• Published 5th Feb 2017
  • 3,414 Views, 14 Comments

Through The Thin and The Thick - ShadowblazeCR

Rainbow Dash and Soarin find out mornings are something they need to outlaw, especially Monday mornings.

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Where's the Coffee?

Mornings used to be boring and annoying for most of Rainbow Dash’s life. When she was a filly, it was a bit better, as she always enjoyed waking her parents up. Her father was usually gone way before she was awake, busy with the Wonderbolts, but her mother (a retired Wonderbolt because of yours truly) was always smiling when she saw her. Her mom had always said that she too hadn’t enjoyed mornings at all, Rainbow Dash’s energetic wake up calls had made them enjoyable to wake up to again. But Dash thought they weren’t too bad now, or at least shared the mutual hate for the inconvenience of not being able to sleep in with a special somepony.

Soarin too shared this dislike that she had, his gripe was not being able to bring the comfy bed to work. Sleeping was something that both he and Dash valued, it was almost more important than going to work, almost. They even had mandatory napping on the weekends, along with anytime they had a day off or vacation. Other couples would go to the theater, or on a picnic, but Soarin and Dash had naps.

With Soarin being the first thing she woke up to, mornings were just a bit better. Not too much, especially Monday mornings. Soarin and Rainbow Dash both believed they should be outlawed, or at least extended to fit their sleep needs. It just so happened to be one of the said Monday mornings, and with only so much time until the couple had to get to work, the hate for the morning was at an all time high. Or at least would have been, if they weren’t so tired.



“I despise mornings.”

“Me too, Soarin, me too.”

Rainbow shifted over to Soarin’s side of the bed, fitting her body snuggly in front of Soarin. Who, in turn, threw a foreleg over her and drew her even closer. Dash sighed, content, “Can we ban Mondays?”

Soarin added a sigh of his own, “Will do, right after this.” He sat his head on top of Rainbow’s, taking in her cherry-smelling mane and the pillow-like softness it provided.

Dash grinned, “You just can’t keep away from me, can you?”

“Not after last night,” Soarin pressed his forehead against Dash’s, “not ever.”

They stayed entangled in each other’s hooves, staying warm from their body heat. That wasn’t the only warmth the two felt for each other, their relationship had improved at an amazing pace after Rainbow Dash had joined the Wonderbolts. Her impressive speed and, well, loyalty to back up Soarin after a few certain incidents involving the team had brought his attention onto her. Which she didn’t mind, she soaked it in. Soon, though, watching turned to conversing and that turned into a venture here and there which finally turned to dating and kept going and going, improving every day, no matter what.

Their grievances went past simple agreeance with each other, as their soul binding experience the previous night (celebrating their engagement to each other) had bonded their thoughts too, on an almost impossible level of understanding for each other. Their job demanded the utmost attention for each other. In this instance, however, it was a bit difference, as it required their utmost, well, annoyance. Sleep was a highly revered commodity in the household, even if they were going to be late it was something they wanted more of.

“We should really be getting up Soarin.”

Soarin grunted in reply, “But what if, and this is just a thought, we don’t.”

Dash giggled, something she tried to only do when they were alone, as she was still antsy over doing something like that around her friends, same with sharing her secret love of books, “There’s no snooze button that can give us more time, it just prevents the inevitable, sadly.”

Soarin cocked an eyebrow, “Oh? Where’d this sudden knowledge come from? Usually your pro-snooze button. I think one time you even said that you’d wish there were two of them.”

“Experience, it gets worse the more you press the buttons.” Rainbow replied, deadpan.

“Duly noted.”

Rainbow Dash shifted into a more comfortable position, still in the grasp of Soarin, “Though, I wouldn’t mind staying like this for a bit longer. Having to go a bit faster to get ready shouldn’t be that hard, I mean, I am the fastest pegasus in Equestria.”

Soarin chuckled, “Yes, and not just in how fast you can fly, eh?”

Rainbow blushed, “Heh, I’ll try harder next time, I promise.”

