• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Interlude: The Last Four Years

Six months passed since the defeat of Kid Buu, where the Z Warriors were slightly surprised to find that Mr. Satan had kept his word and made sure that Majin Buu stayed out of sight to prevent the rest of the Earth from freaking out over the fact that he was still 'alive'. Gale, on the other hand, wasn't too surprised by that fact because she had spent some time visiting Mr. Satan's house, and visiting Buu in the process, and she always had something for her and Buu to do so the creature didn't get too bored. When the six months had come to an end Goku remained true to his word and gathered the seven Dragon Balls, where he and the others gathered together and wished away the memories of Majin Buu from every Earthling on the planet... allowing Buu to start anew on the planet without people remembering what Babidi had shown them back during the tournament.

Rainbow and Applejack had expected someone to use the last wish of Shenron, as the first one had been used by Bulma to revive everyone that Nappa had killed, but in the end they let the Eternal Dragon go, meaning that there was no need to worry about the safety of the world this time around.

Once all of the Earthlings memories were erased Gale and Buu spent some time exploring the city that Mr. Satan lived in, though Gale was happy to have the free time since her sisters trusted that she and Buu could take care of themselves and wouldn't get into trouble. One thing she didn't count on was Buu, after eating a large handmade breakfast that Mr. Satan had prepared, wanting to get some ice cream while they were walking around the city, where she explained, to the best of her knowledge, how the money system worked. Since she wasn't old enough to have a job, and had forgotten the allowance that Applejack had let her have back in her room, they would have to find some other way to get Buu the money he needed for ice cream... which came in the form of entering a fighting match and taking on the fighter that was standing on the street.

Fortunately one of the men, upon hearing Buu say Mr. Satan's name and concluding that he had to be the 'Savior's' student, put forth some money for the entrance fee and Gale beckoned for Buu to fight the fighter, while making sure he went easy on the poor guy. Buu nodded and stepped into the 'ring', allowing the fighter to charge at him the moment he stopped walking towards him, where the fighter unleashed a series of attacks on Buu's stomach for a few seconds. Once Buu had a good idea of the man's strength, which was nothing compared to the Z Warriors, he lowered his power level to equal the playing field and countered his opponent, surprising the man for a few moments... before a hit on the side of his face sent him into the wall next to them.

Gale quickly collected Buu's winnings and took him back to the ice cream shop that they had stopped at, where Buu insisted on getting one scoop of each flavor for himself while Gale simply picked a vanilla flavor. Once all of their cones were made, and Buu was happy with his treats, Gale made sure to hand over the money they had received and collected the change that came out of the transaction. From there they went to the park and sat near one of the fountains, where Gale slowly enjoyed her ice cream while Buu, as per his nature, devoured them much faster than she did, though instead of eating all of the cones he gave some of them to the local pigeons that happened to be in the park at that moment.

They spent a few minutes eating their treats, enjoying the scenery, before something unexpected happened; they happened to be visited by Bulma and Vegeta, who were apparently shopping for new items to add to Bulma's already extensive collection of jewelry and clothing. When Gale inquired as to where Trunks was, because she would have expected this to be a family outing with something for everyone, Bulma replied that Trunks was busy playing around with Goten and that Chi Chi was keeping an eye on them. She also asked why Vegeta had come along, where she discovered that her sisters' best friend was actually taking the day off from his training and was spending some time with his wife, which made sense after sacrificing himself to stop Babidi and Majin Buu.

Gale also noticed that Vegeta had reacquired his medallion, one of his most precious of treasures, which meant that Trunks or Bulma must have given it back to him shortly after they returned to the Capsule Corp... though Bulma also insisted that the duo join them for a few minutes, so they could catch up while they walked to the nearby jewelry shop.

