• Published 30th Dec 2016
  • 777 Views, 12 Comments

A Collaborative Cavalcade of Cocktails and Comedy - Crystal Moose

At the gala, at the gala, they will haaaave theeee beeest night everrrrrr… right?

  • ...

Icing on the Cake(s) - Level Dasher

After a lovely romp in the garden with the animals, Fluttershy trotted happily into the main hall, her dress completely spotless. After the unfortunate incident at her first gala, she didn’t think she would ever gain their trust. However, Fluttershy being Fluttershy, she managed quite nicely. Her apology was polite and genuine, and the animals were certainly convinced. This year, Fluttershy barely needed to ask the critters to help her clean her dress before re-presenting herself to the other gala guests. They practically did it by instinct.

As she nervously meandered through the throng of ponies, trying to find someplace a little quieter, she thought to herself, Oh, why didn’t I just stay in the garden? I don’t like these big, fancy parties. I’ve never been good with crowds…

In her quest to find someplace a little more out of the way, she spotted a familiar pair of ponies behind a large table. They had been specially invited by Princess Celestia herself, as per her indulgences (but nopony was supposed to know about that). The pair rushed back and forth from one end of the table to the other, trying to satisfy each guest. They were clearly flustered, and in need of assistance. Finding an opportunity, Fluttershy made her way through a cluster of ponies and managed to find herself a spot behind the table.

“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Cake! You seem to be quite a hit tonight!”

Mrs. Cake turned her head for a split second to see the mare in the beautiful green dress. “Oh hello, Fluttershy! Yes, we are! We’re in a bit over our heads, though. Thank goodness we aren’t volunteering our time…” She grabbed a slice of pie and presented it to a stallion wearing purple aviator sunglasses. “I don’t know where in Equestria Pinkie ran off to; she was supposed to be helping us, but she’s been back and forth from the table so many times, she’s barely done anything at all.” Mrs. Cake turned to a rather disheveled mare with a pink coat and said, “Sorry, Miss—here you are!” as she gave her a cupcake.

The mare asked, “Have you seen my fiancé, by any chance?”

Mrs. Cake responded, “Sorry, dear. I can barely see my own hoof!” The mare gave an exasperated sigh, then glared at Fluttershy before stomping away from the table. Mrs. Cake could hardly keep track of the requests coming from all the guests, but she managed. “Anyway, about a half-hour ago Pinkie screamed something about streamers and ran off toward the restrooms. I know we mares tend to take a while, but this is ridiculous!”

Fluttershy jumped at her chance. “Umm, if you like, I’d be happy to help you. If you want me to, that is…”

Still hoofing out treats to the guests at the table, Mrs. Cake replied, “Oh, that’s very nice of you, Fluttershy, but wouldn’t you rather go mingle? I’m sure that would be a lot more fun than standing behind this table all night.”

“Oh no, it’s okay. I’d be happy to help if you need me to.”

Mrs. Cake let out a huge sigh of relief. “Celestia herself must have sent you, dear. Could you grab any trays of cupcakes and keep them in front of you?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Oh yes, I can do that.”

After gathering all the trays of cupcakes and spreading them out in front of her, Fluttershy turned to Mrs. Cake and asked, “Now what?”

“Just a moment, dear.” Mrs. Cake took in a deep breath and yelled over the din, “ANYPONY THAT WANTS CUPCAKES COME TO THIS SIDE OF THE TABLE!” A throng of mares turned and started squeezing through each other to get to the cupcakes in front of Fluttershy, as Mr. Cake continued to give large slices of cakes and pies to the stallions. “Okay dear, just hoof out the cupcakes as they ask for them, but let me run through them with you first. These are blueberry, these here are cinnamon swirl, these are Pinkie’s special cupcakes—she still won’t tell us what’s in them, but they seem to be a hit—these are…”

“Um, here you are, ma'am. Enjoy!” Fluttershy gave a cupcake to a mare she recognized from her first gala, but couldn’t remember who she was. As there was a temporary lull on the cupcake side of the table, a purple mare with a tray approached her.

“Hi there, Fluttershy! I didn’t think you were working tonight!”

“Oh no, I’m not, Berry. I’m just helping the Cakes because they were a bit overwhelmed.”

“Well, that’s nice of you! Would you like a drink? Let’s see… I’ve got some hard cider from the Apple farm—probably the mildest stuff I have.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “I really shouldn’t. Not while I’m giving out treats to the guests.”

Berry Punch persisted. “Aw, why not? It’s just one drink; it ain’t gonna hurt ya!”

Fluttershy slunk back for a moment before responding, “Well, I guess not. The crowd seems to have lessened a bit, anyway.”

“That’s the spirit!” Berry Punch put a glass of cider down on the table. “Hey, I made a funny! Enjoy!”

“Thank you, Berry!” Fluttershy chuckled. “Have a good night!” Taking a sip of the cider, she said, “Ooo, that is good…”

“Oh, Fluttershy, however did you get saddled into taking Pinkie’s place at the Cakes’ table?” Rarity asked. “Is she bothering everypony about streamers again? I don’t know what’s wrong with that silly filly! Well, aside from the obvious,” she chuckled.