They stayed in each other’s grasp for awhile longer, enjoying the warmth and happiness it provided on the dreaded Monday morning. But everything had to come to an end, and the time for their cuddling endeavor to end was approaching fast. The cocoon of covers that enveloped them and stopped any movement toward the door didn’t help, nor did their want to stay in the comfy bed. Any time now they would have to actually begin their day.


“Yeah, Dashie?”

“We should really be going to work.”

Soarin sighed, “Yeah, we should.”

Rainbow Dash felt Soarin’s forelegs retract from their favorable positions, “Aww, I was hoping you wouldn’t listen to me.”

Soarin shrugged, “Yeah, me too, but I didn’t want you to be mad at me later.”

“What? I wouldn’t have gotten…” Dash trailed off as she saw Soarin’s face, “Okay, fine you were right.”

“Happy wife equals happy life.”

Dash grinned, “Oh, hoh, hoh, someone’s confident.”

“Oh, come on, you know you love me.”

Rainbow Dash tapped her chin, finally making her way to the door, “Do I know that? Yes, yes I do.”

The duo made their way to the bathroom adjacent to the master bedroom. Soarin had been rooming with Rainbow Dash since a good year after they began dating, the closeness of Dash’s house to the Wonderbolt’s Headquarters was too convenient to pass up. The first month or so had tested their relationship, the constant closeness had seemed like a good idea at the time, but want to do other things alone had strained certain activities. But they had worked out their differences, eventually getting into their own, specific groove of the daily grind.

Their thought processes had been corrupted by sleep, mixing up the order of what they did. They would figure it out eventually, but it was too late this time, as they stepped out of the bathroom with their teeth clean, but food still to be eaten. And now it wasn’t just a hay breakfast, it was a mint breakfast, thanks to the taste of the effective toothpaste.

“I regret my decision, Soarin.” Rainbow Dash said, munching on her breakfast.

“Would that be brushing your teeth before eating?” Soarin asked.

“Why yes, yes it would.”

“What a coincidence, I too have made that regrettable decision too.” Soarin mused.

Rainbow took another bite of hay, “This is why more sleep is needed.”

“Or more time to wake up.” Soarin commented.

“Or more time to wake up,” Dash repeated, agreeing, “Which is why Monday mornings should be banned.”

“We’ll work on it, I need some coffee though.” Soarin replied, meandering over to the coffee maker.

“Oh, make me a cup too.” Dash batted her eyelashes, “Please?”

The sound of liquid filling a cup hit Rainbow’s ears, Soarin grinned at her, “Why, I don’t see why not.”

Dash sat at the table a few feet away from Soarin, basking in the natural sunlight that came through the window, while admiring the view provided by Soarin. She’d gotten an eyeful the other night, but something about the one she loved making something so simple always seemed to warm her heart. The hot coffee helped too.

Soarin sat down with the coffee, placing Dash’s next to her and sitting down to eat, “Here.”


“No problem.”

After they finished eating, both put their plates away and went back to their room. Rainbow Dash grabbed her work stuff, while Soarin did the same. On the way out, Dash poured another cup of coffee. They made their way out the door soon after.

The sun glared into their eyes as they flew toward the Wonderbolt’s Headquarters, waking them up a bit more, but not enough. They flew up and down, glided left and right, but still their eyes were half-lidded from sleepiness.

“When can we bring this issue to the Princesses?” Rainbow Dash asked, still sipping on her coffee as they flew.

“I guess we could go after work, yeah?” Asked Soarin.

“But then it wouldn’t be in full effect.” Dash replied.

“Full effect?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow nodded, “If we go ask Princess Celestia to ban Monday mornings on a monday morning, she’ll agree. Because, well, she’ll probably want the same thing. Great minds think alike and all that.”

“Ah,” Soarin seemed to have gotten on the same tack of mind, “I see. I guess we could drop by Canterlot, this is a pretty serious matter.”

“I know, right?”


Approximately thirty minutes later the tall tower of the castle of the city of Canterlot came into view. Both Rainbow Dash and Soarin perked up, just a bit, as the awe inspiring architecture of the cityscape always took their breath away, no matter how many times they saw it. They landed not too far away from the said castle, the guards paying no mind to them as they walked through the gates. They’d slipped on their Wonderbolt gear to make their passage easier, since the Wonderbolt’s were Princess Celestia’s personal flying team. Though, this was quite obvious to anyone, they still liked the perks that came with it.