Of course Gale wasn't too keen on jewelry, not in the way that Bulma was, but she figured that she and Buu could spend a few minutes with their friends before they resumed their adventure, so once they finished off their treats they got off the bench they were sitting on and walked beside Bulma and Vegeta. When they entered the store, however, Gale had to suppress a laugh when one of the managers asked if he could take a look at Vegeta's medallion, as the craftsmanship that went into creating the piece was unlike anything he had ever seen before. Gale knew that statement had to be true, considering that the medallion had been made in the Other World, where the person who had made the medallion likely had hundreds upon hundreds of years of experience making jewelry... though Vegeta did let him see it, as long as he didn't accidentally touch the centerpiece of the medallion.

Bulma, on the other hand, couldn't decide which of the new pieces of jewelry she actually wanted, as all of them were amazing and Vegeta's opinion on one really didn't help her decide, so she decided to buy all of them... to which Gale and Vegeta chuckled when the poor man nearly broke down at the request.

Not a few seconds later a pair of criminals, wearing very poorly constructed outfits to be robbing someplace like this, entered the building and declared that all of them were hostages and that they wanted every single piece of jewelry and all of the establishment's money. Bulma found the entire thing amusing, because Majin Buu was standing close to the main door, minding his own business and was completely ignored by the men, while at the same time Vegeta growled at the thought of this day being ruined. When the men realized that Buu was standing near them, however, both Buu and Gale recognized them as the man that Buu had fought and the man that had been taking people's money... though when Buu tried to approach them one of them shot Buu in the stomach, who simply spat out the bullet and dropped it to the floor.

Vegeta, taking the shock of the 'criminals' into consideration, moved behind them and lightly knocked their heads together, knocking them out in the process... though before they all walked outside, however, he and the others noticed that Gohan and Videl, dressed up in their Great Saiyanman uniforms, arrived and started doing their action poses. Vegeta waited for them to finish up before letting Buu carry the criminals outside, though once he, Bulma, and Gale walked out Gohan and Videl realized that they had already been beaten to the punch... as the criminals had chosen the wrong establishment to rob this afternoon. It took some time for the manager to process Bulma's request, especially since they had to wait around and talk to the police, but in the end everyone walked away from the jewelry shop happy.

After the events of the jewelry store Bulma announced that they were finally having the party to celebrate the defeat of Kid Buu, something that everyone had been anticipating for some time, though she did take into account that Goku told her about some precious dinosaur eggs that were supposed to hatch on the day she proposed they have the party. At first Applejack wondered how Bulma was going to take the news, but she was happy to see Bulma easily shift the date of the party to the day after the eggs hatched, so Goku could be there with the rest of the group. Another two weeks passed before the appointed day that Goku had been waiting for, so much so that he spent the entire day watching over both the eggs and the soon to be parents.

When the party actually happened the following day, however, the rest of the group discovered that he had done quite a number of things to help ensure that the eggs hatched safely, while at the same time he recounted how, at the end of the day, all of the other animals and their children actually gathered together in total harmony to watch the event unfold for themselves. It was an amazing sight to behold, especially with the four cute babies that had hatched that day, and Goku could see that a large number of his friends were actually a little jealous that they had missed out on seeing it, but they were also happy that Goku had gone through the effort to help the new parents out. Even Shin, who had taken some time off to relax and come visit the group while they were celebrating, was impressed by Goku's actions... though Chronoa was, regrettably, busy with the Time Nest and couldn't join them.

Rainbow and Applejack were fine with their mother not being able to join them, especially since they figured that something important must have happened that was requiring her attention, though they simply smiled with the knowledge that she would join them when she had the time to do so. Since the defeat of Kid Buu, and saving the entire universe, Rainbow continued to train against her sister whenever she had the time, as there were days were Applejack preferred to relax and work in her apple orchard, tending to the trees and conversing with the planet. When she was like that Rainbow either trained with Vegeta or with Goku, as there was no one else around that she could really test herself against without doing some serious harm... and even then she never used the Avatar state, because it would give her an unfair advantage over her friends.

