• Published 4th Feb 2017
  • 5,914 Views, 90 Comments

The Mother Of Many Faces - naturalbornderpy

Hi, my name's Nightingale and I think my Mommy's the best Mommy in the world. She doesn't just have one face, but many. And she always saves the very best face just for me.

  • ...

Little Love Bug

Hi, my name’s Nightingale and I’m a unicorn filly.

Soon after I was born, I was adopted by Mommy. My second Mom. I really can’t remember much about my old parents, but I was told that they were very wicked and mean, and that was why my second Mommy took me away from them to raise me on her own.

I think my Mommy’s simply the best Mom in the world. Most Moms only have one face, but mine has many. Even a very special one that only I get to see when no one’s around.

Mommy says that it’s our little secret; when she explodes into bright green fire and then goes black all over. I love playing with her mane when she lets me. It’s so straight and long, and it tickles when it hits your nose. I think it’s much prettier than mine. My mane’s all wavy and short.

As much as I love my Mommy to bits, having a Mom with more than one face can be confusing sometimes. Sometimes she’ll leave me at home for hours and hours and when she comes back, it’ll be as someone I’ve never seen before. I used to get really scared when Mommy would do this… until we came up with a plan. When I’d ask her if it was really her, she’d say “Would I lie to you?” and then her eyes would turn all green like and she would tip me a wink.

I still giggle when she does this sometimes.

Because it’s our little secret. Just between the two of us.


Mommy and I rarely stay in one place for long, but that’s only because she has lots and lots of friends around Equestria she wants to pay a visit to. Whenever we go someplace new, we’ll stay at one of her friend’s homes, but only after Mommy goes inside to make sure that it’s safe for me. I usually play at the playground when she does this. Sometimes I talk to the other foals at the park, even if Mommy says I’m not supposed to.

I haven’t met any of Mommy’s friends yet, but I’ve seen loads of pictures of them on the walls and in picture frames around the places we stay. Every time we stay somewhere new, I always search for more books for Mommy to read to me before bed. She likes reading about Equestrian history the most; so much so, that she doesn’t even let me read them on my own. She knows pony history so well she hardly looks at the pages anymore. Mommy’s very smart like that.

One thing Mommy spends a lot of time on is her list. On it is a bunch of pony names I don’t know, but I guess are pretty important to her. She says they all used to be Mommy’s friends before they hurt her very badly and betrayed her. I just think that’s silly. Who would want to hurt Mommy? Whenever Mommy stares at her list, she gets either really quiet or really mad. Sometimes she gets so mad she starts throwing stuff around the room. Never at me.

I don’t like it when Mommy’s mad. I like it when Mommy’s happy and smiling and playing with me. Her happiness has to do with her list of pony names.

The happiest I’ve ever seen Mommy was when she came home in the middle of the night and scooped me right out of bed. She said we had reason to celebrate and so we did. For hours we danced and sang on the carpet in the living room. Later, when we collapsed onto the couch together, I noticed Mommy’s list was out on the table, and one of the names had been crossed off.

It didn’t look like it’d been crossed off with ink, though. It was all red and thick.

But if Mommy’s always this happy after meeting with one of her friends, I hope she meets a whole lot more of them.

Happy Mommy is best Mommy.


When I was really young, Mommy would always call me her “Little Love Bug” and I was never sure why—it was only later that she started calling me Nightingale, which I liked a whole lot better. I only found out Mommy’s real name by accident. Up until then she had been “Mommy” and nothing else.

I was running around another one of her friend’s empty homes when I found an entire room upstairs full of books. Open on the desk was a history book with lots and lots of great big pictures and names. I flipped it open and found a picture of Mommy almost at once. Sadly, I still can’t remember what they said Mommy’s name was. It was kinda complicated. It sounded like “crystal” but with a lot more letters in it. The book said she was a Queen, too.

So did that technically make me a Princess?

Another picture in the book had Mommy standing in front of hundreds and hundreds of ponies that looked just like her, but smaller, so that night I asked her what had happened to all of them. At first she got really angry at me and said that I should’ve left that book alone and not gone playing in there. After that, I really wished I hadn’t asked her that question. But then things got even worse when Mommy started to cry and wouldn’t look at me anymore. Now I felt even worse than before and made myself promise never to read another history book ever again.

