• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Namek: Full Power Terror

Beerus had been enjoying the time he was spending with Whis, Shin, and Chronoa on the Sacred World of the Kai, watching his girls fight and grow as they fought their enemies with all of their power. Every time one of the battles was finished, and Rainbow and Applejack weren't doing anything else, the group would discuss the battle that had ended and highlight what skills they had improved on and what they still needed to work on. Beerus was happy to see his daughters reunite with Prince Vegeta, or Vegeta as he apparently preferred to be called these days, happy to see them topple Nappa and reveal his foul deeds, and was even proud of them when they took out the majority of Frieza's top soldiers and used the Namekian Dragon Balls to resurrect two of the people that Nappa had killed back on Earth.

His happiness, however, quickly turned to worry when the group was forced to engage with Frieza himself, as while he was glad to see that they were able to hold their own against his first form, and apparently nearly took him down with Rainbow's lance, his worry increased tenfold when the tyrant pushed himself into his final form... completely skipping the third form altogether.

"So that's Frieza's final form," Shin commented, raising one hand to his chin for a moment, while at the same time trying to remain calm, "I can see why King Kai's afraid for the sake of the universe... the tyrant's power is certainly terrifying."

"I'm a little annoyed that all of our warnings went unheeded," Whis said, staring at the crystal that was showing them the fight, his gaze locked on Rainbow and Applejack at the moment, before he let out a sigh, "Oh well, I guess all we can do is continue watching over the girls and hope no harm comes to them."

"We told that they were were only to engage Frieza if there was no other option in the matter," Chronoa spoke up, though she didn't bother to hide the fact that she was worried for the girls and their new friends, "and even Rainbow asked Frieza to be sure that she and her sister weren't breaking their promise to us. Though now that Frieza's ascended to his final form they're only way to escape is to kill their opponent... and right now they don't have the power to beat him in his current state. I don't think the lance will be able to even hurt him at this point, not with the power Frieza is generating at the moment."

Beerus continued to remain silent while the others spoke to each other, his mind conflicted between wanting to go to the aid of his daughters and knowing that they would never truly become independent if he, or any of the others, were constantly showing up to get them out of trouble. He hoped that Rainbow and Applejack could hold out until Mr. Popo gathered the remaining Dragon Balls he was missing and could summon Shenron, where he could easily wish back everyone that Frieza and his men had killed... especially the Grand Elder, Porunga, and Dende, who could then use the final wish to get everyone off the planet and, more importantly, get them away from Frieza.

"Rainbow, Applejack, just survive as long as you can..." Beerus quietly said, staring at the crystal and the scene that was playing out, silently hoping that his daughters would find a way to avoid Frieza until Mr. Popo could use the Dragon Balls, because he didn't want to think about what he might do if either of them died.

The conversation died down as Frieza made the next move, to which they watched and waited to see what happened... all while praying for the girls to be safe.

"You know, I have actually never been forced to resort to petty tricks in order to transform," Frieza commented, stretching his arms for a moment, as if he was preparing himself for something, "nor have I ever had to skip over one of my forms for some reason. Today you have made me do things that I would normally never do, so for your insolence I shall make you all suffer the same fate as the Namekian child... though judging by your expressions it appears that he was the one responsible for healing all of you. Now that he's out of the way we can finally get the show on the road... which means that all of you are as good as dead at this point."

Vegeta had known that Frieza could use tricks whenever he wanted, such as using Nappa to undermine the Saiyan effort to eradicate the tyrant and his empire from the face of the universe, but he had actually expected the tyrant to play by the rules during their fight. Now that he could feel Frieza's full power, and see what he looked like in his final form, he knew that this had been one of the worst ideas that they could have come up with. They should have just wished everyone, their entire group and all of the surviving Namekians, off the planet and traveled back to Earth, where they could have used the remaining two wishes to do whatever they wanted... though at this point he knew that it was too late to change what they had already done.

They were going to have to find some way to survive what was coming their way... though if Vegeta was going to be honest he knew that only Kakarot might have a chance at besting Frieza, if he used his Kaio-Ken move and took over the entire fight.

"W... What a fast attack," Piccolo commented, though it was clear that he was also afraid, while at the same time he could feel some sweat rolling down his face, "All I saw was the flash and then... and then Dende died not seconds later."

