• Published 30th Dec 2016
  • 780 Views, 12 Comments

A Collaborative Cavalcade of Cocktails and Comedy - Crystal Moose

At the gala, at the gala, they will haaaave theeee beeest night everrrrrr… right?

  • ...

Luna's Private Concert - Level Dasher

A knock on her door caused Princess Luna to lift her head. She heard one of her guards’ voices: “A Miss Lyra Heartstrings for you, Your Highness.”

“Grant her entrance,” she replied. The door opened, and a quivering Lyra walked in, causing Luna to sit up on her haunches and clap her forehooves together. “Ah, Miss Heartstrings, thou hast arrived! We had hoped thou wouldst grant Our request!”

“O-of course, Your Highness! It would be an honor!” Lyra said.

“We are most grateful,” Luna replied. “Despite the exhaustion that followed, We found it most difficult to achieve slumber after last year’s gala. ‘Tis the one night of the year We are given the night ‘off,’ though dreamscape-hopping is still a frequent occurrence, even in slumber. Mayhaps some musical accompaniment will prove the endeavor simpler this year.”

“I… thank you for the opportunity, Your Highness, but if I may ask, why me? I would have thought something of a lower tone than a lyre more useful for sleep. Octavia—she’s the cellist that performed tonight—would probably have been better suited for something like this… not that I’m complaining, of course!” Lyra finished, hoping she recovered well enough.

“Ah yes, the cellist,” Luna said. “We considered asking her—she is also quite skilled—but in truth, We found thy performance rather… hypnotizing. T’would be preferable, if thou art still willing.”

“Absolutely!” Lyra responded. “Do you have any requests, Your Highness?”

“We are rather fond of Chopone, if thou knowest any of his nocturnes.”

“Actually, yes—quite a few of them!” Lyra said.

“Splendid!” Luna clapped her hooves once again, then patted a spot next to her on her mattress. “Come, make thyself comfortable!”

Lyra’s eyes widened. “Uh, on your bed, Your Highness?”

“Why yes, Our mattress is the softest in Equestria! Our minstrel deservest the utmost comfort while she performs, dost thou not agree?”

Lyra stood stock still for a moment. “Um… if you wish, Your Highness.” She cocked a brow. Am I seriously about to get into bed with the Princess? No, not like that. She probably just wants to hear her music close up. I’m sure that’s it.

Luna snuggled herself under her covers as Lyra approached the bed. “We are most appreciative of thy time, Miss Lyra. Thou shalt be justly compensated.”

“Oh, not at all, Your Highness! That’s really not necessary. It’s an honor just to be here,” Lyra said as she took her place on the mattress. Woah, she wasn’t kidding—I could fall asleep standing up on this thing!

Luna smiled. “Thou art most kind. We shall find another way to give thee Our proper thanks, if thou doth not wish for bits.”

“Th-thank you, Your Highness. If you insist, I’m sure we’ll think of something,” Lyra stammered. “Do you have any preferences?”

Luna tapped her chin. “Dost thou know Opus Nine?”

Lyra grinned. “That’s one of my favorites.”

“Wonderful!” Luna gave a tiny leap under her covers. “Please, begin when ready, fair minstrel,” Luna said with a smile, and a small flourish of her hoof.

“Absolutely, Your Highness,” Lyra responded, returning the smile. She took in a deep breath, then exhaled, her aura levitating her lyre beside her, about two legs’ lengths away from Princess Luna for just the right volume. Lyra thought of the melody in her head, allowing the music to flow freely through her aura, and into the lyre itself, just as she had become accustomed to doing.

Luna lay under her covers, embracing the melody of the musician long passed, and allowed herself to become enveloped in the opus being performed for her. Closing her eyes, Luna allowed herself to relax completely. “Thou art indeed skilled, Miss Lyra,” she said softly.

Lyra in turn closed her eyes, blushing. “Thank you, Your Highness.” Inhaling and exhaling slowly, Lyra continued playing the melody, while at the same time focusing on a spell she had just recently perfected. A touch more power to her horn caused her sunglow aura to turn a deeper shade of amber, and the lyre levitated in place on its own, still playing Princess Luna’s desired opus. Lyra thought of a list of Chopone’s most relaxing nocturnes that she knew of in her head, sent another spark of magic to the lyre, then gently laid herself down on the soft bedding beneath her. I knew that auto-play spell would come in handy one day, I just didn’t think I’d be using it so soon. Wow, this bed is soft…

An hour or so later, in the black of night, Luna awoke to the sounds of the lyre still playing. Rubbing her eyes, she began, “Miss Lyra, art thou still—” When she found the unicorn curled around herself a mere hoof length away, she cut herself off. Noticing the lyre hovering above her head, Luna raised her brows. A most skilled lyrist indeed, Luna thought to herself. Opus Twenty-Seven in her sleep! Looking around the room, she glanced at her clock, which read half past two. Hmm… We do indeed have this night to Ourselves. Perhaps We should take advantage of this early hour… Luna looked over at Lyra, blissfully sleeping on the bed beside her with a smile on her face. And Our minstrel certainly deserves a fair night’s rest—her skill shall not go unheeded.

With a confirming nod to herself, Luna settled back under her covers, and gently drifted back into the dreamscape with the lyre’s continued accompaniment.

“Ah, Miss Lyra, We have located thee!”

Luna found herself in Ponyville Park, approaching a simple bench with two ponies sitting on it. The mint green lyrist sat propped up, her withers leaning against the back of a bench, while her company lay on her barrel beside her. The two of them sat listening to the distant music playing in the background, but they knew not where it came from.