Still, I had hurt Mommy and wanted to make things right, so I ran up to her and threw myself around one of her legs. I knew if there was one thing Mommy liked best besides her big list of pony names, it was hugs. Lots and lots of them. Even when I was just her “Love Bug” and she wouldn’t spend as much time with me or even talk to me much, she still wanted lots of them. Sometimes she would rub her smooth face against mine or kiss the top of my head or both.

Usually right after her belly would make all sorts of strange growling noises.


I think when I grow up I want to be an actress just like Mommy. She takes acting very seriously. Sometimes Mommy and I will spend entire afternoons pretending to be different ponies. She’ll tell me to ask her questions like:

“Are you new in town?”

“Have any relatives nearby?”

“How long you planning on staying around these parts?”

She writes out all my lines down on cards and has me read them to her at random. I even sneak in a few of my own, like, “What does a cloud taste like?” but she usually doesn’t answer those. Acting means everything to her. She says the worst possible thing an actor can do is break character. Mommy never breaks character. I’m really proud of her for that.

The best times are when I get to act alongside Mommy. There was one time the two of us spent a whole month in one town, pretending to be ponies that we weren’t. It was so much fun. I really wish we could do it again sometime. The whole time, Mommy pretended to be a mare looking for work, while I played her daughter. Mommy always said ponies with children had a better chance of finding work.

It was really important that Mommy get a job at a banquet happening at the end of the month. Another one of Mommy’s friends was supposed to be attending and she wanted to see them quite a bit. Then I asked her why she didn’t just get an invitation herself? That made Mommy laugh a whole lot for some reason. I’m not sure why, though. Who wouldn’t want Mommy at their party?

The night of the banquet, the two of us left town in a hurry. I don’t even remember getting out of bed; only holding onto Mommy’s back with all of my strength as she galloped passed some trees and bushes in the dark. Mommy looked tired. But happy, too. Even though she was running as fast as she could and breathing heavy, she was still smiling.

When I had a chance, I looked around and saw a bunch of ponies running through the trees holding swords and spears and sticks on fire. I asked Mommy if they were looking for us.

She only kept on smiling. She told me to close my eyes and try to sleep.

So I did. And the next morning, Mommy crossed another name off her list.


Mommy didn’t get a job in the next town, but that was okay, because the house we stayed at had lots of bits inside. I think she said we were in “Ponytown”, but I might only be remembering that wrong. Seems like an awfully silly name for a whole town full of ponies to call itself.

For three weeks straight, Mommy spent her time walking around, always as a different pony. A different character. She made lots and lots of notes on parchment as she did. Back at home, she’d study all of her pages until really late into the night, when she’d have to light a candle to keep reading them.

One of Mommy’s friends lives in Ponytown. She said they have a nasty habit of doing close to the same thing almost every day, which makes tracking them easy. I asked Mommy why she didn’t just say hi already, but she said she wanted them alone. She said it was very important that she be alone with them when they finally talk.

This friend must’ve really hurt Mommy long ago.

I only went outside our house a few times while we were in Ponytown. Once was to go with Mommy to a place where they keep all the ponies that weren’t alive anymore. I didn’t see any ponies in there, though, only large rocks with names written on them. We stopped at one of the rocks near the back. It was big. Bigger than the rest.

Mommy said this was where one of her children had been laid to rest. She said he was the one that had hurt her the most. He was the first of her children to turn his back on her. There was an accident only a year ago that had killed him. That was why he was buried in the ground.

Then Mommy started crying and I really didn’t know what to say. I felt terrible, and asked if she was sad that he was gone and not coming back.

Mommy shook her head, wiping the tears from her eyes.

She said she was only sad she didn’t get to him first.

Not long after that, Mommy finally met with her old friend. She changed herself into a mare that wasn’t in town anymore and filled a saddlebag up with books from around our house. She said she was going to a castle close by and that she’d be back soon. When I heard that she was actually going to a big fancy castle, I remember pleading with her to let me come along. It wasn’t everyday you got to see a castle.

Mommy only smiled and shook her head at me. She kissed me on the forehead and told me that I was to stay inside until she got back. I was disappointed, but said I understood.

An hour later, Mommy came back with the same books in her saddlebag as before, but with a gift for me inside. It was a doll. With eyes made of buttons, and with big floppy ears and little pants. It was very cute, and I loved it at once.

Mommy said it was a gift from her friend. Then she laughed and asked if I’d want a dragon instead of a doll. I got so excited when she said that that I jumped up and down on the spot, but it turned out Mommy had only been kidding. That got her laughing even harder than before.