Frieza smiled at them for a few seconds, as if he was enjoying the various looks of fear that were on all of their faces, before he simply disappeared for their sight, though Goku was apparently able to follow his movements as the tyrant appeared behind all of them. Before he had a chance to kill any of them in one shot, however, the group separated from each other, ensuring that only one person would be caught in whatever attack their opponent launched at them.

"Though I have the perfect reward for making me resort to such cheap tricks in order to transform," Frieza said, staring at all of them as if he was looking for the first person he was going to take out, causing Rainbow to gulp as his eyes landed on her for a moment, "I shall show you a terror that is greater than anything Hell can show you."

Rainbow readied herself and launched her body towards Frieza, where she threw a punch at his head the instant she was close to him, but all her opponent did was pull his head to the side and let her fist pass right by him. Instead of letting that get to her, and causing her to lose focus, Rainbow threw several more attacks at her target, who simply dodged all of the attacks that were coming his way, almost as if he could see her coming seconds after she threw an attack. A few seconds later Applejack and the others joined in, though everyone waited for Applejack to go through the movements of the Harvester's Barrage... where they were shocked to find that every attack missed its mark, even the end kick that had finished Jeice off earlier.

This continued for at least two minutes, where everything attacked Frieza in the hopes that one of their attacks would bypass his guard, before Piccolo decided to head higher into the air and loose a ki blast at their opponent, though that was in vain as all Frieza did was move out of the way and let the attack hit the island that was beneath them. That was followed by everyone loosing their own ki blasts at the tyrant, though as the collection of attacks exploded where Frieza was supposed to be standing they found that he had moved himself once more and was no longer where they had been aiming a few seconds ago. Frieza than launched his own ki blast at Rainbow, who was at the back of the pack this time, though Vegeta flew at her and tackled her to the side as the attack flew passed where she had been floating seconds ago... though the island that was struck instead was utterly destroyed the moment the attack hit it.

"T... Thanks," Rainbow said, carefully pulling herself and Vegeta back into a standing position, while wondering what they were going to do against an opponent whose attacks they could barely see.

"Your welcome," Vegeta replied, turning his gaze towards their opponent once more, though while he knew that he was getting stronger, thanks to all the fights and being near death so much, he knew that he didn't stand a chance.

He could tell that Frieza was unlike anyone that they had ever fought before and knew that it was by the miracle of his Saiyan blood that he was able to see their opponent's attack before it could have hit Gohan, thanks to all the power-ups he had acquired so far. Unfortunately he knew that he was still outclassed, because he knew that he didn't have the power to overcome everything that Frieza could throw at them. He knew that the group's only hope was that Kakarot stopped holding his power back and actually got serious, otherwise they were all going to die a painful death... and then the planet would soon follow once Frieza was done with them.

"So you were able to see my attack and act accordingly," Frieza commented, sounding a little impressed for a moment, though that quickly disappeared a few seconds later, "though you only postponed her death by a few minutes at best."

"You know, in some way he's right," Rainbow said, not even bothering to hide the fact that she was scared at this point, "sooner or later we'll all going to die."

"Rainbow, you realize that your father is much stronger than this, right?" Vegeta said, surprised that one of Beerus' daughters would give up so easily, as it appeared that Rainbow had lost the will to keep fighting.

"Well, of course I do," Rainbow replied, though she kept her gaze on Frieza, because based on what she had seen so far it appeared that the tyrant was targeting her first, "but neither Applejack or I can feel our father's power. The strongest person we've actually be able to sense the power of is Frieza, so you'll have to forgive us if we're terrified of our opponent for a few moments."

"And once again you claim to be that which you are not." Frieza stated, appearing behind the two for a second, causing everyone to look their way as they followed the tyrant's movements, "Honestly Vegeta, I know that this little pony girl has been spouting some nonsense since we started fighting, but that doesn't mean that you have to believe everything that she says. Trust me on this one, if Beerus had any children my father and I would have known days later... which means that he might actually praise me for getting rid of some arrogant fools that claim to be his daughters."

"That is where you would be wrong Frieza," Vegeta replied, facing the tyrant as Rainbow and everyone else backed off, though he waited until the group was on the nearby island, and out range so he could speak freely, before he continued, "Rainbow Dash and Applejack are the daughters of Beerus the Destroyer, the God of Destruction that you fear so much. If you kill either of them I can guarantee that Beerus will be here in a matter of minutes to show you the truth... and trust me, you don't want him mad at you."

