• Published 11th Jul 2012
  • 1,365 Views, 29 Comments

Pictures for Sad Ponies - Hooves Like Jagger

A crossover with Pictures for Sad Children where cast members are trained by Paul and such.

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Paul Trains Twilight Sparkle

Paul Trains Twilight Sparkle

"... Twilight Sparkle?" Paul asked with a bit more reluctance than usual. The violet unicorn beamed brightly, fully prepared to conquer her newest assignment. "What is up with all your names?"

"There's nothing wrong with my name," Twilight claimed.

"Why can't you ponies have normal names like... Carl or Hasheem?"

"I've never heard those names before. What do they even mean?" Twilight asked.

"They don't mean anything, they are just names," Paul explained. "Take my name for instance, Paul Cho. Nice and normal."

"But it doesn't make any-"

"No, we aren't having this argument. Do you know how to use a phone?" Paul interrupted.

"Yes, Pri-"

"Perfect, you'll take the first call." Paul pushed the phone so it was directly in front of Twilight. She responded by turning her head up towards the ceiling. "What are you doing?"

"Rainbow Dash said you can't stare at it or it won't ring."

"You take advice from Rainbow Dash? ... Heh."


Twilight used her magic to pick up the receiver, but before she could answer Paul smacked the phone off the desk with his clipboard.

"What did you do that for?"

"The phone was floating. I don't know if anyone told you, but that kind of stuff doesn't usually happen."

"I was just using my magic to pick up the phone! Haven't you ever seen a unicorn use magic before?" Paul stared at her blankly from under his sheet.

"Lady, up until a few days ago I didn't even know there was a country of talking horses. Now you're telling me the horned ones can use magic?" Twilight nodded, using her magic to put the phone neatly back on the desk.


Twilight tentatively brought the receiver up with her magic as Paul looked on.

"Hello, Maryla-" Twilight managed to get out one and a half words just before Gary smacked the phone off the desk again.

"What was that?" Gary asked, visibly freaked out. "I would say it was a ghost, but... you know. I don't think it was."

"It wasn't a ghost! There are no such things as ghosts!" Twilight shouted at Gary.

"I'm a ghost," Paul pointed out.

"You're not a ghost! You just have a sheet over your head!" Twilight turned back to Gary. "I'm a unicorn which means I can use magic. Don't panic when you see me levitating the phone, okay?" Gary nodded. He didn't want to anger a creature that could use magic. Twilight grunted as she levitated the phone back onto the desk with a loud thunk.


"Purecast Telecommunications, this is-" Paul's boss swiped the receiver from Twilight. He smacked it several times against the edge of the desk until it snapped in half. He tossed the top half of the receiver across the room before turning to Paul and panicking.

"Paul, you're the expert on really weird stuff, right? What was that?"

"Unicorn magic!" Twilight screamed. "That's it! The Princess told me to call her if I was having trouble, and this... is... trouble!" Twilight used her magic to enter the number then hit the speakerphone button since the receiver was now useless.

"They have a Princess?" Paul questioned.

"Their Princess has a phone?" Gary added. Paul's boss confirmed both questions by nodding. After two and half rings, someone picked up.

"Canterlot Castle, Ruth speaking."

"Ruth? ... Rainbow Dash, is that you?"

"... No... this is Ruth," the voice on the other side persisted.

"Rainbow Dash, hang up," Paul advised. Twilight got up out of her chair, pushed past Gary and Paul, and then started for the exit.

"If you'll all excuse me, I have a very angry letter to write." With that, Twilight stormed out, slamming the door behind her with magic.