• Published 9th Jan 2017
  • 2,846 Views, 33 Comments

Tale of Two Spikes - Zubric

Spike trades places with his Equestria girls counterpart as a way to take a short vacation. What could go wrong?

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Twilight’s panic attack was momentarily brought to a pause as the disorientation that normally followed the transition from the pony world to human world occurred. Without properly bracing herself, the princess ended up toppling over her own feet, tumbling to the ground once on the other side. Spike (or rather Dog Spike), who had been in Twilight’s magic at the time of entry was sent flying upon exiting, skidding across the pavement. Twilight quickly got up and gasped. “Spike, are you okay?!” She hurried over, checking him for any cuts or bruises and relieved when she found he was no worse for wear. He may not be her Spike, but that was no reason to not care about him. “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking what would happen with an object in flight through the portal.” She apologized.

Spike shook the dirt off himself, wagging his tail a bit. “I’m fine, really. Besides, it’s not like you opened the door on my face.”

“That was one time!” Twilight blushed, realizing that said event had happened to both Spikes somehow. Upon seeing Spike roll his eyes she spoke. “Um, hehe, long story,” She looked around at the high school, the realization that she hadn’t thought her plan through sinking in. She wasn’t even sure where her Spike would be. “Oh, Spike could be in danger, and I don’t know where to start!”

Spike face pawed before putting his paws to her leg and standing up. “Twilight, he’ll be fine, trust me. Would your Fluttershy ever put him in danger?”

“Well, no, but this is different.” Twilight protested.

Before Spike could counter that logic, a peppy voice broke their focus. Both turned to look, soon noticing none other than Pinkie Pie skipping up to them. “Hey, Twilight, I thought you were going to pick up Spike,” Pinkie blinked, taking a second look at the princess.. “Oopsie, my mistake. What are you doing here, Princess Twilight?”

Twilight ignored the formalities, adrenaline still rushing through her system. “I’m looking for Spike!” She blurted out.

Pinkie tilted her head. “But, he’s right at your feet. I mean, thinking you lost your glasses or fumbling around for a pencil only to realize you already put them on or have one happens all the time. But a dog is kind of hard to forget about.” She giggled, leaning down to pet Spike’s back.

“No, I mean my Spike.” Twilight corrected.

Spike wagged his tail, before he explained. “It’s a long story, can you help us?”

Pinkie giggled. “Oh, you did a switcharoo? Neat! Why didn’t I think of that?!” She stood up and looked around for a moment before continuing. “But yeah, I can help, that’s what friends are for. What do you need, princess?”

“Well I wanted to go after my Spike and check if he’s okay, but,” She blushed, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. “I don’t know any place, other than this school and your house.”

“Oh, I see. I’ll just text our Twilight, easy peasy.” Upon hearing that Twilight slumped slightly in relief. If anyone would know where dragon Spike was at the moment, it would be her.

The Equestrian Spike felt nervous as he was walked back to Twilight’s place. After the strange event at the pound, Fluttershy had been keeping an eye on him, even as she moved down the street. “Maybe you ran into something magical.” She turned back to look at the dog, as if that would magically make the mark appear.

“I don’t know,” Spike shrugged. He tried his best to stay calm, but lying still felt awful to him. Applejack’s habits must be rubbing off on him. “I feel fine, okay.” He protested.

“If you say so,” Fluttershy replied, but she sounded unsure as they crossed through the yard, and stepped onto the porch. Spike did his best to stay calm, as Fluttershy knocked on the door. Moments later, Twilight Velvet opened the door, smiling.

Spike wagged his tail, keeping up the innocent act as he ran inside, spotting Twilight on the couch with a book in her lap. Twilight smiled as he came in and reached her hand down to scratch behind his ear. The momentary distraction made him forget about the worries at hand, as he found himself going limp at the sensation. If only the feeling was this good as a dragon. Although knowing his Twilight, she’d use it to get her way more often (not that she was one to abuse such things intentionally).

“Hey, Spike, did you enjoy your time with the other dogs?” Twilight asked and kept up the ear scratch, as Spike’s feet thumped the floor. He smiled and nodded.

Fluttershy watched for a moment before coughing. “Um ,Twilight, can we talk in private?” She asked.

Twilight blinked but got up. “Oh, is something wrong?” She lead Fluttershy and Spike to her bedroom. She didn’t notice Spike letting out a noticeable gulp as he slugged behind. Once in the bedroom, she sat down on her bed. “Please tell me Spike didn’t get himself in trouble.” She pleaded, worried that perhaps Spike might have accidentally talked to some stranger instead of just barking.

“Well, the veterinarian, Dr. Fauna, was looking him over. and you know that one cut that’s been healing?” Fluttershy asked, to which Twilight nodded. “Well, it’s gone.”

“Gone?! “ Twilight tilted her head, looking down at Spike who had broken eye contact with her. “What do you mean ‘Gone’?!”

“Like it never happened.” Fluttershy rubbed her neck. “The vet said there weren’t even scars.”

Twilight’s eyebrow raised ever so slightly, as she looked down at Spike. “Maybe he got exposed to more Equestrian magic somehow?”

Spike hopped up onto the bed. “Yeah, maybe it’s from my other self.” He gulped, hoping that Twilight would buy it.