While Rainbow was off busy training one day, however, Shin came to the Earth and conversed with Applejack, as he was fascinated that she could so accurately feel the pain a planet was feeling and speak so casually to a world's spirit, something that even the Old Kai, the oldest Kaioshin around, was shocked by. Applejack admitted that she felt like she had a connection to the planets she had been on, a connection that she couldn't explain with her words, but she also said that having this sort of ability seemed right to her. Shin, on the other hand, kept his thoughts about the situation to himself, because he had seen Applejack's face when she and Rainbow were fighting Kid Buu... though before long he had to excuse himself so he could head back to the Sacred World of the Kais and figure something out.

It was two years after the defeat of Kid Buu that anything really interesting happened, as the day that Mr. Satan finished construction of his hotel, which Videl moaned over when she looked at it, he held a party to celebrate the occasion and invited all of his friends. That invitation was also extended to King Kai, Chronoa, Shin, Kibito, and the Old Kai, though what really surprised the entire group was that all five of the special guests were able to clear their schedules and come on the day that Mr. Satan's party was on. It was quite fun for everyone when they got together, especially since it had been some time since the Old Kai had actually gone out of his way to visit and planet and party, as he had ignored the one that celebrated Kid Buu's defeat.

That annoyed both Rainbow and Applejack, especially because the Z Warriors had saved the universe and the Old Kai didn't seem to care enough to join a party celebrating that fact, but he was more than willing to come and celebrate a hotel finishing its construction.

The really exciting part about that day was when Tarble and his wife Gure landed on a plateau nearby and joined the group while they were celebrating, though at the same time Vegeta's brother told them about a pair of Frieza's henchmen, who were still clinging to their glory days in a way, wanted to punish him for his efforts in bringing several of their friends to justice. Since he wasn't a fighter, which was why his father had 'banished' him all those years ago, Tarble knew that he needed help and figured that his brother would be willing to help him and his wife out, though he was happy when Vegeta agreed to help them out. That was followed by a brother pair, a blue alien called Abo and a red alien called Kado, landing some distance away from the hotel, to which the group flew over to where they were located and confronted them the moment they landed in the area.

Since they were messing with his brother, however, it was Vegeta who lead the attack against the brothers, who immediately found that they could barely hold their own against a warrior that was on Vegeta's level. It quickly became apparent that they needed to fuse together, in a method of their own making and not the Fusion Dance, that allowed them to created a warrior called Aka, who stated that his power was on the same level as Frieza's was. Vegeta, on the other had, interpreted that as meaning that the power of their fusion was supposed to match the power that Frieza possessed when he was in his first form, the one that everyone knew the most about considering that it was his weakest form. With that information in hand Vegeta continued to fight against his opponent, as his strength was now on par with what Frieza's had been and he didn't have to resort to using his Super Saiyan forms to beat such an opponent.

After a few minutes he sent Abo and Kado packing, forcing them back into their pods with the promise that they would stop harassing his brother and his wife, otherwise he would take more drastic measures against them. Tarble, relieved that the two soldiers had been defeated and taught a lesson, joined the group while they were celebrating, along with his wife, though he also mentioned that they were thinking of moving to a star cluster that was closer to Earth. It was mainly in case something like this happened again in the future, but also so he could visit his brother more often, and maybe his parents as well, who resided in Asgard at the moment.

Two years later, in Age 778, Gohan and Videl finally made the announcement that everyone was waiting for ever since they started dating and seeing each other, they announced that they were getting married and Mr. Satan was, with the help of both Chi Chi and Bulma, setting up a wedding for them. It took some time for them to set everything up and invite the rest of the group to the event, especially since some of the Z Warriors might be busy during the time, but in the end Gohan and Videl were glad to hear that everyone was able to make it. Even Shin and Chronoa came as well, wishing the happy couple well while they enjoyed the company of their friends, though at the same time Vegeta brought news from Asgard... that Gine and Bardock were happy to hear that their grandson was getting married.