Frieza stood there for a moment, wondering what had happened to the old Vegeta that he had grown to like, but then remembered that it had been a facade for the Vegeta that stood in front of him. The old Vegeta had been a seemingly ruthless fighter that took out whoever got in his way, while the new one pretty much did the same thing, though for completely different reasons. The one thing he absolutely hated about the new Vegeta was that he was so insistent on the two pony girls being the daughters of the God of Destruction, though he also found it funny that the Saiyan could joke at a time like this.

A smile appeared on his face as he thought of the praise that Beerus would give him for slaying two girls that believed themselves to be his non-existent daughters and a Saiyan that wouldn't stop spreading the same lies as the girls.

"Your joke is starting to get old," Frieza said, his smile turning to a frown as he stared at the Saiyan, though he already knew what was going to come next, "though I'll admit that its better than listening to Nappa mention the legend of the 'Super Saiyan' over and over again, warning me about the potential danger I was in. If it wasn't for the fact that he was good at deceiving his King, and getting so many of your soldiers killed by either Dodoria or Zarbon, I would have blown him up myself."

While Frieza was distracted by talking, and commenting on what Nappa had done to the rest of the Saiyan race, Vegeta took a chance and started attacking him, forcing the tyrant to dodge his hands and feet for a few seconds. At this point he knew that he was pretty much trying to buy time for the girls to get away, without the tyrant knowing, because making sure that they survived was far better than whatever rage Beerus would bring to Namek if either of them died. Vegeta had never truly seen the God of Destruction slip into a fit of rage, not when the girls were around him, but his father had told him several stories and he knew that it was unwise to piss off Beerus... something that Frieza was in the process of doing without actually being aware of it.

He eventually had to stop when Frieza disappeared from in front of him and reappeared on a nearby island, though his arms were crossed and his earlier smile had returned.

"And this just proves one more thing," Frieza said, staring up at Vegeta, almost as if he had lost interest in what the others were doing, "with your current speed and power... you have no chance at beating me."

Vegeta knew that he didn't stand a chance, not against Frieza's final form, but his focus at this point was making the tyrant forget about Rainbow Dash and Applejack, even if that meant that he had to become the only target in Frieza's eyes. He gathered his ki into a golden aura around him before loosing a large portion of it at the tyrant, who merely moved into the air and avoided the attack as it blew a hole in the island. Once Frieza was in the air Vegeta shifted his attacks and sent them flying after the tyrant, though while he knew that he was going to miss he intended to get as close as he could to his opponent, all so the girls could get away from here.

Frieza flew through the sky, letting Vegeta's attacks follow him and sometimes get ahead of him, but none of them seemed to hit the mark as he eventually made his way back to his opponent, who jumped backwards the moment they were face to face again. They stared at each other for a few seconds, as if Frieza was silently taunting Vegeta, but that was swiftly followed by Vegeta flying high into the air, gathering a large amount of his ki into one large attack, and then, when he was high enough, he loosed the attack. A beam of purple energy, similar to his Galick Gun, erupted from his ki and headed towards Frieza, though before it could make contact the tyrant simply jumped at the attack and struck it with his foot, sending it into the air.

When the ki attack reached the atmosphere it detonated with enough force to temporarily blind everyone for a few seconds, though when the light cleared Vegeta could tell that his opponent still wasn't impressed.

"You know, I still cannot figure out why you aren't frightened by my power," Frieza commented, causing Vegeta to look down at him once more, "Everyone else is shaking in their boots, as they should be, yet you have the nerve to stand and fight me when no one else will. I will have a reasonable answer before I put you in your place!"

"Of course I am frightened by your power," Vegeta replied, a small smile appearing on his face for a moment, "but I am much more frightened by the sheer thought of what Beerus will do to this planet if you kill either one of his daughters."

"You know what? I've changed my mind," Frieza said, anger flashing over his face once more, because the constant mentioning of Beerus was starting to piss him off, "you get to die first... and then I'll deal with Rainbow Dash."

That was followed by Frieza flying up to where his target was floating in the air and slammed his head into Vegeta's jaw, sending him higher into the air for a few seconds before appearing above him and slamming the back of his leg into his chest, which made Vegeta crash into one of the islands around them. As Frieza looked down at the Saiyan he was fighting he noticed, out of the corner of his eye, Rainbow bringing her hands together again, just like she had done to create the lance that had damage him and forced him to change into his second form, so he could survive the amount of power used against him. He considered ripping the life out Vegeta for a moment, but that would leave him open to the attack that would soon be coming his way if he left Rainbow alone... which was why he changed his course and appeared in front of where she was standing.

