• Published 31st Dec 2016
  • 13,064 Views, 173 Comments

Future - Rated Ponystar

300 years after the War, Spike struggles to find personal happiness at Christmas while wondering if he should bother loving a human he cares about or stay alone forever

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Part 3

It was getting darker by the time we exited out of the art gallery. After helping Rebecca close down for the holidays, the two of us walked down the street to head to our favorite place to talk whenever we met up again: Donut Joe’s. The donut place that Twilight and I hung out during our early years was still open and run by the original Donut Joe’s family line. Still in the same place, still looked the same, even after hundreds of years, and still the same great tasting donuts and coffee. Some families still followed tradition and all.

We took the less crowded route to avoid any tourists wanting to take photos of me. After all, I was one of the only two living survivors of the war around and the last dragon of Equestria. The old me would have admired the fame like how I was worshiped after I helped defeat King Sombra for the Crystal Empire. Now that I’m older, I can tell you fame is a curse. Having to fight off paparazzi, historians, students who wanted to interview me for their assignments, producers wanting me to guest on their shows, and those who just wanted a picture with a living dragon. It was a constant nightmare to the point where I had almost bought a stealth field generator on the black market just so I could have some privacy. It was hard to make friends who liked me for me, and not my fame, but those that did I always treasured.

Rebecca and I made small talk on our way to Donut Joe’s. Mostly about what we had done since our last meeting a few months ago. Sure we kept in touch through email and live chat, but it felt good to be right beside her as well as hear her voice as she went on about her family and career. I let her do the talking, mostly since I was always a better listener than talker, but I would occasionally give updates on my students and Discord. She only got to see him a twice since he was put into Hospice, but she deeply cared about him as I did. We both made a mental note to see him together this Christmas.

At last we reached our destination and entered with that little bell jingle signaling our arrival. The owner spotted us and gave us our usual seats and set aside our favorite order of donuts and coffee. I blew a light flame on mine to give it that extra heated kick before drinking it. Looking around, I saw that there weren’t many customers which was fine by me. Having the place to ourselves made it feel like our own special zone. Just the two of us. Alone.

The thought of it made me blush as Rebecca bit into a sprinkled chocolate glazed donut before she smirked at me. “So I never asked before, and it has me curious. What was Hearth's Warming Eve like before Equestria moved to Earth?”

I smiled as old memories of joyful times came to my head. “It was... magical. Snow falling down all over the cities and towns; even the southern ones like Appleloosa had it. Decorations put up that made the entire town looked like a giant decorated wonder land with the smell of warm cookies and fresh cocoa filling the air. Foals running around dressed as the six heroes who saved Ponykind and reenacting the tale of how Equestria was made.” Or at least the children’s version since the true history was a lot more grim and not all six survived. “Everyone going to the temple to pray to Celestia and Luna for thanks and blessings before going home for a feast. Presents being wrapped and opened at lightning speed, songs sung over the fire, everyone playing games and telling stories of the past. It was... a lot like Christmas but less materialistic for one thing.”

"It's not that bad." Rebecca chuckled as I raised an eyebrow.

“Last week I saw two fat ladies and a giant sized unicorn in a three-way wrestling match for a single video game.”

“Okay, so it’s materialistic, but we have the same charm,” replied Rebecca with a teasing laugh.

“Well, you are a lot more religious in your holiday. With it being the birth of Jesus and all,” I pointed out. While Equestria did have a few religions, it wasn’t as organized as the human ones. The most popular form of worship was of Celestia and Luna as goddesses due to their ability to raise the sun and moon. Some even worshiped Cadence and Twilight when they became alicorns which annoyed the pair of atheists to no end.

Twilight, when she was little, once asked Celestia if she was a goddess and Celestia answered she wasn’t, but was alright being worshiped as one if it meant unifying her ponies even closer. I sometimes wonder if being glorified made her so overconfident in her future decisions or was she like that before it?

Needless to say nopony worship alicorns anymore. Kinda hard to do so when they’re dead.

“Do you miss it?” asked Rebecca, sipping her coffee. “I can imagine you do.”

“... I do,” I replied with a sigh. “The last real Hearth’s Warming Eve we all had was a few months before the war started. It was just a private one with Twilight, her friends, our families, and the princesses. I can even remember Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie tricking me and Flurry under a mistletoe before she gave me a big kiss on the cheek.”

“Someone was quite the stud when he was a teenager,” teased a grinning Rebecca which made me blush. “Not that I blame her. You are quite handsome.”

My eyes lit up and I felt my blush returning. Rubbing the back of my head, I stuttered, “U-uh-h thanks-s.” I cleared my throat. “What was Christmas like for you?”

“Not as exciting as yours was,” she admitted with a shrug. “Family gets together, goes to mass, one big Christmas Party. Pretty much was the only time I got to see my cousins since my folks were always moving due to their jobs. They’re in London for Christmas this year. They offered me to go with them...” She then put her hand on my claw. “... but I didn’t want to leave one of my best friends alone this year.”

I gently gripped her hand as I stared at it. Skin and scales together as one. I raised my eyes to her kind smile and felt my heart beating faster than any battle I was ever in. I thought about all the times I felt a sense of love before, but never had I felt it like this. Love was still something I didn’t know too much about. The one mare I ever loved was Rarity, but she married a Royal Guard by the name Blue Shield. I was jealous at first, but she seemed so happy. She'd never worn such a genuine, loving smile before the months she spent carrying his foal to term. In the end, I let it go.

Then he died in the war. Her baby was stillborn. In a single year she had lost both her husband and her foal. Combined with the stress of the war, Rarity became emotionally distant to everyone except her sister for some time. I went to her one night, asking if there was anything I could to help her.

That night was the night I got my first kiss from her and the night I lost my virginity. The next morning was the most awkward feeling I ever had. All my life I had wanted this from Rarity, but now that I had done it... it felt wrong. Like I was just used. Rarity apologized and we never spoke about it again, nor did I feel any romantic feelings for her again.

Yet here I was, staring at this one human woman who was giving me that old spark in my heart. It was so different that I couldn’t help but be afraid. Every scenario was running through my head and they all ended in heartbreak one way or another. If our relationship did push into the next level I could not give her children and she would one day die before I do. I would be alone again...

I slowly separated my claw from her hand and looked away. She must have sensed something was wrong as she asked, “Is everything ok?”

I didn’t know what to say. I wanted to tell her how I felt, but I also wanted her to know nothing could happen between us that would end in a happy ending. That it was better to just accept us being friends and not let this... whatever it was building between us continue.

Before I could answer, my omniphone started beeping and I lifted my arm to see a human nurse looking at me from the view screen with worry. “Mr. Spike? Spike Sparkle?”


“My name is Nurse Olive. It’s Discord... he... he doesn’t have much time.”

I felt my blood turn cold. “W-what?”

“Sir... he’s... he’s not going to last the night... he wants to see you before he goes...”

Author's Note:

Soooooo sorry for the long wait. I'll try to update again sometime next month