Mommy laughs at the weirdest things sometimes.


After she met with her friend with the doll, Mommy and I spend most of our time outside, and never in the same spot for long. Mommy said ponies were looking for her. Everywhere. So she had to be more careful than usual now.

That was alright, though. I liked spending time outside with Mom. She even dyed my mane and tail a different color than before, and together we came up with a new pony for me to play as. I told her I wanted to be a cute, little filly named Lemon Drop because it was one of my favorite candies, and Mommy agreed. Soon after that, I started going to stores in town and buying food all on my own with the bits Mommy had saved up. No pony paid much attention to me whenever I was there. When they asked me where my parents were, I just told them they were in another store or on the benches outside. I liked acting. It was fun pretending to be someone else for a while. It was fun tricking ponies.

It seemed the more names Mommy crossed off her list, the more nervous she got. Sometimes I could even see her shaking like a leaf on a branch. She rarely slept anymore and mumbled to herself a lot. I was getting really worried about Mommy. I really hoped she’d start feeling better soon and become happy again.

Mommy hadn’t shown her very special face in weeks. Not even when it was just the two of us. She kept saying she needed to become someone else because all of her old characters had already been seen by other ponies. I kept telling her she’d find someone new soon, and then she patted my head and held me tight against her chest.

Mommy felt warm. Mommy had trouble keeping her breath steady.

At night, when the stars came out to play for us, stallions with wings and metal suits flew above us in giant loops. I was pretty sure they were all searching for Mommy. Why else would they be out so late?

I could sense Mommy standing over me, checking to see if I was asleep. I pretended that I was and heard Mommy change into someone else. By the quick flutter of wings, I knew that Mommy was showing her very special face again. I was happy she was herself again. Then she jumped into the air and flew. Moments later, something heavy crashed into the ground far, far away from me.

A moan. A scream. Then a sharp crack.

When Mommy came back, she was carrying what sounded like pieces of metal along the ground. Again, she checked to make sure that I was asleep, and I did my very best to pretend that I was. One day I hoped to be as good an actress as her.

For the rest of the night all I heard was Mommy practicing for her next role.

“Your highness… your highness… a moment of your time, if you’d be so kind…”


Mommy said that today would be the last day we’d have to spend outside. That made me happier than I’ve been in a long time. When I asked her if we’d be staying at another one of her friend’s homes, she said, “Perhaps.” She left it at that.

All day long, we walked in the woods, listening for anyone that might be close. The bits of metal Mommy got the night before clink and clank in the bag on her bag. When I asked what was inside, she said that it was her new costume. Sounded like a bunch of knives and forks to me.

As the sun went down, Mommy’s mood changed; she couldn’t sit still and had trouble saying more than two words. Mommy looked scared. More scared than I’ve ever seen her before. Her next performance must’ve been a pretty big one for her to get this scared.

Before she left with her big bag of metal bits, she came and knelt down to me. She ruffled my mane and kissed the top of my head, just like she always did.

She smiled. But her smile didn’t stay there for long.

“Nightingale… you know that I love you… far more than I thought I would…”

And I told her that I loved her right back. More than the entire world.

“Remember when I told you about the castle? The one that my friend lived in? That could be us, you know.”

I wasn’t sure what Mommy meant by that, but I nodded anyways.

“It all ends tonight… one way or another.”

But what Mommy said next filled my whole body up with sharp, pointy thorns. She said there was a good chance she wouldn’t be coming back that night. She said if the sun came up and she was nowhere to be found, I was to go back into town and find someone else to take care of me.

The tears began, and I couldn’t have stopped them if I tried.

I latched onto Mommy’s legs and screamed at her over and over again not to go: that she didn’t have to go; that we could stay in the woods together forever and ever; that she didn’t need to meet with that one last friend on her list.

That went on until she pushed me away from her. She said she’d come too far to stop now. And I knew she meant what she’d said. There were times when I knew Mommy was just acting. Like when she first adopted me and told me that she loved me and cared about me, I could tell she didn’t really mean it sometimes. But not that night. And not when she said she loved me far more than she thought she would only seconds before.

Mommy had tears of her own as she left, changing shape into a stallion with wings right before shooting into the sky.

I couldn’t stop the tears falling down face. I collapsed to the ground and continued to cry until my stomach hurt. And even when it felt as if there was absolutely nothing left inside me, I continued to cry, rocking back and forth in a tight little ball.

I might never see my Mommy again.

