• Published 31st Dec 2016
  • 13,069 Views, 173 Comments

Future - Rated Ponystar

300 years after the War, Spike struggles to find personal happiness at Christmas while wondering if he should bother loving a human he cares about or stay alone forever

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Part 5

After Discord... left the building, as he would put it, I told the doctor to keep his death a secret until after New Years as per his request. Of course, it would somehow leak out one way or another, but hopefully people would dismiss it as a troll just trying to ruin people’s Christmas. When I was done talking and making arrangements, Rebecca held me tight as I let myself cry on her shoulders for a long time. I lost another friend. I was the last one now.

Twilight was gone. Discord was gone. My friends were gone. Everyone from Ponyville was gone. I even, for a split second, wished Celestia was even here to cuddle me like she did when I was a baby. I would forgive her for one single moment if it meant someone I once cared about was around to comfort me.

Then I remembered I had someone I cared about. She was holding me right now. Letting me unleash my grief upon her shirt. I thought about what Discord had said about regrets, and how we were so alike. Him for his love for Fluttershy, and me with my love for Rebecca. In that moment, where we held each other, I realized that I didn’t give a damn about the reasons we couldn’t be together. I just wanted us to be together.

After signing some paperwork that seemed like a blur to me, I found myself walking down the street with Rebecca guiding me. I didn’t know where and it didn’t matter. It all seemed colder no matter how much fire I let burned within me. Eventually, we made it to a medium sized house with a front yard and nice Jaguar car by the front pavement. It soon occurred to me that this wasn’t my house, but Rebecca’s. I soon blushed, but did my best to hide it. I had never been in her house before. That seemed a bit too personal to do.

“You coming in?” asked Rebecca as she opened the door. I nodded and soon entered my crush’s house. Naturally, it had an artist's touch to fit. Paintings and sculptures were nearly everywhere, making me feel like I was back in her gallery. The furniture she had was very New Age with interesting designs, but there was at least a simple nice couch you could relax on. I sat down, mindful of my tail, while Rebecca left to get us some refreshments.

I closed my eyes and let the events of the day flow through my mind. What started with a simple meeting between two friends resulted in me losing a friend and thinking about my future. Was I really trying to make myself unhappy on purpose? Did I really think I didn’t deserve it after all the suffering my friends went though? Applejack lost her farm, her family, and died a traitor and disgraced. Rainbow Dash lost her team, her honor, and also died a traitor. Heck, their graves were vandalized a few times. Rarity lost her husband, child, and died along with her sister from a bomb. Pinkie Pie went through... unpleasant changes due to the war and died trying to save the Cakes. Luna was gunned down and Celestia... well, she got what she deserved. Cadence and Flurry Heart were nuked to death, but at least that was instant. Shining Armor was taken down by a sniper. And Twilight... she went through so much trying to redeem Equestria... she went through so much pain.

I thought back to when I was cleaning her room when she went to visit Fluttershy for the first time since she left us to side with humanity. I found a suicide note addressed to me, written in case Fluttershy had rejected her. Honestly, if Twilight ended her life around that time I would have done the same. Because she was all I had left until we reunited with Fluttershy and her children. It gave me some hope and reason to live.

But that’s just the easy route isn’t it? Wishing for death? Does it change the fact that I suffered? Did it change the fact that I was the last dragon? Did it change the fact that I was still so young and could learn to live again?

Yet when I think about my students, my friends, Rebecca... am I really right to reject their efforts to make me happy? Am I not disrespecting their friendship by thinking like this? Was Discord right?

Opening my eyes, I looked down and saw something that caught my eyes. It was something I saw a lot these days with “Conversion” being the latest fad. I picked up a flyer indicating details of how the process is done and what effects it could do to you. It brought up painful memories of the first time I saw it in action all those years ago. I wondered if I had said something back then, maybe we wouldn’t have that war.

I opened it up, reading about the races you could become thanks to Discord’s blood. My eyes widened when I saw the new option for dragons circled in a red marker. My mind went blank for a moment before I realized why Rebecca had done this.

“Oh!” I heard her say as I looked up, spotting her embarrassed face as she held two mugs of hot cocoa. “You... found that.”

“Yeah,” I answered.

There was a moment of silence between us before Rebecca sighed and put the mugs on a table. “I’ve been thinking about it...”