“I don’t know, Spike-” Twilight began, but was suddenly cut off as her phone buzzed nearby. She was quick to reach for it. She stared at the text confused. This of course, only made Spike gulp again as he worried about everything around him, as the dominos fell one by one to his eventual discovery, Twilight’s gaze wasn’t helping matters.

The room was silent for a moment as Twilight texted back, tilting her head. Spike gulped. “What is it, Twilight? Did Sunset find some magical artifact or something?” He asked, hopefully.

“No, but Princess Twilight is coming over. Pinkie said something about Spike’s double.” Twilight responded and her eyes narrowed at Spike, as he smiled awkwardly

“Uh, hehe, I can explain?” He nervously answered.

Pinkie and Princess Twilight arrived minutes later, the group deciding the best place to talk would be the basement. The Princess eyed the bookshelf that ran across the far wall, filled with all kind of books. She was impressed by the organization skills of her human world counterpart. “Wow, looks a lot like my study at home.”

“Great minds think alike,” The other Twilight said, glancing down at the two Spikes. “So, what’s going on?”

The princess looked at her Spike and crossed her arms. “Spike apparently wanted a vacation and thought swapping places with his twin would work.”

Both dogs shuffled their paws around as the Equestrian one spoke. “I”m sorry, Twilight, I just wanted some time off. I didn’t mean to make you worry.”

The other one looked back. “I enjoyed the other world though, gems are actually pretty tasty.”

“I know, right?” Equestrian Spike responded. “Did you get a chance to try the blue ones?”

“More important things to talk about, you two,” The princess scolded, taking a seat on the couch. “Spike, you could have just told me, I would've said yes. I'm disappointed that you thought this would work out.”

Spike’s ears went flat as he whimpered. “Sorry, I just thought you would need me too much to let me take a long break. I mean, we’re always doing something.” The dog looked away again.

The princess sighed, gently petting her number one assistant. She thought back to when she would work herself to the bone, only for Spike to suggest taking a break. “Spike, I appreciate that you always want to help, but why would you think you don’t get to have breaks as well? You scared me half to death when I first found out about the switch. How do you think that made me feel?”

“I don’t know, I just…” Spike thought for a moment, and upon thinking back he really couldn’t think of a very solid reason why. Starlight had been supportive of the idea though, being a good friend and all. “I’m sorry, I should have talked to you first.” He apologized as best he could.

The princess held her Spike close, giving him a soft hug. “I’m just glad you’re okay, Spike. Didn’t think you would ever think of such a scheme.”

“Oh actually did! It once, I forgot,” Pinkie bluted out, as everyone looked at her. She shrugged and answered. “What? I wanted to see the Sonic Rainboom.”

“Well, that explains why you forgot about Muffin Monday,” The human world Spike commented. “Am I in trouble?” He asked a moment later, worried he’d done something wrong.

Human Twilight adjusted her glasses, as she petted her dog. “I really don’t see how you did anything wrong, Spike. You got an adventure out of it.”

Spike nodded. “Yeah, and got to sniff a dragon’s butt.”

“You did what?!” The other Spike gasped, blushing.

“Yeah, this blue dragon showed up and uh, I wasn't sure how to greet her.” The other dog just sank his face into his paws, lamenting that he’d never live that down, even if it had been his other self doing it. The girls all seemed to get a laugh out of it regardless.

When everyone had calmed down. Equestrian Spike leaned on the princess and spoke again. “So what now, Twilight, you taking me home?”

“I should ground you for lying to me like you did,” The princess sternly commented. “But, now that I know what’s going on, I think I can let you stay for a few more days. You do deserve a vacation after all.”

The other Spike ran around in place. “Oh boy! I get to explore and eat gems and all kind of things right?!” The now hyperactive dog looked up at his owner with puppy eyes. Much like a dog asking to be taken on a walk, it was hard to say no to that sort of thing.

The two Twilights look at their respective Spikes, before nodding in agreement with each other. The dogs high pawed each other, dancing around in excitement. The princess, however, stopped them mid celebration. “However, Spike, I want a friendship letter from you in return when you get back.” She smirked.

“Seriously?” Spike looked up in confusion, only to see a nod from Twilight in response. However the princess soon broke into laughter upon seeing Spike’s expression.

“Well, I have to make sure you learn your lesson so you don’t think to do this again,” Twilight explained. “You scared me and my human world counterpart quite a bit with this switch-up. And what if I’d needed you for something important? Next time, please ask before you think of doing this, okay?”

Equestrian Spike sighed. “Okay, I’m really sorry, Twilight.”

“I’m sure you are, Spike,” Princess Twilight got up, and motioned for human world Spike to follow her. “Just stay out of trouble for the rest of your vacation.”

“Same goes for you, Spike,” Human Twilight warned. “No sniffing any other creature’s butts. It’s not polite, and you don’t know where they’ve been.”

“Relax, I know now that’s not how you greet others in the pony world.” Dog Spike replied, then set off with Princess Twilight.

Equestrian Spike just sighed, glad that things had worked out okay in the end. Well, aside from having to explain to Dr. Fauna why she wasn’t imaging things over the disappearing cut.

Comments ( 3 )

Wonder if there's a human equivalent to the "Sonic Rainboom", even if it's not the exact same thing?

Well, it could've gone a lot worse.

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