Before Rainbow had a chance to react Frieza slammed his head into her face and knocked her into the ground beneath them, though to be absolutely sure she couldn't use the lance again he pressed the bottom of his left foot against her right shoulder, to which he applied enough pressure to dislocate it and caused Rainbow to scream in pain at the same time.

"Now stay here and wait your turn," Frieza said, grabbing onto Rainbow's hair for a moment, to force her to look him right in the eye, before pushing her back into the rock wall, "I have to go punish Vegeta for his insolence."

That was followed by Vegeta appearing behind the tyrant and swinging his arm at him, though all Frieza did was let the hand come into contact with his neck, to which he grinned as his hand found something else to grasp. Before Vegeta could pull himself away Frieza latched onto him and threw him towards one of the other islands, though before he made contact Frieza slammed his knee into his chest and sent Vegeta into the ground. A few seconds later Vegeta got back up onto his feet and charged at the tyrant, though every attack he threw at Frieza was dodged not seconds later, indicating that his opponent wasn't even trying at this point. Frieza timed his attacks between Vegeta's own, putting enough power into his attacks to force the Saiyan back for a few seconds before they repeated the process... until he decided enough was enough and slammed Vegeta into the island they were fighting above.

"You know Vegeta," Frieza commented, landing beside the Saiyan and kicking his chest with his foot, a smile appearing on his face as he punished his opponent, "if you really want to save her from the death I have planned for her, then all you have to do is kill me... but at your current level you won't be able to do much against me."

The moment Frieza stopped kicking him, and gave him the chance to get back up, Vegeta gathered his ki and loosed another blast at his opponent, though a few seconds later all Frieza did was backhand the attack and sent it flying into the plateau near them. That was followed by Frieza appearing behind him and slamming his fist into Vegeta's back, to which he wrapped his tail around the Saiyan's neck and lifted him into the air. Frieza looked at Vegeta for a moment, letting the Saiyan grasp for air for a few seconds, before using both of his fists and inflicting as much damage as he desired.

Frieza's smile widened as he beat the daylights out of the former prince of the Saiyan race, because there was nothing more satisfying then beating up an annoying pest that had been bothering him... especially when he'd be doing the same thing to Rainbow in a few minutes.

"Excuse me," a voice behind him said, to which Frieza turned to his right for a moment and found a fist punching him in the face, which forced him to let go of Vegeta as he was thrown into the plateau behind him, "but I'm going to have to ask you to stop doing that."

When Frieza stood back up he found the other Saiyan, the one in the orange clothing that almost looked like what Rainbow and Applejack were wearing, standing before him. Vegeta, on the other hand, let a smile touch his face as Kakarot intervened with the beating that Frieza had been giving him, though he knew he was in no condition to move at this point.

"So, you are the source of power behind all of the merged attacks that were thrown at me," Frieza commented, rubbing his cheek for a moment as he glared at the Saiyan, though that was followed by him pointing a finger at his opponent as he prepared to continue his assault, "at least now I can end your pitiful race once and for all."

The moment Frieza ended his sentence he loosed a small ki blast at his opponent and smiled at the thought of one more dead Saiyan laying at his feet, as he could finally finish what he started twenty-three years ago. His smile, however, was quickly discarded as his target slammed the palm of his hand into the attack and smacked it into the wall next to him, once again confirming that he was the power source for the group he was fighting. Frieza then followed up his failed attack with a barrage of ki blasts, knowing that eventually one of them would bypass his opponent's guard and he would be able to cut him down once he had done so. What actually happened was the fact that his opponent smacked all of his attacks out of the way, as if this was merely a game to him, while at the same time Frieza noticed that Vegeta was smiling the entire time.

While the other Saiyan was distracted by the smoke, for a few seconds anyway, Frieza decided to fulfill his promise to Vegeta and sent one more ki blast at him... though before it could even hit his target the other Saiyan appeared in the middle of its path and knocked the attack into the nearby rock plateau.

