• Published 7th Jan 2017
  • 4,528 Views, 131 Comments

Big Brother Garble - ColtKit Productions

During the Dragon Migration, Garble learns that Spike is his brother. He does the only "Rational" thing he can think of. He promptly kidnaps Spike.

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Chapter 5: A Slight Hiccup

One of the merchant dragons carried the children on their back. Something they insisted on, as "hatchlings" couldn't be expected to make such a long journey.

Hiccup was awed as they passed the mountain range, that surrounded the island. It was HUGE. Easily big enough to hold a few million dragons. There was even a bunch of aqueducts from the mighty oceans, bringing water up to the mountains. With 10s of thousands of waterfalls, flushing the water back out.

Then they passed a salt water lake, containing fish as big as great white sharks!!! They seemed to be eating the lava from the vains, leading up to the mountain range.

The ocean bed was covered in small stones, with runes carved on them. To keep the fish safe, and their environment clean.

Hiccup couldn't even imagine the dedication to craft so many stones... nor the time. It probably took thousands of years!!!

Toothless nudged him, and nodded his head forward. So Hiccup managed to tear his eyes away from the amazing scenery, and give his undivided attention at their new alpha, that was swimming over to them.

The guy was about a few ball fields smaller then the Red Queen. So he must be a young Alpha. And was obviously a water drake.

The merchant carrying the boys flew down, to hover before the Alpha. "Forgive us All-Father," He spoke more ashamed then frightened. As he presented the children on his back. "We didn't know what to do."

Lava Frost was frowning as he looked at the two. At their battered broken bodies. Hiccup hung his head in shame. Knowing it was his fault.

Then Alpha Lava Frost spoke, "How'd it happen?" with a great deal of pity... which honestly was worse then disgust.

What was left of Hiccup's tail nervously went between his legs. "I wandered outside the nest." He just wanted to explore... and it cost him both his wings, half of his tail (the half with his fins), and one of his back legs... and Toothless, who had managed to save him, lost one of his tail fins. A relatively minor injury in comparison... but it was still enough to destroy his life.

The Alpha gave a knowing nod, "I trust that won't happen again."

Hiccup gulped, "No Alpha."

The elder dragon then looked at Toothless... noticing his cloth fin, and the saddle.

The rookie dragon smiled, raising his tail proudly. For the Alpha to better see. "My brother is an inventor." Then looked at the whelp. Lowering one of his wings, for the runt to climb on.

Hiccup quickly scampered up, and clicked his peg leg into place. Toothless immediately rose into the air, With Hiccup working the peddle that controlled his brothers prosthetic.

Together, the two sailed the air. Silently reading each other, in order to sense where the other wanted to go. They flew between the merchants. Who had refused a demonstration earlier, when they insisted on carrying the boys. Then they flew around the Alpha's head, showing off there maneuverability. Basking in the looks of awe. After all, a cripple dragon wasn't supposed to be able to fly.

They did this for a few minutes, before the Alpha held up his claw, and asked them to land.

Once they had, Toothless insisted, "Neither of us will be a burden to your nest."

Lava Frost's face softened, "I never thought you would be. Even an Earth Drake Nightfury, would have been greatly appreciated by my nest."

"Although I am curious," Lava Frost continued. "We have a few downed Sky and Water drakes. Would you be able to make similar prosthetics? Possibly ones for them to control themselves?"

Hiccup frowned. "I'd have to do some major modifications. Plus find some kind of lightweight metals... strong enough to carry a dragon that big... and it will take a lot of materials to make even one for an adult dragon."

Lava Frost nodded, "I'll make sure you have it."

Hiccup's eyes widened, "The Red Queen... thought my inventions were a waste of resources."

Lava Frost grinned, "Well I would very much like to see more of them."

The whelp gave a bright grin. Lava Frost couldn't help but wonder what could possibly possess the Red Queen not to nurture a whelp with such potential. Much less let him go... then again... she usually just ate her injured children.

Lava Frost supposed it spoke volumes, that she at least realized this boy would get her a lot in trade.

### β€’

Garble was unimpressed by the pair that entered his cave. The pair looked like they'd been through hell. With the Whelp being worse off then the Rookie.

Lava Frost had shrunken down, and brought them here, himself. Not unusual, but Garble wasn't used to having the Alpha in his messy cave.

Looking around, at all the discarded bones and random piles of gems, Lava Frost raised his eyebrow, made of spiky quills.

Garble gulped, "I'll be sure to clean up."

Lava Frost nodded, "and I'll be sure to assign a few Kobolds to help."

Garble groaned, imagining being fussed over by Kobolds, like a Whelp.

Lava Frost looked down at Garble, clearly debating spanking the boy. "Did you at least prepare them each a room?"

Garble gulped, as he hadn't. He'd been so busy getting Spike situated, it slipped his mind.

"Yes sir," Spike stood proud. "The rooms all set up." He done it himself, while Garble was 'resting his eyes'. "Garble even let me help!!!"

Spike was used to helping out around the library. So he didn't mind helping Garble with his own chores. Nor bailing him out from what was clearly a neglected duty.

Spike realized, the only reason Garble hadn't prepared the rooms, was because right after the dragon migration... well Garble was tracking down Spike, and then taking care of him... the older boy had been neglecting a lot of his duties, even school, as he tried to get Spike settled.

So the baby dragon decided to pick up the slack... although he didn't realize the basking area of the cave... wasn't supposed to look like this. He'd start on it soon.

Lava Frost nodded, believing Garble didn't neglect all his duties, so was willing to let him off. This was supposed to be a happy day, for the teenagers.

Turning to leave, the Elder dragon gave one last order. "Be respectful to your mate and brother-in-law."

Once the Elder Dragon left, about half a dozen Kobolds walked in, carrying the Nightfuries things.

"Let me show you to your rooms!" Spike grinned.

Maybe he and the other baby dragon could explore the cave more. He's only really looked at the bed chambers so far... but was sure to leave Garble's room alone. He didn't want to get caught snooping in there.