I must’ve fallen asleep while on the ground, because before I knew it, the sun had come up and was glowing bright gold. I got to my hooves and looked around. Mommy was nowhere to be found. Just as my eyes began to fill with tears again, I heard the sounds of hooves and hid behind a tree. Mommy always told me to do that whenever someone got too close.

“Hello?” they asked. I didn’t recognize the voice. “I know someone's out here.”

As I ran as fast as I could for another tree, a large pony stepped in front of me, blocking my escape.

Without a doubt, she was the tallest pony I’d ever seen before. White fur. Crown. Wings and a horn. Her mane and tail never stopped moving as I stared up at her. Not even for a second.

I screamed, scurrying away, but the huge pony only took another step in front of me.

“You’re safe now, little one. I promise.”

I stopped and looked up at her. “R-r-really?”

And she smiled. A big, beautiful smile.

“Would I lie to you?”

Author's Note:

So... strange story. I always wanted to try a "dark" story from an innocent character's POV, so this is kind of that. Also, the ending was up for debate. For a time, it was going to end with Nightingale and "Mommy" inside Canterlot castle and enjoying everything. Then it ends with a very heartbroken Shining Armor one day finding Nightingale playing her doll. Unnecessary cliffhanger!

Comments ( 90 )

AMAZING. I love this so much! :twilightsmile:

I may need to go see a psychiatrist...

Man this was really well done, I get really into stories like this so I very much so felt my self in Nightingales (horse)shoes.

The flow of everything and the direct hints to various events with the right clues added to the childhood wonder of it all. I honestly would love to see something from Chrysalis's end just to see her finally figure out she loves the filly, but I know this is a one off so I'll just wonder.

Splendid work NBD.

Oh...Ohhhh boy. I forgot I can this kinda quality stuff from you man. That gave me all the right kinda chills.

I'm glad you went with that ending rather than the one mentioned. This one felt a bit more right.

However, at some point I was expecting to find out Nightingale was stolen from one of the first ponies on the list but unless I missed a queue it looks like it was just a random family.

Oof, this was stunning. Absolutely horrifying and at the same time so sweet.

Just lost internet for a few hours and this was my first story back here. :twilightsmile: And it. Was. AWESOME!!! I absolutely loved it! I loved every single second of reading it. It was just amazing... I'm speechless. Well, I would be if I didn't already know how awesome your stories are! :yay:

I'm a bit confused about the last part though... Was Celestia Chrysalis or was Celestia Celestia? I've got a feeling that it's Chrysalis...

This whole story is dark but beautiful. I'm super impressed at how well you played it out. Also, it's going on my Favoritest Fics shelf!

Fun fact: I don't think there's any of your stories that I've read that isn't on that shelf... And that's a very high place for stories. Your stories are that awesome, NBD! :raritywink:

Simplistic, but well done.

Very well executed.

7922554 It depends on a person's intellect, their wish to explore/discover, and last but not least, how fanatical their parents instill cherished beliefs and insulate them from the rest of the world.

And even then, a few always slip through and still develop self-will!

Which, of course, is why I'll be replacing my children's brains with nice obedient computers! :pinkiecrazy:

Ok, I get what's going on, but there is a problem...

So Chrysalis is bumping off the Mane 6... and clearly no one thinks to give them protection or check for changelings, no matter when this takes place after "Canterlot Wedding" or whatever... they have zero protection when they start getting murdered. I know they're all idiots in the show, but come one now.

This was a wonderful story. Changelings receiving love from animals seems too obvious for it to work and have not already been tried, but foals they raise and institutionally brainwash is a superb idea. Perhaps brainwash is the wrong term, most just bring them up to see the world from the changeling point of view.

Loved the bit about not getting to Thorax first. Were we supposed to know who the first two names crossed off the list were?

I wish Chrysalis had come back at the end rather than Celestia, but I suppose there's still the possibility that it's Chrysalis in disguise, so there's more of a cliffhanger there than there would be otherwise.

Well now, that was delightfully disturbing.

This story really shows how relative morality can be in someone's eyes. Nightengale here absolutely loves her mommy, even though Chrysalis is doing absolutely awful things and presumably assasinating the princesses and possibly the mane 6 (definitely Starlight, at least).

Good job, this was definitely an interesting piece and I think you got the child's perspective pretty good. My main criticism, however, is that while you are telling Chrysalis story rather well, Nightengale is just an observer-she has no real role in the story beyond saying Chrysalis kidnapped a foal at a very young age.

