• Published 26th Jan 2017
  • 543 Views, 20 Comments


Daring Do must find and recover the ancient COMPASS OF DISCORD before its misuse endangers the world of Equestria.

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Chapter 10 A True Discordian

Author's Note:

This tale takes place in an AU some years advanced from the regular MLP timeline.
There have been advances in both practical magic, technology and a blend of the two known as Mage/Tech, or MT.
This tale also touches on the real purpose of Eris/Discord. It is far more complex than simply sowing chaos, though that is often a side effect of her/his real goal.

Chapter 10 A True Discordian

The expanse of the Eland Veldt passed behind Daring Do’s party. They entered a range of broken, upheaved strata ruptured by the speckled gray of granite. The road began to twist and double back as they climbed the gray broken rock of the hills. Smaller brush and tall trees began to dominate the area. The road led into a defile that opened out to a small valley with a tiny town.

It was a simple “wide spot in the road” sort of place. There were only seven buildings, including a little store and an Eland Republic Government Station.

In a small cloud of dust, they pulled up in front of the Government Station. Their hooves resounded hollowly on the dry, knotholed boards of the porch as they trooped inside.

The antelope behind the counter looked up at them with interest. Daring Do noted a modern, desk mounted Magic Net mirror in its frame. There were papers stuck onto three standing spikes and some stacked into In and Out baskets.

He looked up and mildly stated, “I am Meridian Courser. May the Path of Chaos bless you all. Are you the famous Doctor Daring Do?”

Daring Do stopped cold. “I am she. Are you really a Discordian?”

He nodded, his long spiraled horns making short arcs as he did so. “I am indeed. Following Discord or Eris, as she often is, is a lawful and proper religious choice here in the Eland Republic.

“I did have a reason for asking your identity, Doctor Do. A number of complaints have been lodged against you by Ondar Ottarhoof, Chief Consul of the Zebra Confederation.”

Daring Do nodded. “I expect so. He seems to think that this is the Zebra Confederation. At least, he acts as though the word of Nils Downitall is law here.

“Have you any means to verify the truth or falsehood of statements?”

The station master smiled as he busied himself doing some unobtrusive things to a document on his desk. “I have, Doctor Do. I have applied a non equine magical truth test to this document. It contains the accusations against you.

“Your replies will appear as shades of color according to the truth of your answers.”

He turned to Morail and offered, “You appear to be a Zebra and might have to answer to the Confederation courts of law for some of the accusations in this case.”

Morail shook her head negatively. “Appearances are deceiving. I am a Diamond Dog.” She held out her spell locked ID for the Station Master to examine. “I will be happy to explain my part in the recent action against Ondar Ottarhoof. That way, it will be a part of your truth tested documentation.”

He returned her ID and observed, “I will want your information as a part of this investigation. It sounds like it will be of interest.”

By the time that Meridian’s questions were done, the document of accusations was showing the yellows and oranges of evasions or half truths and the brilliant red of outright lies.

The answers of Daring Do, Withers and Morail showed the clear green of truth. A few of the questions about the origin and reasons for the expedition showed the yellow green of incomplete but true answers.

After Meridian closed his official questioning, he asked, “Doctor Do, are you aware that the followers of Discord are no more monolithic than, say, followers of Celestia or Luna? There are many sects of us. True Discordians respect life, just as Discord him/her self does.

“We are not so arrogant as to think that we understand the subtleties of his/her Chaos. What we do is observe the Chaos and record both its nature and its results. To us, it appears that his/her Chaos is a major driving force for beings of wisdom to develop both in mind and civilization.”

Morail asked him, “What of those Discordians who think that they have found where Eris is creating her Chaos and rush in, often violently, to 'help her spread Chaos’. What of those who killed my friends in the Blum Fauntin farm, over in the Zebra Confederation?”

Meridian leaned back and steepled his split hooves. “Those are actually two questions. First, those who rush in to 'help’ Discord, whether violent or not, are not ones that we count as True Discordians. They are so arrogant that they believe that they can grasp and assist the plans of a being more than three thousand years of age, with experience, cleverness and subtlety to match.

“Second, the Blum Fauntin attack, in spite of appearances, was not done by any sort of Discordians. We used to buy a good deal of our supplies across the mountains, especially from the Blum Fauntins. The killers used automatic weapons, a thing that is anathema to all Discordians. Since the farm was hoofed over to Downitall cronies, I personally suspect the Downitall Party of those murders.”

He shrugged. “I have no real proof of that, however. I wish that I did. Whoever it was blackened the name of all Discordians and that of Eris/Discord itself.”

Daring Do offered, “Meridian, sir, I have spoken to Eris herself and to her trusted assistant, Cyrene. She feels as you do, about the Blum Fauntin attack. I do think that she would not mind your sort of worship.”

Meridian smiled and said, “You were blessed indeed. You may go on your way unhindered by the Eland Republic and, according to the documents sent to me, with the blessing of Amber, Supreme Matriarch of the Diamond Dog Council of Enclaves.

“May such Chaos as you encounter further your goals.”

As they drove away, Morail pointed to a lesser used road. “Let’s go up there, Doctor Do. That way will take us to the northern most entrance to the Spinel Drift. I will feel far safer, once we are underground.”

They only got a few kilometers up the road. Daring Do stopped the truck. They could hear rifle and light artillery fire up ahead.

Saying only, “Those are my friends that are being attacked,” Morail got out of the cab and went around to the back of the truck. The vehicle rocked some as she climbed up into the bed. Daring Do and Withers nodded to each other and began loading and checking their pistols and rifles.

When Morail tapped on the truck’s roof to let them know that the MT84 was ready, they began to advance cautiously up the road. Rounding a bend, they found the way blocked by a Zebra Confederation military half track truck.

(To Be Continued)