Unfortunately his father's parents were busy in the afterlife and couldn't come for the wedding, but Gohan wasn't upset over that and simply wished them well in whatever they were doing... though at the same time they banished any distracting thoughts from their minds and went on with the wedding.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened during the wedding or the party that came after it, which made the group happy that they could have a simple celebration without someone attacking the planet in some manner, allowing them to enjoy the peace that was acquired with the defeat of Kid Buu. A day or two after the wedding, however, Bulma started planning her next birthday party, because it was going to be bigger and better than the other ones that came before them, though one of the things that she had to do was send out the invitations. Once Gohan and Videl returned from their honeymoon, and returned to the city, Bulma inquired if Gohan was willing to help her make some lists and send some invitations out when they were ready... to which he agreed, since he heard that Rainbow and Applejack had invited a few people to the party once they heard of it.

Gohan looked at the list of people that the pony girls wanted to invite to the party, where he discovered that they were inviting their mother, Chronoa, and their friend Shin, though they were also inviting Whis as well... though that was before he noticed the final name on the list; Beerus.

"So they invited their father to the party," Gohan commented, though he did so in a voice that was low enough that Bulma wouldn't hear him, because he wasn't supposed to know who their father was at all and was supposed to keep quiet until Chronoa told him that he could spill the beans, "hopefully he shows up."

"Did you say something Gohan?" Bulma asked, to which she poked her head into the area that Gohan was sitting in, where he was working on the lists she asked him to make.

"No," Gohan answered, hating the fact that he had to lie about this, but considering that he had promised three gods that he would keep his mouth shut he knew he had better keep his word, to which he went back to his work.

Bulma stared at him for a few seconds, as if she was wondering what he had said a few moments ago, before she sighed and went back to making the arrangements for all the vendors and making sure she had all the prizes for the Bingo tournament ready to go before the date of the party... especially since she was having Vegeta and Trunks gather the seven Dragon Balls as the grand prize. She was sure that this party was going to be unlike anything she had thrown over the years, especially with all of the guests that were coming and the events she had planned, though she had the feeling that something important was going to happen on her birthday as well... something that she couldn't quite place her finger on at the moment.

Beerus shifted in his bed for a few minutes, his mind focused on the dream he was having and the battle that was unfolding before his eyes, while at the same time making sure to keep his arms and legs still so he didn't throw a punch or a kick on accident. When he had his more powerful lucid dreams he generally hit whatever was around him, destroying whatever he struck, but a single thought in his mind prevented him from lashing out while his dream flashed before his eyes. Since the defeat of Kid Buu he had taken to inviting a special someone to rest next to him, someone that made him resist his violent tendencies and better his control over his desire for battle, though the love of his life took him up on his offers and always joined him... but after a few more minutes his dream battle came to a violent end and he bolted up into a sitting position.

He steadied his breathing for a few moments as he pulled the blanket off of him, because despite the fact that he had resisted his violent outbreaks he still sweated over what he had seen... while at the same time trying to understand what he had seen during his dreams.

"Beerus, what's wrong?" a voice next to him said, to which Beerus turned to the side for a moment and looked into Chronoa's face, who happened to be pulling her side of the blanket away.

Beerus found that Chronoa was wearing a set of clothing that was made for sleeping, allowing her to relax from all the stress she was feeling from her job as the Supreme Kai of Time, while at the same time allowing her to sleep well without wearing her formal attire. At the same time, however, Beerus was also wearing a set of pajamas that Chronoa had given him some time ago when she noticed that his usual sleeping attire was a pair of rags, something that he had been wearing ever since he started his habit of sleeping for decades on end and only waking up for a few days at a time. Despite the fact that Whis had cleaned his normal sleeping attire, so it could be used again when he went back to sleep, Beerus had decided, with some coaching from Chronoa, to destroy his old rags... and personally he actually slept better with his pajamas than he did with the rags, even if he used his Hakai ability to erase the rags, so he wouldn't be enticed to wear them again in the future.

Once the thoughts about his blue colored pajamas, and Chronoa's purple colored pajamas, left his mind he turned his attention to the question that he was asked... where he remembered what had happened in his dream.

