• Published 7th Jan 2017
  • 4,539 Views, 131 Comments

Big Brother Garble - ColtKit Productions

During the Dragon Migration, Garble learns that Spike is his brother. He does the only "Rational" thing he can think of. He promptly kidnaps Spike.

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Chapter One: Coming Home

Garble was pissed. No this went beyond pissed. How dare that little whelp choose ponies over him! HIM! Of all dragons!

He realized what Spike was immediately after he saw him. His friends realized it to. His scent might be masked by ponies, but it was undeniably his. They let the little whelp spend the entire day playing with the "big boys", instead of putting him in the pen with the other hatchlings. They might have been a little hard on him but it was just playful teasing. They even did this stupid fake ceremony to make him feel welcome. The little guy was obviously having a blast and was just eating it all up.

Garble assumed the whelp knew who he was to and was just a little nervous but... the kid really had no idea who he was. Garble wouldn't let this stand. Now that he knew who Spike was he refused to let the Whelp just rot in a library as a Pony's slave.

The Whelp knew NOTHING of his kind, nor did he want to learn. So Garble would make him learn. Luckily Spike had told Garble where he lived, Ponyville.

Garble could have been sneaky, crept in the window and taken back what was his, but that just wasn't his style. Instead he kicked down the door, slammed the pony against a table, and grabbed Spike as he slept through it all... wow the guy was a heavy sleeper.


Spike groaned as he felt himself laying on something hard. It was hard and stiff but strangely fluffy. He nearly puked when he woke up and realized he was laying on a flat rock covered in the fur of dead animals. He even had the animal skin draped over him like a blanket.

He screamed and jumped out of the makeshift bed but his foot got caught in the furs and he fell on the ground with a 'THUD'.

Rubbing his nose he quickly untangled himself and looked around. It took a moment for him to realize he was in a cave. There were little piles of treasure around the cave with mouth watering gems of all kinds.

He let himself drool over them for a moment but quickly shook his head and looked around some more. The cave had a little stream which led to a big lake further in the back with a water fall.

"About time you woke up," a voice scoffed, "The sun rose hours ago,"

Spike looked over at the voice then began to panic, "Garble!" he exclaimed with pure fear in his voice.

The older dragon growled, "Calm the Tartarus down. You're not in any trouble,"

"What did you do to Twilight!?" Spike demanded.

"Your pony master?" Garble scuffed, "Relax she won't be following us,"

Spike began to tear up, "You... you hurt her..."

"Only a little," Garble huffed, "She should be happy I didn't kill her,"

Spike let out his little baby roar and pounced at Garble. The older dragon just rolled his eyes and snatched Spike out of the air by his tail. Spike dangled swinging his little fist.

Garble scuffed and promptly did the worst thing a Baby dragon could imagine. The most horrible punishment all little dragons fear... He smacked Spike right on his bottom.

Spike yelped and tried to cover his rear but Garble just smacked him again.

"Ow stop!" Spike demanded, and it was most certainly a demand, not a plea.

"Are you going to calm down you little idiot," Garble glared smacking the little dragon's hide yet again.

"Yes! Yes, I'll be good! Ow ow ow ow!" To Spike surprise he was set back on the floor, gently.

Garble scuffed, "You should feel grateful that's all you get. I have-have a mind to turn you over my knee for a proper spanking. What were you thinking running off with those ponies,"

"I was thinking of getting away from YOU!" Spike declared loudly. However he felt a pinch of guilt when he saw the hurt in Garble's eyes.

"Why would you want to get away from me? We just found each other,"

Spike shifted uncomfortably before remembering why he wanted to get away. He hardened himself and yelled, "You tried to KILL me,"

"I did no such thing! The most I would have done is tan your hide for disobeying your elder,"

Spike blushed, embarrassed by the mere thought of getting a spanking, as well as his remarkable misinterpretation of what the older Dragon was going to do. Still he had no right, "You... you wanted me to crush a defenseless egg!"

Garble growled, "I let you have something as scrumptious as a Phoenix egg and you threw a tantrum!"

"YOU WANTED ME TO EAT IT!?" Spike looked like he was going to puke.

"Phoenixes are some of the tastiest treats you can have and the only way you can actually eat one is when it's still developing in it's egg! You should have been flattered I'd let you have it. Not cry and throw a tantrum before running off with ponies! What were you thinking!? What the Tartarus got into you!? We had been having fun all day and then you just flip out!"

"I'm not about to kill an innocent EGG! Let alone EAT it!"

Garble growled, "And why the Tartarus not!?"

"Because I don't eat critters! I eat hay, and bread, and flowers, and cookies, and all the normal stuff. I don't eat things that were actually alive!"

Garble groaned as he ran a claw down his face, "Great you even eat like a pony. Has it occurred to you that's why your so short. Dragons are carnivores! We need meat to live, just as much as we need gemstones! You little idiot!"

"NO!" Spike yelled with all his fury.

Garble growled, bearing his teath, "What did I say about telling me 'no',"

Spike took a step back and covered his bottom, now that he knew that's what Garble would be aiming for. The young dragons tail went in between his legs, "Y-you have no right to hit me,"

Garble roared, "I have every right! I'm all the family you have left,"

Spike blinked, "W-what?"

"You don't know?" Garble stood still. He figured the little dragon didn't when he ran away but to have it confirmed, "You don't know!? Don't you know how to use your nose at all!?"

Spike felt compelled to sniff at him, not really knowing why. The scent was familiar. Garble actually smelled a lot like Spike himself but at the same time... different. The little dragon didn't know what it meant.

Garble sighed seeing the confusion on Spike's face, "I'm your brother, hatchling,"