• Published 26th Jan 2017
  • 543 Views, 20 Comments


Daring Do must find and recover the ancient COMPASS OF DISCORD before its misuse endangers the world of Equestria.

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Chapter 11 The Battle at Spinel Drift

Daring Do quietly set up a Magic Net call. Meridian's face appeared in the Mirror. “What is it, Doctor Do? I hear what appears to be a military action in the background.”

She nodded. “It is, here, take a look.” She held up the mirror so that Meridian could see the half track that was blocking the road. “As you can see and hear, the Zebra Confederation has illegally entered Eland Republic territory and are attacking the northern entrance to the Diamond Dog's Spinel Drift. It appears to be a small number of attackers.

“We are requesting permission to assist the Spinel Drift.”

She could see the conflict in Meridian's face. “We understand your distaste for the use of automatic weapons, Sir. Still, the Zebras are using them and, as you know already, we possess an MT 84.”

Heavily, he nodded. “This is not Discord's Chaos. If you feel it necessary, you have permission to enter the fray.”

“Thank you, Sir. We appreciate how heavy a decision that was.” She closed the mirror and nodded to Withers.

“This is your area of expertise, Withers. As of now, you are in charge.”

Withers nodded and directed, “First back up until we can't be seen by anypony in the half track. We need to scout their position before we enter the fight. I hear at least two guns that appear to be old MT 81s. Obsolete does not mean harmless!”

While Withers was talking, Daring Do was backing their truck down the road and around the bend, out of sight from the battle ahead of them.

As soon as they were safe, Withers got out, taking his rifle with him. He told Morail, “I need you to stay here with the MT 84 to protect the truck and Doctor Do. I am going to scout the location of enemy. I will be back soon.”

Morail nodded her understanding. Withers quietly went into the roadside brush and seemed to vanish. Watching his professional skill, Daring Do smiled tightly and wished him well.

After a wait that seemed interminable but was really only about ten minutes, Withers came back. Gathering the others to him, Withers took paper and and began to sketch out the Zebra position.

“They have three MT 81s. Two are on these high points, to fire down on the Enclave entrance. The last one is down here. We need to remove or get around the half track to be able to take it out.”

Daring Do asked, “How well guarded is the half track?”

Withers replied, “I saw only the driver. The Zebra leader does not appear to be too well trained. He has all of his forces committed to the attack, except for the half track driver. While I was scouting, his attention was entirely on the action around the entrance.”

Morail pointed to the roadside where the half track was parked and inquired, “From my visits to the Spinel Drift when I was younger, I seem to remember that this is a longish slope. Am I right?”

“It is. What do you have in mind?”

“I will want you and Doctor Do to cover me while I sneak up and plant a pair of remote detonation charges on the half track. Don't shoot unless he spots me.

“Then we will come around the bend. I will open fire on those two high point MT 81s. We should be able to knock out both of the high positions, since we are taking them from behind. Their own half track will shield us from the lower one.”

Morail grinned savagely. “Until I blow those charges. They should flip it onto that slope without much damage to the road. We should be able to mop up the other gun without too much trouble.”

Withers nodded acceptance. “I will take those rocks up to the right. When you two start your move, I will pepper the lower MT 81 to keep them from turning its mount to shoot at you.”

Tense, Daring Do took the wheel of the truck. Morail got two of her explosive blocks and set the detonators into them. She crawled away up the road and around the bend.

It was not much later that she returned the same way. Climbing into the truck bed, behind the MT 84, she rapped the top of the cab to let Daring Do know that she was ready. Withers ghosted off through the brush and climbed into position behind the granite boulders.

With his high sign, Daring Do charged the truck around the bend! She felt the recoil make the truck shudder as she heard Morail's three round bursts from the MT 84! A shell from the Zebra Confederation's MT 81 nest on the left exploded in the road!

The driver of the half track had his rifle out and started to shoot at their truck's windshield! Twin fireballs eruped under his vehicle! The blast lifted him from his feet and hurled him aside as his machine lifted up and slammed back down, teetering at the edge of the rocky slope!

Hoping that Morail would have the sense to hang on tight, Daring Do, aimed their truck at the damaged half track! The impact jolted them to a brief stop! The flaming wreck tumbled down, bouncing as it rolled, scattering burning debris.

Steering as best she could while peering through the spiderweb of cracks in her windshield, Daring Do sent their truck careening down the road into the Zebra position!

She was reassured by the recoil shocks and muzzle blasts coming over the cab top. Morail was still busy back there!

There fell a sudden silence! Daring Do hit the brakes, preparing to leap out to Morail's assistance when she made out the frantically waiving white flags from the Zebra positions!

The solid gates of the Spinel Drift yawned wide to release a small horde of Diamond Dogs carrying arms! One group detached themselves from the rest and charged up the road toward the truck!

Daring Do was too shaken to clearly follow Morail's rapid barking of Diamond Dog as she explained the situation.