Another maliciously good darkfic from the master thereof.

That ending was brilliant. Loved every second of this story.:twilightsmile:

Great work as always Natural.

10/10 I got chills

Have you ever considered submitting this story to Equestria Daily? You can find out how to do so here.

you seem to returned to your roots

Well you've certainly succeeded in composing a dark themed story and I liked it, after all would I lie to you?

Great story that shows that everyone has someone they love. Even those we believe as evil.

7922738 Twin studies of identical twins separated from birth frequently indicate quite a deal of similarity in personality even when maturation occurs in very different environments.

So it's a mix of genetics and environment.

Which means... I can program people! :pinkiecrazy:

10/10 celestial goddess got fuckin merked

The child perspective in this adds an extra layer of fear to all this.

It didn’t look like it’d been crossed off with ink, though. It was all red and thick.

A moan. A scream. Then a sharp crack.

When Mommy came back, she was carrying what sounded like pieces of metal along the ground. Again, she checked to make sure that I was asleep, and I did my very best to pretend that I was. One day I hoped to be as good an actress as her.

We all know what's happening here. But to a little child like Nightingale, it's just Mommy playing, or working, or having fun, or doing whatever it is Mommy does. Mommy can not do anything wrong. Mommy knows what is best, after all...


I don't exactly see this as a completely "dark" story. I'll admit, i kind of teared up a bit when "mommy" was leaving Nightingale. :rainbowlaugh:

It's definitely a debatable ending. I mean, the Sun's coming up - so someone raised it. The main question is 'Who?'.

But I'm choosing the happy ending option. Well. Happier. Go Sunbutt~

This story is AMAZING! I need to make a special folder for this!

7923276 you're asking the good question
who raised the sun...
I think I know who is it
after all

Would I lie to you

For me, it's... I dunno, though I think Celestia is more likely

Well, that was uncomfortably well-done... :pinkiecrazy:

This was like watching a shelter puppy slowly learn to love it's new owner, really made me tear up. But yeah gonna team bug horse hope she and her kid live happily in the new lie.

7922738 Just think for a moment, if Chrysalis murdered Celestia , why the heck would she go around looking like her when she already had all/most of Equestria's military hunting for her.

On the topic of the mane 6, i imagine Chrysalis only has Twilight on her list of them since the rest didnt really do anything during the wedding, it was only Twilight who was a pain in her flank. :trollestia:


Read that last line again.

I think Celestia in the end is really be Celestia. I think Chrysalis went to fight Celestia and lost to her. And before she was killed by Celestia who have no mercy left for Chrysalis after what she done to all pony she loved. She asked Celestia for one last mercy and plead her to take care Nightingale. She told Celestia the password that only secret to her and Nightingale (Would I lie to you?) and where she left her. She asked Celestia to take care her. One last children of her that Changeling like her "love" the most...And once Chrysalis gone. Celestia went to the forest and meet Nightingale here.

And I think that is a reason why the sun still go down and why this Celestia said “I know someone's out here.”. Because Celestia might know the location from Chrysalis. But not accurate place where this filly be. And she said “You’re safe now, little one. I promise.”. Because Celestia think Chrysalis is dangerous to this filly. But since she gone. Filly will be safe now...

Woah, this was amazing! Great job!

7922738 So, uh, I did a stupid. Sorry about that. I completely forgot the phrasing of the 'would I lie to you?' line at the beginning, and so absolutely missed its significance at the end, and posted a comment displaying how I'd totally missed the point.

Thanks for the patient reply :twilightblush:

And, now that's cleared up, let me reiterate even stronger than before - great story!

Everyone here keeps saying it's most likely Celestia in the end, but that seems like an incredibly specific and not at all normal thing to say to a child you never met before. Chrysalis told Nightingale to find someone in the city to take care of her; in a fight to the death or whatever happened between Celestia and Chrysalis, would Chrysalis really not only tell Celestia where to find her daughter, but also a phrase that would instill immediate hope/painful despair in the filly?

I get how it could be taken both ways, but this one leans toward bug butt supremacy for me.

PS, I must be fucked in the head if I consider Chrysalis winning the happy ending.

Frankly, I think it's actually Celly, not Chrissy.
7923073 FucKINg TRigGERed

Pretty sweet. I think it was Chrysalis in the end though.

Dear naturalbornderpy,

Kindly stop filling my favorites library. I can only take so much of your excellent execution.


This story was lovely thank you for the read.