“Oh no, Pinkie didn’t saddle me with anything—I offered,” Fluttershy replied. “We’re doing quite well; I’m glad I could help. It’s much better than simply being surrounded by all these ponies I don’t know. At least this way I’m being productive.”

“Well, if that’s the way you want it, darling.” Rarity glanced around the table. “Say, would you split a cinnamon swirl with me, Fluttershy? After the night I’ve had, I deserve a full cupcake, but my thighs would never forgive me.” Rarity and Fluttershy glanced at Mrs. Cake, who gave them a big smile, then nodded and waved a hoof at them.

“What’s the matter, Rarity? Did everything go alright with your date?” Fluttershy inquired.

“Well, we thought it would be nice to spend the night in the company of others. He thought he met… well, let’s just say we left on equitable terms.”

“…Oh, okay. Well, I’d be happy to split a swirl with you. I haven’t tried anything all night.”

Rarity gasped. “Why darling, that simply MUST be rectified!” She lifted a cupcake in her aura and split it in two, levitating one half into Fluttershy’s hoof and the other into her own. “To the Cakes!”

The two of them ate their cupcakes just as Berry Punch strode by. “Hello, Rarity! Hey, Fluttershy! Would you like another cider? Not many ponies have asked for it, so there’s plenty to spare.” Berry offered Fluttershy a full bottle.

Fluttershy shrugged. “Oh, why not? That first one was great—Applejack never disappoints.” Berry placed the bottle on the table.

“Why Fluttershy, I didn’t know you liked hard cider!” Rarity exclaimed. “I’ll make sure to get some from AJ for our next gathering. I wonder if Lotus and Aloe would mind if we brought some to a spa day?” Rarity scratched her chin and looked toward the ceiling.

“Rarity, would you like something?” Berry asked.

“Oooh, I’d certainly like something,” Rarity responded. “At the very least another drink; do you have any Caberneigh?”

“Here you are, sir. Enjoy!” Mr. Cake hoofed a giant slice of cake to yet another large stallion, who trotted off happily with his dessert. Turning around, Mr. Cake found his wife sitting in a chair, with Fluttershy beside her, sipping from a cider bottle. “Finally, a lull! That’s the only guest that’s been to the table in the last ten minutes!”

Mrs. Cake sighed. “Yes, it seems most ponies have had their fill of dessert, but there’re still a few pies and cupcakes left. Besides, we can’t leave without the Princess’s say-so!”

“Don’t worry, dear, I know. But we can at least rest our hooves.” Mr. Cake turned to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, how can we ever thank you? We’d be completely breathless if you hadn’t come along!”

“Yes, dear. You certainly saved our flanks!” Mrs. Cake agreed.

“Oh, it was no trouble, really,” Fluttershy responded with a smile. “I’m glad I could be of help.” She lifted her cider to her lips and finished off the bottle.

As Mr. Cake sat down next to his wife, Berry Punch wandered by. “Hiya, Mr. and Mrs. Cake! Looks like you’re doing well!”

The Cakes nodded. “Yes, we are. Thanks to Fluttershy here.” Mrs. Cake smiled and put a hoof around Fluttershy’s neck. “We’d be lost without her!”

Fluttershy blushed. “Hey, it was pretty fun!” she exclaimed as she firmly placed her empty cider bottle on the table in front of them.

Berry giggled and replied, “I’m sure it was! You want another one of those, Flutters?” She popped open another cider bottle and replaced the empty one on the table.

Fluttershy grinned. “You bet!” She snatched the bottle from the table and got in a few good chugs.

“How about you?” Berry asked as she looked over at the Cakes. “You look like you could use a refreshment or two,” she said with a smile.

The Cakes looked at each other and shrugged. “What’s the harm?” Mr. Cake said to his wife. The two of them smirked at each other. They’d done a good job; they deserved a reward. “Got anything strong?” Mrs. Cake asked Berry.

Berry copied their smirk. “I’ve got my special blend…”

Mr. Cake raised his brows. “You mean the special blend?”

Berry nodded. “That’s the one.”

Mr. and Mrs. Cake smiled at each other, nodded, then turned to Berry and spoke in unison.

“Two, please.”

“Well, lookit you three! Y’all look plum tuckered out!” Applejack chuckled as she leaned over the table. Fluttershy sat on the floor behind the table, with Mr. and Mrs Cake on either side of her. The two bakers each held an empty glass in their hooves, while Fluttershy struggled to keep a half-drunk bottle upright.

Fluttershy let out a hiccup before responding, “Hiya, AJ! How did you pie selling do?”

Applejack laughed. “Almost as good as y’all! Mah pies were gone right quick. A Wonderbolt by th’ name o’ Soarin’ was a pretty frequent customer. And mah fritters were gone in a heartbeat!” At this, Applejack got a glance at Fluttershy’s hoof. “Hey Flutters, you drinkin’ one’a mah hard ciders?”