"Its the same dream that I have been having off and on for the last two years," Beerus replied, though at the same time he wrapped an arm around Chronoa and pulled her close, where the love of his life sat next to him on the edge of the bed, "Sometimes I see myself fighting someone that looks a lot like Goku, while there are other times where the warrior resembles Vegeta more than the other Saiyan. Whenever I dream about fighting one of them, or who I assume is one of the two Saiyan warriors, I see my opponent offering me an exciting battle that ends in a matter of minutes... and at the end I hear something whisper the term 'Super Saiyan God' to me before I wake up.

Then there are the times where my opponent isn't Goku or Vegeta, but rather my foe takes the form of someone that's part pony, like Rainbow, Applejack, or Gale, and even then I sometimes fight two opponents at the same time. Even though I know its a dream I find fighting the two enemies to be both exciting and dangerous at the same time, yet it always ends before the fight gets to the real excitement. Now here is where my dreams get really exciting; sometimes I see myself fighting another God of Destruction, on Zeno's orders no less, in a place where a universe wouldn't perish during the course of our battle."

"Beerus... your excited for the day you reunite with Rainbow and Applejack," Chronoa said, though as she spoke she smiled, because she was eagerly awaiting the day where she and Shin could finally stop lying to her daughters, "not to mention the arch-rival that the prophecy told you about. All we have to do is wait a little bit longer and..."

It was at that exact moment that Whis decided to knock on the door that separated Beerus' personal chambers from the rest of his temple, to which the two gods sighed at the fact that he had arrived and interrupted them, though not a few seconds later Beerus called for Whis to join them.

"Ah, good morning Beerus," Whis commented, though at the same time he walked into the room and stopped near the bed that Beerus and Chronoa were sitting on, which was floating a few inches above the ground at the moment, "I figured that since Chronoa was spending the night in your room, again I might add, that the two of you would have woken up and come down stairs thirty minutes ago."

"I... I overslept?!" Chronoa asked, though she didn't sound devastated by that knowledge, as it had happened an untold number of times to her since she had become the Supreme Kai of Time, but she secretly enjoyed sleeping in when she had the time to do so, "So what time is it anyway?"

"It is seven thirty in the morning," Whis replied, though at the same time he held his staff up and summoned the image of a typical Earth calendar, where a fair number of the days had been crossed off and one very special date had been circled with three red circles, "today is the 18th of August, in Age 778."

Beerus' eyes widened as he looked at the calendar for a few seconds, his mind catching up to what he was seeing, before he remembered why this particular date had been circled three times... because this was the date that all of them had been waiting for ever since he first heard the prophecy.

"Today's the big day," Beerus said, though even though he could barely control his excitement, however, he could tell that both Whis and Chronoa were excited as well, especially once Chronoa realized what today was anyway, "Today's the day that Bulma's having her birthday party... today's the day that the prophecy is supposed to come true... today... today is the day I finally get to reunite with my daughters, as well as Gale, and finally become a family again. Whis, how soon can a bath be prepared?"

"I can have one ready in five minutes," Whis replied, as five minutes generally created a bath that Beerus enjoyed with a passion, even more so when he shared one of them with Chronoa... which had left him with a mental image that he was never going to forget for the rest of his days.

"Good, that will give us enough time to clean ourselves and be presentable before we depart," Beerus commented, though at the same time he helped Chronoa off the bed, before they collected their respective clothing and made their way towards the stairs, where he turned back to Whis, "Oh, and ask the chefs to prepare something light for breakfast... I really want to see what the food on Earth tastes like when we get there and I'm sure that there will be more than enough for everyone, including Buu if he shows up."

"And make sure you knock on the bathroom door when you announce that the food is ready!" Chronoa added, though she threw a grin at Whis as she followed after Beerus, leaving Whis to chuckle as he jumped into the middle of the spiral walkway and descended towards the ground floor.

Whis chuckled as he rapidly arrived at the ground floor and made his way to the large bathroom that rested inside the temple, because he had been right when he said that Beerus and Chronoa made a wonderful couple, though this time around he didn't see them as the gods they were... rather they were excited parents who were eager to see their daughters again, and put their family back together after so many years of being apart.

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