The ending is open ended and I generally dislike such endings (especially those documentaries that leave a note after the one hour saying you are meant to draw your own conclusions with all the info provided...) but I must say this one is a good one! I actually genuinely enjoyed the whole dark tone that it takes as the protagonist has nearly no clue of what is going on, yet the readers know exactly what is happening.
I think I've seen this take before, just probably can't remember. This one is equally as well done (and that's good!)

I want to believe in the end Chrysalis won. Celestia wouldn't smile if "the list" had actually been successful up to that point. Or Celestia is a darn good actor. Then there's the counter-point, where the sun was raised. Who else could've done it? Or did Chrysalis strike while Celestia was raising it? Sounds rather unlikely...

Love it! To me its kinda feels like a ceepypasta, and I guess it kinda is.

7924021 When your a figurehead who is kind of worshiped by everyone as pretty much a deity and probably seen as "can do no wrong and would never lie" or such, why would it be so strange to reassure a frightened child with something like "would i lie to you", from the authors perspective its used to attempt to keep it ambiguous as to who it actually is.

But from a story wise perspective, Chrysalis using Celestias image would be suicide and not allow her to even leave Canterlot without being detected, and using it just to approach Nightingale makes no sense whatsoever, if it was the guard figure she donned before leaving then there could be lots of ambiguity but that would make using the "usual" line chrysalis uses totally immersion breaking and strange to use.

I assume that under my name you replied to someone elses comment since the part from "As to your other question, " onward i really cannot wrap around my head how it would related to my "why would she use Celestia as her disguise" point. :rainbowhuh:

Would be a good point on why the need to eliminate the mane 6 as a whole, but well with Twilight gone the rest is useless as no harmony for the elements of harmony to use as one is missing already. Plus shes a stealth based foe so adding kills is dangerous and pointless.

7924185 Do you think Chrysalis died? I think she did.

Is it bad I hope Chrysalis is alive?

I like this. The implication that Chrysalis took out Celestia and took her place...so awesome. I wish we could see what happens after. Does she stay Celestia or does she rule as Chrysalis?


when your comment gets downpinkied by normies

Like button smashed into oblivion!!!

two possibilities here:

1) because of the last line, we're led to believe it's Chrysalis
2) it could also be Celestia, since there is no mention of green eyes and a wink

7925131 I like to spike my imagination on this. I think Chrysalis won. Celestia is always being caught by surprise.

Comment posted by The Watcher of all deleted Feb 6th, 2017

Ok so, I Wanted to say this to EVERYONE who thought that Chrysalis died at the end... or even Celestia...

:trollestia: Beware for spoilers.

So I asked naturalbornderpy for clarification about the ending.
As I was confused about it being chrysalis or Celestia, and I asked him if luna was alive, because if that was chrysalis and not Celestia, then there was a good chance that luna was dead.

**<< And I WILL tell you what he said to me in a moment. >>**

so I just wanted to say, yes, this story was kick ass and I loved it too. if not more than you. :P and so with that I'll give you both of our messages.

again, if you don't want to know what happened at the end of the story, DONT READ BELOW.

You Have been warned.

The Watcher of all said:
Heeeeey, sup.... so ah..... I got a question about that story you made. you know the one. " The Mother Of Many Faces. " ya... that one.

Anyway, my Question is. " is luna alive? " I mean ya you could have it as luna never knowing about her sister, but I just want to know if she is ( in the cannon of the story ) alive or dead, also as another Question....

I honestly need some clarity with this one, " Celestia " said " would I lie to you? " which is, as you know. The word that Chrysalis says to nightingale to let her know that it is her. and it also says that Chrysalis shows Nightingale her eye's. and it does not say that at the end of the story. so if you did not want to give us a cliffhanger, you did by accident, that is unless you did intend for it to happen.

So Anyway, in summary. is Celestia dead and Chrysalis took her place or is Chrysalis dead and that was the real Celestia, and if that was Celestia, then you don't have to answer the luna one, as that most likely means she is alive.


also loved the story, you did a great job, VERY few spelling errors, but I can forgive that, Overall loved the story.


not 10/100

aka is the best story I have read in forever.

naturalbornderpy said:
Celestia is dead. Now the question is what remains of the others.

The Watcher of all said:
Yay. Thanks for telling me. :D


P.S STOP BEING A BULLY TO PEOPLE!!!! and yes as you can tell, he was right this whole time. :3


Give the guy a few Likes, pls. for me :3

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