• Published 11th Jul 2012
  • 1,365 Views, 29 Comments

Pictures for Sad Ponies - Hooves Like Jagger

A crossover with Pictures for Sad Children where cast members are trained by Paul and such.

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Paul Trains Pinkie Pie?

Paul Trains Pinkie Pie?


"... Nevermind." Paul dedided he isn't getting paid enough to put up with the giddy pony and heads back to his office. Once Paul was gone, Pinkie ceased her fit of giggling and began to spin around and around in her chair. Just before she was dizzy enough to blow chunks, Applejack came around and noticed the pony was not answering the phone ringing on her desk.


"Pinkie, don't y'all need to answer that?"

"Answer what?" Pinkie slammed her hooves on the ground and stopped. She beamed innocently at Applejack.

"The phone, Pinkie. Haven't ya been trained yet?"


Pinkie stared at the contraption on her desk. The flashing light next to the speakerphone button was just all too enticing to a pony with the mind of a foal. Pinkie reached out a hoof and gingerly pushed the button down. The sound of labored breathing could be heard. Applejack waited for Pinkie to say or do something else, but she just kept staring at the phone as the breathing became more agitated.

"... He-.... hello?" A grin of extreme euphoria exploded onto Pinkie's face.

"Hi there! I'm Pinkie Pie! Who and what are you? I just pressed this button and then I heard your breathing, but I didn't know what was going on, but then you spoke! You spoke and I was so surprised because you don't have a mouth, but then again there are so many strange things in this place. You see, I'm new around here, but that's okay because I like meeting people and making new friends, but I'm new and there are just soooo many things I've never seen before. Like these hairless apes and these big, metal wagons called buses I had to ride! I asked the ape who was in control of it who was pulling, but she said I had to return to my seat. I kept asking though because I really wanted to know, so she made the bus stop and then kicked me off. It was rather rude, but luckily I met a much hairier ape living in this smelly box that said he knew how to get where I was going. He had this cute puppy too, just the cutest puppy! Anyway, this ape, his name was Thomas, takes me down these dark alleys and through these tunnels called sewers until we finally arrived here! He said he couldn't come in with me because spending too much time above ground would allow the aliens to find him, so I came in by myself and a nice lady told me to sit down over here. Then a ghost showed up, so I just did what my granny told me and giggled and he went away! It always worked. Then I was spinning and Applejack said I had to answer something and then I pressed a button and now I'm talking to you!"

The other end of the line was completely silent. Applejack meandered over and took a look at the caller ID.

"911 Emergency," she read aloud. She looked up at Pinkie, who was still grinning ear to ear. "Ah... don't think yer cut out for this job..."