Dash sat atop Soarin’s back, still sipping her coffee. “This is nice.”

“Nice for you maybe, I need my back for flying.” Soarin grunted.

“Are you calling me fat?”

Soarin laughed, “No, you’re perfect. Need I remind you that you’re a Wonderbolt Dashie, you don’t become one without being fit.”

“Yes, well, I just had to make sure.” Rainbow Dash replied, blushing from his first comment.

They entered the throne room and bowed before Princess Celestia, wanting to give as much praise and general kissing up as they could before they proposed to ban Monday mornings. Nothing too big. Just something that could upset the balance of the whole land of Equestria as ponies knew it.

“Rise my little ponies.” Princess Celestia radiated a motherly feel to them, her warm smile plastered on her face helped Rainbow Dash gather the courage to ask the historical question.

“Princess, I’d like to propose something to you.”

Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow, obviously curious as to what the question could be, “Why, do tell, I’m ever so curious about this proposition you’ve come to give me.”

Rainbow Dash nodded, “With pleasure,” She took a breath before continuing, “You see, Princess, almost all of us ponies are ever so slowly worn out by the daily grind, always looking forward to immediately falling asleep when we get home. And the sleep is like winning the lottery, it feels amazing. Heck, we even nap, whether it be to catch back up on sleep, or for fun. Sleep is a large cog in the machine of life and without it, production is hindered. Are you following Princess?”

“I am.”

“So, my proposition is…” Dash paused, letting the dramatics of the pause set in, “I say we ban Monday mornings.”

Princess Celestia smiled, “What a lovely idea, I’ll put the rule into effect immediately.”

Rainbow Dash and Soarin looked at each other, stunned that she really was okay with banning Monday mornings. Rainbow did a double take, looking between Soarin and Princess Celestia and back again, “R-Really?”

Princess Celestia nodded, “Really.”

The next day the law was in place. Monday mornings were officially banned, the citizens of Equestria rejoiced, weeks upon weeks of celebrations commenced, and all was right with the week.

Author's Note:

Well, this was quite fun to write. I hope you all enjoyed it, I especially enjoyed the cover art I found for this. I think I'll be using a few of the artist's drawings in the future, so expect more SoarinDash next to my OctaScratch and other writings.

-Till the next one

Comments ( 14 )


Also: References!

So does the morning not exist and is replaced by the afternoon or do all the days activities just start instead in the afternoon the schedule is unclear to me. BLEH! I'm just ranting sorry. This was a great story I'm not usually one for soarindash but this was still good! Keep up the good work! ~:derpyderp2:

I'm guessing Celestia doesn't raise the sun now until the middle of Monday?

“Oh, come on, you know you love me.”
Rainbow Dash tapped her chin, finally making her way to the door, “Do I know that? Yes, yes I do.”

woot for paraphrasing

I like the cut of their jib.

Lol! Very cute! ;D

Love it how the beginning was descriptive, cute and romantic, going at a slow and comfortable pace and then...

Princess Celestia smiled, “What a lovely idea, I’ll put the rule into effect immediately.”

Rainbow Dash and Soarin looked at each other, stunned that she really was okay with banning Monday mornings. Rainbow did a double take, looking between Soarin and Princess Celestia and back again, “R-Really?”

Princess Celestia nodded, “Really.”

The next day the law was in place. Monday mornings were officially banned, the citizens of Equestria rejoiced, weeks upon weeks of celebrations commenced, and all was right with the week. THE END


Cute story anyways

7926101 that was a zootopia reference, right?

yes but it was changed to fit this fic hence paraphrasing

EDIT: my F key is borked

Oooooh~ I see that slick Zootopia reference there. :trixieshiftright:

:rainbowlaugh:Lolz!! THEY BANNED MONDAY MORNINGS!!!:rainbowlaugh: also ZOOTOPIA~:pinkiecrazy:

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