“Your Highness!” Lyra responded. “How are you? How did you sleep? I hope I played well enough for you.”

Luna chuckled. “On all accounts, quite well. And thou art playing splendidly.”

Lyra cocked a brow. “I… am?” She looked at her empty hooves, then up to the sky, and listened to the music again. “Wait, is that me? Am I—”

Luna nodded. “We have heard of one bragging about being able to ‘play in their sleep,’ but to actually do so is quite the feat. We are most impressed.”

Lyra blushed. “Thank you, Your Highness.” Suddenly, a thought occurred to her. “Hold on, if I’m still playing, that means I fell asleep on—”

“Our bed, yes,” Luna finished. “Worry not, fair minstrel, there is plenty of room,” she said with a laugh. “‘Tis not surprising Our mattress would lull thee to slumber. That is indeed its intended purpose—it contains a mild enchantment. Unfortunately, We seem to have grown immune to it as of late. ‘Twas why We requested thy assistance.”

“That makes sense,” Lyra said, nervously rubbing the back of her mane. Geez, why’d I have to go and put my head down? I actually went to bed with Princess Luna! What’s Bonnie gonna think? Lyra turned and looked at the figment of her best friend sitting beside her. Wait… It’s not like I slept with the Princess. I’m just asleep on her bed. I don’t think Bonnie’ll mind.

“There is no need to fear. If your partner requests an explanation, We would be perfectly willing to provide one,” Luna said. Lyra clasped a hoof over her muzzle, causing Luna to let out a small laugh. “Apologies, Miss Lyra, but in the dreamscape, even thoughts cannot be concealed from Us. ‘Twas not Our intention to pry.”

“Th-that’s okay, Your Highness, I understand,” Lyra stammered. “I hope you didn’t take that the wrong way.”

“Not at all—‘tis a fair worry, but an unnecessary one. We shall keep Our muzzle muted, if thou wisheth,” Luna said.

Lyra cocked a brow. “Huh?”

The princess put a hoof to her forehead. “Apologies. We believe the modern turn of phrase is ‘keep Our lips sealed’?”

“Oh!” Lyra laughed. “Yes, thank you, Your Highness.”

Luna nodded. “Thou art welcome, Miss Lyra. Thy ‘Bonnie’ shant have any knowledge of this occasion unless thou wisheth it.”

Lyra sighed. “Phew. I mean, I know I’m not actually doing anything wrong, but Bonnie can be a little… sensitive. Sometimes a little too sensitive.”

“Everypony is entitled to their own flaws, if thou wouldst consider oversensitivity as such,” Luna said.

“That’s true,” Lyra replied, glancing at the pony next to her, who had made no move since Princess Luna’s appearance.

Looking up at the sky, Luna listened to the music in the background with a smile. “We shall let thee dream in peace. Thou shalt be escorted to a carriage in the morning. After breakfast, if thou wisheth.”

Lyra smiled. “Thank you, Your Highness. It would be an honor.”

Nodding again, Luna said, “We shall see thee come the dawn, Miss Lyra. We must wake to lower the moon, but thou may continue thy slumber for as long as it pleases thee. Rest well.” With that, Luna closed her eyes and disappeared in a blinding flash.

Luna awoke to the soft sounds of the lyre still hovering above her bed. She felt an odd, yet refreshing sense of warmth about her. As she stretched her legs, she found her left hoof pinned to her mattress. Opening her eyes, she discovered the mint green unicorn grasping her barrel, nibbling softly on her ear. Her irises shrinking to pinpricks, Luna let out a gasp, promptly waking the unicorn in turn.

When she found herself in the offending position, Lyra let out an “Aagh!” as she released her hold on the princess and hopped off the bed, causing the lyre to fall to the mattress. “Your Highness! I—”

“This is not the kind of thanks We had in mind!” Luna said, blushing.

“I’m sorry, Your Highness! We even talked about this already, didn’t we?” Lyra asked, recalling their conversation in the dreamscape.

The princess nodded. “It appears our bodies and minds had different ideas…” Luna glanced at the clock— 8:30 in the morning. “Perhaps it would be best if thou leavest promptly. Our apologies for not following through with Our offer of breakfast.”

Lyra shook her head. “I-it’s okay, Your Highness. There’s a nice place down the street—they make some pretty good breakfast pastries. I’ll be fine.”

We shall refrain from mentioning this to Tia, Luna thought to herself. “If that is the case…” Luna conjured a quill and scroll from nothing and wrote out a note, then passed it to Lyra. “We shall at the very least treat thee to breakfast. Give this to the owner of said establishment—thy meal is on Us.”

Grabbing her lyre in her aura, Lyra smiled nervously as she took the scroll. “Th-thank you, Your Highness. I hope you slept well.”

Luna nodded. “Quite so, perhaps the best sleep in decades.” She paused for a moment. “Thy musical performance was masterful—thou doest Chopone proud.”

Giving a small bow, Lyra replied, “It was a pleasure, Your Highness. Thank you for your praise… and breakfast. And, uh…” Her eyes darted back and forth. “I’ll… keep my muzzle muted about… that.”

“As shall We,” Luna responded. “For the betterment of us both.” Lyra nodded, then rushed out the chamber door.

Taking a deep breath and stretching her wings, Luna glanced around the room, then out the window at the night sky. As she prepared to walk to her balcony and lower the moon, she stopped herself, then looked back at her clock.

Tia usually lowers the moon in Our stead when We are out of sorts. Sunrise should have been at least two hours ago…