“Why?” I asked, getting up and moving closer to her.

She gazed into my eyes and took off her glasses. “Because... maybe... you and I... you would...”

“No,” I replied. Seeing her eyes lowered, I realized my mistake and lifted her chin up. “I meant I don’t want you to become a dragon.”

“But... if I was... then we...”

“Who says we can’t?” I whispered before doing what I should have done a long time ago.

I kissed her.

In an instant, a spark went through us as our lips touched. I felt all doubt washed away as tasted the lips of the woman I loved. The human that I loved. She was surprised at first, but then she held my waist and kissed back. Our eyes closed as our bodies touched chest to chest. I was almost smiling and I swear I could hear Discord in the back of my mind cheering me on. It was different than kissing Rarity... this felt right. This felt like it was meant to happen.

“I want you to be human. I love you because you are human,” I replied, looking into her eyes. “Everything about you. Your looks, your personality, your art, your passion. It’s all because you are human... and I want you to be you and nothing else.”

“Spike...” whispered Rebecca, shedding a tear.

“I don’t know if this will work out. Hell, I’m scared that I’ll hurt you or I’ll get hurt in the future... but you know what?” I smiled, thanking my old friend for putting me straight. “I’d rather love you and feel pain years from now then regret never loving you at all.”

She pounced on me, pushing me onto the couch as I continued to make out with her. The hot cocoa was long forgotten as we found something else to satisfy ourselves. Something hotter. She took off my clothes. I took of hers.

She screamed my name.

I roared hers.

Pretty sure I burned her walls too, but she didn’t mind.

When all was said and done, we laid together on the couch as one. Holding each other, naked but warm. Drifting off to sleep I realized that for the first time in such a long time, I was really happy.

And the future was looking bright.

Author's Note:

And so at last we come to the end. Both for Future and for the Negotiations Series. I never thought it would actually be this successful, but I want to thank all my readers, reviewers, editors, and pre-readers for your help. I want to thank everyone who helped out at the TV tropes page.
I might do something to add to this series in the future, but for now I'm happy to end it here. Thank you all for reading.

Comments ( 52 )

It's been a damn good ride.

Diddly dead.
Next question?

I do so love a happy ending.

But the "don't turn into a dragon" part is stupid, it would give them both similar lifespans!

Fantastic job my friend.
You've created a universe that will be remembered and quoted for a long while.

It's been a great read! Thanks for the wonderful series!

For a moment I thought Spike was going to drink it to be human.

You are going to make me cry. This was a great series.

Good for Spike. I would have hoped to see a bit more and possibly kids, but this is a good ending if brief.

It 'd be perfect for an epilog if everyone met up in the afterlife to discuss their experiences before they moved on. Have them argue and hash things out before their final judgment. Heck, maybe even have Celestia admit she messed up and willingly go to hell to repent along with Aj and RD.

Well it's been a great series so far. I really enjoyed it.

However, am I the only who feels like that ending was a little... abrupt? I mean, I know it has to have boundaries due to time limitations, but I never really felt like we got to know Rebecca much.

Well ... It's over isn't it?
Feels kinda strange after all those stories and all the feels.
But, it was an awesome ride and I'm thankful I was able to tag along. You did an amazing job :twilightsmile:

Well, that's the end, I guess.
To me it feels like a good and final closure of all things.
All ties to a darker past are cut and the last "survivor" had finally adopted to the new age.

It's been fun, man. This 'verse you've dreamed up has been a great ride, and I'm just glad you thought to see it through.

Why? It ha̷̩̩͊̄s̶̠̣͋͠ ̸̧͇͑e̵̻͒̕͝nde̶͙̽d way too s̴̗̽̏o̴̝̤̊ô̷̹̣̋̇ͅǹ̶͉͉. I swear, I'̴̦̻͉̍̈͝m̵̥͙̀͗ ̵̢͐͘r̷̫̔̈͆é̴̺̈́gretting se̶͙̽eing ̸̛̭͠ṱ̵̙̩͌̉͊ḣ̷̘̝̿̀ẽ̷̹̮̬ ̷̪̈̈́̋a̶̦͙͂̏u̴̧̗͋́̚t̸͓̩͐hor's note̶͙̽s. Why!!?


This was a very good story. I loved the part about Discord being Discord at the end of his life.

