Cyrodilians, he thinks all are beautiful, or things that are amazingly close to the mark, like how dragons were never actually gone. Literally none of his statements in Skyrim can be proven false.

You're cherry picking sections of his quotes. M'aiq lies, this is a truth. Look into his Morrowind quotes, the dude's just off his rocker on skooma in that game, and at least one developer has explicitly stated that he is immortal and just sorta has always existed, making at least one of his Skyrim quotes a lie as well (that being the one about his lineage). On top of that, a lot of his statements are only true from beyond the fourth wall, and within Mundus they are otherwise "false". An alternate understanding is that M'aiq actually DOES lie about EVERYTHING he says, and retroactively alters reality to match his statements because he has achieved CHIM.

In all seriousness, I think the CHIM theory is reasonable. There's another that implies he's connected to the towers and that they let him tap into reality, and that things just sorta become "truth", and he knows about them just BEFORE they retroactively become truth.

Oh, I just remembered another theory: M'aiq randomly causes Dragon Breaks, and his lies become truths while remaining lies, hence allowing him to remain M'aiq the Liar.

You cannot contain infinity!

Will the next chapter be out somewhen this decade?

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