Fluttershy smirked and shook her head. When Applejack cocked a brow at her, Fluttershy smiled and said, “Not one… FFFFIVE!” as she lifted the bottle in the air with a flourish.

Applejack’s smile broke. “Five? Fluttershy, Ah think ya mighta overdone yerself. I made this batch fer the Gala extra strong. No wonder yer lookin’ all… happy. Have ya even left the table?”

Fluttershy leaned forward and mockingly said, “Nnnnope!”

“Dang. Ah’m amazed ya didn’t break the seal,” Applejack said.

Fluttershy put a hoof on her hip and responded, “Now why i’the hay would I do that? He’s a good friend’a mine!”

Applejack shook her head. “Nevermind.”

“Oh, le’the girl have her fun!” Mrs. Cake slurred, waving a hoof. “She earned it!”

“Maybe so, but I dunno if y’all know Flutters when she gets all loopy. Ah only seen it once b’fore, an’ it wasn’t purdy. Le’s just say she’s a lotta flutter an’ not a lotta shy.”

“Oh, ledder fludder!” Mr. Cake said. “She did a hay of a job helpin’ us tonight. We oughtta off’ her a job, Cuppy!”

Mrs. Cake yawned. “Yeah, maybe…”

Fluttershy put the bottle on the floor in front of her, looped her forelegs around Mr. and Mrs. Cake, and said, “I ASSSEPT!”

Applejack’s brows shot up. “What in Equestria have you two been drinkin’?” She glanced at their empty glasses and noticed the melting remanences of a signature: golden ice cubes. “That Berry’s ‘special blend’?”

In unison, Mr. and Mrs. Cake held up their empty glasses and said, “Eyyyyup!”

Applejack’s hoof found her forehead, then she asked, “How many’ve y’all had?”

Mr. Cake yawned and replied, “Ehhhh, three er four.”

Applejack’s eyes bulged, then she sprang into action. “Well now, lookit ya all yawnin’ like. Y’all really are tuckered out. C’mon, lemme help y’all to the rooms Princess Celestia reserved fer us, huh?” She hopped over the table and lifted the three of them to their hooves.

“What’re ya doin’, Aygee?” Fluttershy slurred as Applejack lined her and the cakes up on their hooves. With perfect timing and precision, Applejack slipped herself under all three of their barrels, lifted them onto her back, and began trotting toward the reserved rooms.

“Ah’m gettin’ y’all ta bed, ‘Shy. Ah can’t imagine how much yer head’s gonna hurt in the mornin’, but the more rest ya get, the better. Fer all three of ya.”

As Applejack trotted down the corridor that led to the reserved chambers, she thanked Celestia for her Earth pony strength. It certainly was helpful at that moment, what with her carrying three now-sleeping ponies on her back.

Slipping into one of the rooms that Celestia had mentioned before the Gala, Applejack sighed with relief when she found nopony else in the room. As she stared at the large, king-sized bed in the room, she regretted not thinking ahead; she had Fluttershy laying sprawled on her back between the Cakes, which made it difficult to separate them. At this point, her back was beginning to give out, so Applejack sighed, “Buck it,” and carefully slid all three of them onto the bed, flipping them onto their backs. “It’s certainly big enough fer the three of ‘em. They’re prob’ly too off the wagon to notice anyway.” After pushing the trio the rest of the way onto the mattress and rolling each of them onto their sides, she stretched her back out, eliciting a loud crack, then sighed and trotted out of the room, shutting the door behind her. “Hope they don’t have a rude awakenin’ later.”

Fluttershy found herself between sleep and wakefulness. She could hear the sound of two ponies’ breathing, but neither breath was hers. At that moment, her head began pounding, and she put her hooves to her temples. Rubbing her head as she leaned on her side, she allowed one of her wings to unfold, which elicited a giggle from behind her. It was a female giggle, she could tell, but she couldn’t tell whose it was.

“Oh, sweetie, that tickles.”

Continuing to rub her head, Fluttershy retracted her wing, but in the process, she leaned to the other side, allowing her other wing to extend itself. This caused her to hear a chuckle from behind her, this time a male.

“Oh, sweetie, please, another night.”

Fluttershy folded up her other wing, trying to stay as comfortable as possible in the process, but her head continued pounding; it just wouldn’t stop.

As she struggled to sit up, Fluttershy felt a pressure in her lower abdomen. She had only felt this onset of sudden pressure a few times before—it was usually gradual. She remembered the phrase that Applejack had used earlier. Berry Punch had said it once in the past, but it still didn’t really make sense. She hadn’t drunk alcohol enough to understand the correlation between this sudden sensation and one of her animal friends, but she certainly didn’t want to hurt him.

At that moment, the sensation of pressure changed to one of pain. Fluttershy’s eyes shot open, and her knowledge of the phrase came back. Scrambling off the foot of the bed, she stumbled to get to the door. Bouncing on the bed, the Cakes turned over and looked at each other before they screamed, a response caused by a shriek at the door.


Author's Note:

Yeah, not one of my best punchlines, but I thought it was funny at the time. Sue me. —LD