You know, with Discord dead there's a vacancy for the avatar of Chaos.

Would love to see if there is an Elysium. Just a reunion of everyone.

I just don't understand how a mammal and reptile could find any attraction to each other at all. The pheremones wouldn't work, and then there's just the looks and ways the bodies would work differently too.

Yes. Finally! Now NegotiationVerse is complete! And I LOVE IT! :yay:

I opened it up, reading about the races you could become thanks to Discord’s blood. My eyes widened when I saw the new option for dragons circled in a red marker.

That was expected...

“No,” (...) “I meant I don’t want you to become a dragon.”
“But... if I was... then we...”
“Who says we can’t?” I whispered before doing what I should have done a long time ago.
I kissed her.

Awwww... :heart:

She took off my clothes. I took of hers.

She screamed my name.

I roared hers.



It's over....

It's finally over. Oh God!!!!

All these emotions. You sir have done a good... Please don't do it again. My ticker can't handle it.

Fetishes are not innate. Fetishes are developed. :^)

people are attracted to tentacles, man. I bet if i tried i could sexualize a chair.

This has been one of my favorite stories on the site. Thank you. May Spike live happily and without regret, at least for a while.

I feel like these two last chapters were pretty blatantly obvious and straightforward. Even so I would have liked to see Rebecca a dragon.

To be honest nowhere does it say that Rebecca feared not being together because of the difference of species. This was Spike's fear if you ask me, hell he wasn't even honest about it either seeing as he never really cared too much about his dragonic heritage.

Good story I guess. Nice end to the verse tho a bit abrupt. I feel like this deserved an epilogue.

8386140 Actually does bring up a question? What if he does indeed fall in love again after Rebecca's time comes turns out to be a human or turned dragon? Will he be alone then?

I feel like this fits for the most part.

Maybe an Epilogue when he finally passes and meets up with everyone again, or most everyone.

This is by far the weakest chapter/part of the series.

If you remove/change the war references and the Conversion Potion, this would be a standalone 'humans in Equestria' story.

id like to see the same see if applejack and rainbow really did get to go to the pony version of heaven

I demanded a prequel during the war

I haven't read any others, but I'm pretty sure that's what the rest of the Conversion Bureau stories are about. It's a pretty damn big universe at this point, SOMEONE'S written something about during the war.

In this’s verse of this specfic story’s universe

I can't remember the last time a series or lone book for that matter had me in tears like this one did. Damn it vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/mlp/images/d/d8/Twilight_Sparkle_starts_to_cry_S7E22.png/revision/latest?cb=20171008221928

I'm not exactly seeing why Rebecca can't just go dragon near the end of her life.

I assume it'd be something to do with her "Relative Age". If she's 80% of the way through her life as a human, and turns into a dragon, who's to say she won't be 80% of the way through her life as a DRAGON?

20% of the life of a dragon is still probably pretty long.

And if nobody has figured out cybernetics in that time I'd be disappointed.

If she did turn into a dragon, it will go against everything the anti-TCB message stood for.

I wonder if the lost pony races, the crystal pones, can be recreated.

Pretty sure I burned her walls too, but she didn’t mind.


I liked it, mostly.
Good job writing this, author, you deserve praise :)
Also, props for keeping Rebecca human, I thought for a second that you'd have her transform.

Strangely enough I had forgotten this story. Now I read it and think it good. A fitting ending to the universe if it is its fate.

Will admit it would be nice for this to have a beautiful ending where spike so many years later passes and wakes up either in a better world or He does end up in some kind of heaven and sees his family again.

Greatly done finally a conversion Bureau story that’s not black and white greatly done it’s been one hell of a ride and I’m glad to have taken it thank you for so masterful writing

Comment posted by Switch Swap deleted Jan 26th, 2020

When spike dies, all of the original creatures that lived in equestria would be gone.:fluttercry:

Last of the Six to die brought the last living Equestrian demigod to humanity's side, may they forever rest together. All that is left of Equestria is Spike but I doubt we'll see how his story ends. Therefore let us turn the lucky Sevnth story into a prequel!

This series is amazing! It is so wonderful.

Good story.
One thing is there's a continuity issue in part 5 where you say Applejack and Rainbows graves were messed with, but you established in part 2 that they were buried in unmarked graves in sweet apple acres.

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