"I thought I told you to stop picking on Vegeta," Goku exclaimed, as he was annoyed that Frieza would think it was okay to target someone who couldn't fight back at the moment, "He can't fight back right now, so I'm going to have to ask you to stop targeting him."

"Oh please, don't act like you actually care about him," Frieza said, frowning at his new opponent, as he had wanted to see Vegeta die first like he promised, but then he decided that he might as well have some fun with the other Saiyan before he killed them both, "He knew what he was getting into the moment he challenged me... though I guess I can postpone his death until I'm done with you. And then, when the two of you are dead, I'll kill that insolent Rainbow Dash."

"K... Kakarot," Vegeta coughed, though the pain he was feeling was overruled by the shock that came by the fact that the other Saiyan had come to his aid like this, "Do you... remember what I told you... about our race and what we did... for the universe?"

"Yeah, you told me that almost all of the Saiyan race was like you and me," Goku replied, surprised that Vegeta was even bringing this up at the moment, but he had the feeling he knew why the other Saiyan was doing this, "you said that they were defenders of the innocent that they fought to remove tyrants from power."

"I've spent... my whole life plotting... Frieza's end," Vegeta said, though as he said that he turned his head to the side and cast his gaze over to where Rainbow and Applejack were standing, remembering all the fun times they had when he was their age, "and now... now I'm in no condition... to do that... so I've decided that... its time for me... to pass on that responsibility to you. There's only... one favor I... would ask of you..."

"Ask away then," Goku said, though he turned to face the wounded Saiyan, as he deserved more than staring at the side of his face at the moment, especially after saving so many lives during the time he was forced to serve Frieza, "I promise to use all my power to fulfill whatever it is that you would ask of me."

"C... can you drop me... by the girls?" Vegeta asked, though his gaze told Goku that he was staring at where the girls were standing at the moment, "I'd like... to watch you... beat Frieza up... with them beside me..."

Goku started to open his mouth, mainly so he could ask why Vegeta wanted that, but then he decided that it was a simple favor to grant and simply nodded his head. He gently lifted Vegeta up from where he was laying and moved into the air, though he also glared back at Frieza, who apparently decided that he was going to patiently want for him to come back before they started fighting again. It only took him a few seconds to get Vegeta over to where the girls were waiting, though he carefully set Vegeta down next to Rainbow before moving back into the air and flying back to where Frieza was standing. He intended on bringing an end to this fight... or at least stall Frieza long enough for Mr. Popo to gather the rest of the Dragon Balls on Earth, summon Shenron, and get everyone home with the last wish of the Namekian Eternal Dragon.

As Goku flew back to where Frieza was waiting, so the two of them could begin the battle once more, Rainbow smiled as her best friend was dropped off next to her and Applejack, though at the same time she cast a glance back at her dislocated shoulder and wished that she hadn't been hurt like this.

"Rainbow, you can't seriously be thinking of fighting again," Applejack said, surprised that her sister still wanted to fight Frieza, because at this point she knew that there was no reason for them to ignore what their parents told them anymore, "We should leave this to Goku... he's got the power and the skill to hold Frieza off until Mr. Popo is ready."

For a moment Rainbow looked at her sister with a look of confusion on her face, wondering why Applejack wasn't eager to beat Frieza up like she was, but then she remembered what had happened when the tyrant had taken on his final form and the fear that was still coursing through their bodies at the moment. She let out a sigh as she braced herself against the nearby plateau that they were standing near and pressed her hand against her shoulder, though Applejack stepped up to her and pressed her hand against Rainbow's, to which she bit back a painful moan as the two of them forcefully realigned her shoulder. Frieza's attack had been with the purpose of making sure that Rainbow would be unable to use the lance again, not until she was able to recover from the damage, but she could still use her ki in one hand for now.

Once her shoulder was aligned once more Applejack helped her sit down next to Vegeta, before the three of them turned their heads towards Goku and waited to see what what happened next. Based on what they had seen from the Saiyan so far, and knowing that he had been empowered after recovering from the damage that Vegeta had dealt to him while Ginyu was in his body, the three of them knew that Goku stood a better chance at beating the tyrant than they did. All they had to do now was put their faith in Goku and see what the outcome of the fight was going to be... which was what Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo were doing as the trio landed on the island that they were resting on and turned their gaze towards the two fighters.

Soon they would all be able to see exactly how powerful Goku had become thanks to his recovery, though they all knew that they were going to be impressed by what they saw.

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